Wednesday, April 2, 2008

IT'S A GO!!!!!

They're getting Tricia ready for surgery! That's ALL we know at this point. There is still always a possibility that they'll get as far as the operating table and not be able to go through with it, but those chance are very slim.

Please be praying for the staff and surgeons as well as the donor family!

Also, be praying for my parents and Tricia's dad and others who are making the drive here right now.

Thanks!!! I'll post more as soon as I know.



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The Nanny said...


Amanda said...

Wow! Praying!

Joshua & Jacob said...

Nate -
Our Prayers are answered!


Larissa said...

Praise God! We're praying!!!

Sweet To Our Seoul said...



Jobo said...

Praise God! We've got you covered in prayer!

xoxo -
a sister in Christ in Atlanta

Unknown said...

I have been watching your blog for some time now and can't believe your good news on your birthday! We are so happy for all of you!

Shelly said...

most excellent!

Catherine said...

Praise God!!! Praying for all!

miamore said...

YAY! We're praying for you all!

Becky said...

wow that brought tears to my eyes!! I am sooooo happy for you guys and glad you are getting your best birthday wish ever!

Unknown said...

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAY!!!!! Sending you prayers!!!


Elizabeth said...

Woohoo...we are on our knees now!!!

Ashley D said...

I am so excited for you guys! I'll be praying!

Chelsea Rae said...

Praise God!!!

Nic said...

All right!!!! I'm praying in Arkansas!!!

The Pastor of a Small Rural Church said...

Happy Birthday!!!! What a wonderful answer to prayer. Our ladies Bible Study group meets every Wednesday night and we've been specifically praying for you all each week. What news I'll have to share tonight. God is good. All the time - right on time!


Anonymous said...

Still praying!!!
We serve such an awesome God!!!!
My thoughts are with all involved!

K said...

I'm praying like crazy for a successful transplant. I want so much to read one day that all three of you have gone home together - healthy!

Anonymous said...

We just set off our house alarm with screaming!! YEA!! My sis & I are extremely happy for you too! We'll continue to pray for a smoother operation and recovery!

. said...

Congratulations!!! Will keep praying and checking for updates tomorrow, etc. So excited for you!

Marsmile said...


I had just posted another comment saying, "Dang, no word yet... hoping it means good news".





Sharon S. said...

PRAISE THE LORD! We are praying for you ALL.

Danielle in MO said...

YEAH!!!!! Praise God!

Anonymous said...

wow- you are in my prayers!!

Jane said...

praying for all!

Sarah said...

Praise God! Praying for you guys!

Sonja said...

So many prayers... for a successful surgery, the surgeons, safe travels for your family, Tricia, you, Gwyneth... the donor and their family.

Princess Talana said...


Marcie said...


LaurMoore said...

Lots and Lots and Lots of prayers!!!

Sarah said...

Praise be! I've been clicking the refresh button about every 5 minutes! I'll be praying hard.

Anonymous said...

OH MY WORD OH MY WORD! I will stop and pray NOW for the donor family and also that these lungs will be "the ones." WOWOWOWOWOW. I have major goosebumps!!!!

Anxious AF said...

Prasie God, Praise God, Praise God!!!!!!!!!

Oksana said...


Nothing more to say. :)

bdodge said...

God is so faithful to answer prayers. I KNOW he will continue to do so this evening. We will praying.

Emma said...

Praying without Ceasing... guess this goes down as best birthday ever, huh, Nate? (((hugs))) you guys!

Rick Lawrenson said...

Happy birthday!
We're on our way.

Jenn said...

Oh, SOOOO happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a great birthday present for you, Nate!!!!!!!

Will be praying for you, Tricia and all involved!!!


Jenn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

So excited for you and praying like mad!!
Praise God - always working for the good of those who love him. (Rom 8:28)
In Christ,
Ruth :)

~Mommy 2 Four~ said...

Praise the Lord!!!! God Bless you guys and Have him giude the surgeons and protect Tricia durning the surgery!! What a wonderful Birthday for you. I will continue praying

Pam said...

Will be praying!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATE!

Anonymous said...

Praise God! Wow. So many emotions. Will be praying for you guys more than ever. Thanks so much for keeping us posted!!

Queen Mommy said...

Oh my goodness! I'm in tears! I'll be praying for the best!

Lisa said...

Wow - what a birthday gift! God is so awesome! Prayers for all of you!

