Wednesday, April 2, 2008

IT'S A GO!!!!!

They're getting Tricia ready for surgery! That's ALL we know at this point. There is still always a possibility that they'll get as far as the operating table and not be able to go through with it, but those chance are very slim.

Please be praying for the staff and surgeons as well as the donor family!

Also, be praying for my parents and Tricia's dad and others who are making the drive here right now.

Thanks!!! I'll post more as soon as I know.



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Seth, Jen, Hannah, Cailyn, and Isaac said...

We do the dance of joy!!!!! Now to Him who is able to do more than we could ever ask or imagine, to Him be glory, honor and praise (that's Jen's translation LOL).

Praying for safety for Tricia, quick recovery and that everything will be totally perfect!

Praying for you and your families for peace and comfort.

sandra said...

I am filled with tears right now... What a happy day this is!

Dirkey said...

praying, praying, praying!!
praising, praising, praising!!!
So amazing!!!

Ava said...

I read your blog daily and I'm just now commenting -
We are praying for the surgery - and praying God's protection over all 3 of you! What a great gift!

Anonymous said...

praise the LORD!! PLEASE keep us posted. so happy for yall! will be praying.

Missy said...

thinking happy thoughts for tricia! (of course, for you too nate and gwyneth)

Elaine said...

wow, prayers your way

Alyse said...

what an amazing birthday present!

Zarna said...

Isn't our God great?

Lou Ann said...

Praying for you in Jonesboro Georgia!!

Jenn said...

Praying, Praying, Praying!!

Julie D. said...

I have the chills! praise the Lord. Praying!!!

Jen said...

Our God is SO good :O)))) We are thrilled and will be in prayer for all involved.

What a birthday this is turning out to be!


Emily said...

That is amazing we will continue to pray.

Christy_jebsgirl said...

Will be praying...

ReneeGuy said...

I have grown to love you and your family! God Bless and I will be eargly awaiting an update!

Renee Guy

Rich and Lauren said...

awesome.... what a great bday gift

daralala said...


M said...

I burst into tears reading that! Praying my little heart out!

Andria said...

Forwarded the news and prayer requests to church (FBC) and other prayer warriors that have been following your progress. We love you guys and are praying for the best birthday present ever for Nate!!! Maybe you can all three go home by Tricia's:)

mewthomas83 said...

thats great! praying for you and your family, and the staff.

Steph said...

I'll be praying! I posted a blog with a request to pray for Tricia, as well as a link to your site!!

MaMeex5 said...

Woo Hoo Congratulations and Happy Birthday and happy lung day.

Anonymous said...

Prayers are with you all right now.

What a fantastic gift this donor gave to so many people, many prayers for the donor and their family too.

Happy Birthday Nate and Happy "New Birthday" Trisha!

God is Good!

The Felber Family

Rene said...

Big hugs to all of you! Praying!


Nicole said...

Awesome. Praying all goes well.

Leslie said...

WOOO HOOO!! I am rejoicing with you! Praise the Lord for these wonderful lungs and His perfect timing! I will be praying for you and the donor family!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!! Crying, PRAYING PRAYING PRAYING!!!!


Debbie said...

Praise the Lord!!!! Praying for ya'll and the donor's family! God Bless you both!!
What wonderful news!!!


Lisa Sherrill Roach said...

God is awesome. I'm sitting here crying like crazy. So proud for you!

Lisa and family said...

Praying, praying, praying, for all concerned!

Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

Awesome! We will definitely be praying for you! I'm so excited for you all.

Amanda said...

YEAH!!! What a great birthday you are having!! We will pray for the doctors and Tricia!

Sarah said...


More prayers from Kansas for everyone involved in this MIRACLE!


Sharon said...

Prayers for Tricia, you, your entire family and Tricia's entire family. I don't want anyone to forget to pray for the donor and their family as well-that the Lord hold every one of you in his hands, gives each of you strength and His Love.

Amy E. said...

Prayin' Prayin' Prayin'
Woo Hoo!!!

Tanya said...

God is Awesome!
We will continue to pray.

Be Thou Exalted said...

I started to cry when I read your post. I've been checking your blog all day! PRAISE THE LORD!

Alicia said...

That is awesome!!!!

Will be requesting prayer tonight in church and will keep on praying.....

Unknown said...

