Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I got a call from the OR at 9:15 pm telling me that the surgery was just beginning. So, I won't expect to hear anything until at least 3 or 4 am tomorrow morning.

I may be given little pieces of info throughout the night, and if I do, I'll pass it along to you. I'm sure I'll be up all night, and I"ll be posting some things as the spotty internet at the hospital allows.

My parents just arrived, and Don should be here within the hour.

I've received over 1500 comments and hundreds of emails since I first posted the surgery was a go earlier this evening (which I love and am so thankful for), and I'll do my best to take a look at them all eventually, but that may not happen tonight. So, unless it's incredibly important, please continue commenting and try not to email me until everything has settled down.

Thank you so much for your support right means the world to me and our families!



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Tanisha said...

Still praying!!!!

The Beaver Bunch said...

I think we all are on the edge of our computer desk seats, praying, stomach in knots and sending an OR full of angel warriors your way...

Tina said...

Still praying here too.

Whitney said...

still praying in alabama, too!

meredith said...

my thoughts and prayers are with you always.

Stacy said...

Continuing to pray!
Nate~ I copied a photo of Tricia from her to attach to a pray request on my own blog...I hope you don't mind...but if you do, I will gladly remove it! I am just hoping to put a face with the prayer to as many people as possible!

Sonja said...

sending tons of prayers your way...

Mamma_of _five said...

Praying for Tricia and your familys........All the way from BC , Canada eh!:)

twin power mommy ♥ said...

thanks for keeping us posted.
my hubby and i will continue to pray throughout the evening.

Angie said...

I have posted about this on my blog - I can't figure out the link thing. Sorry...I just thought I could get more people praying...hope that was's my blog
God bless you and your family, Nate. Praying for you!

jamie said...

AAAcckkkkk-you must be goin a little nutso-well, I am anyhow and I don't even personally know y'all. It sure does feel like it though. Hang in all of you. We're all still here with you!!

Jamie in Texas

Jenn said...

We are BLESSED to be able to pray for you all right now, Nathan! We will continue to do so!

humble servant said...

We're praying for you, for Tricia, for the doctors, for the donor's family.... For peace, success and a smooth recovery.

God Bless you all.

Em said...

Continuing to pray. Praying for Tricia, for the surgeons, for the donor's family, and for you and your family!

God is in control and He will carry you through this in his arms.

Amy E. said...

Prayers are still being lifted up for all of you. May there be a peace over the waiting area and all those waiting. May you feel God's overwhelming presence and love.

Matt Millard said...

Still praying here too!


Bailey said...

bless your heart for keeping us all whole family is praying and i have strict instructions from my mom (currently without internet) to call her as soon as we know anything at all, even if it is 3 in the morning. we are all praying for you and rooting for tricia through this! thank you for being so willing to share your journey, and i cannot WAIT to see what comes next. back to praying now!!

Lori said...

I continue to keep you, Trisha and precious Gwendolyn in my thoughts and prayers. May the surgery be successful and Trisha's recovery complete so that you can all go home and be a family together...(by the way, my son Caleb was born at 25.6 weeks and weighed 1 lb. 15.5 oz, and although he passed away two weeks after he was born and took the largest part of my broken heart, I am always in awe and thankful when another NICU baby, like little Gwendolyn, is able to defy the odds...:-)
Blessings to you all,

Sheryl said...

While we're all praying why don't we continue to donate so that when Tricia comes out of surgery Nate will have surpassed his goal!! What a birthday this will be.

Praying for all of you.

The Pelhams said...

WE prayed tonight after we heard and we also gave to great strides today. We probably wouldn't have ever thought to give to this charity if we hadn't heard about it from you. Praying for you and your family.
Andy and Shannon Pelham, Iowa

Anonymous said...

We're praying here at the Hills house. Kathy (mom to the princesses in disguise)

Anonymous said...

Definitely still praying, and will continue to do so for as long as I stay awake.
Today is the first day of the rest of your lives.

