
Friday, February 8, 2008

Transplant Update

Tricia is in a very precarious state concerning her transplant. She's still not on the list, and there are several things that need to be checked off before she is. If everything looks good over the next few days, it could happen soon, or it still could be weeks away. A couple of the key factors as the doctors have explained them to us:

> Infection Free (or at least controlled). The doctors believe that Tricia has a hospital/contagious bug in her blood that is very common among critically ill patients (I'll blog more about this later). If it is the one they think it is (and they'll know for sure soon), it is very difficult to treat. They are changing her meds today to begin treating it. There are a lot of other bugs floating around the hospital that she needs to not get.

> Vent Support. The doctors want Tricia to be consistently at or below 50% support with her current vent setting. She is currently bouncing between 50% and 65%.

> Mentally/Emotionally Stable. After her episode from two weeks ago, they've been keeping a close watch on Tricia...she's doing great.

Tricia has some unique issues with her blood type...I don't completely understand this, but she has certain antibodies in her blood now that should make her donor match a little more difficult to find, which means she may be on the list for a longer amount of time (as always, there is NO way of knowing how long that will be).

Good News: as long as she doesn't have a fever this morning, she'll get to go see the baby today!




  1. Oh I really hope Tricia gets to see Gwyneth today! It must be really tough for her not being with her or being able to able to see her. Please send them both my love. Also, great news about the fever having coming down hopefully! Much love xxxxx

  2. Here's hoping she gets to see Gwyneth today. Praying as always for you all and specifically for these needs that you mentioned today.

  3. P.S: Sorry about the message making no sense - I was rather over-excited to be the first poster LOL! x

  4. Lord,
    You alone are who we look to. You alone satify our needs and our desires. Lord, give Tricia the desire of her heart. Heal her body Lord. Have mercy on us, YHWH.

  5. So many ups and downs to being on a waiting list with many of the ups and downs being a catch 22! I am praying specifically for each of your needs listed that God will continue to answer mightily.

  6. Thanks for giving us some specific ways to pray. God bless your family!

  7. We are praying for a mother child reunion soon and for everything that you mentioned about getting her listed.

  8. Praying that Tricia can beat this bug soon and be healthy enough to get on that transplant list. Also, I hope and pray that she is able to see Gwyneth today.

  9. I prayed specifically that Tricia would get to see the baby today!!!!! God is good! I sure hope she gets to see her!!!!! Many prayers still going up on your families behalf.

  10. Thanks for the update....I Hope and Pray today Tricia can see her baby girl...Praying her fever does not return. Have a WONDERFUL day with your 2 special ladies!!

  11. Praying Mommy gets to see her beautiful girl today!
    jen in al

  12. Tricia,
    I remember how emotionally-taxing it was waiting to hear when I was finally going to be listed. I trust the Lord will give you HIS PEACE that passes all understanding today. I'm also praying He'd allow you to go see your precious daughter!

    Amber from Ohio

  13. Praying hard for Tricia today.

  14. My prayers are for the happy reunion of your girls today and for Tricia's fever to stay away. Hopefully the new antibiotics will wipe out any bugs in her system.

    Love to you all! (((hugs)))

  15. Happy 1 month Birthday, Gwyneth!

    Praying Tricia's fever comes down.

  16. I, too, hope she gets to see Gwyneth today and that she is stable AFTER she sees her! Here are lyrics to George Strait's new song "I Saw God Today", didn't know if you've heard it:

    Just walked down the street to the coffee shop
    Had to take a break
    I'd been by her side for 18 hours straight
    Saw a flower growin' in the middle of the sidewalk
    Pushin' up through the concrete
    Like it was planted right there for me to see
    The flashin' lights
    The honkin' horns
    All seemed to fade away
    In the shadow of that hospital at 5:08
    I saw God today

    I've been to church
    I've read the book
    I know he's here
    But I don't look
    Near as often as I should
    Yeah, I know I should
    His fingerprints are everywhere
    I just slowed down to stop and stare
    Opened my eyes and man I swear
    I saw God today

    Saw a couple walkin' by they were holdin' hands
    Man she had that glow
    Yeah I couldn't help but notice she was startin' to show it
    Stood there for a minute takin' the sky
    Lost in that sunset
    Splash of amber melted in the shades of red

    I've been to church
    I've read the book
    I know he's here
    But I don't look
    Near as often as I should
    Yeah, I know I should
    His fingerprints are everywhere
    I just slowed down to stop and stare
    Opened my eyes and man I swear
    I saw God today

    Got my face pressed up against the nursery glass
    She's sleepin' like a rock
    My name on her wrist
    Wearin' tiny pink socks
    She's got my nose, she's got her mama's eyes
    My brand new baby girl
    She's a miracle
    I saw God today

    Here's a YouTube video of the song (not the greatest)

  17. I will be praying for Tricia's specific needs. Most of all, I pray she gets to see Gwyneth today. I can only imagine how tough this is for her to not have her baby with her.
    Prayers for all of you Nate as you wait.

