
Wednesday, February 6, 2008

White Rose Blooming (4 Weeks)

Every Tuesday while you're in the hospital, we'll take a picture with your pug so that everyone can see how much you are growing!

You are now about 12 inches long and 1lb 6oz.

Your fourth week was a great week for you. You have been feeding on milk all week, and you seem to love even made it back to your birth weight for the first time. You've also been moved from the ventilator to a CPAP machine, which means that you're doing more of your own breathing. You even spent a few hours on a nasal cannula, which is an incredible feat for a little lady your age and size.

This week, your daddy was able to hold you for the very first time. He actually held you twice, and the second time he heard you soft, tiny voice for the first time. He also got to change your diaper for the first time.

Your mommy is hoping to come see you in the next few days. I tell her all about you and show her pictures of you every day.

In the next week, we're praying that you'll continue to do well on the CPAP. You should begin to eat more milk more often and start growing even more. We'll also celebrate your one month birthday this Friday! And, we're praying that your mommy will be given a new set of lungs so that we can all go home together soon!

We love you!

Compare our Blessed White Rose at:

2 Weeks
3 Weeks


  1. What a beauty! Thank you for letting have a glimpse into your journey. Praying for you many times during the day.

  2. She is getting bigger...hopefully next week she will pass her pug up!! We are addicted to your updates! I can't wait until I hear the blog saying that Gwyneth and Tricia are coming home!! I am praying constantly!!

  3. Wow. She will be one month already. That is amazing!!! Praying every day for Tricia to get her new lungs! I watched an episode of Oprah the other day telling people how important it is to be an organ donor. It was really wonderful. There was a story of a 21 year old man who was struck by a car and killed. He was an organ donor and had even had a conversation with his mother about it. His heart was given to one man, one of his kidneys to another young boy, and the other kidney and pancreas to another man. They had all 3 on the show thanking the boy's parents. You can read about it here:

  4. Sorry...don't think the link worked. Just go to and in the search bar type in "Jason's Organ donation" and it's the first story that pops up.

  5. She is just soooooo beautiful!

  6. aww Nate! this is such a beautiful post! she is getting a lil bigger and you got to change her diaper...aww! what a proud daddy you must be...also after going to the link about organ donation i am going to become one! take it all. LOL let someone else live and have a beautiful life!

  7. She is so precious!! Thank you for the update! :)

  8. What a beautiful sight!! It won't be long that her pug will look tiny in comparison to her!! What an amazing story she has already!!

  9. have been praying daily- two of my three children are NICU grads- but not so tiny. labor was stopped at 29weeks, beth was born at 34. so totally different than your situation. sam was 35 weeks on vent-but my question-does the little pillow around her body hold her still? i'm not familiar with micro-preemies- but she seems comfy (and beautiful) if you are too busy to answer, no big deal. just know people in tx are praying.

  10. Too precious for words. I just love seeing her. She is in my prayers daily. Thank you for sharing her with us.

  11. I love these posts. She is so beautiful, and she is doing fantastic. She's a little trooper like her mommy. >:0)

  12. My daughter was a 25 week preemie and she loved to be on her belly in her little snugglie. These photos remind me so much of my Hayden Grace. I continue to pray for all of you. ~Shannon

  13. she just looks so cute & cuddly curled inside that pillow - thanks for sharing!!

  14. So precious!

    Thank you again for sharing!

  15. LOOK AT HER............What a beautiful little girl. I still cannot get over that blond hair!

    Much love and blessings,

    William's Mam

  16. What a champ!!! Can't wait to meet her someday!
    Jenn K

  17. It is hard to believe that four weeks have passed already. So happy that your sweet girl is growing and gaining strength with each day.

    Praying in Nashville...

  18. Goodness...Gwyneth continues to get more beautiful every time you post pictures of her! Already a month old..! I'm so glad that she is doing so well! You have so much to look forward to with her! :-)

  19. Aw, she's so sweet. :) I can't believe it's been a month already!
    Praise God for his goodness.
    continuing to pray for you all!

