
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My Child

("My Child" by Plumb)



  1. Nathan,
    Thanks for sharing all your journey with the World....You are simply amazing at choosing songs to share your story with! Not posting much, But praying ALWAYS!

  2. Oh, I am so glad that Tricia was able to finally hold her little girl! Wow, what a wonderful, touching moment that must have been to experience. I just can't stop smiling at the thought :)

    Continued prayers for all of you.

  3. Well our computer is an ancient piece of you-know-what and is sloooow as can be, so I never get to watch your videos, but I imagine it is adorable. You always take great pictures, so I can imagine how good the video is. Anyway, my prayers continue to be with your family. God bless.

  4. Oh, thank you SO MUCH for sharing that! The video brought tears of joy to my eyes. What a special moment for Tricia and Gwyneth! I'm so thankful Tricia was finally able to hold the little girl she worked so hard to bring into the works. Praise the Lord!

  5. That was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

  6. I have never commented before, but have read for a long time. This brought me to tears and brought chills to my skin. What a neat way of sharing the moment.

    So cool!

  7. That was so incredibly precious. I am so thrilled that Tricia finally got to hold her miracle baby.

    Still praying for all of you...

  8. What a sweet sweet video. I bet it was one of the happiest moments of Tricia's life.

  9. Fantastic!! Prayers still coming from Mississippi!

  10. I agree with Rick....oh my gosh I am just bawling!!!!

  11. YAY!!!

    Thanks so much for sharing. We are rejoicing with you.

    I love when Gwyneth opened her eyes and looked at her mom!

  12. simply the best video ever.

  13. That has to be one of the most wonderful things I've ever seen!!! Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us all! You guys are always in my thoughts and prayers.

  14. Nate,

    I cannot view video from work, but I will watch as soon as I get home. I am SO glad Tricia got to hold Gwyneth.

    She's 8 weeks old now. How amazing...

  15. You are right that was the greatest update in the history of the blogosphere!!!!

    Gwyneth has the wink down pat! And it looked like she didn't want that hat on!


  16. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST thing I've seen on a blog - EVER!

  17. Simply amazing...thanks for sharing such a special moment. What a great video to cherish!

  18. One of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Crying tears f happiness for all 3 of you.

  19. I have tears of joy! How incredible and thank you for sharing such a beautiful moment. I loved it when Gwyneth peeked at her mommy! Maybe she was thinking, "Ive missed you Mommy!"

  20. Awww-I'm so happy that she got to hold her baby!!!! The precious and special bond the two of them have is evident! It's great to see all of you together like that!
    Praying for you all.

  21. I think we would all agree...that was worth the wait. Thanks!

  22. God is good, all the time!! Nathan and Tricia thank you so much for sharing this priceless, precious, moment with all of us! The three of you are simply the most precious family I've ever "met" and I feel like I know you through this blog!
    Have a blessed day!

  23. Amazing! God is so Good! Tricia, the first of many snuggles you will be able to give your sweet girl.

  24. I'm at work and unable to view, bumming out big time!! It will be the first thing I do when I get home.. can't wait!! From what I read it is awesome!
    Steph/stl mo

  25. Beautiful - just beautiful!

  26. Tricia, you are a wonderful mother. How blessed! The Lord answered your secret prayer, and we get to share your JOY!

    Our God is so good!

  27. Our God is an awesome God!! The day we have all been waiting for. Thank you for sharing your miracles with the world! Don't ever let anyone tell you God doesn't perform miracles in this day and time. We continue to pray for each of you daily. May God provide those new lungs soon, so you may live your life to the fullest! Lung transplant is an awesome thing!!
    Believing in HIM,
    (our miracle)

  28. I am so happy that Tricia got to hold her precious daughter!! Hurray!! :)

  29. That is so beautiful! Thank the Lord!

  30. I am SO HAPPY that you were FINALLY able to hold your precious gift!!!!!! That was a very beautiful moment, thank you for sharing it with the world! Many thoughts and prayers!!!!
    Erin~North Carolina

  31. So I sat here bawling watching that video...thanks for that! I am so excited for Tricia. I could see the joy in her eyes over the mask! I loved how the baby seemed to respond to Tricia...that is awesome. Yeah God! I know we don't always want to wait for his timing, but isn't it precious when you see prayers answered daily!!