    Laurie in Ca.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Praying for a visit, hopefully today, or at least very soon, and for all the contingencies on the checklist that will enable her to be a transplant candidate. Yay for fresh air too.

  20. Yeah Nate, pregnancy and blood transfusions can give you anti-human antibodies that make your blood incompatable with a lot of the general population; therefore, making it harder to find a donor match. My antibody level was so high that I had to receive a lobe from my mom and one from my uncle b/c I was only compatible with 4% of the general population. Have they considered looking at live donors for Tricia?? She's be more likely to find a match with relatives of course. You guys are in my prayers as always!

  21. hoping for a fever free day!!!

  22. This uncertainty and waiting must be a challenge for you both. I'm praying for the infection to clear quickly, and for Tricia's continuing strength and steady recovery, and for her to get on that list as soon as possible.
    And I'm smiling to think of her visit with your beautiful Gwyneth today - I am sure that will bring T great peace of mind, and deep joy.

  23. Praying for you, Tricia, regarding these issues and I hope you get to see your lil babe today! :-)

    Thinking of you all,
    Marissa :-)

  24. praying for freedom from that infection (or any, for that matter) and a visit with Gwyneth today!

  25. I have to ask - is Tricia RH negative? Is that the special blood type? If so, I'm rh negative, and maybe there is some way I can help!

  26. Praying for you and your girls!! Hopefully Tricia gets to see Gwyneth today and gets put on the list soon!!

  27. Hi,

    I keep reading about her emotional state - maybe you wrote about it and then I can read about the episode, but I'm wondering if they have a therapist coming in and talking to Tricia? I'm sure it must be hard to wake up and find out you had a baby- and everything else going on.

    Wishing you guys the best!

  28. I too reallllly hope that Tricia gets to see her baby today. This has to aide in her healing Im sure. I'll be thinking of you all today and this weekend.
    -Shannon in Austin

  29. I hope Tricis gets to see the baby today! Glad to hear that the fever is down. Praying for you all!

  30. praying that she getts to see Gwyneth today! and that she also won't get any more sick :)

  31. Praying for all of you that healing continues and Gwyneth and Tricia continue to get stronger.
    Keep looking up!

  32. God, clear out this infection and get this girl some healthy lungs! I pray she can also see her sweet baby Gwyneth today. Lord, may Tricia's heart and mind feel your comfort and peace. I pray she somehow experiences the joy and hope we can have because of you. God, I also life up Nathan to you. He needs your continuous strength and peace. Bless this family today and let them be the miracle we all want to see.

  33. We will be praying for these requests specifically. I wanted to let you know that prayer is still being lifted up from Anchorage, Alaska for Mom, Gwyneth, and Dad!

  34. Oh, I hope she was able to see Gwyneth today!

    Praying that everything goes well, and Tricia will have a new set of lungs soon. God's design is perfect. I just know that he's got His arms wrapped tightly around your girls.

  35. Here's praying you three are together today...great slide show!

  36. I hope she get to see Gwyneth today. I know it will help her.

  37. Nathan, We just found out about what's been going on in your family and have been praying for you all. We are also asking our church and seminary family here in New Orleans to pray for God's healing touch on Tricia and Gwyneth. They are both so beautiful! And you are looking so much like your dad!!
    Much love,
    Paul and Jenny South

  38. Dear Nate and Tricia,

    I'm a lurker and I just caught up on your story.

    I'm sure you've heard tons of "I know a person who..." stories but we have a family friend who had a double lung and heart transplant at Duke in March. In the event of wanting to relate to someone on the other side of the equation, her site is:

    Besides that, I love the name Nathan. It is the name of my baby brother that just went to be with Jesus at 25. I'll save you the story but do praise WITH you that Jesus continually proves to be the only one that is more than enough.

    I commit to lift each of you up in prayer while praising Him for the lives of both Tricia and sweet Gwyneth!

    "For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His." 2 Chronicles 16:9.

  39. I hope that Tricia was able to see little Gwyneth today!! I am still praying that both of your girls continue to thrive and get stronger and healthier soon!! I am also praying for your strength...!

    Thank you SO much for the update! *I hope Tricia's infection is something that they can get rid of soon!! Is it MRSA?


  40. Psa 94:18

    When I said, “My foot is slipping,”
    your love, O Lord, supported me.
    When anxiety was great within me,
    your consolation brought joy to my soul.

    I read this the other night and thought of you guys and how Tricia was filling a few weeks ago. Certainly you have many reasons to feel anxious and I am praying for God's overwhelming, miraculous comfort and peace!

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.


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