
Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Story of Us (Part 3)

(Part 1)
(Part 2)

So, by this point I had a grand plan taking place in my mind concerning Tricia and I...we'd fall quickly and madly in love, get married, start a family, etc. etc.

OK, actually, not really. My plan basically consisted of figuring out a way to help Tricia see that I was the man of her dreams...and honestly, at this point, I had no idea how that was going to happen.

You see, although I was already crazy for Tricia, I'm pretty sure that she was still having problems remembering my name. For the next few weeks, I only saw Tricia during church functions. I didn't have the nerve yet to ask if she'd like for me to take her out sometime, and she was still getting used to the idea of having moved to a totally foreign place (NJ is like another world compared to the OBX) and was dealing with (as I found out later) a lot of the emotions that come with leaving friends and family and just about everything she'd ever known as "home".

I can especially remember two occasions during those few weeks:

> The first was an evening (the same week as Pizza Hut) when the Kirschner family showed up to play beach volleyball with a few families from church. When she's healthy, Tricia is incredibly athletic.

> The second was a big church picnic. Tricia and lots of food...enough said.

Both times left me feeling more and more like she was absolutely the girl for me.

But, within a few weeks I was off to school in Wake Forest (about 4 hours away at the time). The church decided to keep me on as their worship leader and pay me some gas money to travel back and forth on the weekends, which I was more than happy to do. The Kirschners were getting pretty comfortable with our church, and one of the highlights (I say "one" just so I can appear, at least, to give you the impression that I also looked forward to church and other spiritual stuffs like that...which I some extent...) was knowing that I'd get to see Tricia, if not spend a little more time getting to know her.

I can specifically remember one weekend in Sept. when she was out of town...if I need to describe my disappointment that weekend, maybe you should go back to the beginning of this blog and spend a few hours catching up...

At some point within those first few weeks of school, I told my roommates about Tricia (I wasn't nearly as open about mushy stuff back then) and that I was certain that she was "the one". (so, if anyone doubts that I truly did believe that from the beginning, you can ask them)

Finally, one Thursday evening, I worked up enough nerve to give her a call and ask her if she'd like to "hang out" that Saturday evening while I was at home. She said "OK".

I nearly passed out...seriously...I'm not joking...I can remember having so sit down (I like to walk around when I'm on the phone...I don't spend much time on the phone, which is maybe why I'm overweight) because I was slightly light-headed and my knees were not doing a good job of supporting the rest of me.

The drive home that Friday afternoon was the longest ever...I can remember rolling down my windows, turning up my music and thinking what an incredibly beautiful day it was.



  1. I didnt expect "part 3" so soon
    Thank You Nathan....
    Praying for you guys and your families

  2. aww! this is a true love story opening up like a flower blossomin gin the summer! you guys are such a beautiful family!

  3. It is awesome that you are journaling the "how we met" When things slow down, you should print it and keep it somewhere for the baby when she is grown up. That will be an awesome keepsake for her to know the details behind her mom and dad's love story.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I had to come back & say,
    Oh boy the story of Tricia & Nathan gets better by the "post"!!!! =) =)
    Thank you Tricia & Nathan for letting us in on your beautiful love story and the journey you are now going through,
    God Bless
    Praying for you guys

  6. I'm loving this story! :) Keep it coming!

  7. Waiting with bated breath for the next installment. :)

  8. I've been thinking of this, and I felt like I had to send it to you. I hope it means something. My great grandmother told me this a long time ago.

    "Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered. And no one was there."

  9. do you realize that you are 3/4 of the way to a MILLION hits? amazing... I wonder how many actual different people it would be...

  10. Love this story! Keep them coming!
    I don't think anything is sweeter than hearing "the man's" perspective of how a couple met and fell in love.
    LOVE IT!!!!

  11. It's nice of you to develop my patience as I am forced to wait to hear "the rest of the story." :) Your relationship sounds like a perfect example of the blessing and providence of God. Too cool!

  12. There is no doubt, you were love stuck!!! :o) Your story is so very precious!

  13. LOVE THE STORY...... I feel like I'm reading a romance novel! LOL I have to comment as well on What If.....
    We can live our lives in the "What If" mode, but if we did that would we REALLY be trusting God? God allows things to happen and when and if they are not in our favor, it is to draw us closer to him. I find reading your blogs is enlightening and encouraging, when things are good or bad. It makes me want to pray even more and search God out more in my life. I think by you having this opportunity to share about your life and what your experiencing is uplifting and encouraging to all of us who check on you daily. It is faith building and all the while drawing everyone closer to God or even leading others to Christ. Sharing your thoughts through the good and bad is a good thing. Your a loving husband and father and you have so much you can share that we all can learn from. May God Bless you and I look forward to reading Part 4 SOON! Meredith/Orlando FL

  14. While I check back here often to catch the update on your wife and daughter, I must tell you that reading about your romance has absolutely put a smile on my face each time! I'm so glad you wrote it down. Maybe I'll do the same....

  15. Nate - I absolutely love your story so far!

    Are you familiar with K-LOVE (Christian radio)? Right now they are having the "next great love song" contest. You submit your love story online, and if they read your story on the air you are qualified for the grand prize, which is your love story written into a song and performed by Matthew West. You should check it out!

    Continued prayers!

    Lee in MO

  16. I know how this turns out (because you guys obviously wound up married)...but I'm still dying to read part 4. Is that weird?

  17. Ok, since I couldn't comment on the "What If" post, I'll do it here. I just wanted to say, "AMEN"! Your thoughts hit the nail on the head. Thanks for sharing and challenging all of us in our walks.

  18. I really enjoyed your last "what if" post - my mom has always called me the "princess of what if questions" so you defintely hit home for me. The part that will stick with me the most was your last 2 lines:
    But, real, positive change is hard.