  32. Well.

    That was absolutely the greatest update in the history of the blogosphere!

    Yay for you all!

    Thanks for sharing this precious moment.

    Today will be a super wonderful day!

  33. Wonderful!!! Thanks so much for sharing such a precious moment!

    Praying always....

  34. WOW WOW WOW!!! What a great first moment, thank you for sharing! I hope you (or Tricia) will follow up this video with a blog on the emotions and such of this HUGE momemnt!

  35. That was the most beautiful things I have ever seen, thank you so much for sharing.

  36. Praise the Lord!! That sure was the greatest update in the entire world.
    Thank you so much for sharing the video with the world.


  37. I have to agree...chills and I need some kleenx! What an amazing update! Today is a beautiful day! SMILE!

  38. I do not think I have cried that much in a long time. Wonderful....Beautiful...just Awesome! I love it when she opens her tiny eyes to look at her Mama. Thank you for making my day!

    With Love and Hope,

    Jen-William's Mom

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. There are no words that fit my emotions, maybe.....WOW...I needed that! I so appreciate being able to share a small glimpse of the joy Gweneth is bringing into your lives. God is so good! I happen to have some very special children myself ;>)) and have spent those countless hours beside a child in a plastic box, simply drinking in the miracle that God has created. Each little detail being permanently etched into my heart. And this will be a mean thing to do to you....because I may transfer the curse....but having the words and tune to the song, 'Falling in Love Again, Never Wanted to, What am I to Do, I can't help it"....with a french accent of course ;>)) running over and over in my head.

  41. Wow! Just have to say thank you for sharing. Beautiful. What a wonderful moment for Tricia and Gwyneth, and for your whole family.

    Prayers are with you!

  42. Wow! Just have to say thank you for sharing. Beautiful. What a wonderful moment for Tricia and Gwyneth, and for your whole family.

    Prayers are with you!

  43. That was the coolest thing I've seen in a long stinking time!

  44. I didn't want that video to end. Thank you for sharing such a joyful moment with us. Praying for your beautiful fammily.

  45. *tears up* Awsome! Yay for T and G!

  46. As a first time mom I can imagine the joy that was pounding in Tricia's heart as she held her daughter for the first time. This is a moment that has been a long time coming and I am so thrilled that you took the time to share it with all of us. As always I am pryaing for you guys. I know that you all are looking forward to MANY more moments as a little family. May God bless you today!

  47. Congratulations Tricia!
    Ya'll are so sweet together.
    Praise God. As always we are praying for all three of you and we miss you so much.

  48. So wonderful. Tricia, you are a beautiful mommy. I continue to pray for y'all.

  49. How beautiful.
    I'd never heard that song-so precious.

  50. The beauty of a mom and her this case extraordinary!!!! God bless you Nate, Tricia, Gwyneth and Ralphie and Meka too. You family is so beautiful.

  51. I was in tears when I saw your sneak preview, now... I am a mess. What a beautiful moment. Thank you so much for sharing it with the world!
    There is nothing like holding your child for the first time, and Tricia has been waiting for so long! Tricia, I am so happy for you! Your daughter is beautiful, just like her mother!

    Love and Prayers!

  52. Absolutely breathtaking! I feel so priveleged to have witnessed it. So glad you shared it.

  53. Little Gwyneth looks so happy to finally be in her mommy's arms...such a look of peace and contentment on her face and I love when she opens her eyes up a bit to look up at you Tricia...precious moment. The love for her mommy :)

    Wow...what an awesome start to my day, thank you again for sharing.