-Natalie in PA

Leslie said...

Praying for ALL OF YOU right now.

momofnbj said...

We're not leaving ya!
Praying, praying, praying ....
How Awesome to know that so many others are, too!!!!
We've talked about y'all with excitement all night!
~Laurie in Mphs

Morag Paton said...

Thinking of Tricia and all your family tonight.

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

Thanks for the update. You have no idea how many people around the world will be having a sleepless night along with you.

I thought of you guys all during my sons baseball practice. It is impossible to explain the feeling of "awe" at what was going on for you guys.

(trust me, it is hard to get me to think about anything other than sports at practice.... yeah I am one of THOSE sports moms)

Kacy Jean said...

From all the comments I can tell I am not the only one praying and hitting the refresh button all night long seeing if there is any updates. I will continue to pray throughout the night..God Bless

He loves you most said...

we are so happy for you

Praying! Praying!

Anonymous said...

There are so many of us praying for you here in Conyers, Georgia. Praying for the peace that passes all understanding for you right now Nate.

-Lisa Collinsworth

Joy W said...

Nate, Tricia, and Gwyneth,
I've been praying for you ever since Carolyn called me this afternoon. And we prayed for you at prayer meeting tonight. I've been praying all night and I will continue to pray for you.

Our Photographic Memory said...

I am praying for your family as well as the donor family. God bless

Kate said...

Continuing to pray. Tricia and you have not been far from my thoughts all day and I find myself whispering prayers in between caring for my family.

Thank you for the update. Like so many others, I will continue to check in to see how you are doing throughout this long night.

Barbara Metcalf Bella Vista, Arkansas said...

I'm praying here in NW Arkansas that the surgery goes just as planned, and that God will guide the surgeons hands. Praise His Holy name. He is in control. I'm also praying for peace and comfort for you and both your families.

BS said...

Sending prayers from Northern VA.

Anxious AF said...

Praying for a peaceful night for you. For the surgeons, and Tricia's strength.

Erin said...

praying through the night for you all...

sherri jenkins said...

Praying for all of you- through tears of rejoicing. God is great... Rob and Sherri Jenkins

April said...

Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition ([a]definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God.

7And God's peace [shall be yours, that [b]tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall [c]garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:6,7 Amp

Thank You Jesus for your Peace!

Stacy said...

Praying for you guys.

My son had a liver transplant when he was 10 months old - he's doing great today (over 3 years later).

My children were also preemies - so I appreciate your daughter's plight. At almost 4, you can't tell that they were preemies anymore (they just happen to be tiny for their age).

Praying for your miracles.

Pam D said...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow... praying that He is right there in the O.R., guiding the surgeons' hands as they give new life to your beautiful bride and Gwyneth's incredible mom.

Marci said...

Still up and watching and praying with you. I posted a link on my blog to get people to pray as well. May the Lord grant you peace and rest through the coming hours. I am praying for the doctors, and the nurses and for that precious wee one of yours.

megasam said...

I was just telling my husband that I wish that I knew what was going on and then this new post popped up. I was also telling him how strange it was to be so concerned about somebody that I have never met. But I am so happy that I have found you in blogland. You have changed my life. My husband will eventually be going through a transplant (liver) and so this gives me some perspective as well as hope. I am praying and I will be checking in all night.

debbie said...

I have read your blog for a few months now---our family here in Texas will be praying for your sweet family thru this awesome night too....God Bless!

mummyofprincesses said...

All the Weigner Princesses and 'dad' as well have been praying for you, and are so excited for what God has orchestrated up to this point.
To God Be the Glory. Praying peace that passes ALL understanding over your heart and mind tonight.

Love The Weigners

Anonymous said...

Incredible... its really just amazing and I have pretty much told everyone I know to stop by the site, and to remember Tricia in prayer tonight.Go ahead and get some rest, we are praying in Central time- so we have you covered for an hour more at least :)

~j~ said...

i just got home from being gone for the day and i am absolutely praising God for this day, A day of victory for your family and extended family all over the world.
Love to you sweet family,

Bobbi said...

