
Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thursday Night Baby Time


Watch all of the CFHusband videos Here!


  1. What a sweet treat it was to watch that video. Your baby gwyneth is such a precious, beautiful miracle.

  2. Oh that was priceless! Thanks for the video- it gives a great perspective of just HOW TINY she really is! I especially like the cool handshake she did with her Daddy! Thanks for sharing!

    God Bless, Sara in Maine

  3. What an amazing video and so special. I can really tell how much she has grown. Praise God! She is one wonderful and powerful little girl :)

  4. I've not commented before... but I've been reading a lot for about a month. Seeing that beautiful babygirl of yours, and how tiny she is - yet still perfectly formed - makes me want to run to the feet of my God, collapse to my knees and talk to Him for the first time in I don't know how long..... thank you for blessing us with this video.

  5. That was awesome! What a beautiful baby girl...and awesome to see you as Daddy in action, Nate!

  6. I agree I loved that handshake with dad. Beautiful and precious gift from God. Thank you for sharing another piece of your lives with us. Love in Christ, Michelle

  7. It's amazing to see her growing so much. She is still so tiny, but she's come a long way!! Such a precious girl!!

  8. That was the best! Thank you for sharing, this video makes my day perfect. Just when I thought I was having a bad day, this made it all worth while. Amazing, simply amazing! God bless you!

  9. that is one little girl who is enjoying her sleep! she looks so content in your arms. she is absolutely perfect!

  10. If a picture is a worth a thousand words surely that video is priceless. She is amazingly beautiful and precious. What BIG miracle in such a tiny package. Thank you so much for sharing her with us. God bless you all tonight and may you, Trish and Gwyneth have sweet dreams.
    Rachel in PA

  11. I love your video with Gwyneth. Thank you for inspiring so many of us. My little girl has Trisomy18 and just turned 3 Monday. You have inspired me to do a blog for her. I will continue to pray for Gwyneth, Tricia and you on this journey. Cathy & Annabel
    Her site is

  12. The handshake was the coolest! It's amazing how small her hands are ~ they're the size of your fingernail! She's an amazing baby and probably the sweetheart of the NICU. Praying for you all ~ still ~ and as long as necessary from El Paso, TX.


  13. Aww, I could watch her forever! :) What a precious nightcap for me!! Thanks, Nate.

  14. Her little hands are so CUTE!!! :o)

  15. Nate, you are a precious man of God, and God has blessed you richly with a beautiful wife and daughter. You are also stinkin funny! Gwyneth is going to look back on some of these videos and roll her eyes and say, "Da-ad, you're soo embarrassing."
    My heart aches for you when you have to choose who to spend your time with between these two beautiful girls. You and your sweet women are in my prayers!

  16. She is fearfully and wonderfully made. What a mighty God we serve. Thanks for the glimpse into your lives. Amazing to see how much she has changed! Still praying!

  17. that was rockin!!! i love her little fingers...she is just so adorable!!! your finger in her hand really give perspective of how small she really is, what a miracele

  18. She is just perfect. Wonderful and perfect.

  19. How precious she is. Is she mostly laid back and easy to console? She seems like a very easy baby.

  20. That was amazing to see! Thanks so much for sharing that!!!!!! It brought tears to my eyes! Sweet baby in her daddy's arms... safe and loved.

    I will try to get over to Duke South tomorrow to see you there. I have a bronchoscopy scheduled first thing, so I don't know how long I'll be "out of it". If I don't get to see you tomorrow, then I'll definitely see you when I move down to 7800.. they had no beds today on that floor so I had to come to 8300.

    Praying, praying, praying.....

  21. She is so precious and she's got a pretty good daddy too!

  22. Amazing! She is beautiful! Thank you for sharing her with us, Nate and Tricia.

  23. Aw, thank you for sharing this video of Gwyneth with us. It's nice to see her face. She looks very comfy in your arms. As Easter draws near, you can be sure that I am thinking of your family as I think of this holy time of the year.
    I cannot wait for you two to bring your baby home so you can become a family in your own home.

    Happy Easter to all of you.

    Cheryl from Fairfax

  24. That was sweet. :) I haven't gotton used to how tiny she is. April's almost here. Isn't that when she was due?
    It really is nice to get to know you over here.

