
Monday, March 31, 2008

TX Update (12:13am)

Actually, no update, yet, but I wanted to let you know that... From what I can gather, the fact that we haven't heard anything is a good thing.

Tricia is watching tv, and I just ate "dinner" a few minutes ago. I'll let you know what happens next...



  1. I hear that wait is a killer, but in this case no news is still good news. Praying for you and the donnor family.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for the update! We're praying for ya'll. Having a bit of a "pre-celebration" for You, Tricia & Gwyen.

    Also dodging some "Torndaoy" weather here in Oklahoma too.

  4. I've been refreshing my page every 10 minutes! Still awake and praying for you guys!

  5. Hi Nate & Tricia - I've been lurking on your site for awhile now. Anyhow - I just wanted to say that y'all are in my prayers. I hope by the time I awake in the morning that Tricia is either in transplant or nearly ready to go in. You have been in my prayers and will continue to be.

    Brooke, in Logan, UT

  6. thanks for the update!
    still praying! Great family picture:)

  7. I hope you hear the chopper soon :-)

  8. thank you...still praying here.. praying without ceasing...

    love, shari nc

  9. I'm up, and still checking for good news! Praying that you will hear that helicopter soon with Tricia's new lungs.

  10. I hope to wake up to the news that Tricia has NEW LUNGS! Still sending my prayers!

  11. I'm so happy you are keeping us updated, thank you sooooo much. I have been literally hitting the refresh button about every 5 mins, i don't think i'll be able to get any sleep tonight...

  12. Still awake here and still praying.
    Thanks for the update even if it was to tell us that there was no update.
    Alexandra in Memphis

  13. Thank you for updating us as if we are your family. I'm praying like you're mine.

  14. Still awake and anxiously awaiting the "news" here in Va Beach!

  15. I can't even imagine how hard it is to be patient right now. I'm so excited for y'all and i'm praying...

    Thanks for the update. Give Tricia hugs for me!! :)

  16. Hi Tricia and Nate

    This is a good of time as any to post a comment. My name is maggie and I have been looking at your site daily for the past two months. I am 19 and have cf. So many of my friends have gone through transplant, I can't imagine the feelings you are having because I have never gone through it myself. I will pray for you during the night, and I hope tricia will be in surgery in the morning. As my doctor news is no news, so I hope for the best for tricia and your entire family!

  17. I just woke up after going to bed early and am checking in. Thanks for the update. Praying for you.

  18. Extremely exciting! I almost said extremely, CAUTIOUSLY exciting, but I am not being cautious. I am downright excited! I will be praying, praying, praying.

  19. Have been checking back every few minutes for some news but am going to have to go to bed soon. I mentioned Tricia's on my blog again and will say a special prayer before I go to sleep. Will check back at 6am. blessings to you all!

  20. So happy that this could be Tricia's last hours with her old lungs and the first day with new ones!

  21. Thank you for getting updates out to us! Believe it or not this has been a tense evening for those of us who are committed to praying for your amazing family. I can not even begin to imagine the range of emotions you all are feeling right now. May God be your strength and refuge!

  22. I think you have people up all over the United States praying for you!

    Ginny (California, where it is only 9:30)

  23. Thanks for the update! I've been checking in all night to see what's going on. I can't believe how excited I am for you guys. Thank you for letting all of us out here in blogland go on this journey with you. It's been a blessing and I have one friend in my life who does not have a relationship with the Lord and your blog has been a great witness to her. For that I am eternally grateful.
    Make sure Tricia knows that lots of us out here in cyber space are loosing sleep tonight because we're praying for her!

  24. As the saying goes..."No news is good news!!" Still praying for you all and the donor family!

  25. i am going to try praying while i sleep! so excited for you all!!!!! praying...jen in al

  26. My sister sent me your blog, Praise the Lord for his blessing he has sent upon your family! Your family and the donors are in my prayers!

  27. I have everything crossed and praying hard that these are the lungs fro Tricia

  28. we're praying for you guys and the donor's family. praise God.

  29. Praying for you too.

    Thanks for updating as you can.


  30. I've been reading your blog regularly for several weeks now. and tonight, reading the hundreds of comments you've received in the past couple hours, I'm amazed at how many people are praying for you right now and have been praying for you for quite a while now. I just keep reading, crying, and praying. we're each in our separate online "waiting room" to hear the news, and yet we're all united: united by God, and united by your beautiful family whom we have all fallen in love with.

  31. In the midst of everything you're going through, thank you for taking the time to update us. You and Tricia and Gwyneth have become part of my family, and you are all three in my constant prayers. Your story has inspired me and brought me closer to God. There are so many people praying for you tonight; I am grateful to be one of them.

