
Friday, March 14, 2008

This Is So Encouraging!

Seriously! Way To Go Eva!!!

I'm super excited to see the documentary! Take the time to visit Eva's Blog and read her amazing story of CF and double lung transplant. (Warning: Eva is extremely open and honest about her journey on her blog, and everything may not be suitable for little kids, but I think it's awesome!)

Click Here to learn more about becoming an organ donor in BC.



  1. wow thanks for sharing that. If there are any other BC blog readers I wanted to let them know that BC has its own registery here I've been registered since 2003.

  2. She's adorable.

    I had wondered about that, if you get new lungs do you still have CF? The interviewer said you do, so I'm guessing a transplant gives a CF patient sort of a start-over lung-wise?

    Makes me wish there was a way to get new lungs without having to wait for a donor.

    *hugs* to you Tricia, as you know, and it's been said and said, but it remains forever true, you are an inspiration!

    Apryl in NC

  3. WOW!!!! That's so incredible to see!!! I can't wait for Tric's turn at all that excitement.

  4. Really a bit of her blog...awesome!

  5. Incredible!!!

    Tricia is next!!

  6. to "thoughts and things"

    Once the person has received a lung transplant, does CF "go away?"

    Transplanted lungs come from people who do not have CF, so the new lungs do not have CF. However, after the transplant, the recipient still has CF in the sinuses, pancreas, intestines, sweat glands, and reproductive tract.
    You can find more at

  7. I read in her blog that your story played a part in her coming to know God and you gave her the courage to seek out a church. YES!!!

    God is using your story- and this is just the tipof the iceburg, I imagine!

  8. What an awesome awesome person. I pray that Tricia gets the chance to be this excited with her new lungs very soon.

  9. That's my beautiful, wonderful, and absolutely amazing Eva!

  10. Such a great story and an amazing woman...thanks for sharing this with us Nate :-)

  11. Amazing story... Thanks for sharing!

  12. What a lovely young woman. Hang on, Tricia, your time is coming!


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