Thursday, April 3, 2008

Awake and Aware

Tricia is awake. When I talked with her the first time (she still has the trach and can't talk), I had to tell her where she was and why she was here. She does not remember much about yesterday, including getting the call, my birthday, going into the OR, etc. When I came back in the second time, she didn't remember me being there the first time.

She was very uncomfortable and restless a few hours ago, but with the help of a new fan and lots of pain meds, she seems to be calming down. She can't tell any different in her breathing, but that's simply because she cant really feel anything and is so drugged that she's having a hard time focusing.

She is breathing room air, with just a little help from the vent. They're taking a blood gas right now, and if it looks good, they'll put her on a trach collar trial, and then walk her within the next hour. Yes, I said WALK her!

I got an hour of sleep earlier, and will be sleeping at the hotel tonight as they won't allow me into the ICU past 9 tonight. I plan on posting some more then.




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Kim said...

Thanks for the update-hope the trach collar goes well and glad to know you are getting some good sleep tonight-can't wait for more good updates!

Em said...

Great news that she is at least somewhat awake. Will continue to pray for Tricia, for her blood-gas levels, her comfort, and over-all health. Also praying that you can get some rest!

Karen said...

Thank you Lord, for answered prayers. We praise you!

Totally Taylor said...

thank you so much for the update, I have been "refreshing" my screen all day. This is great news. We are so happy for you. Prayers and Hugs.

Sheryl said...

God is amazing! As are you and Tricia. A walk?? Oh my goodness. Thanks for updating. I continue to pray as if you're my own.

luvgod2 said...

I'm glad to hear she's awake and aware! That's an answer to prayer. Praying for no rejection and no infection!

Leah said...

Yay! I'm glad she's awake!

Mrs. Dan said...

Thanks for the update. I've been praying all day. I will pray for Tricia's gas and her trach trial and her walk.... GO TRICIA!!!

Cindy said...

You and Tricia have been in my thoughts literally ALL day today. I am "just" a lurker here, but I wanted you to know that my fervent prayers are with your family.

Anonymous said...

What a miracle I cannot wait to hear & see pictures of her walking this is amazing!

Jill said...

Still praying for a quick recovery emotionally and physically, still giving thanks for the donor's gift of life and still trusting in God's plan

Sunshine said...

UNBELIEVABlE - WOW - up and walking - how great is that? WOOHOO! I hope you get some great rest tonight Sunshine

Crystal said...

YAY!! just getting on the computer today, I am praying that she is off the vent today. I have full of hope for you guys!

Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...

Oh, I've been checking your blog often today for an update, so I'm so glad to hear she's conscious. I'll be praying that God will relieve her discomfort. I've checked your dad's blog, too, and saw his latest update. I hope him and your mom get a good nap! :) And you, too.

Hugs from El Paso,

Devin said...

Thanks for keeping us updated even though you are sleep deprived, Nate! Still praying!

Devin in Illinois

Julie D said...

So happy to hear this. Can't wait for more updates!!!!

Heidi said...

AWESOME JOB TRICIA!! Keep fighthing girl!! You won't remember much until about a week out, but sometimes thats a good thing! All those new meds make your really agitated! She'll get used to them within a few weeks! And...I wasn't even on room air that fast and I didn't have a trach going in! YOU ROCK!! We're praying like crazy for you!! Hang in there Nate! Try to get a little rest. Hugs to you all!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Thanks so much for this news, Nate. I hope you both get a good night's rest tonight.

debangel said...

Thank you, God, for answered prayers- and for doing it in such an obvious way for those of us who could use the extra Reassurance ;)

And thank you, Nate, for taking precious sleeping time to update all of us! Wow, a walk is in the works already?! I don't even want to walk around after a root canal, never mind MAJOR surgery! Tricia may have had defective lungs, but there ain't nothing wrong with her guts! You go, girl!!

TheDorothyFamily said...

God is good!

Thanks for the update Nate.

Praying from Arkansas :)


Erika said...

What wonderful news! I'll keep praying!

shoutingforha said...

I'm so happy that Tricia is awake!

Praying that she stays healthy and rejection free... and that you get some rest.

Jenn said...

