
Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I just said goodbye to Tricia as they wheeled her into the OR. She should be falling to sleep now, and they'll begin ASAP, even before the new lungs arrive.

She was very calm and happy, thanks in large part to the pain meds that she has been on for the chest tube.

Agnes and I have been on our phones with people since we heard the news, and now we'll sit and wait. Don and my parents should be here within the next 3-4 hours.

Here at Duke, for CF patients, there is a 90-95% survival rate for the surgery itself. Tricia has a few more risks because she is still on a vent (it's very rare that any CFer gets transplanted while on a vent). We know that the new lungs are type O, which is the universal blood type.

I'm moving a few things to the car, and then spending some time with Gwyneth.

I've got the OR pager on my, but it literally won't be until they're all done that we'll hear anything. I'll post from now until then with some things that are in my head and on my heart.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. The next 7-9 hours (average for a double lung TX surgery) will be the most difficult of my entire life, and I can't tell you how much it means to know there are literally tens of thousands of people right here with us.

I praise God for what He has done, for what He is doing, and for what He is going to do.

Thank you.




  2. I'm still praying for you and Tricia...each and every time I think of you (which is constantly!)

  3. God Bless you and your family. I am praying for all of you.

  4. Nate

    The students at Contagious just finished an extended prayer time for Tricia and you and the docs.

    We love you guys!!!!!!!!

  5. Lindsey, India, and I are praying. We love you all.




  7. God has this whole situation in control... praise Jesus for this awesome birthday present! :) I'm so thrilled that the transplant is happening!!!

  8. I will be thinking of and praying for you and Tricia. Just listen for that helicopter bringing new life for your gorgeous wife.

  9. Non-stop prayers and thoughts are with you!

  10. Thanks for keeping us updated. Still praying here in Philly for y'all.

  11. thinking positive thoughts =)

  12. Nate, I will be checking in on and off most of the night..Praying the God make this time pass quickly for you so you can see your lovely wife again. Many prayers are being said your family

  13. Oh God please let this work!!!! YOU CAN DO IT TRICIA!!!

  14. I am praying and crying with joy for the news. You guys have touched me so much! I rarely comment...but this is "noteworthy". Be blessed...and love on that sweet baby. It will be the best way to make the time go by!

  15. We are praying for your entire family...this is what we all have been waiting for!

  16. Nate, close your eyes (after reading this of course) and imagine our Father's arms reaching down and holding you and Tricia together! Let His Love and peace surround you, and Tricia, as she receives the greatest gift of life here on earth. :)

  17. God bless all of you...I will pray before bed tonight that all wil be well...your blog will be the first site I visit tomorrow morning.

    Know that people all over the world are thinking of you and praying for you.

    The power of prayer is mighty strong~!

  18. Thanks for the update.

    He has Tricia in His righteous right hand. Gotta love that!

  19. Nate, There are jillions of us with you. we're praying hard. (


    Jamie in Texas

  20. Its funny that you say you feel like you have tens of thousands of people with you because I feel like I am there with you as well. Still praying for everyone!

  21. We are here with you, Nate! She is in wonderful hands, the doctors, nurses, techs, and His. She couldn't have a better team to be on her side.

  22. Will be thinking of Tricia, Gwyneth, and you and praying extra hard. I know all too well how it feels to watch a loved one go into the OR for a risky surgery.

    Here's to a new beginning and for God to hold you all close during this very stressfull evening.


  23. Praying,praying, praying for all you. I literally cannot pull myself away from my computer right now. Go Tricia!!!!!

  24. Praying for your whole family right now!!!

  25. Wow, how great!!!! Praying...


  26. I'll be praying for you tonight. May His peace be with you. Best wishes, Tricia!

  27. Praying for all of you tonight. looking forward to some good news.

  28. Thank you for your transparency during this incredible journey! Continuing to pray in Michigan!

  29. I just sent a mass text to nearly 100 people asking them to pray for Tricia, and received an "Of course I'll pray" back from nearly every one of them.
    I sit here with my own cat on my lap, praying for the day that Tricia is able to pet Ralphie and Meka again.
    God bless you all. This is an inredible day.

