
Monday, March 17, 2008

Bird On A Wire

Thanks to Bird On A Wire for making us their "Remarkable Bloggers" for this week!

And, thanks to all of you, again, who have linked us on your own blogs, websites, chat rooms and have helped us further the Purpose of this Blog!



  1. Nathan, Tricia and Beautiful Gwyneth Rose... You are all truly REMARKABLE PEOPLE. I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to find your blogs, chat with you and feature your story in Remarkable Bloggers. I know that I was led to you by "His" hand and I pray that the Lord continues to make the "sun shine bright upon you". Keep being you. YOU ARE REMARKABLE©

  2. Hey nathan,

    Is there any way I could get in contact with you via email?

    I would appreciate it!!


    Oh and ps. still love hearing about all the awesome things God is doing in, for and through you guys!

  3. You and Tricia continue to bless me with your strength.

  4. Hi,
    I went to Liberty with Jenn and Matt. They filled me in on your blog and circumstances. I will be praying for you and all that your family is dealing with. Another LU friend of a friend is living in NICU in San Diego, their blog is, maybe you can encourage them along the way.
    God Bless You

  5. I was wondering if I could link your site to my site on blogger. I would like my friends and family to be able to pray along with all of us for you. This is Tricia Knapp (Osborn), Danielle Davis (Osborn) sister.

  6. I love the picture of Tricia and her daughter in her latest blogging. Beautiful picture!

    And the story of Hanna promising her child to God and letting him work with Eli was in a book about them I had as a child. It was cool reading about Tricia telling that story.

  7. Oh I've missed you guys. Am praying still. Just moved to a new house and it's all very exciting and draining. Happy to see your blog again and wishing you well.

    I think I missed the internet in general. Is that pathetic or am I just super totally hip? Probably a little of both.

    Heidi Reed

  8. Duh!! I figured it out. Disregard my previous comment please! :)


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