I'm glad I work overnight so I can continue to check on you guys...if not I would be a tired person at work tomorrow because I'm on the edge of my chair checking this blog every few minutes!!!! Still praying for yall!!!!

Emily said...

Praising the Lord for this incredible blessing and praying for the surgeon's hands, Tricia's tenacity, the donor's family, your heart, and Gwyneth's joy tonight.

Anonymous said...

I have been continually praying for you through my day. By your site meter I can see there are a bunch of us Aussies checking in, so when the U.S. goes to sleep, we've got you covered! We have the nightshift! So rest easy... well, as easy as possible, and know that you are covered in 24 hour prayer.

JennsLyric said...

I know it will be hard for us all to sleep tonight, but impossible for you. My daughter and my deepest, heartfelt prayers are with you tonight and will continue. Your family's strength and view on life is utterly humbling and inspiring! Much love your way!!

Marsmile said...

Checkin' in as I am going to bed now. Still prayin' and will check your further posts the first thing in the morning. I truly thank you for keeping everybody updated. Yea, you might be up all night but try to get some rest, even if it's just dozing on and off, for tomorrow and the days to come!

Good night and God Bless,
Marissa :)

Shannon said...

this is the first time I have ever posted though I check in quite often and have told many about you.

praying in MA! God bless you.

jamie said...

Nate, Bless your heart for letting us know and giving us an update. Of course we don't expect you to read email and comments. You have 40kazilliontrillion, I'll bet!! Just know that we are all out here praying for you and all of your family. God Bless.

Jamie in Texas

inthepottershand said...

continued prayers from clinton township, michigan

Bree at Clarity Defined said...

I always go to Mass for Peace on Wednesday nights and tonight I'll pray for peace for you and your family... and success for Tricia's surgery.

Blessings From Above said...

You guys are a true inspiration to us all! I hope and pray that everything goes well with the surgery and Tricia has a safe and speedy recovery. Hang in there - it won't be too much longer and you will all be home together as a family!

Anonymous said...

Praying over here that all goes well!

SaraAugy said...


You, Tricia, Gwenyth,and your families are in my thoughts and prayers!

Anonymous said...

You are in our prayers. The blessing we giver our children at night is: "May God bless you and keep you and set His angels to watch over you". We are saying it tonight for you as well.

Stacemoe said...

Checking in before heading to bed...PRAYING PRAYING PRAYING!!!!! Can't wait to check back in the morning. What a miracle and a wonderful BIRTHDAY blessing!!!!!!!

Elizabeth said...

Continuing to pray and on the edge of my seat waiting to hear more, when you can share it.

Jenna said...

Praying and praying in Georgia! Hang in there, y'all are ALL being lifted up.

Tricia, you are my hero!!!

Amy said...

I will pray for peace for you and your family. Prayers for the surgeons and OR staff working with Tricia as well.

Anonymous said...

I have been praying off and on since I read you're posts. I don't know you but you're story has touched my heart in many ways, I will continue to pray for you're beautiful family.

Shawna in Oklahoma said...

Still awake praying........ Just called and got some of my friends praying too! I imagine God is hearing Tricias name over and over and over and over........

My2Girls said...

Nate -

Did you ever dream of such a remarkable 27th birthday???
WOW!!! Glad to hear that your parents have arrived safely from the OBX. Glad to know you have a wonderful family there with you "in the flesh" to support you. Not to mention the THOUSANDS of supporters in cyberspace!!! Praying for ANGELS to watch over sweet Tricia right now!!! Praying for the team of doctors in the OR.

Va Beach, VA

Gina said...


I have never blogged before, and this is only the second one I have ever read. I am not a religious person, but whatever my prayers may be worth; you and your family have them tonight.

good luck to you all.

The Ashworth family said...

