
Monday, March 31, 2008

My Little Princess...

I promise that this was her mother's doing...



  1. Oh Gwyneth is our next contemporary Christian Punk Rocker. :D

  2. She is so cute!!!!!!!!!! I love the hairdo!!!!!!!

  3. It's perfect! She's showing just how hard-core she really is! LOL!

  4. That's the most beautiful punk rock baby I've ever seen.

  5. Adorable!!! I can really tell that she's growing in this pic! She is just beautiful.

  6. That is adorable and a MUST do to EVERY baby! haha! My mom gave my son his first "bath" while I was recovering from a c-section and 4 infections so I missed it but when I woke up, she had his hair spiked and had taken tons of pictures! I must say, they were the cutest baby pics of him I have to the day!

    We're continuously praying for you guys!

    Raleigh, NC

  7. Gwyneth you rock!!!! Praying for you and your mommy everyday...oh, and Daddy too!!!!! You are so precious!

  8. Super cute punk chick baby! You rock it NICU style, Gwyneth!! Party on...


  10. Tricia ROCKS!!! I LOVE this picture - she is adorable!

  11. Gwyneth,
    I guess I'm going to have to come down there and stand guard for you.

  12. Your princess is just beautiful. How are her eyes doing now?

  13. Tooooooo cute and toooooo funny. You know she will love you more when you show this to her fiance, many years from now. LOL
    Christy in KY

  14. hee hee every baby needs a fauxhawk!!

    what a sweetie!

  15. She is looking sooooooo good and soooooooo healthy!!!

  16. Rick-
    That was done after I left yesterday. It was not done on my watch!

  17. Rick-
    That was done after I left yesterday. It was not done on my watch!

  18. Babies are to be messed with, what other reason is there to have them?! So much fun.

  19. A classic do for a beautiful little girl. All my kids get that do. I love it. Many prayers are being said for your family

  20. You have to vacuum her hair into that extremely cute shape also- it's a requirement.

  21. Cutie pie! Love Gwyn's hairdo!

    Marissa :-)

  22. Her hair is longer than Nate's now!! ;-) So cute.
    Blessings and continual prayer,

  23. LOL. We have pics of our little princess rocking a hawk, too!! Gwyneth is adorable!

  24. My hubby did this to our son when he was about 3 months old... abraham hated it and cried non stop! but it made for a pretty cute picture! I love it! She looks SOO big!! Yahoo Gywneth!

  25. Absolutely adorable ! Pretty soon you will be able to add a pink bow.

  26. She is absolutely adorable! Love the hair!!!

  27. Our Caleb had a natural mohawk for the longest time (until his hair grew long enough to lay down). It was amazing! Maybe they will be friends some day! Love you three!

  28. Any hairdo where the hair sticks up is great.

    Nathan this is from my heart:
    Once upon a time:not so long ago

    Tommy used to work on the docks,
    Union's been on strike
    He's down on his luck - it's tough, so tough
    Gina works the diner all day
    Workin' for her man she brings home her pay- for love, mmm for love

    She says we've gotta hold on,
    to what we've got
    It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not,
    We got eachother and thats a lot
    For Love-we'll give it a shot

    Whooooaaa-Were halfway there
    Whooooaaa-Livin' on a prayer
    Take my hand, we'll make it I swear
    Whooooaaa-Livin on a prayer

    Tommy's got his six string in hock,
    now he's holdin' in, what he used to make it talk
    so tough-it's tough
    Gina dreams are running away
    She cries in the night
    Tommy whispers baby its okay, someday

    we've gotta hold on
    to what we've got
    it doesn't make a difference
    if we make it or not
    we got eachother and thats a lot for love, we'll give it a shot

    Whoooaaa-Were halfway there
    Whoooaaa-Livin' on a prayer
    Take my hand, we'll make it i swear
    Whoooaaa-Livin' on a prayer
    Livin' on a prayer

    (Melt your face off guitar solo goes here)

    We've gotta hold on ready or not
    You live for the fight
    when that's all that you've got

    Whoooaaa-Were halfway there
    Whoooaaa-Livin' on a prayer
    Take my hand,and we'll make it i swear
    Whoooaaa-Livin' on a prayer
    Livin' on a prayer

    With much love,
    Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

  29. Gwyneth Rose....that's even a rocker name! Too cool. :)

  30. So adorable...

    As I saw it I thought of that Bon Jovi song from when I was a teen. Living on a prayer! ;)

  31. That is THE sweetest picture ever!!! She is looking so grown up :)

  32. That picture is too cute!! When I was born, my mom told me that all the nurses used to call me "punk rock baby" b/c I was born with so much hair :-)

  33. SOOOOOO cute!!! God surely has
    an amazing plan for this beautiful little girl the world has fell in love with.

  34. I LOVE THE HAIR!!! Way to go MOM! Very cute.

  35. She is sooo cute! I love your posts like this because it shows despite all the struggles you are going through you're still having fun! Enjoy that little peanut, she'll be running around before you know it!