  25. The handshake was great she is so beautiful such a goregous baby thank you for sharing

  26. I have been following your story for a long time, but this is my first post. You daughter is simply beautiful. There is just nothing so pure and so lovely as little baby girls. She is such a miracle. Thanks for sharing.

  27. You're such a good Daddy. She's so precious!

  28. Oh she's so beautiful!! She is looking more and more grown up every day and is simply adorable. Nathan I can already tell what an incredible Dad you are. Thanks for the great video - Gwyneth might make history for the youngest person to know how to work a Mac! :) Best wishes to all, especially Trish - sending love from Dallas!

  29. Tricia and Nate, how beautiful your daughter is, she looks amazing now - not that she didn't anyway - but she has changed so much. Love the little starfish hands and gorgeous hair! Oh has she got a bald patch at the back? Used to make me laugh when mine rubbed that bit off with laying down. Hope you are feeling better Tricia. Wishing you all a glorious Easter.
    Rosie x

  30. What a wonderful treat! She is getting so much bigger now! She doesn't look nearly so tiny nestled in beside you now!

    Continued prayers for you all.

  31. That was really cool. Enjoy that father/daughter bonding time! You are all in our prayers, how cool would it be to get a transplant on Easter Sunday!

  32. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    What a wonder she is to behold! With the spread of those long fingers, and her musical heritage, she is going to be awesome on the piano/keyboard in a few years. Next generation of the NHC worship team coming up:)

  33. Oh man, I was cracking up at the gang handshake. You guys are the Duke Gang! Working against CF!

    She is getting so big! What a cutie.

  34. What a wonderful video Nate. Gwyneth will be amazed when she's grown into a wonderful young women, to be able to show off that video to her own children.
    My son was 3lbs 10oz when he was born 30 years ago, lots of love and prayers got him through the critical time and the same is happening to your Gwyneth. It's wonderful to see her growing like she is.

  35. Thursday night, my new fav. You have such a gentleness about you, but you are so funny too. I loved the handshake- ha!

    I'm glad Tricia prayed the secret prayer. I hope this blog goes on until at least 2029. I am imagining the college graduation and a repeat of that handshake. I will love that day! Wow I will be 69, gulp.

  36. What a beautiful, beautiful baby.

  37. Nate thank you so much for sharing Gwyneth with us. She is just beautiful.I love those little hands, so so sweet. I hope Tricia is feeling better. Have a great day.

  38. Hello Sweet Gwyneth! I feel like I just met her in person. Thanks for sharing! :)

  39. She looks just beautiful, and she is really starting to grow now.

    The hand shake with you was just too much, I actually laughed out loud.

    Thanks for sharing that video!

  40. Beautiful! She looks so safe and happy with you, even in her state of sleepiness. One day we'll see her a vibrant toddler running her parents rampant (hopefully you'll still be willing to share with us :) but this is pretty darn amazing for right now!

  41. She is such a doll baby :) Thanks for sharing so many pictures of her, I check your blog more than once a day in the hopes I will be able to see her little "mug" :)

  42. That was just too precious, Nate. Thank you for sharing your sweet baby with the rest of us. God bless you.

  43. Thank you so much for sharing her with us again. She is an absolute precious miracle and you are one lucky daddy to have her.

  44. We don't have speakers on one of our computers so I could not hear anything but the video brought tears to my eyes!
    She is so tiny. I think the truly amazing thing is that she should not even be out yet!! Praise God that she is doing so well. I pray for you all daily!!

  45. gwyneth looks fannn-tastic! SO precious with the cutest little cheeks!

    seeing her was a wonderful reminder of the miracle of her birth. Praise God again for carrying the Lawrensons through.

  46. I can't get over how little her hand is compared to your finger! It just gives me the chills to know how amazing it is that you have Gwyneth and how good our God is.

  47. Thank you for sharing that glimpse of your beautiful daughter. She looks fantastic - you can really see how much weight she's gained!

    God Bless you.

  48. She is truly adorable. She is blessed with two amazing parents!

  49. Awwww that was so lovely Nate! Thanks so much for sharing it with us. As you would say in the US "that baby is just so darned cute"!!!

    You make a great Dad, Gwyneth looked so safe and secure with her Daddy's love surrounding her.

    Loads of love to you and Tricia xxxx

  50. I loved that, Nate! She is so adorable. Does she have strawberry hair? I was a strawberry blonde as a child. Thanks for the video. What a wonderful way to start my day -- seeing a beautiful miracle baby. Awesome! God is Awesome! Happy Good Friday, my friend!

