
Friday, March 14, 2008

10:12pm Update

Tricia got to go outside today for only the second time in the past 2+ months. She continues to feel a little better everyday. She may be developing an infection in her lungs, as she is coughing up more, thicker mucus. Please, pray with us that it is not an infection.

She also updated Her Blog today, so check it out!

Gwyneth Rose is doing a little better. Her Xrays are looking better, and she was scheduled to be extubated and placed on the CPAP this evening.

We had a two hour interview with a local newspaper this afternoon. The article should be published in a few weeks, and I'll let you know if you can find it online. I've been told that the TV interview should air sometime next week. I think it will also be online, and I'll let you know.




  1. I love all the pictures that you share with us of Gwyneth, especially all the ones of her little feet...I'm a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and a few years ago used to teach the "little dragons" (5-7 year olds) at my local school (I've also taught many other ages). There have been quite a few pictures that make me think you might have a future martial artist on your hands...hiya!

    Still praying for you and your girls.

  2. Wow, the picture on Tricia's blog is absolutely amazing. God is so good.

  3. i can't figure out how to post on tricia's blog so pass on to her that the picture is awesome and she is right, it's a priceless moment for any parent holding and meeting their child... for someone who came so close to death to get that child here, the picture speaks wonders. glad you are all three doing well.

  4. I just love you guys. So precious. What a precious baby and wife you have. I loved Tricia's comments. She has quite a way of communicating God's Word. Keep your chin up. Gina

  5. Gorgeous photo on Tricia's blog! Prayers continuing -- no infection!

  6. I am praying for you, your wife and your precious angel!

  7. What a great pic on her blog!

    Thanks for sharing your experience and your faith Tricia. It is so great hearing your perspective.

  8. We are praying over here that Tricia does not have an infection. It must have been so nice for her to go outside again. Last time I was in the hospital it really boosted my spirits to be out in the sun for awhile.

    I finally posted my list for Tricia on my blog if you want to check it out.

    Amy (who follows your story daily but rarely posts)

  9. thinking of y'all.
    i love that pic, baby feet are the best!

  10. Priceless, indeed! When I clicked on "more" to read the rest of Tricia's post, and that full-size GORGEOUS pic came up, it about blew me out of the water!! That has got to be my all-time favorite pic to date. Wonderful, wonderful post, Tricia! Thank you for all the time and effort you must have put into that. It seems you are about to give Nate a bit of competition in the creative writing department. Let the games begin! :):) Look forward to hearing more from you.

  11. Your PattySue is so COOL! Now I see why you worked so hard, she is worth it. I guess you are pretty pleased with yourself for tagging her.
    : )

    -always praying for you all, so much.

  12. We'll be praying that Tricia does not have an infection and that Gwyneth continues to improve...

    And thanks for letting us know about Tricia's blog update. :)

  13. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers--for no infections and strength for you all.

  14. Pheeew, that was a lot of stuff to catch up on since yesterday morning! Eva's story is amazing and I hope will be duplicated in Trisha soon!! You guys are in our prayers today. Each of you and your donor. Have a great day.

  15. I want to play "this little piggy" with those toes :)
    I'm glad Gwyneth is doing better and that Tricia got to go outside. I also read her blog this morning- beautiful.
    We're praying for a good day for all 3 of you today!

  16. I loved your update Tricia, you have such a way of putting things into perspective. It would be so easy to sit back and dwell on the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on care, the countless tears, the emotional ups and downs...but then you would have missed out on all the blessings. Thanks for sharing God's word and continuing to place your trust in him. I continue to pray for you!

  17. Tricia ~ loved your update. I've always loved those "priceless" commercials and this was a way cool take on it. We are praying for you and your little princess everyday. I hope today is the day you get the call~

  18. Please thank Tricia for me for posting the story of Hannah on her blog. I cannot believe how much that story touched me. I can relate to Hannah in so many ways. The photo on her blog is absolutely beautiful, I can only imagine the joy she felt having her daughter look at her for the first time. I still look forward to that day.
    I pray for the glorious day when you can all go home together!


  19. Tell Tricia how much I enjoy her voice. I can see why the stories of Hannah and Esther resonate and and I thank her for her perspective, and the food for thought. And I think that picture absolutely precious.


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