Beka said...

Praise the Lord! I am so excited, and Mark & I will be praying!!

Julie said...

I've been checking every 5 minutes. Yay! Praying for you all tonight. Happy Birthday, Nate!

kiki_bourque said...

YAY!!!!!!!! HaPpY bIrThDaY to you.... What a great gift. I will continue to pray for Trisha,the dr's,donor family ext. I hope all goes well.

Melody said...

Thank you Jesus!!! We'll keep on praying.......

twin power mommy ♥ said...

praying for the surgeons, the nurses, your family and tricia!

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

What a AMAZING Birthday gift for you! AWESOME!

careysue said...

Yay!!!!Please Nate, keep us informed after she goes in, hourly!!!!!Praying for the entire team!

Nora said...

Praise God!!! Our family will be praying all night!!!

Beth said...

I am in tears for you guys! Praying so hard here in VA Beach....

Karis said...

I totally just started clapping at my computer screen... in my office... I've been refreshing your page like every minute it seems for the past hour or so. God is SO good -- you all are in my prayers BIG TIME! HAPPY *HAPPY* Birthday :)!

Awesome Mom said...

Awesome!!! I will be praying for you all that every thing goes smoothly.

Cara said...

What a wonderful birthday present!! Definitely a day that you will never forget! I am so happy for ya'll! Praying for Tricia!!

Meredith said...

OM-GOSH!!!! I just got home, turned on the screen and saw the message! WOW! PRAYING PRAYING PRAYING! SO EXCITED!

Sabrena said...

Praise the Lord. Thinking and praying for you all!!

thesixburghmom said...

YAY!!! PTL!! PTL!!

Nan said...

How awesome is our Lord! Praying in Wilmington NC!

Annette said...


Totally Taylor said...

Oh my WORD! I am breathless for you. All the prayers I have are going to Tricia, you and Gwenyth right now. Please please please keep us posted. I know you will. Tears of happiness abound.

Hilary said...

Yay! I can't wait to hear what happens! Praying that this surgery will take place and be a success!!!

Callie said...

YEA!!! All my prayers and good thoughts are with you.

Lydia said...

I haven't posted before, but I've been reading for awhile. I am so happy for you and your family, and I'm sending good wishes your way.

Unknown said...

That's the best birthday present ever! My thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved, especially Tricia! You go girl!

Mayes Capitol Courage said...

nathan and tricia, I have never met you but follow your story as though you were my own flesh and blood. i have friends from LU who introduced me to your heart, your faith and your precious love story. i am reacting to this news with teary eyes and a rapidly beating heart. HOW INCREDIBLE! I've been hitting refresh all afternoon waiting for an update. in my office here on Capitol Hill in DC all other work seems totally unimportant. i'm hitting pause on it all to pray for you three. what a blessing....what a blessing you all are indeed....

DavitaJo said...

I may have to ask you to write a note to my boss and explain to him why I'm jumping up and down and crying in my office...

Betsy McK said...

Yeah, that's awesome news for Tricia!!! I've been thinking a lot of you guys lately and wondering when the big day would come. Your family and the donor family are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how exciting!! What a happy Birthday for you, Nate! Covering you all in prayer this afternoon and evening. God is good!

Jenna said...

WOW, what a ownderful day. Certainly a birthday you all will never forget
praying hard, and sending love

Krysten said...

Wow you all are in our prayers as well as the donors family. :) Can't wait to see how she likes her new lungs

Polka Dot said...

Yay!!! I've been praying since I read your first message about a possible donor earlier today. I'll keep praying that she is kept safe during the surgery and comes out of it with flying colors.

Marge Sexton said...

Praise God!
This brings tears to my eyes, praying for everyone!

K @ Running Through Life said...

Congrats!! Lots of prayers headed your way!

Carmen said...

That is great news. I'll pray for Tricia and the donor family. I'll be checking back to see how things are going. May God's Grace carry you through.

Tara said...

This is so great!!!! Happy Birthday!!!

Mrs. Sassy S. said...

Praying... Calling my prayer group too.

LindaH said... this the best birthday present ever, or WHAT! Praying for you in Memphis, TN!
Bill and Linda Hildebrandt

mary40 said...

Praise the Lord
I am and will be praying for the DRs etc. and your family that are traveling and the donor's family.
Praying in ND

Anonymous said...

