
Monday, April 28, 2008

Goodbye Meka

Meka is going to live with Don and Agnes and Frank for a little while until Tricia is healthy and the baby is settled in with us.

I'm very sad. So is she. Frank is happy.



  1. first commenter! haha finally Meka is so cute:)

  2. What a lip! Meka, give him a big fat kiss!!!

  3. you know I am trying to decide who has the biggest puppy dog eyes in that photo :)

  4. Too bad I live on the opposite side of the country. My daughter (a vet assistant) and I could foster her along with our three Chihuahuas. Meka is so adorable. I can see her sad face there. Poor poochie.

  5. I'm sure she'll likely get more attention at their house than she's getting from you right now:) She'll be in good hands.

  6. I'm sure she'll likely get more attention at their house than she's getting from you right now:) She'll be in good hands.

  7. I'm sure she'll likely get more attention at their house than she's getting from you right now:) She'll be in good hands.

  8. Hope the minor separation goes well and is over soon enough!

  9. Uhhhhh. Meka needs to get used to it, she just needs to build a bridge and get over it. She is no longer the "child" she is now the pet and soon just the dog. That is the sad but true natural cycle once a baby enters the home.
    I'm sure Ginger is excited as well. ;)

  10. Aww, that must be hard on you all.

    A thought to cheer you up though...This time next year Gwyneth will be crawling around after Meka pulling her tail. :)

  11. Funny picture, Meka actually does look like she is sad in the picture, more forehead wrinkles than usual. She will enjoy some alone time with the grandparents!

  12. Maybe Gwyneth will share one of her pugs with you in the meantime...

  13. Hoping all progresses smoothly and quickly as possible so you can all be together at home soon!

  14. Poor puppy.... so hard to say goodbye (even temporarily!) to your first "baby."

    Prayers that your separation will be short, and that all three of your girls will be home soon.

  15. Frank will LOVE it.

    Andy, dude, wait till number two enters your lives. "The Dog" indeed. ;)

  16. AWWWWWWWWW! Poor baby!! (you and to dog :)

  17. Awww...I'm sorry. Will continue praying.

  18. Meka looks sad too!

  19. When Nathan was born that was his very first expression. As the doc handed him over to Gail he had that bottom lip stuck out.

    He came into this world pouting.

  20. Poor Meka. Poor Nate. Poor Tricia.


    I was afraid this would have to happen, but I'm so sorry Meka has to "go away" for awhile.

    I know Don and Agnes and Frank will take good care of her. Or they'd better. That's all I'm sayin'. ;)

    We love you, Meka!

  21. My heart leaped out of my chest when I read that. Whew. Glad Meka is only going for a visit.


  22. Meka does look sad. But I'm sure he will be SPOILED!!!!

  23. Do doctors give any advice about having pets after a transplant or with a preemie? (Seems your post here is more referring to just life adjustments. But, I was wondering if there were any medical implications.)

  24. Aww... you will be ok Nate, you have Tricia to keep you company and im sure Meka will be in good hands. :)

  25. Kinda sad Nate. Your "bachin" buddy having to leave...
    Andy...a Pug is never "just a dog"! ;)
    Hope the "other" 2 girls(Tricia and Gwyneth :) are doing great.
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  26. Get used to making sacrifices for the baby, Meka! :-)

  27. Oh my goodness! I am just relived that is what it is! When I read the title I thought she had died! Gasp!

    Whew! I know you will miss her and she will miss you...

    continued prayers from Raleigh

  28. When I read the heading I thought she had passed away. Thank goodness not!! I know it's sad to part with your pet :( Hopefully you'll be re-united soon!

  29. What is Meka's middle name?
    I think I might like to write a poem in honor of Meka.

  30. Did I miss something is the sweet little angel coming home already...

    Poor Meka. What a cute dog. We have one that looks just like her!!!

  31. That's very sad for you, but probably a wise decision just now. Make sure you don't use not having a dog to walk as an excuse not to walk, though. But then, presumably you walk with Tricia.....

  32. Hope Meka can come home soon.
    Gail in KS

  33. oh no..did Meka bite someone or did something bad happen? why do you have to give her up? Im sad for you!

  34. From Nathan's Post:

    "Meka is going to live with Don and Agnes and Frank for a little while until Tricia is healthy and the baby is settled in with us. "

    Meka poem is forthcoming.

  35. Awww, poor Meka! :(

    I'm sure she'll be very happy during her visit and soon enough you'll all be able to be together at home. :)

  36. Get used to it, Meka. You're not the baby anymore. Not even close.

    Ask your cousin Sasha. She used to be the joy in Andy's house until a little boy showed up.

    It's tough getting treated like a dog.

  37. Awww look out the pouts. I am sure Meka will be throughly spoiled though.

  38. You both look so sad! It sounds like Meka will have a good time, though. But I know it's hard to be separated from her. :(

  39. Awww... my heart throbs with sadness... Makes me think of this July when I have to leave our (my parents and mine) dog behind... She's a 16 year old Shih-tzu and I'm afraid to think it may be her time sometime soon and I don't want her to go when I'm not there... I'll be missing her so much as she always follows me around, sleeps with me every night on my bed, and loves being with me. :-( I hope I'll be able to visit home often and that she can come with my parents to visit me while I attend Physician Assistant school.

    Sorry you have to leave Meka... she's young and she'll return to you all soon. I'm sure she'll be taken care of very well. :-)


  40. Oh, you scared me for a minute. Glad it's only temporary.

  41. she looks so pathetic and well so do you

  42. I don't know dog breeds (i have cats), but what kind of breed is Meka? She is soooo cute.. Please please, if someone is reading this comment and knows the answer please go to my blog and let me know... Thanks... And Nate, i can see your going to miss that pup... Hopefully it won't be too much longer before your all together again.

  43. As my mom used to say, you could walk to town on that lip--your lip, Nate, not Meka's! She's so cute that I think that the next dog I get might just be a pug--maybe I'll name her Gwyneth? I'll be gone for a few days and will look forward to the accumlation of blogs while I'm away!

  44. I am sure Meka will be spoiled :)

  45. One more reason to look forward to going home! You could do a David Letterman top 10 reasons you are looking forward to going home to the OBX! Not that you need 10! We are praying for you guys daily!

  46. A Poem For Meka Pug Lawrenson.

    Meka, little Meka with your shmooshed up face.
    I Know Nate is sad without you in your place.

    Meka little Meka with you curly little tail.
    I'm sure that you bark when the sirens start to wail.

    Meka little Meka you fuzzy little thing you are not a hog.
    But now that there's a baby you will become just another dog.

    Meka's Great Uncle Andy


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