We have been following your story and praying from Tennessee for months. As a NICU nurse, I know what a long journey you are on with Gwyneth and I am so thankful for how wonderfully she has done so far. We are praying as Tricia is in surgery that Jesus will be very near to you and your family as He is at the same time holding and caring for Tricia in the OR.

Jen in Al said...

My hubby and i spent some time together in prayer for you and your sweet girls! continuing to pray without ceasing! jen in al

Jenny said...

Woohoo! I'm pumped!
I'm so excited for you, Tricia, and your families. Especially little Gwyneth. :) I know she's
rooting for her mama.

I so appreciate the updates.

Still praying...

Corinne said...

What an amazing birthday! We are praying too, I'm pretty sure that there will be very little sleep and lots of praying here tonight....!

KaraP said...

Still praying for you all. Surgeons, Tricia and family.

O'Leary Family said...


I have my prayer chain that we used when our preemie twin boys were in the Utah NBICU in full swing. We all love the Lord and I promise you, that you have a lot of great Christians praying for your family.
Hang in there and I'll be sending out updates to all of them as you send them out. God Bless you and your girls. I am so glad you have family there with you, may that give you some peace as well.

All the best over the next few hours.

Lisa Sherrill Roach said...

Had to get up out of bed to check and see if you posted. Still praying!

Alyce said...

I'll be praying for you and your family tonight.

singleintheburgh said...

I have been following your blog for months now and have never commented...but I just felt I had to tonight. I have been praying for your family and am especially praying for Tricia and the surgery tonight. You have several followers here in Pittsburgh! Thinking of and praying for your family and the donor's. My friend's 4 year old is a multi-organ recipient, so it's a cause dear to my heart. God bless all of you (and I know he is!).


Just Call Me Grammy said...

Another blog friend who is praying for you all.

Patty Honeycutt said...

I'm praying!

mary40 said...

Praying in ND

Robyn said...

Thank for the constant updates. Praying and thinking about you guys throughout the night.

Only Servants Ministries said...

Been on the phone calling all our "CFhusband" girlfriends and prayer warriors, praying on the phone with them, and getting chill bumps for you guys. We are rejoicing, excited, nervous, anxious with you guys! Praying through the night....

Anonymous said...

I could not sleep tonight without going back on the computer to see the update!!
I pray that God guides the doctor and nurses, that he watches over Tricia, you, Gwyneth and your entire family during this surgery! Our God is SO good!!! Also,praying for the donor family as their loss will give life to Tricia.
I posted you on my blog tonight for more prayer support.

Unknown said...

it's really happening! how exciting for you and your family.

Danielle said...

Holding your family in our thoughts...

Sonja said...

A bittersweet happy birthday to you... you're ending the day very anxious, I am sure... but truly, a wonderful present... please know that there are so many people pulling and praying for you all.

damajean said...

Praying for you. God is your your side in spirit......waiting with you....

Erin said...

Praying. And refreshing often!

nwmomof3 said...

Hi Nate-I have followed your blog since your gorgeous baby girl was born-and have prayed often for you and "your girls." Now I will come out of the woodwork and tell you that I am also praying NOW-and will continue to do so-for the hand of our almighty God to lead every second of the surgery, and for His presence to cover you in an amazing, reassuring and powerful way.....NWmomof3

3S said...

soooooo excited to hear this news :)
your family is in my prayers!!!

Anonymous said...

Our home group prayed a long time for you, Tricia, Gwyneth Rose, the Doctors, your friends and family and the family of the are all being lifted continually in prayer here in East TN.

May YHWH give you grace, peace and rest tonight...

marys3munchkins said...

Heavenly Father,
I pray that Your peace will fill the waiting room tonight for Nathan and his family. May the night be one of experiencing Your grace and presence.

PedsRN said...

Thank you so much for the update. I've been praying for your family and the donor's family all day.

This is the first time I've posted, but I've read through your entire blog. I'm a pediatric nurse who has taken care of CFers, transplant patients, and ex-preemies, so your point-of-view is especially meaningful to me. Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us.