  32. Like so many others, I keep checking for updates... I hope this is the night for Tricia. May God grant peace to the family of the donor.

  33. Greetings Tricia and Nate...

    I've been a bit shy about posting a comment but I couldn't hold back anymore and as I type this I'm filled with joy and happiness for your family. I've been reading the blog since late Jan and I apologize for not commenting sooner.

    Tricia will continue to be in my well for you and baby Gwyneth and donor family. As some people have said before, your story have restored the faith that I've once lost and I tell you it feels so good to have him "GOD" back in my life....thank you.


  34. This is going to be a long night for all of you. We are praying!

  35. Oh man! This is beyond fantastic! We are praying for you!!
    Fayetteville, Arkansas

  36. One last check before I go to bed. I'll be praying in my sleep! Many hugs to both of you!

  37. Linked ya'll again on my blog... as many prayers as possible.

  38. Praying in the mountain time zone...

  39. We are praying for you and for the donor's family. Thank you for keeping us updated.

  40. Checking every few minutes and praying in Wisconsin!

  41. Was just checking in before I went to bed. I am hoping that there is good news when I get up in the morning!

    I am a Respiratory Therapist, and before working in NICU, worked in ICU. It was always amazing, and heartbreaking to see both sides of the transplant process.

  42. Im keeping my fingers crossed that they will be a match!! You guys must be SO nervous!!

  43. Thanks for the update....praying along with the millions!

    *fingers crossed*

  44. Waiting and praying with you tonight ...
    Hope you guys can get some rest tonight!
    (Laurie in Memphis)

  45. Thank you for the update. Still praying (even now at 12:45am). Going to pray as I fall asleep and hoping for good news in the morning! Also praying for the family of the person who lost their life and I pray they knew Jesus!!!

  46. Praying for you!!! Hoping those lungs are YOURS Tricia!!!

    (Tonight was a miracle night for us--may it be the same for you also!)

  47. I am praying for your family as well as the donors family. Thanks for updating us.

  48. what an awesome god we serve. so blessed to be able to pray for your family, looking forward to celebrating in the morning!

  49. Hey there! I've written only once before, but have been keeping up with your situation. I have 4 children, 3 with CF. I'm excited for you and praying that these lungs will be a perfect match. I enjoyed seeing the pictures of your beautiful baby girl. I finally had my girl 2 mos. ago after having 3 boys! It's nice having pink in my house for a change. =)

  50. we don't know you guys, but have been reading for a long while and my husband just asked me if you got your lungs yet...yes we talk about you guys!! and my mother-in-law just emailed me from texas to tell me she read about your lungs too. we are keeping our fingers and toes crossed!
    best of everything.
    mom to 23 2/7 week surviving twin, Conner

  51. I don't think I'll sleep tonight! Praying for your family and the family of the donor.

  52. Thanks for the update and letting people into your lives. I will be praying for the family of the donor and for you and Tricia as you wait and through whatever happens in the morning.

  53. Just another thought before I head back to bed. Not wanting to go for fear I will miss an update but sleep is calling me. I took a look at your clustrmap and you literally have people in every timezone checking in on you. You have people praying for you as they fall asleep, when they wake up and all in between. This must give you peace. Excited peace I am sure but none the less peace.

  54. told you I wouldn't be able to sleep!

    So, I've covered EVERYONE in prayer!

  55. Nate, you are beyond good to check in with all of us who are up praying and hitting "refresh" on our screens. Can you feel all of us praying for you?

    At Mass today, when we prayed for special intentions, mine was that you would be able to eat and that Tricia would be able to sleep. One down, right? Tricia, please close your eyes and rest, honey. We all love you so much. And I for one am so grateful for what you, Nate and Gwyneth have done for my relationship with God. I just wanted you all to know that.

  56. Nate and Tricia,

    I've been following your story for awhile, but I've never posted. Your family is incredible, and I'm inspired by you everyday.

    Know that you are continuously in my prayers. I'm praying without ceasing that the perfect lungs are found for Tricia (hopefully tonight!), for wisdom and guidance for the transplant team, and that Gwyneth continues to grow and thrive. The donor family (and all donor families) remain in my prayers, too.

    Thanks for sharing your story.


  57. I keep checking back-Hoping for good news soon-the wait has to be so difficult! Still Praying and thinking of you all!-I would love to check in the morning to see the transplant is happening!!!

  58. I'm going to be awake praying for you guys all night! Thanks for the updates. And thanks especially for sharing your good news!