    Sending you all lots of hugs and prayers :)

  54. That was so beautiful, have to watch over and over. Love everything, the joy in Tricia's eyes, the little raising of Gwyneth's eyebrows as she tries (and succeeds) to open those eyes, how warm and safe she looks in Mommy's arms and trying to imagine what joy you must all have been feeling! So wonderful to touch and share the comfort of that touch. Love and prayers to you all.

  55. I just love how Gwyneth opened one eye and peeked at her mom. Very sweet.

  56. I'm crying! Congrats Tricia. What a great day!

  57. That is nothing short of amazing, Nate. Thanks for sharing your private moments with us. We are sharing your joy today!

  58. oh my gosh! how long did she get to stay in there, and can she go back????????? praise God!

  59. I don't know anyone who could watch that and not cry! I LOVED it. Thanks so much for sharing that special moment with us. And with have a strong personality there lol. I loved watching her "fix" her hat after mommy pulled it down. So very cute, funny, and just plain wonderful!

  60. Whew, thankfully I waited to watch that video until I got back from taking my sweet boy to pre-school! I would of looked like a wreck when I dropped him off had I not. That is the most amazing video. I think Tricia's eyes say it all. You could see her smile in her eyes. How priceless and I think I even saw sweet Gwyneth give Tricia a little "wink" :)

    You made my day!

  61. congratulations Tricia. so happy for you!

  62. That is such an amazing video. Congrats. We'll keep praying...

  63. I am so happy for you all! It is awesome that Tricia got to hold Gwenyth! I'm praying for you all daily.
    ~Kim in Ohio

  64. Unbelievably beautiful. Praise God!

    (stocks in kleenex is a great idea!)

  65. I just tried to leave a comment but got an error message, so if I've left two, oops.

    I am so happy Tricia got to hold her daughter! That was so special, so amazing to see, thank you for sharing another priceless moment of your lives! I am so happy for the 3 of you! I was on hold with my cell phone company while watching the video and got all choked up!

    Just so happy for you!!

    Apryl in NC

  66. There are no words! Thank You, Father!!!!!!! :):):):)

  67. I agree with your dad, buy stock in Kleenex. That is the most beautiful sight, seeing mommy finally being able to hold her baby girl. Just amazing. Soon Trish, you will be able to kiss and touch her, skin to skin. Praying for the miracles to continue for both of you!!!

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  68. Praise God! That almost too much beauty for one camera to hold. :) Thanks for sharing. Still praying for y'all in Georgia!

    Love, Jenna

  69. What an awesome time it must have been for you guys last night! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  70. Oh Nate and Tricia - what a happy moment that was. Congratulations!

  71. I've never commented on your site but visit daily. I'm so excited that your wife got to hold her. What a precious memory that will be!

  72. Tricia!!!! I am crying tears of joy for you all!! Thanking God and praying always,
    Mike, Tina and Lilbit

  73. WOW - I am amazed - in tears - yet amazed - how AMAZING is God! Praise Him!!!!!!!!!!! Sunshine

  74. What a beautiful moment. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  75. Tears of joy today for Tricia! Oh,I can imagine the feelings she had when she got to hold her! Like someone else said, chills! What a blessing! Thank you for sharing.

  76. Goosebumps and tears...thanks for sharing such a tender moment with the world!

  77. That totally made my day! What a beautiful moment. Thanks for sharing!

  78. Amazing. What a beautiful, touching, awe-inspiring, God-glorifying moment...

  79. Ok, funny story - I had a dream about Tricia last night! Which is really funny because we don't really know each other *that* well... but anyway, we were in a suburban, Tricia was sitting up front and her mom was driving (whom I have never met) and as she drove, she was watching a Cowboys game that she had recorded. (go figure) Tricia's sister (also, whom I have never met) was in the back seat with me. We laughed and had a wonderful trip to a place where there were a lot of stairs, which was really fun to push Tricia and her sister up in a wheelchair! Only to find that when we got up the stairs, the door was locked & we couldn't go in... but we laughed the whole time...
    What in the heck do you think THAT means?

