
Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter



  1. Sweet!!! Happy Easter to all of you too!

  2. What a beautiful picture! I hope that you had a Happy Easter.

    Lots of prayers,
    Elizabeth - Ohio

  3. Happy First Easter Sweet Girl! I hope you had the best day possible!
    I'm sending big hugs and prayers to you, your mommy and daddy.

    Much love,

  4. Gwyneth is a beautiful little girl! Many blessings and Happy Easter! Praying for you guys!

  5. sweet little bebe...praying for all your needs here in Cali.
    Love your beautiful family Nate, you are an incredible husband and Father and man of God.
    peace to your heart,

  6. Glad the three of you were able to celebrate this holiday together! I love reading your blog and reading about the updates about your little one and Tricia. What an amazing story!

  7. Really cute, but the rabbit kinda looks like the one from donny darko ;)

  8. Joyeuses Pâques from France!

    Lots of love,

  9. Same to all of you. I trust you had as good a day as possible.

  10. Happy Easter to you and your family too...and many more to come! God Bless!

  11. That bunny seems as captivated by the peaceful no-nasal-cannula look as the rest of us are! Praying for God to continue to unfold His plan, in a way that brings you encouragement today!

  12. been out of the loop a bit lately... but if Gwyneth does not have a feeding tube, is she eating from a bottle and I missed that big woo hoo?

    Praying for weight gain!!! for both your girls.

    praying in SC

  13. Happy first Easter to you Gwyneth!

  14. Vrolijk Pasen (Happy Easter) from the Netherlands!
    We've actually had a white Easter.. unbelievable! Lots of snow, which is quite unusual!

    Praying for you guys!

  15. Baby Rose looks a lot like grandpa Rick on a Sunday afternoon in that picture.

  16. Hope you all had a fantastic easter!

  17. Still praying for lungs for Tricia, her donor and his/her family, and big growth for Gwyneth!

  18. Gwyneth's a doll, but that bunny's sort of creepy, not gonna lie.

    Happy Easter to you and your family!

  19. Love the cute pix of Gwyn and her bunny! :-) Yay, is she off the cannula for periods of time now?

    Thanks for sharing! Gwyn looks terrific!

    Marissa :-)

  20. Praise the Lord! That is one of the most adorable Easter pictures I have ever seen! Belated Happy Easter!

  21. Ah - bless. Happy Easter to you all. xx

  22. 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds.

    That bunny's name is Frank.

    Gwyneth on the other hand looks very, very sweet.

  23. what an adorable photo! good one, nate. :o) praying for you & your girls.

    in his MIGHTY love,
    em & josh smoyer

  24. Love the pic of mr bunny watching your little white rose...Sweet!

  25. Happy Resurrection Day!!

  26. She is really really growing...Way to go Baby girl...

    Happy Easter to your Family 2008

  27. Nate, Tricia, & Gwyneth,
    As I sit here reading your story and following your blog, I am at a loss for words. Your family brings such inspiration and hope, and I find your faith truly inspirational. I live on the other side of the country feeling the desire to help your family out and then I remember the single greatest thing I could do for you guys is send up a prayer to our Awesome God. I hope you had a great Easter and the "breath of life" gift arrives soon! Even though I have a 6 month old daughter, I might have to agree with Nate that Gwyneth is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I am elated that she is doing so well and gaining weight. I don't even know if it is possible or if you would even want it but Gwyneth Rose has inspired me to contact the hospital's breastmilk donation department to see if I could contribute the dozens of frozen ounces that I have for her. I will continue to follow your story each and every day and like you eagerly await the post that says her new lungs have arrived! You are a wonderful husband, awesome dad, and devoted follower of Christ. Our family along with yours has first hand witnessed the miracles of God, and I know he isn't done with you!!

    Lots of love and prayers,
    Stephanie Gustafson -California

  28. Beautiful picture!
    Thanks for sharing your lives with us!


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