  59. it's morning in my part of the world, and i'll keep you guys in my prayers all day. i'll check back in after work. xx

  60. I have been keeping up with your site, and story for quite some time. It gives such hope, inspriation, faith, and many other wonderful things to outside viewers:) you, tricia, and baby gwen are such fighters! Today, March 31st, just happens to be my son Noah's 4th birthday, and I have a good feeling for you guys! I am also a mother to a baby girl who got the GIFT OF LIFE, a new liver, when she was just 8 months old. I know how the wait can be...praying VERY hard in these early morning hours for this to be THE DAY! God Bless!

  61. Thanks for the update - I am on pins and needles with apprehension and excitement! It is crazy how I don't even know you guys personally but I am so wrapped up in your story.

    Just know we are praying for you and will wait with you through this entire process!

    Love from WV,

  62. Your story is so touching. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since I started visiting this blog. I'm going to have a hard time sleeping tonight wondering what happens with the possible transplant---I wish you all the best and will be thinking of you and praying for your family, as well as the family that is dealing with a loss today.

  63. Thanks for the update - I am on pins and needles with apprehension and excitement! It is crazy how I don't even know you guys personally but I am so wrapped up in your story.

    Just know we are praying for you and will wait with you and pray for you through this entire process!

    Love from WV,

  64. Praying, didn't want to go to bed yet but I am headed there, I am hoping when I awake, Tricia will be in surgery!!

  65. You must be two of the most excited and hopeful and anticipatory (if that's a word) people in the whole world right now!

    I am so excited and hopeful for you!

    Apryl in NC

  66. Thanks so much for the update. My prayers are with you this early morning. I have not been able to sleep since I read your news earlier.

    Praying for that walk to the nursery with no vent. :)

  67. Thank you! We are praying and Hoping!!! =)

  68. Thanks for the update, im praying away here that no news is good news!! Hoping that you hear that chopper soon so you can kick those old lungs to the curb!!

  69. Thanks for the update. Still checking in. I will keep praying!!!!!!!!

  70. Praying for peace for all of you I dont think I will sleep tonight with much prayer Kathy

  71. Praying for news! Still checking for an update!

  72. Awake in Illinois and praying that no news is realy realy good news for you.
    Still praying for the donor and his/her family as well - what an awesome gift to give!

  73. My prayers are with tricia and the donors family tonight. I pray for peace and healing for the donors family and I pray these are the lungs that will give Tricia new breath so Gwyneth will know the love of her Mom.

  74. Staying up a little late along with you. I'm just lighting a candle for Tricia, and praying for all of you.
    May God bring peace, healing, love and strength for the family who has just lost a loved one, and may that soul be welcomed into heaven with great joy.
    May these be the just-right lungs for Tricia, an amazing gift of life for her and all her family. May her surgery and recovery go smoothly, with God's guidance for the surgeons and health care team. May God hold you all close with strength, comfort and blessings tonight and in the days to come. May Gwyneth continue to grow strong and healthy, may Tricia soon hold her again in good health, and may you all go home joyfully together when the time is right.
    Glory and thanks be to God, whose power working in us can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. Glory to God, from generation to generation...

  75. O my word Nate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just woke up and saw someone commented on my blog about your call!!!!! Praying and hoping so badly that this works out!!!!

  76. I've been following this blog for a few months now, but I have never posted until today. My thoughts go out to you all. I hope the family of the donor can gain some comfort knowing the wonderful thing they have done. Thank you for doing so much to raise awareness of organ donation. I live in Australia which has one of the lowest rates of organ donation in the world. I hope your story inspires others to consider giving such a wonderful gift.

  77. Praying, praying, praying!

    That family picture is precious!

  78. If I am not getting any sleep because I keep thinking about Tricia and the new lungs, then I can only imagine what you guys are going through....

    I'm so thankful for the donor and wonder what kind of person she/he was. I hope they were like me, and decided after reading your story, that they wanted to become a donor so that they could help people like Tricia after they have gone.

    Thank you for sharing the blog. You can know that your message has touched at least one person, me (along with everyone else too, I know) to become a donor.

    I will also let my family know my wishes so there is no confusion (also learned from your blog). Thank you Nate, Tricia, and little Gwyneth.

  79. Can't sleep! Praying for you all! The Lord is Faithful!

  80. literally just found your am touched beyond words....and I won't time with a lengthy comment, as it can be better used in prayer! May the Lord's blessing be upon you all!

  81. Thanks for the update - I am on pins and needles with apprehension and excitement! It is crazy how I don't even know you guys personally but I am so wrapped up in your story.

