
Monday, March 10, 2008

The Mysterious Seatbelt...

Some of you noticed that I appear to be sitting in the passenger's seat in This Picture.

Maybe some of my Mac friends could explain how that's not true...

The first one to correctly explain the mystery gets 500 CFHusband Points, good for one free napkin at you nearest gas station!!!



  1. The image is flipped horizontally????? You took it with your macbook?

  2. It is like a mirror image picture.
    I need another napkin:)

  3. My vote is for a flipped picture as well. It took a mirror image. You can keep the napkin though and give it to someone who is more in need of it though.

  4. I've noticed it in other pictures - like once the words on your hat & a shirt in the background were mirror-image

  5. The negative was flipped before developing?

  6. the steering wheel is on the right side

  7. Photobooth takes mirror images :)

  8. I don't know anything about Macs or mirrors... I just think you have an aura about you that turns things around.

  9. flipped the image before posting. i'll use the napkin to use to wipe up the tears from watching your videos!

  10. And the reason for the mysterious seatbelt...

    -Lisa Collinsworth

  11. I flipped the picture. I wondered that when I read you mentioned you were sitting in your car waiting for your emails to upload....

    1. now that you are a "celebrity" you hired a driver.
    2. you flipped the picture

  12. My cell phone does this as well. It's just flipped from the camera's view.

  13. You took this pict using your MacBook and PhotoBooth. The camera is above the screen so when you are looking at it and take it, it is a mirror image. Gotta LOVE that Mac AND PhotoBooth. We do!

  14. You used the built-in camera on your Macbook. Pictures taken with that camera are, indeed, mirror images; at least mine are. And if you know how to do it differently, pass that info on, please! Napkins are a useful prize. Dull, but useful...

  15. You used Photo Booth on your MacBook with your built in camera. That automatically reverses the image.

    (I know, b/c when I first read that other post, I thought you were the passenger too, and I had to play with Photo Booth with a "simulated" seat belt and take my picture!)

  16. I'm amazed that so many observant people actually take the time to ponder which seat you were sitting in in your car and even use simulated seatbelts to figure it out. Wow! Glad to read that your girls are doing so well these days. PTL that Gwen is breathing on her own! What a major accomplishment! Every day I visit your blog I wonder if I might find news of a transplant for Trisha since the last time I read. We'll keep praying...

  17. Gee, and I was thinking you were really in Europe somewhere...DANG IT! I was REALLY hoping for another napkin, because you can never have too many. Oh well, better luck next time, I guess!!

  18. Yeah, I have no idea... but I feel like I deserve a napkin anyway, so I'm off to Exxon!

  19. must agree with everyone else

  20. You've been arrested and are in the backseat of a patrol car????

  21. Stink! Erica Lynn beat me to it!!!!!!!! aaahhhhhh! No napkin!!!!!!!!! I'll have to steal one from Misha's glove compartment, there are like 50 in there. :)

    Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

  22. As much as I agree with Matt &'s the mirror image for sure... ;-)

  23. I'm too dumb to play:( I don't even understand the question. My nick-name is "Simple".

  24. Honestly, it NEVER even crossed my mind. I guess I'm not that observant. Oh well. Hoep you're having a great day anyway.


    P.S. I loved reading everyone else's quirky comments though!

  25. You went to England for the afternoon for some tea and cake with the queen.

  26. I'll have to be honest... I didnt' read all the other comments but my guess is that you are sitting in Tricia's - aka, the passenger - seat.

  27. Personally, I think Karen (pediascribe) should get the prize. Anyone who puts enough energy to simulate a seatbelt SHOULD get a prize!!!

  28. Well, I didn't notice it at all, but I am British and that IS the driver seat! So, short of you having nipped over to Britain just to use your internet I would have to agree with the mirror image from your Mac.

    You do realise that you lot drive on the wrong side of the road don't you? Very scary indeed!

  29. My, my! What a competitive bunch...all for a napkin?

    The question I have is are you back in the car (driver's seat or otherwise - upside down, on your head, sideways, backwards, etc) blogging or is the internet back up and running at the hospital??? I hope it is so that you don't go broke with all these contests!

    Hey! In honor of CYSTIC FIBROSIS WEEK, you and your blog have been nominated for the Blogger's Choice Awards just like Alice in 4 different categories! Come one, come all and tell your readers to vote NOW!

  30. And I soooo think I should win the napkin because I also provided a $10 solution for the mirror problem! (See my comment earlier) :) I'll use the napkin to wipe off the drool from my mouth as I look at the Digital Canon Rebel Ti on the Best Buy website!!!

    Lisa Collinsworth

  31.'re actually sitting in the passenger's seat?!?

  32. easy one! you used your little built in camera, it does everything in a mirror image.
    I love my mac. :-)
    Too bad you are such a celebrity, it would be fun to go on iChat with you and our high tech macs one day! Wonder if you could host some mass video chat thing and let us all have a video conference session...
    with our macs. We will take over the world. :-)

  33. The image is reversed because of the way you took it.


  34. well being in the UK it didn't even occur you were in the passanger seat but I will be the zillionth person to say "photobooth" which does produce flipped images

  35. Photobooth........mirror image! I know many others have already answered with the same answer, but I just had to put in my 2 cents! I have a MAC and LOVE LOVE LOVE it! PC's should be thrown in the trash!!! GO MAC!

  36. LOL, to me it looked normal, apparenlty I've been living in London WAY too long. As for why, I haven't got a clue, unless it was taking a photo in a mirror

  37. Adding to the few living in Britain - I didn't even THINK about it - I just thought "yeah, he's sitting in the car - that's nice for him - at least he can use the internet then" DOH!

  38. thank megan et company for seeing the wisdom of agree that Nathan exudes an aura. A field of energy that just turns everything around.

    We love you Nate!

  39. Um, why would you not be sitting in the passenger seat anyway? Maybe you were going for a spin with someone else driving? Are you going to sign the napkin, since you're famous?? Even if I didn't win...

  40. I think someone asked how you can change photobooth so that it doesn't take a mirror image...
    Go to edit in photobooth and click auto flip new photos. :)
    Hope that helps!

  41. I agree with's amazing how many people noticed ;-)

    I also think you're such a celebrity now that you have a driver!

  42. I assumed you were in the driver's seat anyway as here in the UK we drive on the left and the steering wheel is on the right! Perhaps you flew to England, got in a car here, took the photo and flew back...all in a space rocket so it only took you half an hour in total...????? ;o) xxx

  43. There should be va prize for the most creative answer as well. Some are really good! And funny! lol

  44. Rats! I'm too late! I almost commented that it was photo booth's fault when I saw that comment. I also almost commented that who needs photo booth when you can contort your own face?

  45. I would like to add to the "I didn't notice" UK comments. But also add what a good example you are setting to us all by wearing your seatbeat! :-)

  46. What I want to know is why are you wearing a seat belt when you car isn't going anywhere?

  47. well, I have the same computer as you guys - Mac Notebook - and when you take pictures with Photo Booth, it flips pictures around. I recently discovered this when I took some pictures with it.
    I'm sure someone else guessed this, but I didn't read all the comments!

  48. I noticed this a couple of weeks ago when Andy's red eye was suddenly on the other side. He told me Macs always do a mirror image.

  49. You did it thought your photo booth on your mac. It was either taken normal or it was flipped using your effects. Either way..macbooks rule! :)

  50. Okay now your a mail carrier! haha

  51. I noticed that, but didn't want to appear dumb by asking...I'm a big chicken...anxious to hear the answer...mirror image I would assume.

  52. It's a flipped frame, like a mirror image. Computers can be so much fun!


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