Soooo happy everything's going well! Will keep praying!!!

C said...

Praise the Lord!

Nora said...

Praise God! Still praying all goes well tonight!

daralala said...

Modern medicine is amazing. Simply amazing.


Danielle in MO said...

will keep on praying and can't wait to hear how things go later tonight...

Princess Talana said...

Amazing update... God is good. She is so far along already.

Alicia said...

Continuing to pray......

Jen Wilson said...

Oh wow. It's amazing how fast they get her up!

I'm keeping you guys in my prayers.

Unknown said...

I am just so delighted that all this has gone well. Congratulations on your new life Tricia, you have fought so hard to get here, and I'm sure you will keep on fighting.


MahoneyMusings said...

Thanks so much for the update. I am amazed that you have taken the time to do as such. Continued prayers for Tricia, and for you and your family to have a good rest tonight.

God bless,

Em said...

This is so amazing!!!! I'm so happy for you both.
Praying that all will continue to go well, and that she will enjoy a nice little walk.

Roehrman said...

Thank you for caring about us in the midst of this! I am blessed every time I read your blog. Praise the Lord in the highest!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the update! I've checked in many times today waiting for more news. So glad Tricia is awake and can't believe they're going to walk her already. Wow! Still praying.
Stacy :-)

Catherine said...

I have been thinking and praying for all of you all day....thank you for taking the time to update us :)

Anonymous said...

What a blessing! It is so amazing to watch God work. I pray that Tricia will continue to do well. And the mother in me has to tell you to take some time to sleep tonight! ;-)

Anonymous said...

SO glad to read an update...I will continue to pray for her strength and full and speedy recovery.

Make sure you take care of yourself too...she needs you to be well rested!!!

Jo Ann said...

How exciting! Thank you so much for being so dedicated to letting us know what is going on! Praying!

Anna Marie said...

Thanks so much for the update. I can't believe they are going to get her up less than 24 hours after giving her new LUNGS! I mean, they took out major organs, replaced them with new ones and now they want her to walk?? It's almost surreal when you think about it.

I hope you get some good sleep tonight.

Rene said...

Just amazing! God IS good. I can't wait for a picture of her walking around with just an HME! (An HME is a tiny filter that sits over the trach to keep out dust and to keep heat and moisture inside the trach tube.)


Beka said...

Good to hear this news. We'll continue praying. I am simply amazed that she will be up walking the day after such an incredibly major surgery! We're praying for a speedy and complication-free recovery.

Your little family is an incredible testimony to God's faithfulness, you know. He is using you so mightily. We pray that He will give you continued strength, day by day, and that He will continue to great things through you.

Lisa Sherrill Roach said...

Hallelujah! God is good.

Barbara Metcalf Bella Vista, Arkansas said...

I haven't been able to check the computer until now, but it's good to hear that she's mostly breathing room air. I can't believe they'll have her up and walking today. Still praying for healing and for everything to go smoothly.

Be Thou Exalted said...

Thanks for the unpate, still praying.

Jennifer Norch said...

God is Good...all the time. Your family is an inspiration to all. Tricia, you are in our thoughts and prayers as your body recovers and adapts to your new lungs. Thank you God for answering our prayers in such an obvious way!

Anonymous said...

Checking on Tricia was the FIRST thing I did upon walking in the door from work...You all have been in my thoughts all glad to know that everything is going well...

Marcie said...

Wonderful news!

The Crazy Lady said...


sandra said...

Wow that girl is AMAZING,,, Thanks for the update Nate, your great... I hope your able to get a good nights sleep tonight!

Paige Hinrichs said...

Walking. Wow/Wonderful.

Praying for her peace, comfort, strength and healing.

Get rest, Nate and please take care of yourself.

Thanks for the update!

Lee said...

Thank you for the update and will be praying for all of you!!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome news. Praise the Lord!!! Praying that Tricia's body does not reject the lungs.

Lou Ann said...

That you for the update. Our God is an Awesome God!

P&M said...


Denise said...

Thinking of you three. (((hugs))

Jobo said...

Great news!
God is awesome!
Zillions of people are praying around the world - which is also awesome!

Nate - Thanks for helping us know how to pray specifically but do get some rest!