    Just know we are praying for you and will wait with you and pray for you through this entire process!

    Love from WV,

  82. I'm praying for you guys and the family of the donor... the Lord be with you all... can't wait to hear good news!Our sermon at church was on waiting and our faith while waiting... I posted something about it on our blog...if you have time and need a distraction in the wait you can read it at I thought of you guys in church and was praying for you along eiht the many that I know that are in some type of holding pattern,just waiting for God's timing and answeres! I know you get many emails to read stuff so don't worry if you don't have time... I just wanted to offer it to you and Tricia

  83. I wonder how far that transplant teem has to travel to and from? That could take a while, plus finding a flight back,ect....

  84. Add two more members on your prayer partners . . . and maybe another dot on your map (not to mention another "Erin"). My good friend and I have been following your site for a while, having been directed from Dim Sum Mum - Tess' Little Pieces. She called me a while ago to bring me up-to-date on your posting from today (in case I hadn't read it today, which, for the first time in a while, I hadn't been able to do yet!). Even as far north as we are (Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada), your prayer requests have been heard and are being responded to. You are all in our thoughts and prayers and will be lifted up throughout the night, along with the precious donor's family, whomever they may be.



  85. Thanks for keeping us updated. I'm up late studying for a test and monitoring the storms/tornadoes in OK.

    Your brothers and sisters in Christ are praying for your family and the donor's family--

  86. Still up listening to the thunder in OK and praying and praying. Let us know!!

  87. Just got a chance to check my computer. WOW!!! I am speachless. I am praying. Thank you Lord. Hope to hear soon.
    Christy in KY

  88. Praying for your family right now...and will continue through the night!

  89. praying in Fort Worth , Texas

  90. My daughter and i have been praying for 'gwyneth's mummy' all day. Thank you for the updates they remind us to keep praying.
    We've been praying that the doctors will be able to give her her new lungs soon, and that they will do a good job.

  91. Prayers from the Leech family in Surrey, B.C. Canada. I'm hoping for some really really positive news keeping in mind the loss of the donor family and their courageous and loving decision. I'll be checking back until I finally have to drag myself to bed!
    With love,
    Heather Leech

  92. heading back to bed, again. I'll be praying for you in my dreams. I can't imagine your excitement and fears as you wait.

    praying for the donor family...oh their pain. Lord, please comfort this family.

    As excited as I am for Tricia to be healthy for herself and her family... my heart is breaking for the donor family.

  93. Prayers are always with you - especially right now. I can't think of anything more uplifting to say other than God is so great and He will always be with you!!! I pray that this is Tricia's match! God Bless!

  94. I have just learned about your blog and read up on your journey. I know what it is to be desperately awaiting a transplant for a loved one, and you will be in my prayers.

    Your story of love, marriage, and parenthood is a beautiful one, and you are an incredible, inspiring family. May all go well!

  95. Just woke up to put one of my kids back into their bed (we always wake in the night to find one in with us) and had to check in. Can't wait to read in the morning! Hopefully Tricia's new lungs will have arrived at Duke!


  96. How Exciting, we heard from NHC phone chain earlier and have been praying ever since, Great family picture earlier and very touching as well, Love you Guys, Prayers from Manteo!!

    Wade and the Girls

  97. I will be praying for your family and especially Tricia during this exciting time of waiting. I am so excited to hear the news and pray that tomorrow I will be reading of Tricia's new lungs.

  98. I am still praying for you. I hope you are able to rest some so that you can keep up your strength.

  99. Praying!!!! I'm on the west coast and am hopeful that when I check in tomorrow morning, it will be to read that Tricia is in surgery to get her new lungs!

  100. Are you guys still awake? Have you heard anything?

    Susan in WV

  101. I just got up with one of my kids and thought I would check in. I'll say another prayer for all involved.

  102. Delurking to comment on such wonderful news that I have been praying for daily. I have been reading for many months now...I am so anxious/excited for you guys! I am still praying over here on the west coast before heading to prayers are with you guys and the donor family...

    Bree in Salem, Oregon :)

  103. This is my first comment ! I just found your blog last night and I have to say I have been reading since 11 last night to catch up and I never cheated to the news now !

    Reading your Journey gave me, Faith, Hope, and Inspiration! You are all amazing people and have such strenght ! You 2 girls are beauties and you are so blessed, as they are also to have you there for them !

    I wish you luck and peace in the time and I will be thinking of you in the days to come , untill I can check back , mmay God Be With You

    God Bless !

    Lisa From Canada


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