
Friday, March 14, 2008


That's the number of people who suffer from Cystic Fibrosis in the US alone. Most of them are children and young adults.

GREAT STRIDES: Taking Steps to Cure Cystic Fibrosis is the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's largest national fund-raising event. Tens of thousands of co-workers, friends and family come together each year as one community for one cause…to help find a cure for CF. Every penny raised by Great Strides goes directly into funding research for better drugs and treatments. Every day that passes by means one day closer to the cure.

In 2007, more than $34 million was raised to support vital CF programs.

The goal for 2008 is $40 million.

Last September, Tricia and I helped organize the first ever Great Strides Walk on the OBX, raising over $30,000 with the help of a few hundred of our friends. Although our time here in Durham is limiting our ability to help much in the organization of this year's walk, we are looking forward to being there at 9am on September 13, 2008 at Dare County Family Recreation Park in Kill Devil Hills, NC.

We can all make a difference and help improve and save the lives of thousands, if not millions of people. Please, take a few minutes to visit my Great Strides Home Page and consider either donating or signing up and becoming an official member of Team PattySue and helping me reach my personal goal of $10,000. If every person who visits this blog every day would only donate one dollar, I would more than double my personal goal.

And, consider coming and walking with us, or Finding A Walk Near You.

You could walk for Seth in Elizabeth City on September 13.

You could walk for Lori in Chesapeake, VA on April 19.

Or, you could walk in honor of Tricia, Eva, Alice or somebody you know.

I want Gwyneth Rose to grow up with her mother alive and well. With your help, we can give both of my girls that opportunity.




  1. We're doing our first great strides walk this may! the beginning of your post is wonderful. Would you mind if i used it in my email campaign?

  2. We did our first great strides last year & have already started forming our team this year...we are Holly's Hope in Valdosta GA!!!! It is great that you are taking time out to mention this, especially after everything that you 3 are going through right now. You are all still in my prayers.

  3. Thanks so much for drawing attention to the CF cause. I am learning so much.
    If I make a donation through the CF Foundation (on your Great Strides page), do those funds go to the Foundation or to Tricia's fund? Thanks!

  4. Forgive me if I stupidly missed it, but how do we donate in your name?

  5. Yay for Great Strides! I'm doing my first walk in May and I'm really excited to be doing something for CF! I have a cousin with CF, so I'm all too familiar with it. Let's raise tons of money to find a cure!!!

  6. The day after I found your blog, my daughter's Sorority, Kappa Kappa Gamma hosted their first Great Strides Walk at the Univ of Central FL in Orlando. They lost a sister to CF a few years ago and took this on as one of their philanthropies.

    They did a great job and raised over $10,000!

  7. thanks for posting the links and dates to the different walks.

  8. I have done the walk for cancer. I didn't know about this one. I will be putting a challenge on my blog soon. (probably Monday cause we work all weekend) Thanks for helping us to be aware and giving us an "opportunity" to help.
    Christy in KY

  9. Hey Guys....the Prentices are all signed up and registered to go for September. It was a blast last year and we can't wait for this year.... I'm sure we'll all be fighting over who gets to push Gwyneth's stroller :)

  10. Hey guys-
    Not sure if this is the best place to ask you a question...but here it goes...

    My family and friends are walking in May, out in California for "Team Emily" so we're starting to get things together for our team now. Would you mind if I mention your story??

    We are hosting a team BBQ to give them information and get everyone ready to raise support. In that time, my family and I usually let the team know what's been significant in my walk with God and with Cf this past year- and you guys were a huge encouragement and source of growth for me, being someone with CF... I want to share with them your story of hope and also that walking for CF is WAY bigger than me- it affects so many people, including your family.
    What do you think? I wanted to ask your permission first :).
    You are always in my prayers,
    Emily Haager

  11. I got the challenge up on my blog. I hope a lot of people help. I love knowing that there is something that I can do. Thanks for giving me the opportunity.
    Christy in KY

  12. My 4 year old son will be participating in a "mini-march" for the cystic fibrosis foundation on April 4th. I've never known a lot about CF until reading your blog, but now after finding out more supporting the cause means so much more to me. I would also like to find out more about great strides in our community, I don't think we have one around here, but I'd like to try to find out how to make that happen.


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