YAY! Sending tons of thoughts and prayers your way!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you guys, and so excited to see the way God is working! Good luck, and I'll be praying!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Go! Go! Go! Praying!

Love that kiss!

Praying! Praying! Praying!

LuLaRoeMeg said...

Amazing! Praying continuously!

LuLaRoeMeg said...

Amazing! Praying continuously!

Ann said...


G Unit Momma said...


fuzzandfuzzlet said...

I just read your fantastic news on Chatherine`s Chatter and stopped by to let you know that you are in my thoughts. What amazing, terrific, outstanding news. WOW talk about the best bday gift ever.

Blessings From Above said...

Yeah!!! I have tears of joy right. Will be praying for all involved throughout the evening.

Be strong Tricia!

Happy Birthday Nate!!!

Lovin' Life said...

Oh my, I'm praying for all involved!! I'm so excited for you!! God is Good!! Our God is an AWESOME GOD!! More and more prayers!

Colleen, Katie and Maddie's Mom said...

Nate & Tricia,
What an amazing birthday gift!

We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers throughout the night!

God is good!!!


Jenny said...

Wowwwww!! Man, God is good with birthday presents, isn't he?

Praying even now for Tricia, the doctors, surgeons, nurses, you, your families, and the donor's family. Wow Nate.

Ok, I'm off to make nice with some kleenex.

Lots of love to y'all!

Audrey said...

OMG! I am so excited! Praying in Oklahoma!

KaraP said...

Praying for you all.

Rachel said...

Praising and praying with you all!!!

Candi said...

Praying!!!! I guess your dad was right about your birthday present!

Anonymous said...


Praying for everyone. Tricia, You, the medical team, family, donor family, Gwyneth and just totally so very happy this day has come.

Happy Birthday Nate! You'll never forget this one. Ever!!

Heidi Reed & Family

JLU said...

This is the best news ever! I have been following your blog for a couple of weeks now. It caught my eye while reading a friend's blog - I have a 10 year old cousin with CF. Your story has really touched my heart. I have shared this blog with friends and family here so that you have a Seattle prayer base as well!

Thad and Ann said...


Heather said...

Tears of happiness and prayers from my heart. God bless you all, the donor's family and the doctors.

Unknown said...

Heard about you through a momys group that I belong to - check out my blog at I am so thrilled for all three of you and will be praying for you and the donor's family. All the way from Michigan! God Bless, Chris Fitch

Becky said...

Yay! Yay! Yay!

We are praying! God is good!

Lori said...

I find myself praying Nate. Which I find surprising and comforting since I am not much of a prayer.

You, Tricia, and Gwyneth are touching some very deep things in me.

Thank you.

Unknown said...

Aw, praising the Lord along with your dear family, Nate & Tricia!!! We'll be praying/storming heaven on your behalf, dear ones! God bless you!

K Hutchinson said...

Yeah...God is GREAT!

I will continue to pray hard for Tricia and the rest of the family! I am so happy that I am crying! LOL!

Nadine said...

Oh my gosh! I hadn't been able to check your blog in a couple of days and this is the first post I see! I'll be praying for all of you and for the donor's family. I hope things work out and they can go ahead with the transplant!

Family by Love said...

Praising God and pleading with Him for all to go smoothly and for Tricia's body to accept the lungs and for things to be great for your wonderful family.

SheilaDy said...

Wow!!!! We are in Idaho, praying for Tricia and your family!

God is faithful!

terri c said...

Heavens to hamburgers!!!! WOW!!!! Prayers continuing with great intensity.

Joyce in Oklahoma said...


This is my first time post and I am setting here crying like a baby. Thank you God.

Joyce in Oklahoma

Judy said...

My 20 year old neighbor passed away this just have to wonder. My heart has been so broken and grieved for their family all day and now I'm thinking about the donor family. May the Holy Spirit comfort them in a way that only He can!!
But in the midst of such intense sorrow, something so beautiful can come out of it. I love seeing the joy on your faces in this post. God is so faithful! One prayer has been answered (for some lungs) now we need to be praying for the surgery, recovery and that Tricia's body will accept the lungs without many issues!! Lot's more to pray about and you can count on the fact that I will be praying all through the night!!! May Jesus bless and keep Tricia through the next few hours and days ahead!!

Carol said...