    Love y'all!

  80. Ok, that has me crying at work (thanks a lot) j/k. That was beautiful. Such a precious moment, when a mother gets to hold her child for the first time. Made even more special by the miricle that Gweneth is. Thank you very much for sharing such a personal, wonderful moment with all of us. It made my heart smile.

  81. I'm, words!

    Thank you to the 3 of you for sharing!

    refreshing in ohio

  82. I'm nearly weeping with joy right now. It's so beautiful it is to see Tricia holding her little girl. Thanks for being so open with your concerns and for sharing your blessings with us well!

  83. 2 miricles together at last!! Praise be to God for allowing that to happen before originally thought. I hope it was everything Tricia hoped it would be and more. Many hugs to the girls!! Still praying for you guys!
    Shawna and fam

  84. Oh, it is so good to see that baby with her mama! I held my dd for the first time at 3 days old (she was in the NICU for a heart problem) and I cried. I can't imagine how you felt holding her after all these weeks.

    Beautiful, beautiful... and wow, that precious baby gets cuter everyday!

  85. Beautiful.
    Thank you for sharing these precious moments with all of us.

  86. That was the most peaceful 4 minutes and 29 seconds I will have in my crazy busy day today.

    Thank you.

  87. Amazing...when Gwyneth opened her eyes and looked up at her mommy, my heart skipped a beat. Thank you for sharing.

  88. What a special moment! Thanks for sharing your journey. Babies are always so peaceful in their Mommy's arms.

  89. Oh, I need a whole box of tissues!!

    Thank you Nate and Tricia, for sharing that wonderful moment with us, and for letting us in on your lives.

    It is a privledge to pray for and with you as you walk this journey.


  90. Crying tears of joy in Bama. I'm so happy for you, Trisha.

  91. That is simply awesome. I really don't know what else to say. God is awesome!
    Still praying!!!
    Love, Leslie

  92. There is absolutely nothing like gettting to hold your baby for the first time! I am so glad Tricia was able to hold little Gwyneth! I am sure it was a wonderful moment.

  93. Absolutely the most wonderful thing I've seen on the internet!!! Just amazing! Isn't God good?!?!?! Perfect song choice too!

  94. Nathan, I don't even know if you remember me, but I went to your dad's church for a couple of summers home from Liberty. Dana Brown. Anyway, I was just linked to your blog from another friend's blog. Her husband has cancer and she wrote a post about things that inspire her and you, your wife, your daughter's story is one. That's how I ended up here. Oh, my heart goes out to you. Tears. And heart. And prayers. You are clearly an amazing husband. Ya'll are an amazing family. I just want to pass along my support and I couldn't find an e-mail address for you on here, but I'd love to get in contact with you. My e-mail address is:

    God bless you. And hug you.

  95. Precious! Gwyneth looks so calm in her momma's arms.

    My heart is so glad to see Tricia hold her baby girl. :)

  96. That was simply beautiful.
    You are very talented . . . and you have two beautiful girls.

  97. I am de-lurking to say.... Wow!!!! God is good all the time, and all the time God is good. I also cried tears of joy when I saw this. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I am blessed by it. God Bless,
    Alecia Chaffee in SW Missouri
    our blog is

  98. As the Auntie of a preemie, and the sister of a Mama who didn't get to hold her baby for 39 days, I remember how breath taking that exact moment was for her. I can only imagine how Tricia's heart must be bursting with happiness right now. And Miss Gywneth looked awfully peaceful in her Mama's arms....right where she belongs.

  99. One of the things I love most about God is that He is a faithful and trustworthy keeper of our dreams. Thanks for sharing this dream come true.

  100. OH.MY.WORD.PRECIOUS.GOD IS GOOD. Still praying.

  101. I'm crying tears of joy for you and Tricia and Gwyneth. Thank you for sharing such an personal part of your journey with us. That was the greatest update on a blog I have ever seen! Still praying for you all everyday. -Sabrina-

  102. Tricia looks like the perfect little mommy!

  103. OMG!!! I'm about to burst with emotion!!! Thank you for sharing those precious moments with total strangers... It fills my day with so many moments of faith and thankfullness!