  20. Happy Birthday, Gwyneth!
    Still praying!

  21. She looks so beautiful! Congratulations on 4 weeks!

  22. Your beautiful White Rose is truly a miracle! She is adorable! One month old already? Wow! Still praying for your precious girls.



  23. I absoutly Love the White Rose posts...I hope you print these out and make a book out of them someday...WOW one Month already! So cool!

  24. She is so sweet and such champ. So glad you got to hold her and hear her (and she you!)

  25. Congratulations on reaching this huge four-week milestone! It has been a joy following along from afar.

    I pray the next month brings even more great news for all of you.

  26. Wait to go beautiful Lady Rose, congratulations for you and your brave " warrior " Mom. Thanks to your Daddy to share those precious moments with us, I can´t wait to read you´re all going home together, always in our hearts and prayers, Lu ( )

  27. It is so wonderful to hear how awesome baby Gwyneth is doing. I'm so glad that everything is going so smoothly for her! I bet that milk is yummy in her little tummy! We serve an awesome, awesome God. The things He has done in your family's lives are truly amazing! Can't wait for more updates!!


  28. Happy Birthday to sweet Gwyneth Rose!!!

  29. My daughters are big WebKinz fans. I had an idea of the relative size of the pug. Saturday we were shopping for a birthday gift and I picked up the little pug webkinz and almost started to cry. How tiny and precious Gwyneth is! I immediately offered up a prayer for the three of you and thanked God for the many blessings He has sent my way!

  30. Hi Nathan,

    I feel bad that people are asking you stupid questions. I am sorry. But you answered the stuff I asked so thanks. What is that plastic thing on Gwyneth's head? Does she smile yet? Why can the puppy be in her incubator but not Tricia's arms?
    One thing I am grateful for -that you guys picked one of the best medical facilities to have a preemie baby and to have tricia come.
    I bet seven years from now, Gwyneth will bring this puppy and Gwyneth picture to her show and tell at school. And you and Tricia will be sitting in the back of the room beaming.
    You do not owe anyone an apology or a reason for what you write or choose to do. It is "our" privilege to read and to pray for you.

    Cheryl from Fairfax

  31. Happy 4 week birthday precious gift from Heaven!! What an awesome milestone! Praise God!!

  32. she looks great!
    i wonder if they might consider putting her on vapotherm which provides the high flow like cpap but is kinder, gentler to her nose and you can see more of her lovely face. sorry the nicu nurse side of me is hard to keep quiet.
    i bet you are thrilled to hear her voice though. our son came off the vent when he was 10 weeks old and his littl cries were the most beautiful sound we had ever heard.

  33. What a beautifull rose little Gwyneth is! Still praying for you all, and especially for you to receive good news from the transplant team.

  34. Happy 4 week birthday, Gwyneth!!!!!

    My MSC (Many Small Children) and I are praying for you!!!!

  35. Gorgeous shots of a gorgeous girl. Happy birthday!!!

  36. She's absolutely beautiful!
    Continuing to pray...

    By the way, I love the ongoing story of Nate & Tricia. I'm still waiting for my "tall, dark, & handsome" ;)

  37. Nathan and Tricia,

    We continue to enjoy your informative updates, and we are praising God for Gwyneth's 4 week birthday! She will be bigger than her little Pug in no time. :)

    You all were once again lifted up during Wed. night prayer service by your "family" in Va.Beach. Tricia, you are often on my mind, but especially on Wed. nights! (Go Sparkies! :) We love you guys, and we will continue to pray for healing, strength, and peace for both Gwyneth and Mommy. Praying for another restful night!

    The Edwards family

  38. I am a faithful reader of your blog. Someone gave me this CD for my two year old son. I think you would like it (and Gwyneth will too when she gets a little bit bigger).

    It's called Bugs, Slugs and Lullabies by Andrew Peterson and Randall Goodgame. It'll make you laugh and make you cry.

    Still praying for many beautiful blessing on your beautiful, sweet family. Natalie

  39. Glad to see she is doing well......Hope you guys are having a super week!

  40. Thinking of your family now and Always:) you deffinatly have a Beauty queen there:))

  41. Wow, what a precious little girl. I'm thankful for a great week and trust there will be a bunch more. We are praying for you guys!


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