Rich and Lauren said...

that is so great--walking!!!! we love u guys so much!

Tressie said...

A friend of mine gave me a link to your blog a couple days ago. I have been praying that the surgery would be a sucess for you!

twin power mommy ♥ said...

get some rest. thank you for taking the time to update us.

Susan from Barrie said...

Praise God! Thank you Nate for the update I have been anxious to here how Tricia was making out. I will pray for peace and calmness for her and quick healing. I will pray for deep restful sleep for you.

Kristen said...

Yay!!! I like the 'walk her' part. I am sure she will remember more once she's more conherent. A lot happen yesterday and wow its a lot to deal with at one time.
Hope you get some sleep tonight! At least Meke will have someone tonight :-)

megasam said...

Thank you so much for the update. I am so glad that she is awake. I am praying that the walk goes good and that she isn't too sore afterwards. I am praying for all three of you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. I am praising God that things are going well so far. I am continuing to pray for a speedy recovery with no infection and no rejection!!
I pray your sleep is deep and restful tonight.
Psalm 4:8
I will lie down and sleep in peace,
for you alone , O Lord,
make me dwell in safety.

Kerry said...

Thanks Nate for the update. Amazing how medicine is today.
My thoughts and prayer stay with Tricia as this journey of healing begins.
Also praying for some good rest tonight for you. I know its exhausting being the caregiver as well. Take care of yourself to.
Prayers from Michigan.

Kristine McKowen said...

Amazing! Great to hear such good news!

sarasusen said...

So glad to hear from you! Thanks for the update, I've been praying through out the day, even have my husband asking about Tricia now and he's praying too for her- oh and my mom! I'm letting the ones close to me know about your story and have them praying.. off to church now to ask MORE people to pray and can't wait to run home to get another update after 9pm. My husband Josh and I are both amazed at the whole double lung transplant thing- we just can't wrap our heads around it. Praise God Tricia is doing so well... I'll check back in later...
Sara in Maine <><

amanda said...

AWESOME! I'm praying for her recovery/comfort, and that you can get some sleep/rest!

Journey of the George's said...

WOW! The power of prayer and faith. What wonderful news!

Praying in Texas,

Unknown said...

Awesome! Thanks for the update :) :) :) God is good!!

Hope you get some sleep, Nathan!

Go Tricia!!!

nicole said...

WALKING!!! amazing! so good to hear the great news. looking forward to hearing more tonight!

Patience Leino said...

I'm so grateful you've been able to see your girl awake again!

marcia said...

This is all such wonderful information! Thank you for being so diligent with the updates! How amazing that she is now on room air with just a little vent support. You know, it really is good that she is not remembering all of the details of today...those good meds are really a blessing in that way, as well as for pain relief! Hopefully those gases will show some great numbers that have been completely foreign to you for some time now.
Get some good sleep tonight, Nate! And stay awake driving back to the hotel (Oh..that's right...your own Mom and MIL are both right there with you to tell you these things!! :):) )

Trisha said...


I am so thrilled to hear about the successful surgery. Lauren (my eight year old) and I said a lengthy prayer this morning for all of you! We are so proud of Tricia...She is a brave and courageous woman....Praying for all things good...comfort...continued strength...healthy, accepted lungs...and for the donor family. All God's Love and Grace,
San Diego

Mom to the 3rd degree said...

I am praying for your family. Glad to see that she was able to get the transplant. And your baby girl is adorable, and a miracle! I look forward to seeing the great things to come for your family!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Tricia is awake. Praying she gets to take a walk, and has no anxiety. Hope you get some sleep tonight, Nate.

Emily said...

Wow that is great that she is potentially walking so soon!! I didn't for like a week!
I didn't remember anything from immediately before the surgery, either. :) I am so glad that she's more comfortable now!
Now go to sleep and stop reading these comments, Nate. :-D

Anonymous said...

Praise God. I know they get them up and moving quickly after surgery, but wow .. that's crazy.

IT will be hard, but get some sleep. Cuddle with Meka.

Prayers continued to be lifted up for Tricia and all involved.

MamaBear said...