Renee said...

WOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!! I am praying for you like mad! I am going take my laptop to bed with me so I can check in on you when I wake up in the middle of the night wondering how you all are. I posted about you again on my blog tonight..more prayers are coming your way. Bless you all...

Melissa said...

So happy for you. I'll be praying and looking for updates here in DC.

Estelle said...

praying from Ontario .. I am on vacation yet still checking the blog!

mjdav said...

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

And your faith shall see you thru!

TheRagan3 said...

Headed to bed but praying for you all the way to la la land - you should try and get some sleep too (Yea right!)
I can't wait to check in with you in the morning.

Pat4Him said...

I am, and have been, praying. I work at PBU with a Kirshner, who first shared your site and asked for prayer. May God give you His peace, and a full sense of His presence this night.

~ Pat O

Texan Nanny said...

You are all in my thoughts as prayers as we cheer her on!!

Christy said...

This reminds me of the story in the Bible of Moses, Aaron and Hur. You are Moses, holding up your 2 girls and doing all you can do and more. We are Aaron and Hur and are there to hold your arms up when your tired, weak or just need an extra push. The Isrealites did win and we will to. We have the best of the best as our LEADER. Thank you God for this opportunity.

Katie Hilfiker said...

Nate, Tricia, and Family:
Praying for you all.

Anne Coleman said...

Praying, praying.

Just a Girl said...

As a peds nurse who often takes care of CF patients, I am Praying for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I am praying hard for Tricia, you, and your families!!!...And I have all of my friends, family and Pastor praying for you guys as well!!!...What an awesome birthday present!!!..



Durham NC

Shawn said...

Praying in Nashville right now.

Amy said...

I haven't been able to check your blog today and just got home and my heart totally skipped a beat when I read the wonderful news.

I will be praying for Tricia and you tonight.

May you find peace in your amazing faith to our wonderful, amazing and all powerful God. He is right by Tricia's side in the OR and may you find comfort and peace in that.

Sending LOTS of hugs and prayers from Wisconsin :)

Q's NEWS said...

Thoughts and prayers still with you and Tricia. I hope that God makes this night go fast for you. I am praying for peace for you and skill and accuracy for the surgeon team. This is the beginning of great things to come!!

Love from WV,

Brenna said...

Praying for you, your family, the staff at the hospital and the grieving family.

Unknown said...

Peace be with you if you can and kiss your little Gwyneth from a prayer warrior for her mommy in Michigan!! :)

Reba said...

I am praying! I don't post on here, but I do check in daily. I just posted a link in my own blog to here so others could pray (though my audience is MUCH smaller than yours)...

Mindy Wilson said...

I came across your site last week and have been keeping you all in my prayers. We'll be praying and watching for updates in South Carolina!

Mindy Wilson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Crystal said...

OMG I just got online for the 1st time today and I always check on you guys 1st, I am praying everything goes well, and for the family of the donor!! I am so excited for you guys!!

Brian said...

we are rejoicing and praising God with you at this time and of course praying for success. i know this will have to be a long night for you, but i trust that it will be well worth the wait! can't wait to hear how it all goes in the morning. God bless!

boltefamily said...

WOW! I am sitting here crying and yet I have never met any of you! It is funny, I check in here each day and never comment. This morning I did to tell you happy birthday and I almost said that I bet Tricia would get lungs for your birthday, yet I decided not to and just prayed about it instead. GOD IS GOOD! I will continue praying! I will be praying for Tricia and for the family of the person who is donating the lungs as I am sure they are struggling right now!

NancyK said...

Have followed your story for months...but never posted a comment..big prayers sent your way from New Jersey!!!!!

Maren said...

What an amazing birthday gift to you!!! How amazing that today is the day! WOW!! You are all in my thoughts and prayers! God is awesome! I am so thankful I am a believer!!


Anonymous said...

We're all here waiting with you and your family Nate. We'll keep you company through the internet "waves" tonight. Your entire, loving family is in my prayers.

