Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My Child

("My Child" by Plumb)



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Vicki said...

WOW!!!!! Tricia I can't begin to imagine the joy you felt holding your precious baby girl in your arms for the first time after all these weeks. Continuing to pray God's blessings on your family.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this with us all. Praise God!

Aspiemom said...

Wow! That was a very moving video! How wonderful for Tricia to be able to hold her special little girl, her miracle baby that she prayed for for so long! It's wonderful in this day and age to have the technology to be able to videotape and photograph the special moments and then put them to a wonderful will always have that special moment to go back and watch!

Thanks for sharing something so special to you! Aspiemom

Tina said...

YES, Lord!!

Weeping tears of joy for Tricia and Gwyneth!!!


Amy said...

Thank you for this video. It is so beatiful. Thank you for letting us all share in a bit of your lives.

The one problem about being in the UK is that I had to wait till the afternoon to see this because of the time difference. I was going mad with atticipation!
Thanks again. Amy.

Erato 12 said...

So, so beautiful.

K Storm said...

Simply precious...

lislynn said...

*sniff, sniff* You really need to develope some kind of "Kleenex Meter" on these posts... I"m leaking all over my keyboard...

They are sooo beautiful. Brings back memories of the first time I looked into my son's eyes-- an answer to prayer after two years of infertility and two babies in heaven.

Lisa said...

Simply awesome. Tricia - you're eyes were shining with such love for your daughter. I'm so happy for you and Gwyneth! Nothing like a mother's touch...(sorry Nate!) =)


Lisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kristi said...

I have been following your blog for some time and just want you, Trisha, and Gwyneth Rose to know that I love you and am praying for you all the time.
That was the most precious video I have ever seen.

Elyssa said...

So beautiful! What a prescious moment to hold your baby for the first time. God bless!

Anonymous said...

One of the worlds most beautiful sights, a momma holding her baby.

Tricia I am so happy for you, I'm sure your arms have been aching to hold and love on your baby girl. I wish you many years of cuddling and snuggling with her. Your eyes are so beautiful looking at Gywneth, I can't imagine the emotions you must have had going through you at that time but it sure looked like pure joy and contentment.

Thank you so much for sharing this journey with us. It has certainly taught me to enjoy every moment a little bit more.

Lots of prayers and hugs,

Jeni, Hannah, Megan and Jack :)

Our Saving Grace said...

Tears...goosebumps and awe! THE most precious post to date. Still praying, blessings from Florida.

Christy said...

Eight weeks ago pictures like this almost seemed impossible. All things are possible through Christ, though, and this video is just His way of showing an unbelieving world that He does exist. This was absolutely beautiful.

Tricia, I am so thrilled to see you getting to visit with your sweet baby. Getting to hear her sounds, feel the warmth of her body next to yours, and breathing her life into your own. God is amazing, and His grace shows all over your face.

Beautiful song choice guys! Great job on the video. Thank you for sharing your world with us.

Sara said...

Well each time I visit your blog I think how can he top the last post, yet you always are able to do it :)

My favourite part of the video is when Gwyneth tries to take off her hat, obviously (to me at least) trying to show off her lovely hair to her mum.

cheers for sharing!

Beebe said...

:) So happy for you !!!

Thanks for sharing such a special moment. Still praying for you!!!

purejoy said...

as a mom, this post made my heart almost burst right out of my chest, and i'm tearing up just now. . .
i cannot thank you enough for bringing me along on your amazing journey and bless you BLESS YOU as you cling to each other, to your precious daughter and to your sweet, sweet JESUS.
you are a picture of perserverence, patience and overflowing love.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your very private moment with us. Happy tears are flowing.


Lesley said...

Just amazing...and so special. Thanks for sharing it with us.

suzie said...

That is a beautiful video and the song is perfect. Its so good to see Tricia holding Gwyneth at last.
Praise God.

Anonymous said...

Dear Nate and Tricia,

Thank you so much for sharing this intimate moment with us. I had to wipe away the tears to type this!

You're all in my prayers several times a day.