Absolutely amazing to think of her up and WALKING less than 24 hours after such a major surgery. Continuing to pray for Tricia's recovery and for all of you to get some good rest tonight.

UKNat said...

Thank you for posting. Still praying! Natalie

Blessings From Above said...

Thanks for the updates. I can't believe Tricia will be walking around tonight - amazing.

Stay strong, sounds like you have had a very rough night/day. I hope you find comfort in knowing that people, literally around the world, are praying for you.

Alison said...

so thankful...praying for rest for al of you!!!

Mom to Tate and Charlie said...

Thanks for taking the time to update. I have been watching your blog and your dads. Glad to hear she is awake! I hope the walk goes well. You all have been in my prayers and thoughts all day.

00 said...

Things sound like they're going well so far :-) Still praying for you and your girls :-)

Erin said...

Wonderful news! Praying for good blood-gas levels, continued pain relief and a restful night for all of you!

Christy. said...

You all have been on my heart so much today. I am praying for you all lots! Even though I have never met your family I know that in Christ we are family. I will keep praying!

Angie said...

WOW! I knew they walked them quickly, but I didn't realize how quickly! Go Tricia! Hope you get some good rest tonight, Nate - Keep yourself well! Praising God for the miracles each moment in your girls!

Sarah H. said...

Praise God for all the answered prayers!

John & Michelle said...

Praise God! I could not be happier! I am praying for and believing that you will all go home together!!! Grow Gwenyth Grow!

John & Michelle said...

Praise God! I could not be happier! I am praying for and believing that you will all go home together!!! Grow Gwenyth Grow!

Twila said...

Sounds like a good update. It is amazing how far the pratice of medicine has come. To get up and start walking so soon after major surgery is a blessing. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. What a wonderful birthday gift indeed. Thank you for sharing your families journey with all of us. God bless you.

Angela R. said...

That is a wonderful update. I am so happy to hear Tricia is awake and hope that your next update will bring more good news about her progression... a walk would be GREAT!

Always in my thoughts and prayers!!

Carey said...

I am in tears, I'm so happy for you guys. It' a beautiful thing! Thank you for sharing your story with the world and being so diligent updating us. PLEASE get some rest though. The updates will come when they come, you need sleep and to spend time with your girls. GO TRICIA!
Carey & Chelsea

bkmanary said...

Believe, just believe! Thank goodness for pain meds and great that Tricia will be up sooner than later, better for recovery!!
Yeah Tricia Yeah Team Lawerson!
Vancouver, BC

Josie said...

Thank you for the update. That is great news. Continued prayers and positive thoughts being sent Tricia's (and your) way.

A Hint of Home said...

Praise the Lord for his watch care over Tricia. So glad to hear she is awake and will be walking soon. I've been praying for her and the whole family. God is always good.

Katie said...

I'm so happy to hear the great news! It goes to show that all our prayers are really being answered. I hope you get some well deserved rest tonight. And just know that we are all praying for her quick recovery!

Alice said...

Praying for a fast recovery with little or no speed bumps.

Malena said...

Keep thinking of Tricia. She is amazing!

houseofeling said...

God, can I get a WooHoo! You rock!

DeLynn said...

Thanks for updating, Nate. Many prayers for you all!

Becky in VA said...

Awake and soon to be walking?!?!?!

Pretty amazing.

Please give yourself a break, and get some good sleep and don't worry about updating all of us.

We know Tricia is in very good hands.

Love to all.

Steph said...

Awesome update. Will continue to pray!

I Speak Refugee, Let's Chat! said...

*squee* Atta girl Tricia! We are all rooting and praying!

Vicki said...

Wonderful news! Thanks for keeping us posted. You all have been in my thoughts and prayers all day today.

Carmen said...

Nate I hope you get some rest tonight and I hope Tricia has a comfortable night. I am so happy for your family, what a great gift. I feel so blessed just to be a part of this journey and look forward to many more updates.

jamie said...

Sounds like things are pretty normal, considereing all things. You be sure and get plenty of rest tonight. You must feel like a limp washrag at this point! We'll keep praying out here in the blogosphere. Thanks so much for letting us know. Both you and your Dad have been incredibly generous giving updates with all y'all are going through.