    Heidi Reed

  51. She's so beautiful!! That was a wonderful video to start my day with!!

  52. Oh my goodness - how enchanting to see every little yawn and move, and how beautifully her lungs are working for her! She is just wonderful and looks so comfy in your arms.

  53. What a beautiful video!! Gwyneth Rose is so strong and absolutely adorable! Praying for her, new lungs for mommy and continued health and strength for daddy too.

  54. Opening eyes is over rated :-)

  55. I enjoyed the video immensely and loved seeing your new comfort level. Thinking back to the first time you held her and how nervous you were, that appears to be gone! Those same nerves come back everytime I hold a newborn...I thought it was because they're so small, but Gwyneth is smaller than any newborn I've ever held so it must be the familiarity of her for you!

    Thank you for sharing this (among others) wonderful moment! May you all be blessed with a perfect Easter!

    refreshing in ohio

  56. How fun! It was great to hear your voice, Nate!

  57. My gosh she's tiny. I didn't even realize how tiny til this video.

  58. Her little face is changing so much!

    She's beautiful...

  59. 22 month old Jacob say "HI!" and "Goodbye!" to Gwyneth - and a big "Love 'ou!"

    Continuing to pray for and think of your family in Southeastern Michigan

  60. Thanks so much for giving us a window into your lives. I have been reading your blog for a while now and am continually amazed each day. It is encouraging to see your walk with the Lord through this journey.

    I would love to add your link to my blog so others can read your posts.

    Keep those great posts coming!!

  61. Hey, Nate. She's so beautiful. I found this poem in my many documents and it reminded me so much of your little "rose". You've probably seen the poem before since it was in one of those "passed around e-mails" but it's still fun to read again.

    It is only a tiny rosebud,
    A flower of God's design;
    But I cannot unfold the petals
    With these clumsy hands of mine.

    The secret of unfolding flowers
    Is not known to such as I.
    GOD opens this flower so sweetly.
    Then in my hands they die.

    If I cannot unfold a rosebud,
    This flower of God's design,
    Then how can I have the wisdom
    To unfold this life of mine?

    So I'll trust in Him for leading
    Each moment of my day.
    I will look to Him for His guidance
    Each step of the pilgrim way.

    The pathway that lies before me,
    Only my Heavenly Father knows.
    I'll trust Him to unfold the moments,
    Just as He unfolds the rose.

  62. PRECIOUS!!!! thank you so much!! Praying...jen in al

  63. The secret handshake was priceless!

  64. Thank you so much for sharing your blessing with me today. Still praying Patricia and your baby "Fraggle" Gwyneth she is so beautiful.

  65. That was a sweet video. She is going to grow up well loved by her daddy, and she's gonna love you just as much. What a sweet testimony to God's blessings.
    In God's Amazing Grace,

  66. Thank you for that. She's beautiful.

  67. JUST BEAUTIFUL! What a beutiful clip of video! Have a Happy 1st Easter with Gwyneth.
    Many Prayers...Meredith

  68. Hi back to you Gwyneth!

    Thanks for posting that! I just can't get over the beauty of LIFE in an infant so very small!

  69. That was awesome! She is amazing, and you are a GREAT dad, Nathan!

  70. You're so funny. I loved all your goodnights. Chelsea is in her high chair just itching to see the computer, and then she was saying bye bye to you at the end cause she could hear you saying good night to everyone! So cute.
    Carey and Chelsea

  71. Thanks for sharing your time with Gwyneth with us. She is as adorable as always.
    Still prayin' in Texas!

  72. Whoa! How cool. That was a treat to see. Thanks.
    Big Hugs to the Lawrensons,

  73. WOW! She's getting so big!! and she must have been very "tiwerd" (my 2 year old speak for tired) to let you puppet her! How fun!!!

  74. Loved the video!! The proportion in size between you and Gwyneth is amazing but makes it all the more adorable for Gwyn! So tiny like a newborn kitten and looking so comfy and cozy and warm in your arms, Nate! Wish I could understand what you were saying but that must've been funny (as others said). Gwyn looks so wonderful and she has got beautiful hair. She has grown a lot and I'm so glad she is doing so well!

