
Thursday, March 27, 2008

7million862thousand4hundred Seconds

Or 131,040 Minutes

Or 2184 Hours

Or 91 Days

Or 3 Months

At 2pm today, that's exactly how long it has been since the last time Tricia walked through the front doors at Duke to be admitted.

Literally, exactly at 2pm today, Tricia was sitting outside Duke, as close to those same front doors as she has come in the past 3 months.

I don't know why I'm writing this, but I thought it should at least be acknowledged.



  1. WOW.......that's amazing. Praying for you!

  2. It's been a long haul. I can't even imagine the angst. Hopefully not much longer...

  3. That puts it in PERSPECTIVE for everyone. And, YES ..... it absolutely should be acknowledged!

  4. Awesome you go girl!!!

  5. Thanks for acknowledging. I know I often complain b/c it's hard for me to get out of the house w/ my 3 little ones. I complain if I haven't left after 1 or 2 days. Thanks for reminding me to be more thankful and also more prayerful.

    Still praying...

  6. Wow-she is one strong women...I don't know if I could have hung on as long as she has....she really is amazing, wonderful & able to endure so much....GO TRICIA

  7. It should be acknowledged because even in the world of CF, 3 months is an eternity in the hospital!

  8. Hugs to you both. I promise not to take my "freedom" for granted. :)

  9. Wow! And I dare to get frustrated with my limitations. Thank you for reminding me how blessed I am and how much more thankful I should be.
    God's love and peace!

  10. and every one of those seconds has blessed thousands... thank-you,thank-you,thank-you,

  11. I can't imagine being in the hospital that long. Or, yes, I an imagine it but don't really want to do so. I was in the hospital about 27 days last year after my stroke. It can get to you. I remember when I was allowed to go into the garden when I was in rehab. It was wonderful being outside. I remember when I could take a shower after 21 days. In a wheelchair. But it was wonderful too. I remember all of the indignities of being poked and prodded. I was only there about 27 days, but you have been admitted for three times that amount of time.

    It is wearing, all of the noises and lack of privacy. Seeing others in bad shape.

    You are a heroine.

    Just remember, Trisha, you walked into the hospital ready to face what has happened bravely, but you are not alone, even though you have had to be there all of the time. God is with you.

    God worked a miracle in my life. I am almost completely recovered. Now I just need prayer that I can finish the master's thesis that I was writing when I had the stroke! I am so blessed to be able to try to do this. I need prayer, though, that I can stay focussed and finish it.

    I am praying for the day when all three of you walk back into that hospital to share Gwyneth's birthday!


  12. Well, that's some hard time you've done Tricia. Your courage is inspiring.
    Thank God, your miracle baby Gwyneth has come from all you have endured. And I am praying for her continued health, and for the second miracle of a great lung transplant for you.
    "God's power working in us can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine..." I clung to that prayer when we were trying to conceive, and when I was pregnant with triplets, and when they were born prematurely. We have been triply blessed, and our healthy kids celebrated their 8th birthdays today. I hope and pray for God's amazing blessings for your family too.

  13. OK it's time for the million click club to get to some serious praying...we need some lungs.
    Gwyneth is going to be well enough to come home, and we need mommy ready to leave as soon as Gwyneth is.

    Would it be proper to ask this of the Lord?

  14. And God has watched over each second. Thankful you guys are His!

  15. I don't know what to say. I am amazed at all of you. Your story touches so many. Bet you're glad you started a blog -- for whatever reason initially. You make me so thankful for everything. Even poopie diapers.

    Heidi Reed

  16. I can't even begin to imagine. My longest hospital stay was when I delivered my oldest---2 nights as a patient and one in the room across from the NICU.

    When I delivered my youngest, I could have stayed one more night (I only stayed one after delivery), but the bed was hurting my backside soooo bad I couldn't stand it----and I just wanted to go HOME!!

    I know you both want to go home with precious Gwyneth!! Praying those new lungs come and Gwyneth gains (and successfully does all the other things required) and you all go home together SOON!!

  17. I was telling my husband yesterday (before seeing this post) about how long Tricia had been in the hospital (since late December)... and that she had been outside only three times in that time...

    She's amazing... I know she wishes she didn't HAVE to be amazing in this regard, but she's still amazing. :)

  18. There's a reason that God sends me to this site as soon as I turn my computer on in the office every day. And to think that I was complaining about coming into the office today when the rest of my family is off on 'spring break' and we have far-away family visiting... I think I'll shut up and count my blessings now.

    Praying for all 3 of you... for physical health, emotional stamina and enduring faith.

    Praying for you daily.

  19. Blessings to all. I know it has to be rough. First of all, the beds are not the most comfortable. And then there is the lack of any privacy!! But, that is the glass half empty. You guys went there as a family of two. Now you are three. Tricia has stablized enough to be be waiting for new lungs and Gwyneth is breathing on her own. And to make matters even better, even though confined, you have spread His word to the world!! What great testimony. I pray for all of you all of the time. It is so hard I am sure to want the lungs, we just have to remember the Book of Life. We all have our names there and only God knows when our last day will be. Let us pray that the family of the correct donor is strong and they recognize the gift they have to give. AMEN. All of my family have chosen to be donors. I don't thing they will take anything of mine (I have MS), but I hope they will. We will hope and pray all of you are back on the beach by summers end!

    Love and prayers,
    Shari NC

  20. It should be acknowledged without a doubt. Your wife is a trooper and so are you.

  21. Praying she walks out that door with you and Gwyneth and a new set of lungs ASAP! jen in al

  22. That is a whole lot of seconds for all of you! I'm sure there a moments that might not be so pretty that you simply keep to yourselves and close family and friends. But I think I speak for many when I say how absolutely amazed I am at the overall consistency of your good humor and positive attitude through all of these on-going challenges. My personal dream (and constant prayer!) for you is that those new lungs will arrive soon, with minimal difficulties with their adapting to their new body, so that by sometime this summer you will be able to take Gywneth back to your beloved OBX, to see the beautiful earthly environment God has given to her, and to meet all the people who love her so very much. I pray that you see God's blessings in amazing ways on this Friday morning.

  23. You're both hanging in there very well (at least from what you post) - I know it must get hard to deal with sometimes, so I know I'm not the only one who is thankful that you are sharing at least some of your story with us, so we can pray for you all!

  24. There is a military slogan that says "Freedom is not Free" and I think that it works in Tricia's case also.

    She's working so hard for the ultimate goal!

    She will have her freedom from CF and she will have her freedom from the hospital.

    I hope it is VERY soon!

  25. Spring stull has not sprung here in the midwest. I won't complain about "being cooped up" anymore! Thanks for the perspective. Bless your heart, Tricia!

  26. wow, what patience, and endurance, and perseverence... and what a joyful witness she's been in that time!
    thanks for sharing with us all. still praying that Tricia will get her new lungs soon, and for Gwyneth's healthy growth and development.

  27. Dear Tricia and Nate
    Have you ever heard the song "Seasons of Love
    from the musical/movie RENT? Your post made me think of it, and I think you should download it right now :) It's perfect, I think you will love it.
    "Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred do you measure a year in the life"

    Blessings to you both

  28. Wow, that is a long time to be stuck in a building. Tricia, you're an amazing woman.

  29. Praying for new lungs to come very soon. Natalie


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