    -Natalie in PA

  30. Praying, praying, praying... for everyone involved.

  31. PRAYING IN DALLAS!!!!! God is so good. Praying you and Tricia's family has peace through the evening and everything goes smoothly and Tricia has a quick recovery with no complications. Praying wisdom for the surgeons and for the donor family.

  32. I couldn't wait to get home to check on you guys! Praying that the Lord will hold you all close throughout the next few hours, an awesome recovery for Tricia, and home soon for you and your girls!

  33. I am literally glued to this blog, praying with everything that I have that Tricia's surgery goes well and that her new lungs work perfectly. Keeping all of you in my thoughts...Jenn

  34. My prayers are with you and Tricia. What an amazing day for your whole family . . .

  35. PRAYING so hard for you!!! I know God has such great plans for your sweet little family!! He has his hands wrapped around you right now!!


  36. Standing with everyone in prayer!

  37. I'm praying for Tricia. Amazing to think that this is going on right now.

  38. First time commentor here, but I've been reading your blog and praying for you all since before Gweneth's birth and will continue to pray tonight and in the days to come. May God continue to bless you and your whole family as well as the family of the donor. Your story is so inspiring to so many-- thank you for sharing!

  39. Praying. For you, Nate, and Tricia and the transplant team and every person who is a part of this life-changing event.

    God bless you with peace this night.

  40. You are being lifted up in prayer by so many!

    Happy birthday!!!

    God is so good.

    ~Leah in Alaska~

  41. I'm shaking and tearing up- I have so much faith in the Lord, Tricia deserves this. Everyone deserves the gift of life, but some people deserve the extra boost a little bit more. Thank you Nate, from the bottom of my heart, for sharing with the world the journey. I can't wait for the happily ever after. God bless.

  42. We are storming the heavens with prayer.

  43. Lord our God please take control and give the medical team the strength and knowledge to get Tricia and her beautiful family through this hard time.

    Nate, Hang in there.

    Praying in Cincinnati, Oh

  44. Praying for you all!!!!

    God is so faithful bringing these lungs for Tricia.....and for your family!!!!:)

    I am soooo happy!

  45. I will be praying all night as often as I think of you guys. What a comfort to know that Jesus is literally standing by Tricia's side as she goes through the surgery.

    Lord, I pray that you place your hands on the surgeons' hands and guide them effortlessly. I pray that you bring Tricia through this difficult surgery with the most success possible. Thank you Lord for the outcome that you have already planned. Please sit by Nate this evening and literally wrap your arms around him as he waits. Thank you Jesus that you are Almighty!

  46. Praying for all three...hope you have a comfortable wait. Happy Birthday, Daddy!

  47. I am praying right there next to you. Enjoy your time with Gwyneth. I am still amazed at how great all this news is! You are a blessed man. Thank you for sharing. God bless you all.

  48. SO many people are posting comments I keep getting bumped!

    How exciting and petrifying all at the same time! I will, as everyone else, be praying without ceasing all day.

    "This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it." John 11:4

  49. I was so excited to see this post... we'll definitely be praying all throughout the evening for all of you as well as the donor family!

  50. Praying for all of you guys for this to be sucessful and give you many more years together.

  51. We are the middle of our Bible Study right now...WE will join TOGETHER and pray to our AWESOME God!

  52. Nathan,

    The other night, I prayed with my two daughters (age 6 & 3) for Tricia and the hopes of new lungs. I completely forgot to mention to my six year old that it fell through. Last night as she said her prayers, she thanked God for the person that gave Tricia her new lungs. As I tried to explain that it fell through, she didn't seem too discouraged.. Now looking back, it's as if she new that God had something big in store!! The realtionship children have with God is amazing!! They have no doubts and they don't really question him - don't I wish I could always be like that!! My children have sent their sweet innocent prayers to God on behalf of you and Tricia.. I pray that God will be extremely present with you during the next 7-9 hours!!