    Here's a virtual handshake/high-five to Gwyneth's cute lil hand! :-)

    Wishing you all a wonderful Happy Easter together! God Bless!
    Marissa :-)

  75. I can't wait until I get home this afternoon so I can watch this with SOUND! (My comp here at work has junky speakers) Bummer man. Gwyneth's looking fabulous! Hugs to you all today.


  76. what a proud daddy!!! nate she is beautiful~~thanks for sharing!!! i love the high 5~~~~~that's just precious!!!!

  77. That's a very special video! I bet all of your family enjoys getting to see that! I can't believe how tiny her hand is compared to just your finger! She's just beautiful!

  78. I would like to say I accidentally came across your blog, but I don't believe in accidents. My husband and I are missionaries to Australia, and we were recently at Still Water Baptist Church in Nags Head. While we were there we stayed with a family and they asked prayer for your family. A few days later, I was looking at someone's blog (can't remember who's) and found yours. I've saved it in my favorites and also put a link on my blog to your.

    Praise the Lord for this video. Your precious family is in our prayers.

  79. That was a lot of fun!

    The old man with the white hair...

    (I can't wait to call you that when she's about 16.)

  80. How adorable is she!?! I am just amazed by this sweet little girl, I love her hands, how her palm is the size of the tip of your finger! And her hair is so beautiful!! I also loved all her good-byes. Thanks for sharing, keep growing Gwyneth! Hope you are feeling better Tricia. You are both always in my prayers.

  81. Loved it! Thanks so much for allowing us to watch and pray with you thru this time. It is a priceless gift.


  82. That was too cute! I especially like the 'fives'. Thanks!
    Happy Easter weekend to you guys!

  83. Only 10 weeks old, no bigger than a minute and ALREADY has her Daddy wrapped completely around her finger! PRECIOUS!

  84. My post is gone. Anyway....

    Just adorable. She is so yummy and you are so going to make her giggle all the time. Very cute.

    Thank you for sharing.

  85. Awww! That was so sweet. She is so tiny and precious! What a lucky girl to have two such loving parents!

  86. awwwwww so incredible! She is SOOO CUTE!

  87. Just Precious! Though she's still so tiny, you can really tell how much she has grown in that video!

  88. How precious! Thank you for sharing video of your little girl with us all. We continue to pray for you three! God is doing amazing things. She looks wonderful!

  89. Great video.
    Let us know what Easter in the hospital looks like if you don't mind. Will you be able to tune in your home service again or is there an Easter service at the hospital you could tune into?
    Anyway - he has risen!

  90. Nate, you look like the happiest guy in the world! She is a precious gift. Thanks for sharing these sweet moments with your internet "family." Praying for you and Tricia. I hope you have a blessed Easter of celebrating the Risen Lord!!

  91. What a sweetheart! She really is looking bigger and more sturdy. Way to grow, girl! Your comment about her smelling good.... ah, baby smell. That is THE BEST smell in the world. Soak it in!

    It is so precious to see you and your daughter together. That must make Tricia's heart swell.

    Jill in WA

  92. TOTALLY precious! It's amazing to see all of her perfections in such small size. My smallest baby was 7lbs. something and it is just so hard for me to believe that she isn't hooked up to a bunch of machines to help her keep going. GO GWYNETH, GO!

    God Bless,
    Michelle in MO

  93. Thank you for sharing the video and your lives with all of us. Gwyneth cannot possibly be any CUTER!!!

    Continued prayers for you & your girls. :)

  94. She is so beautiful and peaceful in daddy's arms!! And growing so much!

    Thanks for sharing.
    Shari NC

  95. aww! What a good Daddy you are. :-) She is still so tiny, but you can tell she is really growing a lot! She has the cutest little tummy!!! I loved seeing you guys in action!!

  96. You are trying to get your milestone by posting videos that we'll want to watch over and over. I see how you are. :)

    She is VERY cute. waving at us.

  97. When you told her to hold your finger, I could not help but hope for the day that you can say "pull my finger" as every dad does with their little girl :-)

  98. That was ADORABLE. look so comfy cozy!! I agree...the Prentice's would take all night to say goodnight to! It would be like the Walton's!!

  99. Am I mistaken or did you have a birthday yesterday? If so, happy birthday. If not well pardon me.

  100. She is just stunning. I love her perfect little hands. I am so pleased she is doing so well and I think about you all often.