((((HUGS)))) to you, to Tricia and Gwyneth. God Bless you all.
Jamie in Texas

Just Call Me Grammy said...

I have checked in often today and have been thanking God for the progress and continuing to pray for Tricia's healing and strength and peace for you.

Adrienne said...

Praise God she's awake! Will be praying for the trach collar and 'stroll'. Glad to know you'll get some sleep (?) tonight!

Annette said...

Thanks for the update. I will pray that you get good rest tonight. Amazing that they get you walking after such a major surgery. I will conintue to pray for yur family

DogsDontPurr said...

I can't begin to imagine what this must be like for you and your family. Wow. The stress must be tremendous. But what a huge huge miracle that this kind of surgery can be done, and that she's made it through and will actually be walking this soon! Incredible.

I will keep praying and praying for a completely smooth recovery. May God give you and your family peace and strength.

Now, don't forget about yourself during this whole process. Take some time out for you. I hope you can get some rest.

Anonymous said...

I hope her recovery is fast and as comfortable as possible. My thoughts are with you all today!

D said...

I just keep thinking about what a wonderful birthday present you received -- new lungs for Tricia! Praying for you all tonight.

Lots of love,

Aimee said...

I totally didn't think about the fact that she "technically" was receiving her new lungs on your birthday! What a great present for you! ;)

The Mom Jen said...

Thanks for all the updates! PLEASE get some rest Nate!!

Lisa_in_AR said...

Go Tricia Go!!!
Prayers answered. God is make that GREAT!!!
Prayers for good pain control, freedom from infection and no rejection. May God continue to bless you all.

Sweet To Our Seoul said...

Fabulous news and totally amazing that she will be up and walking so soon!!!

God is good!!


Kirst said...

Again I say God is so good. Continued prayers here from Canada.

Chelle' said...

Great news Nate. I know Alice had a hard first few days while she adjusted to the tubes and meds... I'll be praying for Tricia throughout this time especially.

As for you- PLEASE take the opportunity tonight to sleep sleep sleep. Don't worry about updates etc- hit the sack and restore your energy.

You've been amazing throughout this process to be by Tricia's side. Since you aren't allowed tonight I hope you will take the time to nourish yourself with plenty of rest.

Praying for you all.

PammyT said...

glad to hear she is doing well. i can't believe she'll be walking so soon! that's incredible! i'm continuing to keep you all close in thought and prayer! can't wait to read the updates.

Lady Eli said...

Make sure you sleep! Shut the computer off for a couple of hours. You are no good to Tricia and Gwyneth if you run yourself down and get sick. You've come this far without a cold. Take care of yourself and take some Vitamin C for safe measure. We are praying for her blood gas levels to be right and for the pain to go away. Hope is forever in our hearts.

Seth, Jen, Hannah, Cailyn, and Isaac said...

I was just talking w/a friend of mine and we were saying how we feel like we know y'all and the concern in our hearts for you is so real...its like some of our personal friends are goign through this. Know that you have our thoughts, prayers, and support.

Sylvie said...

This is unbelievable!!!!
I guess you have to start getting the ''chicken wings'' ready! :-)
We love you all!

Jane said...

praying as these next few days are so critical.

I remember back in the day when they wouldn't let you out of bed for days! Modern medicine is amazing!

praying my heart out for you guys, and the donor family too!

Marci said...

We are still praying here. Thanks for updating us.

Violet said...

great news, sounds like things are going well. The hoping progress continues to go great. Still thinking of you all.

Stacey said...

God is amazing

CulyQFun said...

Praise the Lord. We will keep praying that all goes well the next few days/weeks/months. I am just sooo excited for you guys.

Meredith said...

What a great update....I feel like I am at loss for words! I know I keep saying this over and over but ...
PRAISE GOD! So glad to hear this good news!
Get some much needed sleep.....Many Blessings to you all.

Lisa said...

PTL Rest well Tricia...

Megan J said...

I've not met you or your family but stumbled upon your site through a couple Caring Bridge sites. I have been following your story since Gwyneth's birth. Thanks for sharing your story with friends and strangers alike. Our Lord is faithful and worthy, and it's encouraging for brothers and sisters in Christ to pray over each other and trust in God through each other's lives and experiences. I am praying for all of you, and for the new life you will have soon!