  53. We are praying for you in Japan. God Bless you, Tricia, the doctors and your sweet baby girl.

  54. Have been a "lurker" for months but haven't commented. Everyone is in my prayers! Blessings,

  55. I've been crying out to God on your behalf...I posted it on our blog for others to read & pray too.

  56. Praise God and praying hard! now THIS is a happy b-day for you, nate!

  57. I've been checking back and back and back all afternoon - so happy to see the good news. We're praying for you all!

    Been lurking here for weeks, thanks to a heads up from Randy and Christie Herndon - friend of a friend of a friend.


  58. God is good! We are praying for all of you,and I made a special blog post asking my readers to pray too.

  59. Praying you through, Nate! Hang in there!

  60. I am so excited for you guys! Mostly her because she has lived with CF her entire life and although CF will not go away, she will feel like a new person!

    I am preaying for You and your families because I could only imagine how nerve racking this must be. You guys have all sorts of emotions going through your body right now it's probably going to be really tough! BUT you guys will do just fine! Tricia is a trooper so there is no doubt that she'll be great!

    I'm praying for the donors family as they go through this difficult time.

    I am also praying for the drs and nurses as they perform this surgery on 'our' girl (hope you don't mind the 'our'!).

    BUT mostly, I am praying for Gwyneth! I am praying 'about/with' her more than 'for' her because she will now get to spend many more years getting to know HER MOTHER! How exciting that must be!

    Try to keep busy, Nate! Time will go by much faster if you have something to occupy your time!

    May God be with you all during this time!

    Raleigh, NC


  62. I was just folding my laundry thinking about what it must be like to have your mate wheeled off for this major surgery. We're praying for you, for Thisha, the doctors and the donor family!

  63. We've been following your story since late December. We'll be praying for you all tonight!

  64. I never post, but tonight is special. I wanted you to know my family is praying for your family.

  65. God is so awesome....I've got chills just thinking how He answers prayer. Praying for Trisha and you now.

  66. Lots and Lots of prayers!!! This is so exciting!!!

  67. Nathan,

    I am one of those who has just "come out of the woodworks" as you put in a recent post. I have been reading your blog since January and have prayed for you and your family countless times's amazing how you can care so much about a family you have never met!

    I have a private blog and have just posted a link to your blog asking my friends and family to pray for you all...I hope that's okay.

    I know you have MANY emails and comments, but if you'd like to know more about this small family in Arizona who prays for you, you can email me at kristal(dot)sawyer(at)gmail(dot)com and I'd love to add you and Tricia to my list of readers. =)

    We just welcomed our 2nd child into the world on March 17th...I am up with him throughout the night so know that I will be praying for you now, and over the next hours as you wait.


    Praying for you!

  69. I am praying for you Nate as well as Tricia and her doctors. I cannot imagine the anxiety you are now facing but you are being surrounded by many prayers and thoughts from all around the world. I am truly honored to be able to pray for your precious wife at this important time. Thank you so much for keeping all of us in blogland updated. God bless you and your entire family.

  70. Thinking of you all SO very much - I am overjoyed that the wait is finally over. What an amazing birthday present - your Dad truly called it! May peace be with you as these next hours pan out... you're being thought of and prayed for literally across the world! Hugs from Texas...

  71. We're praying so hard for you all, Nate. God bless you in rich abundance!

    I know people everywhere are holding their breath for you and that many of us will wake up tonight wondering how it went!

  72. I am praying for you all. I can not imagine what you are going through, but I ask God to give you peace.

  73. Praise the Lord! Praying for the surgery now....and your waiting time to go quickly!


  74. I keep checking to find out what is going on.

    Your little family will be in my prayers.

  75. I haven't commented in a long time, but read your blog everyday. You have been in my prayers and on my mind all day.

    May the Lord sustain Tricia through this surgery, and may he guide the hands of her medical team. May the Lord give you and your family the peace and strength you need during this exciting, yet scarey time. In Jesus Name!!