    God Bless,
    Michelle in MO

  36. What great comic relief! Go Tricia!

  37. I have been combing baby girl's hair for forty years, and I always put a curl on top. :)

  38. Gwyneth is sooo precious!!! Thanks for sharing your little miracle with all of us! As always, you all are in our thoughts and prayers!

    Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

  39. That's a great picture to whip out and show to her first serious boyfriend years from now. Serious blackmail material:)

  40. my mother used to do that with my hair...look how it turned out!!!

  41. Love the red faux hawk. She's got about as much hair as daddy does now. Hee hee...

  42. She is sooooooooooo cute. You can tell she is growing.

  43. How cute! I love the pic! :) Good job on her hair, Tricia!

  44. fauxhawks on babies are a must.

    She looks like she's fattening up!

  45. So adorable! Love the way her hair is combed! It definitely is a mother's touch! What a little doll!

  46. You do understand that someday she will pay you back for this - Right? :)
    So glad you are enjoying her and each other!! Be blessed and sleep well tonight.

  47. Ha! Are the docs still concerned about her weight gain or are they relaxing since she's put on several more ounces recently?

  48. So cute and look at those cheeks!!!

  49. Noah's nurses ALWAYS used to give him a 'faux hawk' after bath time. It looks good on little Gwyneth, too!

  50. I am starting to see the resemblance to you and your wife now. I check this blog multiple times a day in between prayers hoping to see great news! Still praying!

  51. I LOVE her new do! Super cute!
    I also see more and more of Tricia in her. She is just beautiful!


  52. I LOVE her new do! Super cute!
    I also see more and more of Tricia in her. She is just beautiful!

  53. oh, my goodness! :) my mother-in-law gives ALL the babies in our families - girls and boys - spit curls on the tops of their heads! :) we have pictures of all our kids with just that look - only they were never as tiny as your gwyn - and they never had that much hair! :) still keeping you in our prayers! :)

  54. This is merely the beginning of a lifetime of mother daughter bonding that you will not understand because you are a boy. Sorry Nate. Wait til they go shoe shopping together...

  55. She is so precious-I love it! I have to admit I have some FUN pics of my kiddos as babies-now as teenagers and a pre-teen they don't appreciate them so much when they are shared but that is so much fun too!! They do pay you back son is right now listening to some music really loud-I know that shows my age. Your time will come!
    Gwyneth does look like she is growing-keep growing baby girl!

  56. This is merely the beginning of a lifetime of mother daughter bonding that you will not understand because you are a boy. Sorry Nate. Wait til they go shoe shopping together...

  57. She looks like she might be wondering where her fraggle hat is :)

  58. Love it....that is so precious!

  59. Three words. Purple hair dye. Food coloring might be safer. Does it come in purple?

    (If I wasn't a total stranger to you, you'd know that my sense of humor is a little "off".)

  60. i had to laugh a lot over this pic. back when daniel first got a g-tube (he was 8 months old or so at the time), his then angry 14 year old sister who was very angry bitter because she couldn't get a navel piercing beheld the feeding tube sticking out of his belly and pronounced it gross to which i suggested that he got a body piercing before she did.
    thank goodness i can remember those times with a sense of humor....perhaps a little sick but what else can we do...complain? i am sure you and tricia can relate.
    take care guys! we are praying here under the big top!

  61. Very cool, Gwyneth. Very cool. Do you think your parents would mind if you dyed it blue?

  62. Nate, Tricia and baby Gwyneth,
    This is adorable! What a cutie! I have been reading your blog religiously for the past few months and am addicted to you all. We are praying for you all in Austin, TX and know all of your prayers will be answered in time.

  63. Go Tricia! That is too darn cute :)

  64. Hey! No nasal cannula?! That's exciting even if just for a little while. Oh and the hair is cute too of course!!


  65. Dad -- don't you know ALL moms do this to their baby's hair when they are that age. (sigh) Moms know best!!! You can definitely tell she is growing -- she has changed a bunch. Still cute, of course!

  66. Yay! I see no more oxygen for Miss Gwyneth!! She looks so much bigger in this pic ,too! Love the spiky hair! Also, just curious, why are her eyelids so red and puffy? Is that still from her eye surgery?

  67. That's not punk rocker hair, that's just a lil' baby curl. My Suzanne had one too. It's cute.

  68. Wow - RED hair! And NO nasal canula!...and, and, and...they changed her NG tube so that we can finally see her beautiful little lips!!

  69. So cute! One of the joys of being a parent: you can do crazy things to your kid and take their picture!


  70. Reminiscent of those adorable cupie dolls.

  71. Now that's a 2026 High School Year Book opportunity there! How sweet is she, getting really big. Praying hard always, God Bless!