Samantha said...

We don't know eachother but I have been praying for your family all day - I cannot wait to hear how her walk goes and all the wonderful milestones that will be reached in the days to come!

Amy E. said...

That is amazing. Thanks for the updates. Still prayin' in Texas!

Jennifer said...

Praise God for His awesome work in your family. I'm still praying, and still in awe! Get some rest!

Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

Wow! I can't believe how incredibly fast she is progressing. It's absolutely amazing.

Scott said...

Pretty awesome news Nate! Gayle and I just took a walk and prayed fervently for you guys. Especially for Trisha's body to accept the lungs and no infections. We prayed Gwyneth will continue to grow like a little wild woman! Lord bless you all and I hope you can sleep like a brick tonight.

gena said...

Prayers coming strong from NJ for your sweet wife.

My 17 year old son received a new heart on Dec. 15, '07 - just a bit over 3 months ago. The next few days will be frightening at best, but I know your faith and our amazing Lord will help you ALL !

missourimom said...

That is so encouraging. I pray that her recovery is speedy, and that she is able to see Gwyneth soon. As a mom, I can't think of any better motivation for getting well!!

God Bless,


Erin said...

Praising God for answered prayers! I, too, have been checking in all day and it's so good to hear Tricia's progress!

Nan said...

Isn't our God amazing! A walk? Really Nate? Truly amazing! Still praying!

Casey said...

I'm curious as to if she will remember the events of yesterday once some of the meds wear off?? Or is that just something she won't ever remember. I'm so glad she is awake and aware! Praying that the trach collar trial goes well and that she tolerates the walk well!

Kristin said...

I'm excited to hear of the wonderful progress. I my thoughts and prayers to Tricia and you on her first walk with new lungs!! :-)

Kristina said...

Its been an hour since you posted, so I hope the walk is taking place. I will continue to keep you in prayer. Get some rest tonight!

amy smith said...

this is all really incredible, yet totally expected with the God we serve. praying for a walk, a rest, growth, and stregnth for all of you.

karen said...

this is such great news
you are an amazing family

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

Praise the Lord!!! Every time I think of Tricia getting her new lungs, especially on your birthday, it brings a huge smile to my face and tears to my eyes. May the days ahead be wonderful as Tricia gets to experience healthy lungs that are free of CF! I'll continue to pray for her recovery, no infection or rejection.

To GOD be the glory, great things He has done!!!!!!!!!!

Melissa Dovel said...

AMAZING GRACE is all I can say

Blessings and Prayers continue,
Talk about God's speed:)
The Dovels

Jennifer said...

After a few days of not being able to get on, I was thrilled to hear that the surgery was scheduled and successful. Praise God!! We will continue to pray that everything goes well. God bless your families!

Stacemoe said...

Modern Medicine is so amazing...not to mention how awesome our God is!!!!! Praying for you and Tricia and her speedy recovery! Thanks for including all of us on both your miracle girls!!!!!

Amy said...

Such wonderful news. We will continue to pray!!!

NCBeachMom said...

I remember reading about Alice when she was going through her recovery. She too was restless and uncomfortable at first. Praying Tricia stays on track for recovery and that everyone gets a little rest tonight.

cmhl said...

fantastic news--- GO TRICIA!!!

Andrea said...

Well, I don't know you but I am certainly praying for your family!!! God Bless you all!!

Marsmile said...

Glad to hear Tricia's awake and aware, even if not completely yet. I'm sure she'll remember more once the drugs are out of her system sooner or later.

Hoping her blood gas levels are good and that the trach has been capped, and she has been able to walk a bit! Continuing to pray for her recovery without too much pain and rehabilitation.

Thanks for keeping us updated, Nate. Sounds like you are trying to get some rest and glad you'll be getting some more rest tonight. Take a good care of yourself.

Looking forward to your next update (no rush),
Marissa :-)

Tessa & Nick said...

Nate, I have been following your blog since late January and I am so happy for you all. God is truly working through your family in an awesome way! You guys have blessed me through your amazing story and my prayers are with you!

Tanisha said...