In His Love,

em said...

i am crying happy tears for you guys, and thanking god! what a beautiful of the most beautiful i've ever seen.

in his MIGHTY love,
emily (& josh) smoyer

Jenny said...

Oh Tricia..I am so so elated for you! Finally finally you're able to hold your precious baby girl. I know you two have a bond that no one can compare with. How special those moments must've been.

Stay strong..I'm praying for you both.

lots of love

Christina said...

I have never commented before but have been following your blog for a while. I have your family in my prayers. Hope Trisha get a new set of lungs real soon. I have enjoyed watching Gwyneth grow. It was very exciting to watch this video and get to see Trisha holding her baby girl! Thanks so much for sharing your journey!

The 3 of you and your family is in my thoughts and prayers!

nicole said...

they are a perfect match! tricia is just such a perfect mommy! and it is sooo precious that gwyneth opened her eyes to take a few peeks at her mom! that must have been so healing for both of them! thank you for sharing such an intimate moment.

much love and many prayers for each of you.

~josh, nicole & alanna

Robin said...


Tammy C said...

Thanks for sharing this private time between a mommy and her baby!!Brought tears to my eyes.

Enjoy the North Carolina sunshine!

D said...

LOVE it! So precious!


Jayne said...

If I had been wearing make up, then it would now be smeared all over my face.

I always check in and this was a lovely video.

Best wishes to all.


Zarna said...

That's just so beautiful, I'm so happy for Tricia that she finally get's to hold her little girl, there is no feeling quite like it and i'm just so happy that she can finally know what it feels like.
I am so happy for you!!!

Tammy B said...

absolute spectacular.

Harris Boys said...

ok way to make a mommy cry. just PRECIOUS! I could feel the emotions in tricia. Thanks for sharing. God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Oh, you guys, oh oh oh. I am so happy to see that. I kept looking at Tricia's eyes. And it made me look at my children all over again - like the first time. Wow! Thank you for sharing that most tender moment with us. You just made my day! Somehow the stress of my life is melting away.

Thank you, thank you. That was amazing and beautiful!

Heidi Reed

Julie said...

Even my "uninterested" 13 year old son was touched by that!
(He really loves babies but doesn't want people to know it)
I know Tricia is really praising God through this whole ordeal, and to have such an answer to what was once a secret prayer....WOW.

Great song for the video, by the way...even if it wasn't the one I suggested! LOL

Praying for many, many more precious "firsts" such as you and Tricia got to experience last night!

Emmie said...

That was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Gwyneth looked so relaxed, she knew she was with her Mummy I reckon :o) Loved the way she pushed her hat off - that little angel has character!

Tricia - you are amazing hunni and as a fellow CF-er you inspire me. So happy for you xxxx

Steph said...

Just beautiful!!

Unknown said...

WAHOO!!!!!!!! I just keep thanking God for modern medicine! It just keeps getting better guys! Still praying for you.

~*~Bre~*~ said...

You seriously know how to make a person bawl tears of major joy!! I am so insanely happy that Tricia finally got to hold Gwyneth. My heart was aching for her not being able to hold and touch her baby girl. Holding my baby was the best day of my life, and I can't imagine having to wait this long to get the opportunity. I am so so so so so overly happy for her. As soon as I knew what was happening, I got goosebumps and chills up and down my spine. This is just truly awesome. Praise God Praise God Praise God! I am so overly joyed to see how well both of your girls continue to progress. None of this is possible without our Great Redeemer! I am so happy for your family, Nate. Thanks for sharing such a precious, joyous moment with us!

NuttyGal said...

JUST PERFECT! :o) The tears started to flow when she looked up at mummy.....L O V E :o)

Lu said...

Tricia and Nathan, thank you so much for sharing that amazing video with us God is good Your sweet little Rose is more and more beautiful, always praying Lu

Patty Honeycutt said...

Praise God!!! How wonderful!
Much love,
Patty Honeycutt

Lee said...