Adam and Hayley said...

Still praying on the edge of my seat.

My God be glorified through this all, and may he comfort and refresh you throughout the night, Nate.

Michelle said...

So thankful for the good news. Praying for you and yours and also the donor family at this time.

Country at Heart said...

Been keeping up with you 3 through a friend and I just want you to know I am praying. You both are very special people and God is being praised through your life - what a witness.

Christie said...

Jesus..We just pray you guide the Dr.s hands. We ask that you just surround Tricia and just let the new lungs be new life for Tricia. I ask that you be with Nate and gie him peace and comfort. We know you are the one in control. We praise you Jesus for all you do. Amen. We are all with you wether it be there or in spirit.
In God's Amazing Grace,

tillisfam5 said...

I just got home and checked the blog and was ecstatic and without words to see the events of today! I started to cry tears of joy as I frantically and joyfully scanned through the days events. The picture of you and Tricia ... priceless. Tricia should be right in the middle of surgery, as I type I am praying for the surgeons hands, the equipment to functioning well in the OR, the surgical nurses, anesthesiologists, the entire OR and post op team, the donor's family ... the list goes on. Nate, also praying for peace and just that you know that GOD is sitting right next to you, holding you in His hands right now and guiding the surgeons hands as well. Anxiously awaiting any updates and praying fervently. Praise God for this glorious day!!
Marietta, GA

Kathy's Korner said...

wow oh wow!

Happy Birthday Nate!

Lotsa prayers coming your way from here too!

Linda said...

I'm sure the presence of the Lord is being felt in the OR because of Tricia's electric personality in her everyday life. I'm praying angels circle around all the doctors, guiding every movement and every decision they make.

Thomas and Lisa said...

Praying for you and the donor family. Been praying for you since I was directed to your blog about a week ago. May God's peace surround you as you continue to trust Him.

OceanDesert said...

So thrilled for you guys!!! I have heard a lot of post-transplantees consider their tx date, their second "birthday"... it's sooooo cool that you and Tricia will share this birthday together always...
I think about it every day what it will be like for my hubby to wait and wait while I'm in surgery... our hearts and minds (and thousands more)are with you tonight.

Anonymous said...

Still Praying!

Unknown said...

Closing my day with prayers for your family!

StephieAnne said...

The Rileys In Eugene, OR will be praying for you!!!!

Laura said...

Still praying here in Oregon!
Happy Birthday by the way!
I also put a prayer request on my blog:)

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Will continue praying...and checking back. Heather

Burnie said...

Still praying here in Chesapeake, Va. I was at Believers Church in Western Branch Sunday, the Pastors there all asked about you guys and are praying for you, Tricia, and Gwyneth, as are so many around the world.

The Browns said...

Thats so wonderful that this is the real thing. You have all our prayers here from TN!!

nassie_gal said...

Praying for your beautiful and brave wife Tricia. God can work mircales....praying from Australia

Unknown said...

First time commenter and steadfast thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. My daughter (age 5) had brain surgery in Dec. so I can understand some of what you are feeling while you wait. Please remember to eat, keep busy and know that sometimes it takes longer than they say it will. I will probably not sleep a wink tonight as I wait on pins and needles for news of Tricia's surgery. Oh and little Gywenth is a doll! Kisses and hugs to her from me and my girls!
Gina in IL

Moriah Bettencourt said...

Tons of prayers headed your way.

Me said...

I just checked back this evening to re-read something I had read this morning and to tell my hubby about it. I am sooooo excited for you guys and will be praying for you as I head to bed this evening and for Tricia's recovery as I wake in the morning! Praise God for His abundant faithfulness and blessings!

Cindy said...

My thoughts and prayers are with your family!!!

April(ham) said...

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

Couldn't have said it better myself!

Jen said...

Will be praying throughout the night!

allison said...

Happy Birthday! I haven't posted before, but I have been reading and praying for all of you for several weeks now. I will be praying and checking back as often as I can.