  76. We're praying. I've also asked my blog friends to pray as well.

  77. I can only imagine how you feel at hearing those words Continuing in prayer for you all as you wait through this long night.. May Jesus be enough...

  78. Nate,
    I've been checking this blog for a while, but this is my first comment. I am praying for your sweet wife and for you. Your family has been an inspiration to ours. God is good and in control!

    Whitney, Greensboro, NC

  79. What a great birthday present! We are praying for all of you!

  80. YEAH! Nate and I and the kids are all thinking of you!

  81. There is an artist that is not well known, Allen Asbury; but he has a song on his "Stand" CD, that is called "Somebody's Praying Me Through" that is so powerful. It has very few lyrics other than "somebody's praying me
    through"... mixed in with testimonies that people are giving about how during their hardest times and darkest days, it was the power of prayer by others that got them through. Please know... there are so many people praying for Tricia and all of you as well as the donor family that lost a
    loved one today. We will all be "praying you through".

  82. I am lifting Tricia up in prayer right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  83. Praying, praying, praying. . . God is so good.

  84. Nate I'm praying for Tricia and your family. I just wanted to let you know that I will be stopping by all evening to check on any updates about Tricia.

  85. I will be glued to the computer long into the night! I'm so thankful that the lungs are Tricia's and that you have family with you to help you through this. It must have been so difficult yet so joyous to watch her disappear into the operating room. Thank you for allowing all of us to witness your journey.

    Kerry in Wichita

  86. I continue to pray for Tricia, you, and your family. God bless you all.

  87. May our Father send His amazing Spirit of peace & healing on your minds & bodies tonight & in the days & weeks to come. We're praying for you guys through this night!

  88. Praying for your family and the medical team and the donor family.

  89. Praying for Tricia, Nate, the entire hospital staff that are involved in the surgery and for the donor family. What a gift! What a way to celebrate your Birthday Nate (our "baby" turned 19 today). "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the Heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17

  90. Praise You Lord! I am praying.

  91. Let us all not forget the donor' family as they grieve their painful loss while we rejoice Tricia's victory......praying for them as well as Tricia now. xo

  92. I am praying for you and your family!!! I am so happy for ya'll!!! :o)

  93. Tears of joy and uncertainty are coming out of my eyes right now as i pray.

    Love, Sarah Moman

  94. I literally screamed as I read the title. I screamed, my hands are shaking, and I'm on the verge of tears.

    Praying for you all!

  95. Praying for God's uncomprehendable peace!

  96. You are most certainly not alone. There is a circle of prayer around your family tonight that spans the globe, I'm sure of it.

    We will continue to pray here. You are all in God's loving hands.

  97. I don't usually comment but read and pray for your family every day. I just wanted to let you know you have one more family praying for Tricia tonight.

  98. May God grant you peace and comfort thru the upcoming hours. By the comments you can see that so many people are praying for Tricia, your family, and saying thank you to another family mourning their loss today.

  99. WOW what an awesome birtday gift! Praying for everyone in your family right now as I am sure its hard to wait. I hope you know and feel all the Love & prayer surrounding you and Tricia right now.


  100. I am praying that Jesus is standing right there next to her, working with the doctors and nurses...I've had to send my son off to surgery numerous times and I am always comforted by the mental picture of Jesus in the OR with him. God bless!

  101. I have never signed...but check your blog everyday. Wow! What a great birthday present! I will be praying constantly for Tricia's surgery and the doctors, for Gwyneth, for you, and for your families.

  102. Oh, Nate... I'll be praying. Keep us posted as you can... and as you want.

    I'm glad more family will be there soon. And that you get to spend some time with the other love of your life.

    We love you. And we're all praying for Tricia, for you, for Gwyneth... and for Tricia's donor. I pray that everything goes well. That Tricia is able to receive the lungs; that the removal from the vent goes well; and for all the other details I know nothing about.