I just told my son that the family we have been praying for is about to receive a gift of life! He said, "WHOOOOOOOAAAAAAaa. Cool.!" And then I told him it was your b-day. Double cool. Oh how fun it has been to see my silly boy pray for you. He JUST prayed that Tricia would get lungs so her baby can attack and tackle her one day. Spoken like a tru nine year old male!

Brenda said...

YEAH! what a great birthday present! PRAYING constantly!

Classy Fab Sarah said...

I am a lurker, but I am praying so so hard for your family and all of the doctors and nurses and the donor's family. Praise the Lord!!

monkeysmom said...

Praise the Lord!!! And a VERY happy birthday to you!!! :)

Maria said...

Happy Dance happy Dance...prayers prayers through out the rest of the day and night.

Many Blessings your way!

Ashley & Stephen Bauch said...

praying hard in memphis!!!!

Lani said...

WAHOO!!! We're still praying!

Julie4Him said...

PRAISE GOD!!! PRAISE GOD!!! Praying here ...and anxiously awaiting the praise report!

Pete, Ali, Charlie and Rosie said...

What amazing news. Praying for Tricia as she goes to theatre, and for you and the rest of the family Nate, as you wait it out together. Also praying for the donor's family. With much love. X

Saralyn said...

We've been fasting and praying today and will remember you with our church family tonight.

Sarah said...

Praise be to our Father who is able to do immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine! Praying for all of you, including the donor's family.

Love and prayers,

Shari said...

God is good....I will notify all my prayer buddies and be checking all nite! Back to my knees, praying for all involved!!

Shari, NC

Candy said...

Oh my goodness! I was coming here and right before the page refreshed, I imagined it said "It's a go!" And that's what it says exactly. I am praying for you all-Tricia, Nathan, your family and friends, the doctors and nurses and support staff...

Our God is amazing! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATHAN!

Marjorie said...

WOOHOO!!! Praying everything goes smoothly!

Tricia said...

Me and the children have been praying hard all afternoon. Just got back and was overjoyed to see the news. We know that you need prayers now more than ever for the surgeons and team, for TRICIA especially and for the donor family. God willing, Tricia will be so blessed and prayed for all over the world and will come through this with flying colours as she always has... Nate, we also pray for you and your families especially during this very stressful, but miraculous time. Keeping you close in prayers and hope and love,
Tricia (N.VA), Patrick, Micaela and Brian oxoxox

Laura said...

Congrats! Praying everything goes smoothly!

What a wonderful birthday present!

Kim said...

Glory to God!!! Praying for you all!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I have goosebumps and I'm brought to tears. I'm so so happy for you guys. Tricia, you are an amazing woman and I know you're going to fly through this transplant like it nothing! Wooo Hooo!!!!

Happy Happy Birthday Nate!

Anonymous said...

YEAH for y'all!!!
Will be praying for all of you and for the donor's family too...

Wow, I planned to go to bed early tonight, but I don't see it happening now...

All my hopes and prayers go with you all this evening...

Brooks Family said...

Praise GOD!

Donna said...

What a wonderful birthday present for you Nate! Please let Tricia know that we are all praying for her. I am crying tears of joy right now. Donna

Melony said...

What a birthday present God is providing for you and for your beautiful wife!! Nothing will ever top this gift!!

Daddy & Mommy said...

Praise the Lord! We will continue to pray for everyone!

Kerry said...

God is good!! Lifting everyone involved in prayer.
Omg...tears of joy!!!

Ginny said...

OMG! OMG! What a birthday present! I have been obsessively checking all day long. Can't believe how incredibly excited and thrilled I am for someone I've never even met. Thru your writing, Nate, you have allowed so many people to fall in love with your family.

I hope the surgery goes as smoothly as possible. Your family, as well as that of the donor, will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Just Me said...

I just found your blog, through another the other day. Prayers coming to you and your whole family and expecially the doner family from Northern California!

God is Amazing!

Missy said...

Oh my goodness!! Oh my goodness!! We are so excited and we are praying for your family here in Charlotte!

Brittany said...

I've never commented here before. I've followed your blog since January. I'm sitting here in joyful tears, having already prayed for you before I post this comment and also will continue to pray for you throughout the evening and night. I'll be sharing your story with others at church tonight and we'll all be praying for all of your family, doctors, medical team, donor's family, Gwyneth, Tricia, and YOU Nate. I can't imagine the emotional rollercoaster you're on today, but GOD is in it all and we'll give Him all the glory. Period.