    Sticking with it when life returns to normal is even harder.

  19. Aww, another cliffhanger, sort of!
    Thanks for sharing this part and looking forward to the next part. :-)

    I know you have disabled the comments section to the "What ifs" post and I'm not going to say much related to that. But I wanted to say that you are very insightful, perceptive, introspective, and so thoughtful not just for yourself but everybody else! These are truly good questions and I don't think anybody can really answer them in full and with absolute certainty. I do have one question that I'd like to ask because I'm still learning about Christianity/the Bible, etc. Does God actually design everything to occur exactly the way they should be-- both the good and bad, even though he knows what will happen (some could go off the path, etc.)? Or are some events really not part of his design and he has to 'intervene' so that the events, after the undesigned event, occur the way he wants it to be? I'm wondering because there are so many sad/bad/unfortunate--call it whatever you want--negative events in the world that are caused by humans' free will... Last, I don't know why some of us turn away from God, never approached God in the first place (either learned about him or not), or still stick by his side... That's a "what if" we, humans, can't answer. Perhaps only God truly knows.

    That's all I wanted to say and ask. I hope you are getting enough rest, Nathan!! Hope Tricia is catching up on her sleep and that she and Gwyneth continue to do well. :-)

    Take care,
    Marissa :-)

  20. Thank you for continuing to share your LOVE STORY- so cute! And about your "what if"s: I could go on and on about what an absolute blessing all of this has been, and how if it all turns around, I believe you would still realize it someday. I guess what I'm saying is continue to cherish each day as it comes, even with the setbacks, and you will likely have no regrets. And as far as turning your back on God, it sounds like your family and support system won't let you do that:) I know mine didn't! Continuing to pray for you in CA.

  21. I love love stories. Is Tricia reading this as you write it? Your love for your wife and daughter really do shine through your writings, even on the posts where things haven't been going well. That doesn't sound right...You've written asking what your reaction and ours would be if something would happen to one of the girls and my mind is drawing some connection between that and your love for them. Your love for them is but a shadow of God's love for us (and them).

  22. I too second the K-LOVE thing ;) Go for it Nate!
    It's a beautiful day here in Austin and I'm thinking of you guys! Austin

  23. aww!

    thats all i can say


  25. When you get some time on your hands you really must wtite a book Nate. Thanks for the 'what if' I left a comment on your dad's blog when I needed to talk but I think I'm getting there now.

    Continued prayers being said for Tricia to be listed and transplant to come soon, Gwyneth to continue to make progress and of course strength for all of you.

    Much love.

  26. I (along with about a million of your closest friends) are experiencing a "love story" of our own: how we fell in love with your WHOLE family! WHAT IF??...they make a motion picture entitled The Lawrenson Phenomenon starring Gwyneth Rose as herself?? And what if your story turns out well...and what if God wants to use it to make His name great? He's been known to do it. =)

  27. I just love a good love story. And I can tell you are going to keep us in suspense daily aren't you? I agree with the other K-Love comments. I think you'd win for sure.

    Continued prayers here for your girls and for you. Praying Tricia gets on the list. Praying for tolerance as she waits the days out, it must be so tough on a mover and shaker girl like her.

    Love and Hugs,
    Laurie in Ca.

  28. What a neat story. The 3 of you are a very beautiful family.

  29. Nate! You have me giggling right now! How wonderful to hear the guy's side of the "how we met & fell in love" story. My husband & I just took our stroll down memory lane last night, as the anniversary of our first date (13 years ago) is getting closer. I have written out the story so my daughters can have it when they are a bit older. I love hearing my parent's & grandparent's stories, so I wanted to pass ours along to our children. I'm sure when she's older, Gwyneth will LOVE hearing about how nervous & excited her daddy was as he was getting to know her mommy. :-) Thanks for sharing your story. We're still praying for you all!

    Sara in MD

  30. You make me laugh Nate! What a lovely story, can't wait to hear Tricia's side of it sometime. So glad you two found each other. Sending more love to you, Tricia and gorgeous little Gwyneth xxx

  31. Me again! Just a quick note to say if you get a second (probably unlikely!) please could you say a prayer for John and Jane:

    John has CF and underwent a double lung transplant last year but he has been having some problems and is in ITU. Their faith is very important to them and as soon as I told Jane about this blog, she said she would pray for you all xxxx

  32. LOVE the installments, you describe the feelings of falling in love so very well. As someone else said, it will be great to "hear" Tricia's responses when she's able to blog.

  33. This is so romantic.....(swooning here) are such a pussycat at heart and a dear romantic man...........Tricia is very lucky.

    My husband would describe our courtship......"she was cute, had a nice (insert any of the following choices eyes, smile, assets (chuckle))".......then he would say that I grew on him like a fungus......and he didint' know what hit him". He should take lessons from you............


  34. I cant wait to read more.... keep them coming! Thanks for sharing your love story with us Nate! You put a smile on my face everytime i read something new from you.

  35. That is so sweet.. My husband walks around when he is on the phone as well, except it drives me crazy :)

  36. hey, i just wanted to say, i look forward to reading your blog, everyday. yours and tricia's faith and passion motivates me in my everyday life. thanks so much for sharing your story with the world.

  37. I am so "addicted" to your life. You are both such amazing people and I am so thankful that you are allowing so many strangers to follow this journey with you. I am struggling in my life right now and reading your love story reminds me to stop and take a look at what I do have and not focus so much on my problems. I look forward to reading more.

  38. I am not sure if you go back and read the comments on older posts or not - but wanted to let you guys know we are praying for you! Sunshine

  39. I am loving your story. So much fun to read these...


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