Here's wishing all of you the very best! My best thoughts and prayers to you all. Healing hugs to {{Tricia}}

Mags said...

I am so happy for the entire family especially Tricia. I have told my boyfriend and my mom and they were both so excited! We are thinking of you in Chicago this evening and night. Funny thing is I was itching to get out of class to see the update, I almost bolted before I had to tell my professor I was going in the hospital this coming week. I hope everything goes smoothly. Always thinking of you guys!


Zarna said...

Nate, is this not your Best Birthday EVER?!?!?

Shari said...

Oh Nate: I am crying tears of joy and happiness! Can't help it! Sorry! Huge smile, too! Praying, praying! God is GOOD!

shoutingforha said...

Wow! What an amazing birthday gift.


Crystal said...

Tears of joy and relief for you guys right now! I have been refreshing all afternoon/evening looking for an update.

I will continue to pray that everything goes smoothly and Tricia comes through wonderfully. Prayers for you and all of your family as well as you wait for Tricia during the surgery.

I look forward to reading more good updates soon!

Tina said...

Ok, I'm actually crying. Congratulations you guys! Good Luck Tricia, praying for a speedy recovery.

You all must feel on top of the world right now.

Prayers also being said for the donor family and all your loved once making the trip.

GoSuze! said...

Woo-hoo! I'm so excited! Keeping fingers crossed and praying like mad. I'm a long-time fan, first time to comment. Please keep posting!!


Oh Yeah!! I've been praying!! You two are in our hearts...I can't wait to tell Ed when he gets home!
We love you!

Becky said...

Amazing! Will be praying! What a great Birthday gift. Thankyou Lord.

Leah said...

praying for you

AubreysMom said...

Yay!! I've been thinking of you and Tricia today as its incredibly busy in the transplant world on my side of the country and I was hoping you would get some good news soon! My prayers are with you all and the donor family!!

Sheila said...

Praise God!

What a fabulous birthday indeed!!

dee said...


beanhead said...

Sending up the prayers right now!

Melissa said...

More prayers here...

ckuretich said...

OH MY GOODNESS....that seems to be the phrase of choice. what else can you even say???? I have been obsessively checking every hour today to see what the update was. I am praising GOD right now and begging for safety in surgery and the PERFECT compatibility for those lungs!!!!! And on your birthday, too - what a present. Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meg said...

What fabulous news!!! I'll be thinking about you guys!

The Burgess Gang In Hot ol' AZ! said...

Praise God!!!!

Unknown said...

What a great birthday :-) AND I, along with several readers, donated today! I just checked and you've hit 50% of your goal!! Eruption of Awesome!!

Christine said...

What a wonderful gift for both of you today. A birthday for each of you today!! Praying that God would continue to glorify Himself in your lives today!!

Briana said...

WOOHOO!!! I've been checking your site about every 5 minutes in anticipation! Thoughts and prayers are with everyone.

What a great birthday present for you!

Heather said...

Praise God! Praying for a successful surgery!

AubreysMom said...

Yay!! I've been thinking of you and Tricia today as its incredibly busy in the transplant world on my side of the country and I was hoping you would get some good news soon! My prayers are with you all and the donor family!!

Haley said...

prayers for you and the donors family. i hope Tricia gets the surgery today.

Professor TIllman said...


So excited!!

Our beautiful mess... said...

YAY!! Praying for you both! I just started screaming and my husband jokingly said, "you need to get out more!". LOL Hes very happy for you both as well!

TsMom ~ Karen ~ Durbette said...


Nate & family -- Get some'll be a long day (/night), and Tricia will need you guys to be strong for her...

Prayers for you & Tricia & families as well as the donor family...

May His Will Be Done


laurie said...

I'm an avid follower of your blog, although I've been a "lurker" until now. Your family has truly touched my heart. I have been praying for your family and will continue to do so! Happy Birthday--our God is so good!!

Allison said...

WOO HOO!! Praying for the surgeons and for Tricia. What an awesome birthday gift!!!

Anonymous said...

Continued prayers for all those involved!!

suz said...

I've been a lurker for a while, checking in daily and hoping for the best and praying for Tricia and Gwyneth. So I guess today is a good day to come out of lurkerdom and comment. This is such wonderful news for you and such an amazing gift that the donor's family is giving.

Stacy said...

My whole family is praying for you! What a wonderful birthday present for you!

