
Thursday, April 3, 2008

8 hours

We're coming up on 8 hours. No word yet.



  1. Thanks for keeping us updated, Nate.
    We just can't sleep over here. Tricia is on our hearts and in our prayers.

    Hugs to you and your family!
    Amy in Oregon

  2. up checking, praying for you all

  3. Praying like crazy
    FOr everyone


  4. Keep the faith Nate. We're still with you and praying!!
    God Bless you all!
    Jamie in Texas

  5. Wow, I can`t believe how fast the post are coming.

    This has got to be some kind of a blog record. (most lost sleep ;) )

  6. No news is good news! Praying ...

  7. I'm up working and keep checking in...Saying lots of prayers! Can't wait to hear the good news of how fabulous she did!

  8. Praying for ya'll from Misawa, Japan.

  9. still praying hard for everyone involved

    hoping your love is by your side again soon

  10. Thinking of and praying for you guys.


  11. Still praying...hang in there!!

  12. Oh I hope hope HOPE to hear good news in the morning. But I MUST go to bed now!!!!!


  13. I can't stop thinking about Tricia and can only imagine how agonizing the wait is for you. I pray God infuses you with extra strength and peace and that the surgery is completed soon with you receiving the word that everything went perfectly and that Tricia is doing great.

  14. Been praying through the night...Aspiemom

  15. Nate, I woke up several times during the night and have been praying for Trisha, you and all involved. We've prayed for the medical team, for strength, clarity of mind, steady hands, skill above their own. Thanks for the updates.

  16. Thank you Nate,

    I can't sleep. I have been praying for Trisha and having her on my mind. It amazes me how someone I have never physically met gives me the feeling of family.

    Thank you again for allowing us to share in your wonderful families story.

    May God continue to watch over you and Trisha and Gwyneth.

  17. Thanks for the update. Still watching and praying.

  18. I think you're right fuzz. Amazing how many people are staying up with Nate and family. Couldn't sleep if I tried real hard!!
    And thanks for updating us Nate
    God Bless Jamie in Texas

  19. Those are some great pictures, Nate. You really have a gift!

  20. no news is good news..still praying for Tricia as well as the wonderful donor's family.

  21. Thank you for taking the time to let us know. I can't imagine how difficult this waiting period is for you. You, Tricia and darling little Gwyneth are in our thoughts

  22. Best wishes and Tricia will be in our prayers.

    Alice's aunt in England.

  23. Everytime I woke up I said a little prayer (ok no prayer is little). IT went something like that.

    Dear God, please hold Tricia's lungs in your hands. Allow them to take deep fulfilling breaths and guide the surgeon's hands as they hold Tricia's lungs in their hands.

  24. Was wonderful to hear before I went to bed last night that all was going ahead. Up early this morning awaiting news.
    Thinking & praying for you all.


  25. Praying for you all, Nate.

    I have never sat and pressed refresh on one website so much as I have here this morning. Thank you for letting us into your lives.

  26. It's times like this that a fast forward button would be nice!

  27. Still praying and sending good thoughts your way!
    Its a good thing I live in China where it has been daytime during all these updates, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to sleep! Though I haven't been able to do much anways...always have to check for more news!

    -coming out of lurkdom for a good cause=]

  28. Prayers still coming your way. May God guide those who are taking care of your wife. Take Care...kenda in Illinois

  29. still here with you Nate. My surgery took almost 10 hours I believe so don't worry about the extra time.

    I havn't even seen it yet but I can't wait to share the footage of the actual surgery with you and Tricia so that you will be able to see it if you so wish. My surgeon, Dr. Yee is one of (the other being you) the reasons I found God...or rather God found me. He is a strong Christian and has no qualms about stating his belief in God. He takes no responsibility for the miracles he takes part in and says he is simply a tool for God's work.

    I'm still updating pics just for you!

    Love, Eva

  30. Just jumped back to check, thanks for the update...

  31. Thanks for the update.
    You are all in our thoughts and prayers

  32. Nate- my motto- no news is good news.
    I am sure I have read this in one of your posts as well.
    I know when my Mum had an op we thought it was forever until we heard- Then silly us we realized it was forever !!! Keep strong & big hugs for both you & Gwyneth. I haven't read whether you have been to see baby since Tricia has been in surgery. Go & see Precious White Rose as she nearly needs curlers in her gorgeous strawberry blonde locks Nate.
    Stay strong Buddy.
    You have a wifey who LOVES you Dearly.

  33. Some are going to sleep and some are just waking up. Looks like you have 'round the clock prayer service.

  34. Continuing to pray for peace of mind for Nate, a successful surgery for Tricia, and a healthy Mommy for Gwyneth to leave the hospital with. Your family gives me strength and hope. What a beautiful family you are, and I am grateful to be able to witness your beautiful life.