  72. that is about the sickest mohawk i think ive ever seen
    its totally adorable!

  73. Teehee, Tricia, you ROCK!
    and so does your cutie! lol

  74. ADORABLE!! As if she weren't cute enough, she's getting cuter by the day!

  75. I like it! I think every Mom does that once their baby has enough hair. A little bow would be cute too!

  76. LOL!!! Ok, props goes to Mom then! Why else would babies have hair if not for their parents to groof with? And for girls, its doubly hard cause when she brings by that boyfriend...out comes the embrassing baby book...etc.

  77. What fun! A very adorable baby!
    Reminds me of all the fun times dressing up little kids and styling their soft baby hair.
    Thanks for sharing!

  78. She is adorable!! Love the hair..think all little girls should have punk hair just once LOL..
    Thanks for sharing.
    Kerry in Michigan

  79. Gotta love that hairdo! And those cheeks are definitely looking plumper!

  80. I love the red hair... my little man has fiery red hair. She is just beautiful!

    Praying for you guys tonight.

  81. How cute! Funny, I think all of us mom's have done this hairdo to our little ones at one time or another! Gwyneth is adorable such a miniature baby!

    We continue to hold you all in our daily thoughts and prayers.

  82. She is getting more beautiful every day.

  83. all little girls need curls on their heads....good for Tricia!!
    Too cute!

    Shari NC

  84. I think she looks cute, Nate! I missed most of the excitement! We went out of town over the weekend, and I checked in early and went to bed early! My prayers never cease for Tricia though! They remain steadfast and strong. God has the perfect match for her. Gwyneth is awesome! The hairdo definitely rocks!

  85. She looks amazing. I had the baby and haven't seen her in a week.
    I am praying for Tricia's lungs to come soon.
    I have been meaning to tell you guys. Dameron's mother moved back in with my sis and is now helping to take care of him. Not financially but with his care. Her and Dameron's father are no longer involved and there are some issues getting custody(he hasn't or won't sign over his rights).
    I have also talked my sis and 2 nieces into doing the great strides walk this year. My sister had said a month ago that she wasn't ready for that.

    Love the hair!

  86. That is the cutest punk rocker i've ever seen!

  87. Precious! Sweet! Your blessed with a cutie pie!

  88. Cute!! She looks alot like Tricia in this picture!! She's precious!

  89. She is just has me at awe each time I see her!

  90. Check out that adorable red mohawk! You're lookin' fine Gwyneth!!

  91. Your daughter and wife are both beautiful! I love keeping up on your journey and will continue to keep you all in our prayers!

  92. How cute!! I've thought that she looked more like Nate before seeing this picture, but I can really see her Mama in this one--judging from the pictures you've posted. She will like these pictures when she's 5 to 10 years old--hate them when she's 10 to 19--and then love them again after that!!!!

  93. Oh, so sweet! She reminds me of our daughter Maggie when she was in the NICU, and my heart melts. I can really see that G is now over 2pounds, and looks like she's past 30 weeks too. Way to go, Gwyneth! You've grown and developed so much.
    Nate and Tricia, I'm so glad you got to spend time caring for your baby again today - a great joy and comfort, I am sure.

  94. She is beutiful. She is looking more and more like Trisha (sorry Nate). What a cutie!

  95. LOL! Perfect! ALL moms do this, it's a not-so-secret tradition.

  96. That is just too adorable! :)
    She is getting so big, too.
    It looks like she is growing!!! :)
    Amy in Oregon

  97. Look at those little chubber cheeks! Even though she's tiny, she's really starting to look like an "older"/full term baby now. What an answer to prayer! I'm really sorry the transplant didn't work out the other day. I've been praying for you guys and for the donor family. I know another offer will come up soon for you!


  98. Happy Birthday, Daddy! Have a great day and enjoy your many blessings (as I know you do everyday!)...

    refreshing in ohio

  99. I love your new hairdo Gwyneth... your mom can add a bow to your hair by placing a dot of baby oil on the ribbon and place it on your hair...Have a wonderful day. Hugs..

  100. What a little doll!!!!

  101. not that tricia looks like a punk rocker, but i can see her mommy in her face! she is changing more and more everyday. you will be suprised how fast they grow. my 3 pounder born at 33 weeks is now 28 pounds and almost 3! where did the time go. you will be glad that you documented all of these precious moments with your girls! thanks for sharing!

  102. She is going to be so mad at you for that picture someday. But oh so cute! Thanks

  103. She is going to be so mad at you for that picture someday. But oh so cute! Thanks

  104. She is wonderful, will grow up to be a stunner just like her parents.
    God Bless you all and Tricia we wish you get your new lungs sooner than later. Gods Will!

  105. My mom did this to my son's hair too!

  106. Gwyneth is so cute! I can't believe how much she has grown recently!

  107. That is TOO precious! RAWK on Gwyneth!


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