  101. Thank you for sharing this with us- she is so sweet :)

  102. Oh Nate,

    That was tooooo sweet for words. I can not tell you how much I thoroughly enjoyed watching that, thank you for posting it!

    Devin in Illinois

  103. I just happened upon your blog and I am moved to tears. You are a good husband and father. I pray that your wife will get her lungs soon and your baby will grow big and healthy! They are BOTH beautiful. . .

  104. i am amazed every time i see her. she's beautiful.
    much love to you

  105. What a beautiful and precious gift! Thank you so much for sharing your story with us every day. May God bless and continue to watch over your very special family.

  106. That was the most precious thing I have ever seen. She just makes me smile every time I see her. Her hands are so tiny and adorable. And I am so mesmerized by her beautiful hair. She is such a beauty!!

    I know that you said before that you like praying for others. I was hoping that you would say a prayer for my husband. He has a terminal liver disease and is jaundiced right now. He had some emergency tests done today and I am just very worried about the progression of his disease. Thank you for your prayers.

    I am praying for Tricia and Gwyneth everyday. Keep growing sweet Gwyneth. And Tricia stay strong while you wait for those lungs.

  107. That's so sweet...thanks for sharing. It sounds funny to say but there are some good things about the NICU certainly treasure moments like these and get to really appreciate the quiet times (well not so quiet with all the alarms and things going off all the time but you know what I mean) spent with your little one. You'll be so glad to have all of this documented so wonderfully too! :)

  108. Wow Nathan (Nate),
    Did you ever in a million years think that you would hold anything SO TINY, SO Fragile, So Delicate yet So Strong in your entire life and be so utterly head over heels in love with it (her).
    Simply Amazing!!!!
    I still can't get the picture out of my head of you at Camp Cale ... going absolutely bonkers with the kids in the dining hall - let me see, I think you were singing, something about a hairbrush at the top of your lungs (my intro to Veggie Tales). The kids simply adored you!
    Thanks for all the info on CF'ers - 16 years ago I taught a student with CF - all I knew was it had something to do with his respiratory system - yeah, right! I'm sure the art room wasn't exactly a user friendly place for him.
    Now, I am so much better informed for my next student with CF - thank you!
    Thanks for the peek into Gwyneth's 'nursery'.
    Have a blessed evening
    cindy w

  109. It is so incredible to watch her breathing. She's beautiful Nate. Thank you for sharing that video. I had to stop and thank God yet again for the sweet blessing that is her life and that she's breathing on her own and doing so well. What a precious miracle. I can't wait for videos when she's talking and can wave on her own. =]

  110. SOOOOO Sweet!!!
    I laughed & cried at the same time!
    These moments are so precious!
    Praying for your family in Chas., SC!

  111. Tricia, she is beautiful! Thank you Nathan! I pray that very soon mama will be able to hold her whenever she wants. God Bless you guys. Be strong Tricia! Hug.

  112. I just think it is fantastic that you are taking so many pictures and videos to document Gwyn's beginnings. I wish that we had video of my boys in the NICU - we have lots of pics but no sound. Keep up the pics - you will NEVER regret it!
    Thank you for sharing the "peanut" with us! I was thinking the other day about our NICU experience and how at 51 days in Abe came home... and what a shock to our system that was!!
    I am glad that you are able to be in the same place as your girls.
    Praying for Tricia to get her new lungs ASAP!!
    New Lungs for Easter - wouldn't that be a great gift of LIFE!?

  113. That was the best 5 minutes of my day. Thank you for sharing.

  114. What a lucky little girl to have such loving parents! And what lucky internet lurkers/pseudograndparents we are to get to see this video!

  115. That was just too cute. I can't believe she can wave already! She is getting so big.

  116. What an awesome video I am thinking Sundance Film festival worthy, just sayin.
    Praising God for the power of a praying husband. You are doing an awesome job. This is a powerful blog in so many ways.The splendor of our King....

  117. Good Night baby Gwyneth!!! Good night Tricia and Nate! Love you all and miss you tons.

    -(Uncle) Joe & (Aunt) Carolyn

  118. i loved every second of watching your sweet video! I read your blog often. prayers to you and your family.
    melissa from south carolina

  119. She's looking so big & healthy!

  120. That was so sweet. Thank you for sharing your story. Gwyneth is looking so good.


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