Char said...

God is hearing from me too!! Blessings and peace to you all!!

Rene said...

Just wanted you to know that Tricia is a Hero of mine now. Keeping up the prayers for your entire family.


Nancy H. said...

When I picked Frank up from work tonight I told him that Tricia was in surgery getting her new lungs and he said, "That means I will finally get to hug my sister again." So lots of virtual hugs to Tricia from Frank until he is able to hug her in person!

Hilliard said...

Continuing to uplift you all in prayer!

Kelly said...

Keeping you all in my prayers! Praying for success!

God Bless you!

Oksana said...

Sending lots of love your way!! Stay strong... GOD is in that operating room! :)

Dana (*danavee*) said...

I donated blood today and as I sat in the chair, I was thinking of Tricia... I was so glad to read these updates when I got home. Positive energy headed your way, and warm thoughts to the donor's family.

luvgod2 said...

I'm praying for all of you and the doctor's who are working on Tricia right now for God's peace, strength, and wisdom and for His miraculous healing power!

Hope said...

I'm 6 hours ahead of you here in Israel, so while it is night for you, my day is just beginning. I'll be praying through the surgery. Blessings!

The Benzes said...

Prayers from MD for Tricia's health, your peace and sanity, and for the medical staff, your families and the donor's family. May all go well.

Baba said...

Hi Nate, I am so excited for all of you is amazing how God places everything in his hands and gives it to us when he is ready...what a thrilling night this is for you and a great birthday blessings and hugs to all..

Chari said...

Sending positive thoughts and healing prayers her way!

Zoe Ranger said...

My prayers are with you all. I hope things go well for you both. Thank you for keeping us all posted so regularly. I'll keep checking in all night and early in the morning.

Angela said...

I have tears of joy for you and Tricia and will be praying for all involved! God bless!

Jarboetwingles said...

Praying through the night for a successful surgery, comfort and peace for you and the rest of the family, and for the donor family...

Andy Lawrenson said...

Thanks for the update. Praying!!

At home patiently waiting news,
Uncle Andy

Jenny Jenny 8675309 said...

Continuing to pray!

daralala said...

This is so very exciting. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight. But I will be praying constantly!!!

andreagw said...

Praying for all of you in Idaho!

Sunshine said...

WOW - we as a family (even my girls joined in) prayed for you and your family tonight, for the docs, nurses, medical teams, Tricia, the donor's family - and for your families - those that are traveling and those that are far away awaiting news...I am continually blown away by how huge our God is! Thank you for the updates and may your heart be grounded in peace as you wait for news through the night - Sunshine

North Carolina Mom said...

Oh, I have no adequate words.


Our Two Blessings From Above said...

I am sure I will be up all night too, praying the whole time.

Froggymama said...

Wow. I can't imagine what you're family is going through. My family sends love and prayers that the surgery is a HUGE success and the recovery is fast. xoxo Elise, Scott and Adelaide (our 2 year old with CF)

Tracy said...

So happy this is happening for Tricia as well of course as you and your families. God Bless and hold you all up through this anxious night.Prayers from Kansas coming your way all night-Take care!!

Carol said...

What a wonderful God we have. I'm sure Gwyneth gave a little smile when you told her Mom was getting new lungs! I'm also happily waiting for the day that Gwyneth dwarfs both of those pugs--and Meka, too!

MamaBear said...

praying in Arkansas that God's hands would guide the hands of the surgeons.

Praying peace for you all as you wait.

Anonymous said...

Sending prayers and refreshing my browser from Ohio State (and so are my suite mates!)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the continued updates. Absolutely still praying. Will be checking in for the updates as you are able to post them. So incredibly happy for you, Tricia, and Gwyneth. Just know we will have even more to celebrate. I believe we are rejoicing with the angels tonight as our Lord provides for you three. God's love and peace!

Unknown said...

I've checked in 20 times today, Nate. I've called our synagogue to add Tricia and your family to our prayer list for tomorrow's shabbat service. (Hope that you're not offended.)