    I'm so happy for Trisha!

  104. Well, now that is everything that is beautiful in this world. There is nothing like seeing a mother and child together. It was just wonderful to see all 3 of you together. Makes my heart swell.

    Gwyneth's little hands and fingers are just the best! I think she even opened her eyes to look at her Mommy.

    Thank you for sharing such a personal moment with us (over 1 million people). :)

    Always praying.

  105. I was hoping this is what you had for us today. I hadn't cried yet, but you got me with that video. That was incredible. Thank you so much for sharing. Still praying.

    Angela in central Ohio

  106. Now that is the picture I've been waiting for! I'm so thrilled to see Tricia holding her little girl. What a blessing!

  107. Thank you for sharing such a powerful,moving moment. You are always in our hearts and prayers.


  108. A moment you will never forget and will treasure forever, I am sure!! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  109. Thank you for sharing such a sweet and special moment. It brought tears to my eyes trying to imagine all Tricia must have been feeling, holding her baby for the first time, two months after having given birth to her. And I also imagined what an overwhelming feeling it must have been for Nate to see his two girls, finally together. Beautiful, just beautiful.

  110. Bawling my eyes out, I am totally speechless! Tricia must be over the moon. Thank you for sharing this sweet milestone with all of us. God Bless!

  111. Oh Nate & Tricia- Thank you for sharing those precious and private moments. Tricia it's so great to see you with Gwenyth. I cannot wait to hear of the day when you and she are able to go home!

  112. oAbsolutly Amazing!! Thank You, Jesus!!!!


  113. You are a beautiful family. As I sit here with tears in my eyes...I am so humbled by you all and absolutely blown away by your grace. Many, many blessings to you all.

  114. Thank you for sharing such a private, special moment.

  115. What a beautiful sight to see Tricia cuddling Gwyneth! I'm speechless! Prayers from Rome, GA

  116. You just made me cry. Seeing Tricia get to hold her baby was such a beautiful thing; her eyes over the mask said it all. Thank you so much for sharing this with us, it has given me something to smile about today.

  117. What a wonderful moment!! Our prayers are with you and your beautiful family!! I can only imagine how awesome it must feel to finally hold her!

  118. Wow. Amazing. Beautiful. Touching and heartfelt. It blows me away. Thank you so much for the most genuine beautiful message.

  119. There is nothing like holding your baby for the very first time...

    Beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes.

    Praying for you today.

  120. weeping with joy!!!! Sooooo beautiful to see Gwyneth in her Mommy's arms! As a mom, i can only imagine how hard it has been on Tricia to have to wait to hold her sweet precious baby girl. Her "miracle baby"! they look so natural together! Just beautiful! i am just bursting with joy for you all over this special time! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!! Praying,,,Jen in al

  121. Thank you for sharing your special moment with us!

    God Bless,

  122. What an amazing moment for Tricia - I am so thrilled for her! I can't imagine how overwhelmed she must have felt to finally cuddle her precious girl!

  123. I really just love when Gwyneth opened her eyes and looked at Tricia... This is just such a wonderful thing!

  124. WoooooHooooo! YAY! YAY! YAY! I'm a mother to 5 and I can't imagine waiting almost 2 months to hold my baby. I bet Tricia was so excited and there wasn't a dry eye in that nursery! It was a true delight to watch your video and thank you for continuing to share your journey with all of us.

    God Bless!
    Michelle in MO

  125. What a beautiful video! Tricia- I'm so happy that you finally got to hold your beautiful baby girl!

  126. BRAVO!!!!!!!!! I am soooooooo happy for you all!!!!!! Thank you for sharing this amazing moment that we have been praying about for 8 weeks now!!!!!!!! Blessings to you all!!!!