WOW...gonna be walking already?!?!? Look @ God! Hallelujah Lord!

Unknown said...

Praying for 100% sat levels, and a very low pain, infection free, rejection free recovery! And for a good night's sleep for everyone!

Beth said...

That's awesome. Hoping the blood-gas levels go good. As far as her feeling the difference, I know my cousin couldn't tell the difference for about two weeks. The doctors said it is a psychological thing. Her brain is still telling her body that she can't breath.

We'll continue praying for things to continue to go good!!

lori moise said...

Joy flooded my soul when I read of the transplant news. I can't express how happy I am for your family and hope that the best is yet to come. Much love and prayers from Haiti. Lori

Amy said...

God is so good. The first hurdle has been crossed!!! I am thrilled and relieved and excited all at the same time, for both of you. I know you must be thinking of all the hurdles that still have yet to be crossed. Our Jesus who is the same yesterday, today and forever, will see you through each one. Hope you are able to sleep peacefully all the way through the night tonight.

~j~ said...

thank you Father God for being with Tricia and Nate every step of this journey, every second of her surgery and every detail of her recovery, you are God who's plans we cannot fathom but know are perfect in every way.

Continuing to pray.

Jennifer said...

Thanks for updating. Lots of prayers are being said for you tonight.

Megan said...

Great News- I continue to pray for all of you!

The Veale's said...

Isn't modern medicine amazing! Up and walking tomorrow? That is just unbelieveable considering the surgery she just went through. Fabulous new :)

Matt and Cristin said...

WOW! God is AWESOME! So glad Tricia is doing well and going to walk!!! YEAH!!

Denise said...

We prayed for your family in my woman's bible study this morning.
I'm glad to hear that the surgery went well.

Thad and Ann said...

wow, I'm in awe that they will have her walk yet PTL the she is awake & aware, still praying for you all.

Kerry said...

I hope she is able to walk around and I hope you are able to get a good night sleep tonight. You need to be on top of your game in order to help her. I know these times are challenging but the reward will be worth it :-) Prayers from CT!

Carol said...

Wow, isn't that amazing to be breathing that much better already? And to start walking--what a wondrous miracle.

Anonymous said...

Praying for everything to go well for Tricia.

ttulizzy said...

She's such a trooper. Go Tricia!

Thanks for the update Nate. I hope you get a good night's sleep tonight!

Patty Honeycutt said...

Thanks for the update! God bless you with rest tonight and always with strength!!!

Anonymous said...

That is amazing to me that she will be up and around only 12 hours after surgery was complete. She is an amazing woman. Praise God for all He is doing.

Unknown said...

Wonderful news! We will continue to pray for Tricia and your family...

Anonymous said...

By goodness I can't believe she will be walking soon. Glad to hear she is doing so well. I sure she will be running down to hold Gwyneth soon. Our prayers stay with all of you.

Amy Lynn said...

Thank you so much for your updates, Nate. I am actually in the hospital getting ready to deliver our baby and had to see how Tricia was doing.

We continue to pray for her, you and Baby Gweneth.

Amy in Oregon

Ragamuffin said...

Nate, you and your family have been much in my prayers through this time. I felt compelled to just write to tell you not to be worried about the fact that Tricia isn't remembering things too well. As a Pediatric ICU nurse and a patient requiring MANY surgeries, I can tell you this is the norm. During almost all surgeries, patients are given Versed which is a sedative but also an amnesiac (a med causing amnesia). This is a really good thing because patients don't remember the really bad stuff and heal quicker, in consequence. As you well know, stress is very hard on the body and Versed is a great medicine for relieving this.

I once had a major abdominal surgery with a spinal for anesthesia. At my request they didn't give me Versed (coz I thought it caused the severe nausea and vomiting I'd had with previous surgeries). What a mistake that was! About 2/3 thru the surgery I began to feel what they were doing and it wan't until I was yelling in agony and begging them to stop that they finally put me under a general anesthesia. The doctor was shocked when I asked him why this had happened (most pts don't remember what happens during surgery even if they are awake coz of Versed)! The spinal just stopped working (it happens, I guess) and they couldn't stop what they were doing to talk to me coz I was hemorrhaging at the time. Anyway, this is WAY more than you probably want to know but I just wanted to give you an example of why Versed is a goooood drug. Needles to say, every surgery I've had since then I've had Versed. The positive part of this experience is I was driven to call out to my Father in my pain and felt His presence through it. Even tho' this all took just minutes at the most, it felt like hours, and to have His wonderful, loving arms enveloping me was truly precious and worth the agony.