Many prayers coming your way from Seattle, WA.

Jen Wilson said...

Oh wow! Praise the Lord! I've been praying for Tricia today, isn't it great that we have a God who HEARS and ANSWERS!!!

I will continue to pray for Tricia and the surgeons. What a wonderful Birthday present for you!!!!

Debbie said...

Praying for you in Navarre Florida. I will be checking for updates throughout the night!

Lisa said...

Thoughts and prayers from Alaska. God is good.

living4him5 said...

Sending many prayers from Chicago, Illinois.

May God bless you all!!

To God be the Glory!

Amy C

Michelle said...

I have been following your blog since our little girl was born and I have been praying every night for your family! This is truly a blessing to read. I will continue to pray that all goes well and that God continue to be with you!

(((Huge Hugs to you all))

VICKY said...


Michelle said...

I meant "your" little girl, not "our" LOL,

God Bless you!

He loves you most said...

When Tricia got her first TX call you told Gwyneth that next time she saw her mommy she(Tricia) would be walking.
I just wondered if Tricia did see Gwyneth between tx call 1 & 2 to really make that statement true.

Still praying!

Samantha said...

Sending the best of wishes from my family to yours!

johnyzgurl said...

Praying here! Hadn't checked your blog in a week or so and your family came to mind strongly tonight. Glad I checked! Praying and praying. God bless!

Carla said...

I'm so happy for you!!! Praying for everything to go well, and the donor family - this is so emotional for me as a CFer, I can't imagine what it's like for Tricia or you or her family. Thank you again for sharing your experience with us - it gives me solace because transplant is something I look toward in the future.

All my Love and Prayers,

My2Girls said...
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My2Girls said...
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Angela R. said...

Still praying... have you, Tricia and your families on my mind constantly! Will be waiting for the updates, hoping and praying they will be good news!!

God Bless!!!

Kenzie said...

Praying for you to be able to rest a little tonight... I can't imagine how big this feels... how incredible and overwhelming. I know you are so thankful, and we are praising God with you.

Praying for His protection over Tricia and the surgery team.

Sarah said...

I am off to bed with prayers in my head for you guys. I cannot wait to read an update in the morning.

Anonymous said...

I just woke up for a pee and had to check in!

Praying hard in Ontario, Canada.

Marcella said...


Anonymous said...

Keeping you all in our prayers. Also praying for the donor family.

I can't wait to hear that Tricia has her new lungs!!

Anonymous said...

Still praying fervently.

~Lisa~ said...

prayers for tricia & all who love her!!!!

Stacy said...

We lifted you all up in prayer tonight! Still Praying all goes well with the surgery and the road to recovery is not to bumpy. Our GOD is great!!!!

Anonymous said...

You will be in my thoughts and prayers all night, and right away in the morning. Blessings.

My2Girls said...

Okay, so it is officially AFTER midnight now, so let me say HAPPY THURSDAY to you!

THURSDAY.....the FIRST day of the REST of your LIFE!

danabrown said...

Wow. Praise God! Praying and hanging on your every update... Dana.

stephany said...

Is it weird that I'm going to bring my laptop to my nightstand so I can check for updates when I wake up throughout the night with you guys on my mind (because I know I will)? It is? Okay. Well, I'm going to do it anyway :)

Continuing to pray for an extremely succesful surgery and for everybody involved.


tulip said...


Just became an organ/tissue donor in the great state of Idaho in honor of your sweet family and for your birthday!!!

Still in fervent prayer for Tricia, you and all your family.

In His Grace,
Melissa (tulip)

Mrs. Dan said...

I was at choir practice so I missed the announcement that it was a go, but I've been praying all afternoon. I'll continue to pray through the night whenever my 14 month old daughter wakes me up.

jesse and whit... said...

wow! this is so amazing. we've been praying every day... God is so good. we'll be praying for your families and the donor's family too. Praise God!!!

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