So cool...
Tricia displays all the Fruits of the Spirit....especially PATIENCE! Wow. I cannot even begin to imagine what that must have been like...just so happy for her that it finally did!
I was especially tickled to see how she embraces mommydom so clearly...the second Gwyneth pulled her little hat a little off, Tricia slipped it right back on her teenyy little head. Such a Mom-move! You go girls!

Alison said...

praising God!!!!

Kathryn said...

Now there's a moment! All is well when momma finally gets to hold her little one! I had to wait 10 hours, I can't imagine 8 weeks. PRAISE BE TO GOD for allowing this to finally take place. Thank you so much Nate for sharing such a special moment with us!

Violet said...

I am weeping with happiness for you all. When her little eyes open up to peek at mom, you just know she's feeling the love.

Anonymous said...


Jenn said...

Oh, happy tears for you!

Connie said...

Watching this video had me crying tears of joy and clapping with excitement! I was overcome with joy. So thankful Tricia was finally able to hold her precious baby girl. Prayers are said daily for your family. May God continue to bless you.

bflowercar said...

Nate/Tricia -

I have been following your blog for over 3 months now. I have never left a comment..however..I can't not leave a comment after watching that video. It was the first time I have cried after reading/watching one of your posts. I don't know what to say except:

Tricia - you are BEAUTIFUL - on the inside and out. You are the strongest person I know (I'm not kidding) and how Nathan was lucky enough to marry you is beyond me..(Nathan..don't take offense!)I wish I could be 1/2 as strong as you are..with your CF..with your family...and with your daughter. I only hope that my daughter (who is 2) looks up to me 1/5 as much as your daughter will look up to you. You are awesome..and there are over a million people who think so too....

Nathan - You ROCK! You are so strong and so funny and so realistic. Love ALL of your posts - I see why a bombshell like Tricia was attracted to you (OK..please don't take that personally!!).

You guys are awesome - made for each other - Gwyn thinks the same..I am sure. :)

Rob and Amy said...

Wow. Just wow.

Rachael and Travis said...

Ohhhh, that brings back memories. No matter the circumstances, there is nothing like holding your baby for the first time. And it's amazing how our babies fit inside their mothers' arms so perfectly. Thanks for making us cry once again. :)

bunkobeth said...

Oh My Goodness!! I have to watch again, the tears of joy for Tricia and Gwyneth have fogged me up! Thank you for sharing such a personal joyous moment with the world!
Your family is a tremendous inspiration to all!

Emily said...

I'm in tears and filled with joy for you, Tricia!

Sending love and prayers,
Emily Haager (CA)

Test said...

As a mom, that is beyong heartwarming! Praise God Trish was able to hold that sweet baby, who by the way is getting so big! God is good!

Test said...

As a mom, that is beyong heartwarming! Praise God Trish was able to hold that sweet baby, who by the way is getting so big! God is good!

leighcoleman425 said...

beautiful. simply amazing.

FlippyHolz said...

I know you'll likely never get a chance to read this (with good reason). I know we'll likely never meet. But as a mother of my own 9m/o little girl I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face. Tears of joy for you, Tricia and little Gwyneth Rose. Tears of appreciation for my Cora. Tears of shame for feeling frustrated as a mom of a perfectly healthy little girls somedays. And tears of relief that we serve a God who will never hold those days against me and helps me through each one. God bless you all.

Anonymous said...

WHAT A BEAUTIFUL AND MOVING POST! I cried as I watched this special bonding moment between mommy and baby. Thanks for sharing this with all of us. I continue to pray for all of you.

Bobbi said...

Speechless...God is great!!

Chelley said...


wheres the


oh my

Kleenex cant find any and I now I cant see the computer!

TheRagan3 said...

awesome, truly awesome! I kept thinking as I watched Tricia with Gwyneth about the sacrifices we make as parents... and what a huge thing it was for you and Tricia to have her. LIFE is ALWAYS worth it - no matter the cost. We would die for our kids if necessary, right? Cause that is just what we do. I was reminded yet again of what a miracle that sweet baby is... many prayers to you tonight. Praying for lungs to arrive ASAP!!