    Annie- Nashville

  127. I was sooo hoping that might be it..

    God bless you all

  128. PRAISE THE LORD! What a special moment! Thank you for sharing it with the world.

    Blessings to you all.

  129. I know you guys have waited for this moment for so long. It's been one of my biggest prayers for you, get to hold your sweet miracle baby that you prayed so long for. My computer keyboard is now soaked in tears! Love you guys!

    -Lisa Collinsworth

  130. Amazing... I can only imagine what a special moment that was. I know it did both of them a world of good. There is no moment more special or emotional than holding your baby for the first time. So happy for you all!

    Continued prayers...

  131. Right where they belong. Together.
    Thanks, Nathan.

  132. Right where they belong. Together.
    Thanks, Nathan.

  133. Also, I only get about eighty hits per day, half of them from friends and family, but I did a post about y'all today after seeing that amazing video. Don't worry, it's G-rated, even, just for you!

  134. That was wonderful. I rejoice with Tricia - and I complained after having to wait a few hours to hold my babies!

  135. What a SPECIAL moment for you to share with all of us. God is so so good! :)

  136. i can't even see to type this really i am tearing up!!! this is priceless..nate thanks for sharing this amazing video w/ us bloggers...

  137. Yeah for Gwyneth and Tricia...
    She looks so sweet in her Mama's arms. Precious video..thanks for sharing with us.
    Dana J

  138. Not a good video to watch while eating lunch. It's all just kind of stuck above the lump in my throat. Thank you so much for sharing this beauiful moment with us. Praying hard for your girls.

  139. Absolutely beautiful. Prayers are still being sent your way. Hugs guys.

  140. What a BEAUTIFUL moment! At last!! Giving God ALL the PRAISE and GLORY today! Seriously need to buy some more boxes of of Kleenex tissues! God Bless,
    Meredith/Orlando FL

  141. Nate that was the most beautiful moment ever, I am so happy for Tricia. I saw Gwyneth peeking at her Mommy.Have a great day.

  142. tears are streaming down my face... i am so happy for you tricia!

  143. Amazing!! Thank you for sharing your story and journey with the world! I check many times a day for updates, you are always in my thoughts and prayers!! God id truly AMAZING!!! I'm so happy for you and Tricia!! That had to be so wonderful!!

  144. So beautiful and amazing and lovely and wonderful. My heart is so full of joy for Tricia and her baby girl! Thank you, Nathan, for sharing this wonderful moment with the world. You are such a special little family and I feel blessed to "know" you all even just a little.

  145. Beautiful, both the video and your girls! Praying for you in Maryland.

  146. Crying tears of joy for you Tricia and praising God for this miracle He has given you.


  147. Thank you Lord for your miracles! Lord, you truly are amazing. Thanks Tricia and Nathan for displaying the amazing works of the Lord to the world. We are praying....

  148. I wasn't expecting that! It brought tears to my eyes, just seeing them together, so close. Thank you for sharing that!
    There is nothing more beautiful and perfect than a mother just holding her child.

  149. Tear, Tear. Oh how beautiful. Words can not express the emotions that you feel when you see a Mother's love. She knew mommy was holding her for when she opened her eyes for just a second. That was to confirm that she loves her mommy and it is going to be alright. I can't wait to see God's continued blessings upon this little one.

  150. That is the best post ever! I pray that Tricia and Gwyneth will have many more moments as sweet as that one. Thank you for sharing such a special moment with us. You did it beautifully. I was crying 2 seconds in.

  151. I just don't know what to say but I will give it a try! Amazing! When you have waited so long and prayed so much to finally be able to hold your child! Nothing else quite like it in the world is there Tricia! Now when do we see the first diaper changes?

  152. What a moment! Thank you for sharing your memories with us! Praying for all of you in TX.


  154. wow... I agree with your dad... you should buy stock in kleenex. hehe. what an amazing moment. I cant imagine the first time I will be able to hold my child... let along having to wait 8 weeks. I could sense the joy in the moment. =) Thank you for being so faithful in updating!