    YaYa to Bryan

  35. I am amazed at how many folks from all over th world, and many of those have not yet gone to sleep praying for Tricia (myself included) Powerful blog you set up Nate. Thank you for sharing so much. We are all in love with your girls. I think you'll hear good news soon. Still praying.
    ((((HUGS)))) to you all. And to the Donor's family.
    God Bless you all

  36. Oh Nate, I can't imagine how painful this waiting must be for you. Am praying that you find the strength to get through this as well as the girls. Thank you for keeping us updated!

  37. Woke up at 4am thinking about yall and had to come check and see if there was an update. The pictures are precious! I am still praying for you all!

  38. I don't post often because I don't normally have anything clever or interesting to say but I wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers today.

  39. sending prayers up for you guys - had to check - it is 5:26 and I am praying for all of you and for you to feel God's arms around you NAte -

    God is there with Tricia - even now:)

    Love from our home to you:)

    Bryan, Julia, Juliana, Curtis, Mac, Erin, John-Bryan and Abby Grace
    The McKenzie Crew:)

  40. Still praying.. Hugs to all of you!!

  41. I just got up to start my day. (It's 5:30 a.m.) This was my first stop. (Haven't even used the restroom yet...)

    I'll keep praying...

  42. All God is hearing is: Tricia, Tricia...
    She is in good hands, I put my trust in Him,

    Love to you and your family

  43. Praying from Norway.

    God bless you all.


  44. I'm sure it has been a long night for you all. We have been up several times to pray for you all and check the website.
    Still praying in Clayton!
    The McLamb's

  45. I'm still praying...I'm working & I get off soon...I'm gonna be checking on you guys all day. My whole family up the whole east coast is checking in on you guys & doing some major praying!!!!

  46. Just joining in this morning to say that I am still praying!
    The newest pictures were amazing! I love the ones of your girls! Beautiful!

  47. awake and praying in baltimore....

  48. awake and praying for you all
    The Dale Family

  49. Praise God... I've laid awake all night in anticipation of the arrival of our daughter and thought of you all- our prayers are with you! Thank goodness for my iPhone... Otherwise I wouldn't have very easy access to gf husband for the next few days!

    Praying for God to strengthen you ALL, especiallyTricia.

  50. Hey,
    I'm at work, but still praying every free minute I have...
    Our God is an Awesome God!

  51. Still checking. Still sending best wishes.

  52. Praying for the strength of Tricia, You, and the doctors.

  53. It amazes me how many people are up all night! I woke with anxiety about a test and taking a flight today, but the first thing I did when I got up was check this blog to see how Tricia was doing!

  54. Couldn't sleep. Keep waking up to pray for Tricia. Thanks for keeping us all updated. Prayers continue...

  55. its 10.32pm here in NZ...i have 2 go 2 bed..God bless you Nate the great! my prayers are with you & i probably won`t be able to resist sneaking out of bed a bit later for a lil "look see" to see how its all going!
    God bless all 3!!!!

  56. Still awake in CA thinking and praying for you.

  57. Just woke up. First instinct was to check. Still praying for you all!

  58. Just so you know that people truly all over the world are lifting you up before our Daddy...

    Kimberly in China

  59. Up praying for all of you even now!!

    Thanks for the update!!

    :)The Reed Family

  60. Still praying all the way in Australia. Will keep checking for news. Thanks for updating.

  61. Hey Nate,
    Still up with you, it's 2:47 here on the west coast. While waiting up with you I decided to make a blogger profile so that my picture comes up when I post! I don't know if the name will be different or how this works. I don't have a blog on blogspot but hopefully now it will reroute people to my LiveJournal page if they want to learn more about the journey up ahead that Tricia will hopefully get to experience soon!!

    Still Praying for all the right things!!!
    Your friend,

  62. Lots of prayers for you from Shanghai, China. Thanks for keeping us updated.

  63. Nate, we checked in on you guys first thing this morning. We're up & will have our phones on us if you need anything at all.

  64. This is the absolute FIRST time BOTH of my twins have EVER slept through the night (and they are 17 months old) and tonight it was ME who couldn't fall asleep because I kept wondering how things were going with Tricia. So in lieu of sleep I prayed for all of you. You are a strong person, Nate. Most of the rest of us aren't that tough.

  65. 5:50 am here, I couldn't get back to sleep after waking up and thinking of you guys. Still praying...hoping to check back soon and find that surgery is done and Tricia is doing well.

    Beautiful pictures, btw. I can't believe how big Gwyneth is getting. She looks, to me, with her fuzzy little head, so much like a full term baby now! Loved the pictures with her and Tricia...precious.

    Hang in there...

  66. Still praying here in the UK - just can't help hitting that refresh button!


  67. It's 5am in Illinois...we are with you Nate!!! Hang in there!

  68. Praying, praying, praying! Tricia has quite a fan club, you know!

    You are all in our hearts here in NY!