Heather said...

Hi nate I want you to know that I believe in miracles again because of your story. I have turned away from god for a long time and was even angry at him for while. I started praying again for you and your family, and in doing that I have found my way back to a relationship with God after 10 years. Seeing Tricia hold baby gwyneth for the first time brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart. I believe in miracles again, I am praying for you and yours! :)

Unknown said...

Hip Hip Hooray!!!

Unknown said...

I just started reading your blog yesterday. I'm actually a medical student and I couldn't wait to get home from the hospital today to check in. =) I'm so happy for the two of you...that was such an amazing video!

Alycia said...

How wonderful for you, Trisha and your sweet little girl. I had tears of joy for you all through the entire video. Just beautiful!

Prayes from Okinawa, Japan

Unknown said...

beautiful the way she responds to her mama pulling at her hat and also opens her eyes briefly! pure joy in my heart and i'm sure yours is overflowing! Praise be to God!

Marge Sexton said...

WOW Nathan, What a blessing, as I checked in tonight, as I do on a daily basis, I first read your post on "Tangible Love", and I thought to myself....Thank you Lord for the days, weeks, and months that you have faithfully answered our prayers. What an awesome day! Tricia, my heart was overflowing, I can only imagine what your heart was feeling...I could see the Smile in your eyes. I will continue to pray for God to do GREAT things!
Love and Prayer, and Thanks you for being a blessing in my life!
Marge in Maryland

Jaime said...

Thank you so much for sharing, what a beautiful video. I am so happy that Tricia got to hold Gwyneth! I will keep praying for all of you.

gwsas4 said...

Both of them.

Praying for you daily,
Steph S.

Carol said...

Thank you, God, for letting Tricia get to hold Gwyneth.

Wade said...

Awesome and Beautiful, PRAISE GOD!!

Katy said...

I am speechless. What a precious moment. I love the song, This is an amazing CD- I got it a few weeks ago from my mom since I am awaiting the adoption of my first child. I am so thrilled for Tricia that she got to finally hold her little angel!

Miki said...

We mommies think of all of the "I love you's" we've gotton from our babies...

our baby sleeping soundly on us, growing, breathing that baby breath, and then....

we see you Tricia, a new mommy, holding her very own baby for the first time....

We cry. We hope. We know. And now, you know too.

What a precious and tender moment, the moment a first time mother gets to hold her baby.

Thank you Nate for sharing this with us, especially for those of us who are just thankful, and don't expect....

Thank you.

Scott said...

Amazing, I'm speechless! Praying for you all.

Ree said...

This is simply amazingly BEAUTIFUL!! Absolutely TOUCHING!!

purejoy said...

crying, rejoicing, praising. thank you SO MUCH for allowing me to journey through this miracle with you.
i am seriously addicted to your family.
praying for your girls,

Kristin said...

I have to agree... that was the most amazing post ever!!! BEAUTIFUL!!! You can see the love between those two precious miracles!!!

Our thoughts and prayers are with you now and always!!!
The Krumwiedes

PS I agree with the previous posters...stock in tissue companies!!

Little John said...

I am just seating here crying my eyes out. I remember when I first held my son in the nicu. He was born at 24 weeks. Thank you for sharing this with me.

Edwards gang said...

What a wonderful sight to behold! This is the best video yet! Tricia, the smiles and emotion are shining from your eyes. We can only imagine the pure joy in your heart at this long-awaited moment! What an answer to so many prayers- We are rejoicing with you! :) Your beautiful "miracle baby" is truly a gift from the Lord. And she is absolutely gorgeous! Our Nathan was very excited that this video was posted on his birthday (turned 5 yesterday-and he's the BABY- Yikes!) He loves to sit in my lap and look at your pictures and videos, but I have to say one of the kids' favorites at our house is still "In love with you" :) It just makes them roll with laughter!

Thanks for continuing to share your amazing story and testimony. You continue to inspire us beyond words! We will keep praying for Tricia's upcoming transplant, donor family, and strength and health for both girls. We love and miss you guys!