Mercy's Maid said...

Thrilling news! I just said a prayer for you guys and I'll continue to check back to see how things are going.

jennifer said...

How AWESOME! We are praying for you in GA and SC! I have chills!

Robyn said...

Praying with our home group tonight in South Carolina!

Happy Birthday Nathan....what more could you ask for???? God is awesome!

The Dorn Family

MrsP said...

Happy Birthday Nate!! Isn't that the best present ever???

Waiting to hear more.....will be checking constantly!


(mother to an 11 year old daughter with CF and a 4 year old daughter w/o CF)

Natalie said...

I started screaming I was so excited. I told my kids and called my husband. We have been praying for you all every night before the kids go to bed. We will be praying constantly.

Jenna said...


Natalie said...

I started screaming I was so excited. I told my kids and called my husband. We have been praying for you all every night before the kids go to bed. We will be praying constantly.

Julie D said...

OMG, that's so wonderful. Every body part I have is crossed and every prayer I can think of is being said.

Go Tricia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stephanie said...

Delurking to say...............

PRAISE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Praying for you, your family, and the family of the precious donor.

Unknown said...

Nate and Tricia, I´m SO excited for you. I´ve been checking in all afternoon to see if there´s news. Praying for you much in these next few anxious/exciting hours. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!!!!!!


Laurie in Ca. said...

God Bless and keep you safe during surgery Tricia and praying that it is a total success. I am so happy for you.

Laurie in Ca.

Chris and Meg said...

We're praying for you, as well as everyone in the OR as well! What an incredible birthday gift.

Candi and Skeet said...

YAY!! Prayers!

MrsP said...

I found your blog on facebook about 3 months ago (a little more I think) now we're following it here too.....

Anonymous said...

Yay, Yay, Yay!!!!!

Unknown said...

Awesome! If not on Easter, you might as well have this gift on your birthday! If all goes well, you and Tricia will be able to celebrate life on the same day. Sending our prayers from Louisiana!

jenn said...

God Bless. You are all in my prayers tonight.

Katie said...

Praying for all of you . . .

Shan said...

praise God, He is so good...praying.

Katie said...

Yipee!! I don't even know you guys personally but have been touched by your story. This is amazing, what a miracle :) Praying for you....

Kelley said...

Praying for you all...

The Beaver Bunch said...

Seriously offering up prayers!

BloggyMom said...

Wahoo!!! What an awesome birthday present. New lungs....

Nic said...

I will keep your family and the donor family in my prayers.

Beth Anne said...

Praise Jesus! May God bless the surgeons hands.

Sara Cohen said...

good luck to all! I'll be thinking about you all night while I'm taking care of my preemies!

keelstar said...

Praise the Lord for bringing this blessing to your family today!!! We will pray for a successful surgery and for peace for your family during the wait as well as for the family who has experienced a tragedy in losing their loved one. Many blessings, Keely

Amy said...

I'm praising and praying to our Wonderful, Gracious, Loving Lord! Tricia is in the best possible hands right now - God's! Will be praying that He will guide and direct the surgeons and staff before, during and after Tricia's surgery! Praying for safe travel for all your family! Praise the Lord again!!!

The Mom Jen said...

When I saw your post on Bloglines, I got chills up and down my spine!

Prayers to the surgeons, Tricia, you, the poor family who lost their loved one, and everyone else!

Much love and strength!

Deb said...

Yay!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!
We are praying!
and of course- I'll be checking for updates a little more often :)

Tracy said...

Wouldn't that be the most amazing b-day gift ever!!! Praying

Carol said...

Well, that's about the greatest birthday present a husband could ask for, I think. My heart and prayers are with you!

Emily said...

Praying and thinking of ya'll. Hoping everything goes smoothly!

Waiting For Ling-Ling said...

Happy Birthday!
I'm continue to pray...

Anonymous said...

I have been checking your blog 100+ times a day since Christmas. I am from Nags Head and feel as though I know you both. God be with you during your surgery Tricia. I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

amy smith said...

in tears. praying. wow.

Claire said...

Nathan and Tricia, Praise the Lord, oh praise Him who knows all! We are praying for all of you - the donor family, the two of you, Rick and Gail, Don and Agnes, and all the other family members, every person that will in any way be helped by this glorification of God, and all the doctors and staff that are working to help make this happen!
You know that your Nags Head Church family are lifting you all up in prayer! We will work on contacting any of our NHC family that do not have computer access!
We love you guys-
Tommy, Claire, and Cathy

cheryl said...