    Pat and family

  69. First thing this morning -- here checking on Tricia & you. Loves the pics of Gwyneth on last post!!

    My daughter was away from us for 12 hours for her TX. Heading in to her hospital for a checkup this morning -- going to share this fabulous news with them!

    Praying for everyone involved...


  70. praying for trisha and the medical team nand for the family as you WAIT.
    praying from australia

  71. Nate, just got up and you and Tricia were the first thought. still praying. Praying you will hear something soon and be able to rest! I can't imagine your night. LOVE the pictures!!
    Thank you again for being willing to share your story with thousands of people!

  72. I've stumbled here from Mrs.Wilson's blog. I am praying for you guys.

  73. Well, sleepless and WIRED in Vancouver BC - oh, the power of prayer and positive thoughts. My prayer is for the endurance of all involved, your families, and the skills, commitment and passion the medical team at Duke has on Tricia's behalf.
    You have a story of miracles, the first being the miracle of the gospel seed being sown in your hearts, and of course the two miracle women in you life!
    Thanks for updating. We are all in our separate waiting rooms, looking forward to more miracle news!

  74. Super crazy prayers coming from Connecticut!

  75. as the 9th hour begins, sending more prayers and thoughts for the medical team that is keeping Tricia safe, and praying for Tricias body to keep strong and accept her new lungs, also praying for peace for the donors family

  76. Just remember Nate, you have thousands of people with you in spirit and we are all praying with you and for you and your girls. This has to be one of the hardest nights of our life. And with it coming up on 9 hours, one of the longest too. I hope knowing we have stayed with you helps.

    (and,yep, I'm pretty sure my refresh button will never be the same!

    God Bless you all.
    Jamie in Texas

  77. that should have read of your life-hardest and longest night of your life...

  78. Oh how thoughtless of me, my heartfelt prayers also for the wonderful donor family that has passed on the miracle of donor/transplant life.
    So much to be thankful and so many to consider when praying!
    Vancouver, BC

  79. Just checking back in. Thoughts and prayers!

  80. Praying like crazy!

  81. WOW! This is truly a miracle! And during National Donate Month at that. Prayers coming your way. Thanks for the updates. Sherri in NC

  82. We are continuing to pray for Tricia's surgery. It was the last thing I thought of last night, and the first thing I thought of this morning.
    The new pictures on here speak a thousand words.
    Praying. Julie and John

  83. I can't imagine what ya'll are going through right now..the waiting, etc.

    thank you so much for keeping us updated!!! praying hard!

  84. Off to school i will be caring laptop refreshing it all day. Thanks for the update... a few people in my school r now addicted to checking up on you and your girls... my thoughts and prayers are with you today!

  85. I'm praying here in NH too. Can't wait to hear good news!!

  86. Up early this morning to storm heaven with prayers!!!!!!

  87. I have to go to bed now, but know that I'll be checking through the night

  88. I guess at this point no news is good news.

    I am praying.

  89. Still praying for you all and for the donor's family. Remember, all good things take time.

  90. i'll continue praying for you guys..xoxo

  91. It warms our hearts to read the outpouring of love and support, from all over, that your precious family is receiving! It's incredible the amount of lives you are touching! Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing this journey with all of us! You all are in our constant thoughts and prayers!

    Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

  92. Still praying every moment. Woke up several times through the night and prayed for you all each time. God bless you and your family.

  93. still praying...hoping it is over...

  94. I have been reading your blog since January and this is the first time I have left a comment. I think I was subconsciously waiting for this event. I am praying for you and Tricia and for everyone involved. I am praying for Gwyneth that she will soon be home with her Mommy and her new lungs.

    I renewed my license yesterday and checked the donor box and I am O negative, the universal donor...

  95. Just checking in. Can't wait to hear the good news that the surgery is over.

  96. I hope everything goes as well as it possibly can and that Tricia comes out of surgery soon. You will be in my thoughts. I will check in often for updates. Thank you so much for sharing this incredible journey with us.

  97. Praying for Tricia.... I loved the pictures with Gwyneth, so sweet....

  98. Nate--I posted a pic of all 3 of you on my blog....please if you mind let me know & I will remove it immediately. I just wanted to give people a face to see who they are praying for....God bless

  99. Girls are all getting up and we'll be praying for you throughout the day!

    Loving you all up to the Savior,

    The Weigners

  100. Have visited many times before and never left a comment, You are often in my thoughts and I am praying for you and your family.