  103. good luck to everyone. our family is praying for you all.

  104. Reading this I finally understand why people say "my God is an Awesome God" and also the truth behind the saying "don't tell God how big your problem is, tell your problem how big your God is." Thank you for giving me that gift. Continuing to pray and sending love and strength to all!

  105. Praying,Praying,Praying! My eyes are tearing up praying this is the beginning to the rest of your life. With God's care, you and your family will be going home together soon. I hope this is a super great Happy Birthday! Only good things will happen today!

    With love,

  106. I am continually amazed at the way God works, and His attention to detail. Can you even believe that this is happening on your birthday? There are no coincidences with Him! Praying in Oshawa, Ontario (Canada)

  107. I am praying for you! I hope that all goes well.

    I started crying when I read you post btw.

    God bless.

  108. Praying for you in Portland, ME.

    Happy Birthday, Nate.

  109. I know this will be a terribly stressful time for you. praying for your peace of mind.

    I wrote about this on my blog. i don't think i have many readers, but the ones I do have will be joining in thoughts and prayers :)

  110. Prayers are being said for Tricia and all of you!

  111. I've just signed on after being computer-less for 2 day - I'll have to read further to catch up but had to say .............YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My thoughts and prayers are with your family tonight!!!!!!!

  112. Our God is an AWESOME GOD! He has big plans for your family! We are praying, praying, praying! Happy Birthday Nate! Please know that our family prays for yours multiple times a day, and our daughters have their school praying as well!

  113. You're right, we are with you in this journey. Thousands of people are lifting up Tricia with prayer and no doubt God hears us! He'll keep her safe and bring her back to you. Praying :)

  114. What a birthday present.
    Hang it there, you and your girls will be going home soon!

  115. Many prayers coming from Michigan tonight.

  116. The prayers have been constant all evening. What a wonderful way to enter this surgery!
    God is good!

  117. Oh Nate, I can't even imagine the emotions you are feeling right now and I just wish I could give you a great big hug. We are constantly praying for you and I know I'll be up at 2:00 warming a bottle and logging on to see how things are going.


  118. Still praying...

    "I trust and confidently rely on the loving kindness and the mercy of God forever and ever. I will thank You and confide in You forever, because You have done it. I will wait on, hope in and expect in Your name". Psalm 52:8-9

    Praising God!!

  119. I've been reading this blog for months and finally decided that I will comment today. Your story has touched my life. I've decided to find a church to start attending in my area, I look at my healthy, happy 18 month old daughter in a different way, and my outlook on life is more positive. I'm sure I'll be up all night checking this blog. Your family is amazing and I'm praying for Tricia. Good luck tonight!

  120. Philippians 4: 6-7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

  121. I will be praying all night!

  122. Nate,
    I am praying for you! and Tricia! I can't imagine being in your shoes right now. What a blessing little Gwyneth is going to be for these next hours! Words really can't convey my feelings right now. I feel as if a good friend is going through this, yet we have never met and probably never will. Your story has changed me. (God has used your story to change me!)
    God Bless,

  123. Nate,
    Not sure what happened to my msg, but I'll try again. You are so kind to keep all of us updated during this time. I've posted a msg on my blog and on my favorite msg board asking for prayer for Tricia. My thoughts will be with you and your family and, of course, Tricia, all night. God's Peace!
    Stacy :-)

  124. Praying for you, Tricia, docs, people driving to you..., donor, and donor family.

  125. Thank you, God!!!! I will be praying for Tricia, you, Gwyneth, your families and finally, the doctors. Praying that God gives them wisdom and steady hands. I will also pray that Tricia will have a expedient and uneventful recovery. Looking forward to seeing a post that says you are taking Tricia and Gwyneth home.

  126. Psalm 27:13-14 (Amplified Bible)
    What, what would have become of me had I not believed that I would see the Lord's goodness in the land of the LIVING! Wait and hope for and EXPECT the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring. Yes, wait for and hope for and EXPECT the Lord.