  155. OH JOY!!! What a beautiful sight! What a natural mother Tricia makes! Thanks for sharing! It made my day and yours too, I'm sure! God Bless You!

  156. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. There really is no other feeling in the world that can compare to holding your child for the first time. Still continuing to pray.

  157. Nate and Tricia,
    Thank you so much for sharing your story. That was the best post ever. I think I cried more joyous tears for Tricia than I did the first time I held my own children for the first time. Tricia, I hope you get to hold her more and more every week.

    Always thinking of all of you:)


  158. beautiful. I am so happy for you tricia. :)

  159. Tricia, I'm sure your arms have been aching for that moment for the last two months. Even though you haven't been able to spend much time with your little girl, she is going to grow up knowing what an incredible mom you are. You have made so many sacrifices just so that she could have life and I know that God will honor you for the choice you made and I feel confident that God has incredible plans for Gwyneth's life. Jesus has carried you both this far and He has not finished the work He has begun in you!! He will be faithful to complete it!!! The video is beautiful and something you will treasure for a lifetime!

  160. tears are streaming down my cheeks. That was one of the most beautiful scenes I've ever witnessed in all my life. I praise God for what I've taken for granted: being able to hold my son whenever I want. Thank you for opening my eyes.

  161. Tricia, I know you have held your baby in your heart all this time but what you must have felt to finally get to hold her in your arms! It brought tears to my eyes watching the video and seeing, even under a mask, the grin on your face! Praise God she is doing so brilliantly! You two are so blessed and what praises you have to be in this position of receiving miracle upon miracle. You'd never have known that without all you've been through so praise God for allowing all of this! He has His hands on you all! Your baby girl is absolutely gorgeous even if she does look just like her daddy! lol! Our daughter looked like her daddy at first too but now she looks entirely like me! You three are in our prayers and we can't wait to hear more from you!

  162. Wow. How incredibly wonderful to see. Thank you for sharing the moment.

  163. What I find completely amazing is that Gwyneth can be so tiny and yet still so perfect...

  164. Wow.... Thanks for sharing that moment! Beautiful!

  165. Congrats to Tricia on getting to hold your baby girl! Thank you Nate for sharing your story with the world! May God bless you richly as you continue to seek Him!

  166. I'm so thankful that you shared that so very private and special moment with all of us. You have inspired me to do some videos for my family. I'm off to watch Cinderella with my baby girl and thank God for the specail gift he gave to me. I can't wait to hear when Trica and Gwyneth are doing Mommy and Me things.

  167. That has to be one of the sweetest moments I have ever "witnessed." Thank you so much for sharing!

  168. Ack. It's unavailable. I'll check back later.


  169. Thank you for that beautiful moment. After I had my son it all seemed surreal until I got to hold him and touch him. I can't even imagine the range of emotions you both are going through. I'm still praying for you all! I can't wait to see when you all get to go home as a family, healthy and happy!!!!

  170. This wonderful video, of your beautiful girls, made our day! We continue to pray without ceasing for your family. Thank you for sharing your journey with the world. Take care and God bless!

    Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

  171. When I saw your post that said big news to come, I was hoping and praying that a transplant might be happening soon. I'll keep praying for that...

    This was so beautiful. Even with most of her face covered by the mask, Tricia's eyes say it all. I can only imagine how wonderful it must have been for her to finally hold sweet Gwyneth in her arms.

    God bless.

  172. All I can do is cry. I take so much for granted. You have blessed my socks off. You were sitting there holding your baby girl and even through the mask you were wearing, I could see your smile. Thank you LORD!!!
    Christy in KY

  173. I am moved to tears. What an awesome moment!

  174. Bring out the tissue!!!

    That was sooooo amazing!!! Thank you so much for sharing that special moment!!

    Praying lots for you all,
    Paul and Marla

  175. How beautiful! Look at the love and happiness in Tricia when she hold her baby girl.


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