Take care of yourself, Nate, and get some rest. Also, please know I, too, am praying for the donor family's comfort and peace.

In our Christ Jesus, Debbie

Sarah said...

Walking? Seriously? That is AWESOME. Here's to a speedy recovery and her body going, "Dude, these new lungs are THE BOMB!"

Courtney said...

I have been reading your blog for a couple months now and this is my first post. I think about and pray for your family daily and couldn't sleep last night because of everything I knew you were going through. I am so glad to hear Tricia was able to receive the transplant and is awake now. Truly a miracle! Your story is an inspiration to so many people....totally amazing! I will be praying for a fast recovery. I hope you and Tricia get some good sleep tonight. I hope to hear more good news soon! Courtney

M said...

Fantastic news! Still praying for your family.

Aggiema (Michelle) said...

Hope you both get some good rest tonight. You both have a lot of work ahead of you. Blessings.

Amber said...


I keep passing the news along to all of my prayer warriors! We are rejoicing with you tonight, just like we were for me 2 1/2 years ago! The Lord is worthy to be praised!

Anne said...

That's great news!!
Thanks for the update!
I'm continuing to pray for her and her recovery!

And praying for you too, your women have given you quite the rollercoster ride in the last few weeks!

Sonia said...

I've been praying for her everytime I've thought about you guys today. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Thanks for the updates.

Momnnashville said...

Wow - I go away for 48 hours and I come back to the most incredible news. I am sitting here shaking and crying and saying YES over and over again. God is so good. Praying for all involved. WOW!

tillisfam5 said...

Praise God for His good works and the miracles He continues to perform each day in your lives! Continuing to pray for a wonderful recovery:)

Anonymous said...

Sending lots of prayers to Tricia & your beautiful baby [and of course you too!]

Anonymous said...

i am SO glad you got to be with her!!!!!!! SO exciting Tricia! i have to say that I can't wait to talk with you!!!!!!!
love susanna

Leslie said...

So glad to hear that things are going well and that Tricia may even be walking sometime tonight! I'll continue praying for all of you. Thanks so much for the updates!

Lora said...

Thanks for the update. I'll keep on praying for Tricia(and for you and Gwyneth). Can't wait to hear more. God bless your sweet family! Lora

Marge Sexton said...

WOW, this is all simply amazing! God is so good, and I praise Him for answered prayers! May God continue to bless you all! Be sure to take good care of yourself Nate, so you can take care of your girls.....praying in Maryland!

1 Samuel 12:24 said...

Its amazing that they are already talking about walking her! Our prayer continue as she recovers..

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

Awesome News....
Got get some well deserved rest!

Question??? what is Blood Gas?

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

I can't wait to see Tricia up and walking. Your family is in our prayers. I bet Meka will love sharing the bed tonight. Sleep well.
Thanks for the updates!

Andi said...

I just got on your page like I do almost everyday. I have missed the past 2 days due to a stressful school schedule and sure enough Tricia got her lungs. I started to cry when I read this. She is in my prayers and I am thinking about you all. God bless.

cindi said...

Still praying...waiting to are an amazing truly blessed to have one another

kah said...

I'm so thrilled to learn that she was able to get a transplant. I will continue to pray for you and your family.

Many blessings to you


Christy said...

I can't believe I have missed all of this!! I have been offline for several days and I come back to this exciting news! Wow.. I'm am overjoyed about Tricia's new lungs. I'm praying for no rejection, no infection, and a speedy recovery for Tricia. How exciting!!!

Nadine said...

Thanks so much for the updates...
Wow...having her walking already!
Praying that all goes well and that you get some sleep...
Praise be to God!

Catherine said...

Glad to hear Tricia is doing so well! It's hard to believe how quickly they get them up and walking around. Praying for minimum pain as her body begins to heal and adjust.

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