
Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Gwyneth has finally reached 2lbs! Hopefully she'll keep growing and not look back!

She also had another eye exam today, which looked about the same, so they'll give her another one next Tuesday. This is good news that the condition has not grown any worse. She continues to thrive on the nasal cannula, and she is eating more and more almost every day.

Tricia is about the same as she was this morning. Thank you for your prayers.

The bake sale went great. I know that we made over $500, and I'm thinking it was close to $600, which is good for a 4 hour bake sale! A dude named Chris who reads the blog stopped by just to hang out for a bit, which was cool. Unless something else comes up, I'll also be helping with a raffle and talking about CF here at the hospital on Friday as well. I'll let you know where if anyone wants to swing by and say hey and help us out.

Last week, Yonat Shimron, the religious reporter for The News & Observer here in Raleigh came by to interview us for an article she's writing for Easter. Corey, a photographer for the paper came by today. The article should appear in this Sunday's paper, and I'll post the online link for those of you who aren't in the area.

The TV interview is coming together and should air soon...I'll keep you posted!




  1. 2 Pounds!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. YEAH GYWNETH!!!!!!!!! I know you are so excited!!!!! Continuing to pray for all 3 of you...Hope Tricia is feeling better soon. Congradulations on the bake sale!!!!!

  3. Way to go Gwyn!! that is a HUGE deal-io for a preemie!
    Praying for Tricia tonight and praising the Father for the ways HE is using your story and lives to reach others.

  4. Oooh, 2 pounds and almost $600! Way to climb to the skies, you guys!

  5. Cool! Lauren crossed the 6lbs mark yesterday. She is going to need to get beefed up for surgery here at Duke I am sure.

  6. Yay! 2 Pounds!!!! How very exciting! You keep saying that she is eating more everyday- how much is that? I know how much mine started out with, but she was already 3lbs to begin with.
    Congrats on the bake sale too!
    We are praying that Tricia feels better and (everyday) for the new lungs!

  7. Turning cartwheels for this milestone (figuratively, of course)....

  8. 2 POUNDS!!!!! YAY!! WTG Gwen!!! I am so pround of you lil one keep growing for you mommy and daddy!

  9. Yippeee! 2 lbs. So happy for Gwyneth.

    Praying Tricia gets a good rest tonight.

  10. Hello! I just found your blog and you are such an encouragement to me and my husband.

    Our 7 month old son was diagnosed with CF a little over 1 month ago. Sometimes I find it hard to believe that it has been 1 month. It seems like it's been an eternity. Luke has been hospitalized 4 times in his short life and it all equals about 1 month. He is a fighter though (which can be bad when it come to neb time) and he is gaining weight and healing from his last infection.

    We will be praying for you wife that she will get lungs. We are Christians and I know that God will provide what is best for His children. We will also pray for your little girl too. She is so precious and I can see such a fighter spirit in her.

    God bless!


    mommy to Luke 7 months w/cf

  11. Wow, 2 pounds, that's awesome!!! Way to go, sweet girl!!! It is wonderful to hear, too, that she is fussing when she is hungry! Just you wait, before long she'll be spitting out her peas and squash at you!!!

  12. Doing the 2 pound HAPPY DANCE for Gwyneth. You go baby girl. So exciting.
    Christy in KY

  13. Wonderful! I've been praying for this day! I hope and pray that Tricia gets her new lungs soon.

  14. Congrats to Gywneth!!!!! I too know how hard it is to gain weight (since I have CF) and how important every little ounce is! Keep it up cute girl! And hoping and praying Tricia gets to feeling better.

  15. I linked to you in my blog--I know you want to know when people do that.

    I rejoice with you at each good news, and pray for you when the roadblocks come. I know to be true that God's Grace is Sufficient, and therefore life is abundant!

    I have friends with a CF son. I will pass your story on to them, as I am sure it will bless them as it has me. Thanks!

  16. Way to go, Baby Rose! :) Pretty soon you can help Daddy eat the Arby's specials, so he doesn't end up with a tummy ache!
    Tricia, even as I'm typing this, I am asking God to bless you with a good night's sleep tonight, so you will waken feeling more refreshed than you have in several days. And, Father, please enhance the power of the antibiotics to conquer whatever is happening in Tricia's left lung, to release the mucus trapped there, and also relieve that pain that it is causing. Lord, please restore Tricia to optimal health so she will be in the best shape possible to receive the new lungs that You will provide in your timing. In Jesus' name...

  17. Way to Grow Gwyneth ! Congrats on the 2lbs mark. From what GrandPa says...that is what we all have been waiting on. I hope and pray that Tricia improves any way that she needs too. And I pray also that you don't find an entrance to Arby's too often.

    Continued prayers for health and inprovemnets.

  18. 2 lbs--woo hoo! Mini wave in celebration of Gwyneth! Glad to hear your bake sale was so successful as well. Prayers for all of you!

    ~Sara in MD

  19. Go Gwyneth!! You better only go for one Arby's at your age! Can I get your autograph! You are becoming a celebrity, TV, Newspaper. . .2 million blog hits!
    Seriously, you are being prayed for by Gayle and me daily and I'm sure by hundreds of thousands daily!

  20. Yay for 2 lbs!!

    Praying for you all...

  21. Go Gwyneth!
    Go Gwyneth!
    Get some weight on!
    Take the world on!

    God is GREAT!!


  22. Sarah sent me. I'm glad to hear that Gywneth is gaining weight! That's fantastic. And it sounds as though your bake sale was a huge success.

    I'm offering up prayers for both Gwyneth and Tricia. Many blessings to you and your family!

  23. Great job, Miss Gwyneth!! You are the rock star of the NICU for sure!!

    Hugs and love!

  24. that is wonderful!!!!!! you grow Gwyneth! Praying for your girls, jen in al

  25. I read all the time, but I don't comment often. Today, though I need to obey. I know this is random, but if there any specific needs you have for prayer, that you DON'T want to share publicly, please email me at . Anyone who reads this is free to do the same. I'm being led to begin a ministry of prayer. My blog explains that more fully. You guys have been on my heart for the last few days,and I have hesistated to post this but I really need to be obedient...

    There it is. :)

  26. Two pounds is a major milestone...I am very glad to hear that. My daughter was 3 lbs when she was born...its hard for me to imagine her being any guys are doing great. (PS, my daughter got weighed a week ago...28lbs, and doing great. Never give up hope!)

  27. Way to go Gywneth!!!! Keep it going!!!
    Praying that Tricia feels better soon!

  28. Congrats on the 2 lbs mark! How awesome! We continue to include you in our "night-night prayers" and think of you all often! Baby Emily says hello to Baby Gwyn. hopes and prayers from Illinois!

  29. How exciting, 2 pounds! I'm rejoicing with you all :)


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