Wow!!! Praise God!

megasam said...

My heart skipped a beat when I saw this post. I am so excited for you all. I am praying!!!!!!!!!!

Katie Lamont said...

I am praying for you, Tricia, your families, the doctors, the donor's family, Gwyneth, and anyone else involved. I love you all!

Unknown said...

Praise the Lord!! We had a good feeling that these lungs were the ones! We'll be praying for Tricia and all of you throughout the evening. The Lord is the master surgeon and we are confident he will bless and keep Tricia in his hands throughout the surgery.
In God's Love,
Stacy and family :-)

Julie said...

Holy Cow, Holy Cow, Holy Cow, Holy Cow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm praying!!!

~*~Bre~*~ said...

YAY! God is great! Praying tons!! What an awesome birthday present for you!!

Anonymous said...

AMAZING! Been reading your blog for months and have been refreshing it all day today! We will be in prayer for Tricia, for the surgeons, the surgical team, traveling family members and for you!

Gail said...

I am praying this is it and that all goes MORE than well.

Jennifer said...

Praying hard in Michigan. I was inspired to become an organ donor myself last night because of your amazing story. I'm old and don't know what organs will be useful when my time comes but, hey, maybe someone will benefit. Blessings to Tricia and you Nate and lots of prayers!

Aspiemom said...

Well, I'm glad you didn't post this yesterday because I would have wondered if it was an April's Fools joke! I don't think you'd joke about something that would let us down, though.

I'm very excited for you all and praying for all of your requests. Will check often for your updates!

tyra and matt said...

Long time lurker, first time noter... I've been checking back all day, just hoping that there would be good news.
I'm praying for you and your family, the donor's family, and the hospital/surgery staff.
Praying in Wisconsin,

Lynn said...

A wonderful new beginning. I pray that from this day on that those lungs will be powerfully singing God's praises to her little girl, Gwyenth!

1 Samuel 12:24 said...

We are praying for you all!

Amanda Is Charmed said...

Oh How wonderful...I am so happy for the three of you, Our family will surely be keeping everyone involved in our prayers this evening.
Plus keep us updated, I don't think I will be able to sleep till I know how everything went.
BIGGGGGGG HUGS from our family in Ohio

mrs seehund said...

Praise the Lord!

Nichole said...

God is AWESOME! Praying in Michigan.

emily said...

Praying HARD!!!

Lori said...

Praise God! We are praying!!

isaac's mommy said...

THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!!!!!! Shedding tears of joy and praying for God to give you another miracle!!!!!!!!!

Amy said...

My sister Judy already mentioned that our 20 year old neighbor passed away this morning. We are grieving for that family and rejoicing and interceding with your family tonight. When we saw your post, both of us immediately wondered if our neighbor had been an organ donor. We don't know, but is does make you wonder. May the peace of our Abba Father fill each of your hearts and may our Jehovah Rapha guide the hands of the surgeons, nurses and all involved! We serve such a faithful God. Praying and believing with you tonight!!

mjdav said...

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
1 Thes 5:17-18

Looks like your dad might have had parental intuition about your birthday gift!

Katie said...

God has just showed me he really does answer prayers... And I will continue praying for Tricia, you and your family. Please keep us updated! Tell Tricia so many are praying and I have a great feeling hes truly listening and will answer all our prayers.

Brittany said...

This is my first visit- I think I've read all about your last year! What an amazing journey and testimony you have!

I'm on my knees.

Bobbi said...

I've been praying all afternoon and will continue.

Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...

We're praying that these lungs are just the right match for Tricia! God is so good!!!

Hugs from El Paso,

Donna said...

The tears are flowing uncontrollably, happy tears for you Tricia!

Rebekah said...

Praise God!!

Rebekah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Oh, my God. This is incredible news. I will pray for Tricia, the surgeons, the donor's family, EVERYONE involved in this blessed event.
This has got to be the best birthday present ever, huh?

-Natalie in PA

Karen said...

WOW! It's a whole new world now...
God be praised!

Sarah said...

That's amazing news...please post as soon as you know something! My family is praying for you! I've been reading this blog since Jan., but I've never commented before...I wish you much love, support, and luck!!!

