Wednesday, April 16, 2008

3 Million Hits!

Today, we hit the 3,000,000 mark. We continue to be amazed by how God is using our story and that anyone, much less tens of thousands, would be this interested in our lives. Thank you, as always, for helping to make this journey what it is.

And, maybe even more amazing...Anne, the person who was the 3 Millionth hit, actually took a picture of her computer screen and sent it to me.

How cool is that?



marcia said...

Way cool! Congrats to Anne!

Marci said...

That is really neat. I keep coming back several times a day to check on you and your girls. I had 2 cousins with CF. Your story is encouraging!!!

Anonymous said...

I am in awe of how God is using you all! 3 million visitors is amazing! God is awesome!!!

Blessings From Above said...

Way to go! I am amazed how God is using your story to spread the Gospel.

Great idea Anne!!! I would never have thought of that.

The Hailes said...

Crazy!! And there have been almost 18k more since then! (In approx 8 hrs!)

Erika said...

That's wonderful. You guys are such a testimony, Nate!

Cheri said...

WOW! How awesome and how thoughtful of Anne to take a picture for you. I'll be sharing your story Friday night with our small group! Blessings, Cheri

Florida_Mom said...

That is way cool!

To God be the glory.


Alicia said...

And another amazing thing is that you've already had 18,000 hits since you hit a million! Love it. I'm a mother of a 2 yr old with CF, and I'm so glad you're getting the word out!

Andria said...

very cool!

Blessedw5mom said...

Yipee!!!! 3 million!!!
And wow, thanks Anne that was a great idea to take the picture!

Just gotta add 'cause I didn't yesterday that I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures of Tricia feeding Gwyneth. Glad to see Gwyn enjoying her many new outfits :-)
Isn't it fun when they reach the stage where you can dress and undress them several times a day.

00 said...

Anne rocks!! She definitely deserves a gold star!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Amazing!! 3 million visitors= lots of love and prayers!!

Nora said...

Anne should get 50,000 cfhusband points and 5 paint chips at her local hardware store!

The Murray Crew said...

That's what you call a NICE blog reader...she's got your back, Nate. =)
Congrats on the 3 mil mark...Whoot Whoot! (Makes my 300,000 look like notta!)
The Murray Quad CrewThe Murray Quad Crew

Amber said...

that is VERY cool!! happy 3 MILLION hits!!!!! Praying for you!

Joy said...

Nate, I think I speak for all when I thank you for sharing your life with us all. I love hearing how the girls are doing and how you are. God is so good! And, boy the way you have all been living proof of that is AWESOME! Thank you and your family for being that light for me!

Joy from SC

Larissa said...


Kim said...

3 million-what an amazing outlet to share how God is working in your lives. Thanks for sharing!

elj377 said...

very when's your blog party?

Unknown said...

That's great! Some of my former CF patients are doing super great after transplant! Hoping the same for Tricia. Continued prayers.

Tenille Rauls said...

What a mighty God we serve who is using your open and honest heart to increase awareness and therefore cure for CF and organ donation. Also, to turn their heart toward Jesus! Tenille Rauls

Tracy said...

How sweet of her to do that for you! Will be great for your scrapbook.

Melody said...

Super cool!

North Carolina Mom said...

Very cool move Anne!!

jamie said...

Really waaay cool!!! Thanks for a great blog. Can't think of another one quite this powerful
God Bless you all
Jamie in Texas

Em said...

Wow! 3 million hits! That's amazing!

And a big gold star to Anne for catching the moment on film! *

Angela R. said...

3 million hits, that is amazing! That just goes to show you how many people you have touched with your story, you guys are truly an inspiration!

God Bless!

Stacy said...

I just found your blog today through another's, and I wanted to say that you truly do have an incredible and amazing family story to share. Your family is just beautiful, and what a blessing it is to have both of your girls doing well. May God continue to bless you 3, and I look forward to hearing about the exciting things that await you all! ......A reader in Ohio

amy said...

This may be a stupid question, but does your total include people like me who subscribe through a blog reader (like bloglines)?

Sue said...

I think Anne deserves a prize!

Unknown said...

so cool Nate!

btw I signed our state donor registry the other night! All because of this blog and Tricia's story! way to go!

Julie said...

Way cool move Anne! When I first saw the picture, I was wondering how Nate captured that. I had visions of him sitting on the edge of his seat with his computer in front of him pushing the refresh button over and over - like when you hit redial over and over to win a radio station contest!!! I especially like the picture of Tricia right next to the 3,000,000. It looks like it was like that on purpose!

twin power mommy ♥ said...

pretty cool. like that the 3 mill. pic shows tricia's beautiful face. how perfect is that?!

The Adoption Of William said...

Very Cool! So much to go through and Tricia still has such a beautiful smile. I cannot wait to see all of you home together.

God is GOOD!

With Love,

William's Mom

Violet said...

how awesome you have a pic of that! way to go Anne.

Anonymous said...

so cool, awesome!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Yay! I'm glad you got that shot. It's just kinda cool to have. You know?

Scott said...

That is too cool! Amazing! The story is just beginning!!

I predict your lives will be more "in the spotlight" from here on!

Missy said...

way mucho cool! congrats on this fun and yet still very inspiring milestone! take care!

Unknown said...

And the hits just keep on comin'!

What a testimony... proof positive that you all are loved!

I checked in yesterday afternoon and was 1,999,696, and really wanted to be 2,000,000! Way to go, Anne!

Praying, praying, praying!

John & Michelle said...

How awesome!!! Anne is too cool! Your story is renewing faith in so many and showing how amazing faith is to countless others that might otherwise not be witnessed to! God is using your family in miraculus ways every day!!!! Still praying in Illinois,

mckennah said...

I am sure you have considered this already since you are a master blogger :) but why not consider running ads since you have so many hits you could make some serious money to help off set all of your time out of work and to raise money for CF? I dont think anyone here would judge you for doing that I would still support you and Trish. One of my co workers makes a lot of money and he does not have nearly the hits you have. Anyway I know you have thought of this I just wanted to give you my 2Cents which I know you dont need! :) Glad to hear all is well in your world.

Julie said...

Lots of cool updates! I especially think the CF connection thing is interesting. There's so many times people are connected by a common thread, but they just don't know it.

Queen Mommy said...

Aww, that is so sweet! Congratulations!! I'd imagine your heart is just full of all the good thoughts and prayers coming your way. I remember feeling that way many times myself, but, of course, on a slightly smaller scale.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha!! That ROCKS!! Anne that was so cool of you to take a pic!!

Candy said...

WOW! I just looked at it and you've already hit 3,030,000-some hits. 30,000 hits in one day. You are reaching so many people and it's all in God's plan to send your story far and wide.

Anonymous said...

Praising Him for how you have allowed God to use your lives to bless and educate so many.

Sara said...

Good job Anne!

bdodge said...

Anne, you are so smart! I wish I could think of this stuff.

bdodge said...

Anne, you are so smart! I wish I could think of this stuff.

Emily said...

That is cool! So is this- I teach remedial reading, and shared your blog address with my students as an option to do some reading during their computer lab time. I was amazed how many of them were glued to the screen! So how's that for you- improving the reading skills of rural North Carolinians, nice.

Twinkletoes said...

Holy cow - beyond cool! So glad that you are back! So glad to hear your girls are on their roads to heading home soon!!! Keep up the great work!