    Love and God Bless

  101. Still praying for you guys in VA.

    In Him,

    J & Cheryl

    PRAYING :)

  103. Been praying through the night. God Bless.

  104. I will be going to bed soon (in Australia) so will be thinking of your all and sending my wishes of health, strength and luck to Tricia while I sleep. Looking forward to hearing some good news in the (my) morning. Kylie

  105. We're still here praying Nate.

    Mary & Tori

  106. Praying for you all. About to head back home to Wilmington. Will be praying and thinking of you the whole way. Thank you for keeping us posted. God's love and peace!

  107. Just got up and thought/prayed of Tricia right away.

  108. praying for everone close to you. Sent an sms out to my chruch family to pray. Soli Deo Gloria

    M from S.A.

  109. there is an army behind you. keep the faith! we're still praying!

  110. Sending many thoughts and prayers to you and your family!

  111. Tricia has been on my heart all night long...praying still!

  112. All 7 kids said a prayer with me this morning.

  113. Continuing to pray for all of you.

  114. HI Nathan & Tricia....

    We are praying for you~ I woke up several times in the night and said prayers for you and the doctors! Lots of LU people are praying for you as well! :)

    Wade & Debby
    Lynchburg, VA

  115. We'll keep praying, you keep staying strong!!

  116. I have tears in my eyes, but have to hold them in because I'm at work! Yesterday, I had this strange thought that it would be great if the Lord provide Tricia with her lungs on your b-day....and look at you now! We serve a good and loving God! Praying for you and can't wait for the next pic with you and the new pink Tricia!
    Take care, SA love

  117. I must sleep.... I look forward to waking to great news.

  118. Praying that God will breathe His breath into Tricia's new lungs! Praying for strength and peace for you.

  119. 10.00pm here in Australia, checked in for progress report...I think there's a prayer being spoken every moment for your Tricia...all over the world

  120. Checking in....saying a BIG prayer this morning that everything is going well!

  121. Thanks for all the updates... You're all in my toughts.

    Hugs and love to you all:)

    BEAUTIFUL pictures:)


  122. Honestly I do not remember how I came across your blog and I thank GOD that I did. I have been checking in on your family I think since January. The one thing that drew me to your family was that my husband and I both have twin boys that were born too soon (5 1/2 mos.)- April 25th will be 4 years that we lost our boys...

    I pray for your family on a daily basis and I am so thankful to God that Tricia is in the mist of receiving her new lungs!!

    Take care,
    Jennifer Seabolt
    Atlanta, GA

  123. 10 hours now. I just wanted you to know I'm hangin in there with you Nate. Praying for Tricia, her docs and nurses. For you and her parents and your parents. For the Donor family. For your precious daughter.All of you. Hope you are hangin in there ok. Soon,soon Tricia will be in the recovery room.

    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  124. Praying for your wife and family.

  125. Continual prayers....I had a "long night" w/ my son's asthma, which, in turn caused me to think of you all, a lot and I spent a lot of time in prayer....hope you're doing okay Nate!

  126. It's 4 a.m. here in California and this is the first thing I had to do. I was so hoping that she was out of surgery. I was up praying most of the night. thank you for posting the pics of Tricia with Gwenyth, that is the most precious vision.

    Big hugs. Please know that I have three more churches praying for you.

  127. Still Praying...Thanks for showing us womderful pictures

  128. Just got up. Getting ready for work. had to check in. We all are praying for you guys. No news is good news. God Bless.

  129. Ever Praying. Tricia is our every other thought as we go about our lives - grateful for the day but relying on prayer.

    Sending our love to your family.

  130. waking up to check in with you and your news... continuing to pray with and for you as you wait.
    Love and hugs from MD

  131. What a long night for you guys. I've prayed for you each time I've woken up. I will continue to pray as I start this new day.

  132. Thanks for the update - I hope there is another one real soon.
    God Bless you and your family.

  133. I can't help but think that no news is good news. Cliche, perhaps, but it's holding true. Go snuggle with Gwyneth and try not to worry *too much*

  134. I'm so glad surgery went well. I have been checking a ton to see if anything had been updated. I'll be praying now for a quick recovery, and that there will be on infections. God is awesome. Thank you so much for keeping us updated!

  135. What a long night for you, may Tricia have a speedy recovery. Okie Nana -from Northern Oklahoma

  136. Thank God for answering all the prayers. I know that the next few hours/days will be tense and you must all be exhausted. But hang in there and remember all the people who are out there thinking of and praying for you. It is like a universal prayer circle and it is enclosing Tricia and Nate and Gywneth and all the family, as well as the grieving organ donor family. We will think of you today and hope that Tricia will continue to recover and rest and that you will all get some much-needed sleep and peace of mind. With love, hope and many prayers,
    Tricia and Clan (N.VA) :))))) (((((

  137. Still praying and waiting to hear that you have been able to see her. I can not imagine how you feel during the waiting period, but I do know that I have prayed big prayers of guidance over the doctors hands. What an AWESOME God we serve!


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