  127. Pins and needles in Illinois. The Bible says to pray without ceasing...and with all the people who have you covered in prayer, there probably won't be a single moment that a prayer is going up somewhere! Praise the Lord!

  128. There are so many of us thinking and praying for you guys tonight!

  129. YES!!!!!!! THANK GOD!!!!! Can't wait to hear that the surgery went smoothly and Tricia is on the road to recovery. :-)

  130. I am certainly praying for you and your family... happy birthday, indeed... :)

  131. Hey Nate! I haven't posted yet, but check your blog several times a day. So much so that my family says, "you're on their website AGAIN?" I am so excited to hear that Tricia is in the OR. I literally screamed and my heart started pounding. Its like I know the three of you. Thank for you documenting your journey. My husband and I are PRAYING PRAYING PRAYING! Can't wait to hear updates. AWESOME! God is GOOD!

  132. Nate-I work in the OR of a LEVEL 1 trauma center in PA. I do both Organ retrievals and transplants on a regular basis. I am continually amazed at God's handiwork. I have always been one who prays for both ends of the spectrum--those who are grieving and those who are receiving. And I am doing that now specifically for you and Tricia. I pray that you feel the Holy Spirit in THE most real and tangible way during the next several hours.

    Oh, and yes, I am an organ & tissue donor--and I wouldn't change it for anything!!

    Thank you for sharing such intimate times of your lives. It is so humbling and refreshing and uplifting!

    Bless you especially in this time...

  133. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you all tonight. I hope your family is there by now - I'm sure you could use the support in person, too. :)

  134. Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! What a wonderful gift!

  135. Praying for Tricia and you, your families and support team, and of course those involved in the transplant itself, docs, nurses, technicians, etc.

  136. I have been visting your blog for the last several months and just wanted to tell you what an impact you have made on my life. I have never met a family with such faith, you guys are truly an inspiration. I will continue to pray. Good luck and God bless.

  137. Really praying. I just added your update to my blog so that any homeschooling families out there can check out your site and pray for you all. I'm praying for all three of you to go home soon and enjoy a beautiful life together. Okay, I know, it's beautiful right now, but it can only get better. :0)

    Hugs from El Paso,

  138. This has really touched our hearts. I will continue to pray and thank God for His many blessings.
    Thank You Nate for the updates.

    In Christian Love,

    Timmy,Laura and Taylor

  139. WOW. Amazing. I am praying. I can't even begin to imagine how you feel right now. Praying.

  140. Absolutely and positively praying for you -- that during these critical hours you, Trish, your families, and the donors families would experience the Lord's peace like never before.

  141. We're all here, Nate, holding your hand.

    Has anybody else thought of how cool it is, that "Someday", we're all going to meet each other? We're going to have to get "Gwyneth Groupies" T-shirts made up or something.

    Extra prayers for the parents driving to Duke right now. Everyone who is a parent knows how nerve-racking it is to worry about their baby, and Nate and Tricia are still their babies. We're with you guys, too! Drive safely!!

  142. Praying in Texas for you and the girls. I can't imagine what you're going through. I feel such a connection to your story and like many others, have never met you. I am out the door to bible study for Young Life and will share your prayer request with my high school kids. Thanks for continuing to share your story in the hopes that many are changed!

  143. Nate...I can tell you that the next 7-9 hours will be long for all of us who have followed your (you, Tricia and Gwenyth)jouney. I haven't really prayed in a long time, but thought this was an amazing time to give it another go :) My family is thinking and praying for yours.


  144. It's 01.04am in the UK at the moment and I just can't sleep for thinking and praying for you guys.
    Jeremiah 29:11
    In Christ Alone,

  145. I have chills and will be waiting on pins and needles for the news that the surgery is successfully complete and Tricia is resting with her new lungs! Wow....what an amazing birthday!!! Prayers for everyone involved...your family, the donor family, and the entire transplant team.