Love and prayers from New Song!

Julie D said...

Well, I just cried for 4 minutes and 29 seconds. Thank you for sharing such a personal moment with me.

Lara said...

That was such a beautiful thing! I loved seeing Tricia's smile behind the mask, she was glowing! Thanks for sharing that precious video with us!

Blessings from Arizona

Kat said...

What a perfect song for such a perfect moment. Even with the mask on, I know exactly what Tricia's mouth was doing while she held her child. God is SO good.

Shannon said...

There's no other gaze that a mother holds longer than for her child. The next is for her mate. All I could think of is when my children (twins) were placed in my arms. To see the look in Tricia's eyes..........Nice work Nate!

Momnnashville said...

Nate - you need to buy stock in Kleenex and Mascara! Tricia is a natural. Perfect song choice! Gwyneth exactly where should be -- in Mommy's arms. Me (and all others who have seen this video) -- PRAISING GOD. WOW. Thanks for sharing.

Jessica said...

No words can express the emotions you feel the first time you hold your child. Thank you for letting us be a part of that amazing moment. I am so happy that this day has finally come for all three of you. Thank you God for being so faithful and bringing this beautiful family this far. Please carry them the rest of the way!
Love to you all,
Jessica in VB

Anonymous said...

WOW! I agree, you DEFINITELY need to buy stock in Kleenex after that one!

Unknown said...


I've never commented before, but have been reading your blog for awhile now. I have CF and am the same age as Tricia, and words don't do justice to the parallel emotions I feel when reading your family's story. Watching the video of Tricia holding Gweneth made me cry. You can see even behind her mask how happy and full of love Tricia is. Wishing all three of you well, and praying for new lungs for Tricia (and many other CF patients on the waiting list).


Ms. Kathleen said...

What an amazing little gift from God. God Bless You All! Love that song with the precious video!

Anonymous said...

The video instantly brought me to tears. I could see the happiness in Tricia's eyes and I will continue to pray for the miracles to continue for the three of you and your families.

Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...

Words can't express what I'm feeling right now. This was simply beautiful. And I'm smiling from ear to ear. Your girls are precious!

Praying for you as always.

lori moise said...

Thank you so much for sharing this special moment with us. All life is so very precious. Thank you for giving us this moment of hope. Lori in Haiti

Teresa Dunkin said...

So beautiful! I have been praying for the three of you and seeing this video was so amazing. It brought me back to the first time I held my sons after their birth. I have been looking for a song for the DJ to play at my younger son's wedding this fall, for our dance together as mother of the groom and groom, and I believe this is it. Eric was born early, though not as early as Gwyneth. But, we went through some scary moments. He has grown into a 6'4" young man with a sweet fiancee. Unless this song would embarrass him too much, this will be our dance.



Kristy said...

Nathan I had my husband watch this video with me, and I can barely see through the tears to type but all he said when it was over was just this... If anyone ever wondered what LOVE looked like...that's it.

Thank you for sharing something so personal with us, at this very moment the whole world is taking a deep breath and letting it out at the thought of Tricia getting to hold her baby girl. PRAISE GOD!

Love and Blessings, Kristy and Frank

Andrea Amu said...

This is just sooooo incredibly beautiful watching Tricia hold your sweet daughter! Thanks for sharing... so touching!

Anonymous said...

So incredible, I am crying... God Bless!

KYnurse said...

what an awesome experience--I smiled and cried with joy for you both!!!

Ronda White said...

I am a friend of Renee Phillips. She actually delivered my little boy. She has shared your blog and your story with me. This video brings me to tears. Your little baby is so adorable. Thank you for sharing your story. This has touched me. May God continue to watch over your family.

Michelle said...

That was awesome! It made me cry. You can see mom's smile even with that mask on!! & I just loved it when Gwyneth opened her eyes. Amazing!

Unknown said...

Yeah - so I'm 3 months late posting here, but... I just have to thank you for letting us into the most tenderest moment I have ever witnessed save for the 2 moments when I held my girls for the first time.

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