
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Fraggle Hats

Several people have asked me where I got Gwyneth's "Fraggle hat" from. Kristi Rutledge makes them and sells them Here.




  1. I wish I had a baby just so I could buy one of those hats for them! So cute! Praying for you and your girls every day.

    Sarah in Missouri

  2. I never cease to be amazed by her beauty. God as created her to reflect His glory, and that is exactly what she does. We are praying for y'all!

    -The Coppingers

  3. Hi Nate!

    For your enjoyment as well as Tricia's I thought I would share this with you. I know how long those hospital days and nights can get and thought you could probably use a laugh!

    This was at the 65 Roses Cystic Fibrosis Gala in Vancouver in November 2006. It is based on my experiences on Ward 8A in St. Paul's hospital (downtown, rough hospital) where I have spent a large portion of my life. The best part is, I didn't invent any of these characters. They are all people who I really roomed with. This was part of a 4th year acting project at the University of Victoria.

    I have kept up my livejournal account through the entire process of realization that I was at a point in my life when I needed a lung transplant, being lister, waiting, receiving and recovering from a double lung transplant (october 23rd 2007). Feel free to look around my site if you want to know anything more about the process. It is the most amazing miracle I have ever experienced and I thank God and my donor family every day.
    Praying for you always,
    Eva Markvoort

  4. I was just thinking what the first poster wrote - I wish I had a baby so I could buy her one of those adorable hats.

    The hat is adorable, but the face wearing it is absolutely beautiful!

  5. Too bad.
    I didn't see any adult sized hats on that site.

    I would get one for your mother.

  6. Uh-oh.

    Cousin Leah might need a matching hat!

    Off to peruse....

  7. Crazy hate, cute baby. Cute, cute, cute :)

    I now maybe it is not here place to writte about it. But this is your newest post. I am also reading this blog and Joshua's mum is having very difficult time right now. She is also into religion, and I think that words from people with similiar life style would help her.

  8. Ooh! One of my favorite pictures is back on top! Thank you for that.

  9. You had asked if someone posts about you all, to share the blog address.... I have loved reading your posts and watching your videos/pictures! I cannot tell you how amazed I am at how many people are praying for you all! God is good!

  10. I came upon your blog from another blog, from another blog, etc. Your baby girl is precious! I look forward to reading more about your family and adding you all to my prayers each day that your baby continues to grow and thrive, your wife continues to receive the care she needs as she awaits the transplant news and that you can continue to be strong for yourself and your family during this journey.



  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I just read through the mother's blog on Joshua (that Ana gave). I hope everyone will visit it and leave comments of support.

  13. that is such a great picture, it makes me smile and laugh. I wish they had those hats when my my girls were young, would love to have had them. Prayers for continued growth and health for your girls. Your little one amazes me, I have never heard of one so little doing such fantastic breathing, she must get her strength and determination from her folks. thanks again for sharing your journey with us in cyberworld.

  14. Your new daughter and wife just beam with beauty and light. I just love her little hat!

    This is my first visit to your blog and roamed for so long looking at your photos, reading your story and reading about CF. Your courage and love drops me to my knees.

    May God continue to bless you and your girls with many bright, healthy and happy days ahead.

    Debra in Utah

  15. Wow..Thank you so much. And really I can make them in any size. So...Nate's dad - I can make one for mom as well!

    These hats actually got started in a very neat way. A family friend was going through chemo and had lost her hair. She saw a scarf I had made out of this yarn and asked me to make her a hat to wear to a pink.

    So, I did and other colors as well and she LOVED them. She said they made her feel like she had hair again. Sadly, she passed away last summer, but I know she's enjoying how happy her hats make others.

  16. I want a fraggle! Things to accomplish in the next few days ... finish school, find a husband, get a fraggle. :)

    Dance your cares away ... worries for another day .. let the music play ... down at fraggle rock! (Is that weird that I remember all the words?)

    You all continue to be in my thoughts and prayers! The other day, I was sitting in my microbiology class, and we were talking about the growth rate of different microorganisms. I laughed out loud thinking about a person in an elevator not breathing ... hoping hoping HOPING that someone would be going to the right floor. Laughed out loud, in front of about 100 people. I got some strange looks. Fortunately, my embarrassment brought a smile to a number of faces. :)

    I mentioned your blog in what has become a monthly update on my sister's page. YEA! Once a month means its just a maintenance update ...

    Hope you get "the call" so soon!

  17. You are amazing people. I have tagged you for a meme. Just go here

  18. I bet that is the teeniest fraggle hat in the entire world--but sooo adorable! Hmmm, if one can be made for Nate's Mom, does that mean we may one day see Nate, Tricia, Gwyneth, and Nate's folks ALL in hats??? What a photo THAT would be. Prayers continue.

  19. Your Fraggle Baby is the cutest!!! I posted about you on my blog yesteday...
    Prayers from Mississippi are always coming your way! r

  20. I don't think that picture will ever get old to look at! :) She's just too cute!!!


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