  146. Praying all night long. Will hold you all in my heart.

  147. What wonderful news!! You must be so excited, worried, scared, or a whole combination of emotions Im sure.


  148. I assume your Birthday wish came true!!!!!! I will be praying for you, your family, Tricia's family, the donor family, and most importantly Tricia. I hope you can feel God holding you close now more than ever. OOps!!! How could I forget to add sweet Gwynth? I will be praying for her too.

  149. I was sharing a little of your story with a coworker today. Came home to this! Praying, praying, praying in Missouri!

  150. Praying for Tricia, the doctors and you!

  151. We are praying and refreshing the screen for any updates - praying specifically for God to just flood your heart with peace - Sunshine

  152. I will be praying and hoping. I hope you have some peace tonight as you wait. These will be some of the longest hours you will have. I hope it is all a perfect fit.

  153. Praying that everything goes perfectly. God bless you all.

  154. praying for you and spreading the word for prayer. may the power of the Holy Spirit be on you as you wait. God is with you and has touched the hearts of His people with your story. I pray that you will feel His presence.

    Elly in Missouri

  155. This is worth coming out of lurkdom. I don't pray very often but I'm praying for Tricia now.

  156. Continued prayers as you go through this long night! May you feel God's peace and love!

  157. thinking of you and praying for everyone involved!

  158. Prayers all night.

    This is the song I'm meditating on:

    Small Enough - Nicole Nordeman
    (Song heard here
    oh, great god, be small enough to hear me now
    there were times when i was crying
    from the dark of daniel's den
    and i have asked you once or twice
    if you would part the sea again
    but tonight i do not need a fiery pillar in the sky
    just wanna know you're gonna hold me if i start to cry
    oh, great god, be small enough to hear me now

    oh, great god, be close enough to feel you now
    there have been moments when i could not
    face goliath on my own
    and how could i forget we've marched around
    our share of jerichos
    but i will not be setting out a fleece for you tonight
    just wanna know that everything will be alright
    oh great god, be close enough to feel you now

    all praise and all honor be
    to the god of ancient mysteries
    whose every sign and wonder turn the pages of our history
    but tonight my heart is heavy
    and i cannot keep from whispering this prayer
    "are you there?"

    and i know you could leave writing on the wall
    thats just for me
    or send wisdom while i'm sleeping,
    like in soloman's sweet dreams
    but i don't need the strength of samson
    or a chariot in the end
    just want to know that you still know how many hairs
    are on my head
    oh great god, be small enough to hear me now

  159. Lord, please hear our prayers. Please be with the medical team. and please comfort the donor family. Loosing a loved one is never easy, I pray that they seek your comfort. Jesus, we thank you for all that you have done in Tricia and Nate's life, and we will praise you forever. In our Lord and Saviour's name, Jesus, I ask these things.

    Nate and Tricia, praying like crazy here in SC!

  160. Dear Lord, You are so wonderful. You created our marvelous bodies. Please be with Tricia right now. Thank you for this gift. Thank you for another family's sacrifice. Be with them as they mourn now. Please calm and steady Tricia's doctors and nurses. Give them focus and endurance. Soothe Tricia's body. Watch over Nate and Gwyneth. Let their waiting time together be precious. Be with moms and dads and siblings, everyone who loves Tricia so. You know what is to happen here... thank you Lord for what comes.

  161. Praying for you all.. hoping for the best.

  162. Not that it matters, but I knew that went i came to the blog today, that today was the day for the lungs (without even reading the past couple days). I just am so happy that i have tears rolling down my face thanking God.

    Lord, please watch over trish, keep her safe, hold her in your hands, please be with the drs and nurses in the OR, keep their hands free from infection, keep them focused on trish and given them the knowledge and stamina for this surgery. Lord, be with Nate, help keep him calm, and keep his heart turned toward you. We are so thankful for these lungs, but our hearts go to the donor's family, please comfort them, and help them know they are truly a blessing. Amen.

  163. Wow! What a birthday!

    Praying for you all to be surrounded with His peace.


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