Dea said...

Oh Nathan, I can't believe it. I am so happy for you all. We are praying for you,Tricia, Gwyneth, the doctors, the donor and everyone in between. It's midnight here in Ireland, but I hope when I wake up tomorrow, it's going to be more good news. Blessings and prayers to all of you!

Sara said...

Prayers through the night!

Cassie said...

On pins and needles waiting!!!
Brought tears of joy to my face!

Heavenly Father, thank you for this family. Thank you for your preparations for this moment long before they even had a clue. I lift up all those who will be involved in the surgery, that you will bring forth your wisdom and clarity. Be with Nathan, give him peace. I also pray for those who have lost a loved one. Be near to them, Father. Thank you for their gift of life. And thank you for the Ultimate Gift of Life, your Son, Jesus Christ.

Blessings and prayers Nathan!

Linda said...

What an awesome Birthday for Nate! I am praying in Rome, GA.

bethany said...

Man, I'm all emotional over here. What a wonderful birthday present. :) I'm praying for you, for Tricia, for the doctors, and for the donor's family. May God do an amazing work here today.

Bethany in NY

Beth said...


MamaBear said...

Praying for you all ... HOW EXCITING!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

GOD IS SO GOOD!!!...What an amazing birthday you will NEVER forget!!!...I will be saying some strong prayers for you, the family, and the donor family...


Durham NC

Blomgrens said...

I'm so glad! Go God!

Sagga02 said...

Yay yay yay!

Thinking of you all right now. HUGS

sfessler17 said...

I am praying for you all - what a great birthday gift! All in God's timing!

Unknown said...

I am so happy for you all! Prayers for everyone, steady hands for the doctors, safe driving for the families, sane moments for you, quick recovery for Tricia and prayers for the donor and their family.

leiGh said...

i could hardly reading through my guys have become like family it seems!!! I am so excited and will lift you guys up ALL EVENING! WOW!!!

Unknown said...

I do not know you all, but I am crying right now. I pray for everyone who is effected by this situation for the good and bad. I am so thankful that Tricia has been given a 2nd chance at life and motherhood.

Erin said...

praying like crazy in canada...

Janice said...

Praise God for this birthday miracle. He is so great! I read your blog every day but have never commented before. I am rejoicing for you. I wish I new you guys in real life. You seem like the coolest people.
Hapy Birthday and many many many blessings to you.

shannon said...

We are on our knees praying! And rejoicing, too!
Shannon in New York

Meredith said...

Yay! Isn't God great!? He chose your birthday of all days! Praying for Tricia, family, you, and Gwenyth!

Erin said...

Happy Birthday! What an awesome present! God bless you all!

The Cook said...

Ohhh, I have chills. I am so so so happy for you and hope things lungs bring you years and years of love and happiness. Blessed day!

Momof2bz said...

Wow!!!!! I hope the surgery goes well. Buffalo wings for everyone to celebrate when Tricia is ready. Prayers to everyone involved Tricia, doctors, nurses, traveling family, friends and the donor family for their unbelievable gift and their sorrow. Hugs!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Laura said...

Hooray hooray hooray hooray! Praying this is the real deal and the lungs are a perfect match in every aspect. Praying for the medical and support staff as they care for Tricia and the whole family, praying for no complications, and praying for the wonderful donor who in their time of grief has given the gift of life.

Sooooooooooooooo excited for you!

For Prayer Support:

My two little miracle nephews:

In The Pursuit of Education said...

Praying hard with my fingers crossed down here in Georgia!!!

Mandy said...

Our god is an awesome god!

debangel said...

I don't even know what to say...God is truly blessing so many families tonight. He brought us all together here...this is just incredible. Nate, I hope you can feel how much love and fellowship is coming down the line for you and Tricia and Gwyneth. And I hope that donor's family gets to find out someday all of the millions of lives they touched the day they signed up to be an organ donor.

Wow...with all of us in different time zones, there is probably someone awake praying round-the-clock..

M said...

Praying, praying & then praying some more!!

Sarah said...

Praise be to our Father who is able to do immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine! Praying for all of you, including the donor's family.

Prayers from Massachusetts,


Amy said...

Praying hard that Tricia makes a swift recovery and that the donor's family is wrapped in God's love. I can't wait to see the post that the surgery is complete!

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