"For God has not given us the spirit of fear. But of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7

Jennifer said...


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord!!!!!!! Continued prayers!

ko said...

Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a birthday present Nate. This is great! Good luck. Welcome to the club Trish!
Kristin (fellow transplant person)

Debbie said...

Happy Birthday Nate,Our God is so good.Praying through the evening....Trica, I think you will be home for Mother's Day.........Priaise Him, Praise Him.....

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lord!!!!! I'll keep praying!

Kate said...

Praying that all goes well and that this transplant is a success.

God bless you, Tricia. Be strong & know that thousands of people are lifting you to the Lord through your surgery and beyond.

Jennifer said...

Praise God!! Will be praying!!!

Stefanie said...

Oh my gosh!! You guys are in my prayers.

Bethany said...

Praise praise praise!!
We are praying oh so hard!!!

Go Tricia Go!!

Anonymous said...


Amy said...

Stormin' heaven with prayer!

I Speak Refugee, Let's Chat! said...

Oh thank GOD! Let us all unite across the blogosphere and hold cyber hands and PRAY for Tricia, the doctors, the repose of the soul of the donor, and the donor's family.

Lynn said...


praying for you all :)

The Hutto's said...

Praying SO HARD for you guys!!

Meerkat said...

I'm praying for you here in Germany!
Hope there won't be any complications and Tricia will start her "new life" tonight!
What a gift the donor gave you, it's simply amazing...

Anonymous said...

Long time lurker, first time poster. My fingers are crossed everytime I open google reader to check on your family's progress and hope for good news each time.

My officemates, family and friends (who I have shared your story with)have you in their thoughts and prayers tonight as Trisha (and your extended families) go through this awesome and extensive surgery (I hope- again- fingers crossed!)

Chicago is praying for you!

Lisa said...

Praying for safe travels, a transplant with no complications, for peace as you and your families wait during the surgery and for the donors family.

mini and brother said...

YES!!!! So exciting. Praying for your guys right now.

pinkirish said...

OMG, Wonderful news
Prayers being said
Huge hugs to you all

Stacemoe said...

Praying in Dallas!!! God is good. Praying peace for Tricia, wisdom for the doctors and peace and comfort for the donor family...

Sheri said...

Praying for Tricia & the donor family. May they feel peace that a life is saved, as they go through such a sad time.

Jen said...

YES! Praying! Really words can not express how exciting this is!

Aida Rita said...

yeah!!! we are praying

Sheryl said...

I only went away for a minute! YIPPEE! Praise God. I will be doing nothing else but praying. God is Good, no matter what. Thanks for the updates.

eb said...

WOW- God is good..........prayers for successful surgery and quick recovery.......

Rich and Lauren said...


PletcherFamily said...

Yeah! We are praying and thinking of you guys and know all will go well.

Youth Leaders said...

Lord Jesus,
I thank you for putting it someone's heart to give the gift of life. You have said that there is a time for everything. Please be with Nate, Tricia, and their family as they go through this time of dancing, and be with the family known only by you as they go through this time of mourning.
I do pray that Your child does not die in vain, and that the transplant is a sucess.
In Your Name.

UKNat said...


Christina said...

YEAAAHHHHHH, that is such AWESOME news. Crying tears of joy for you guys. What a great birthday present for you. Huge hugs my friend.

Melody said...

Praying super hard here in Florida!!

ps. Happy Birthday Nathan!

jamie said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!! What GREAT news> I will be praying VERY hard. What a great birthday present, hu Nate??? I pray it is a go, that it will go as planned, that the doctors and nurses will be guided by God and that recovery will be swift and without complications. God Bless you all.

Jamie in Texas

anne said...

PRAISE GOD!!!! Happy Birthday, Nate! I'm a blog "stalker" and it's well past time to leave a comment. Praying for you in Minnesota...thanks for bringing God glory through your journey!

Megan said...

praying tonight

Amy said...

Oh my gosh!!! Glad I decided to check your blog once more today! So excited for Tricia and your entire family. Praying for all your requests and hoping all goes as planned!!!



Amy said...

Oh my gosh!!! Glad I decided to check your blog once more today! So excited for Tricia and your entire family. Praying for all your requests and hoping all goes as planned!!!



Kerry Johnson said...

Oh my! Praise God - you're all in my thoughts and prayers!

karen said...

i dont even know you and i am crying and praying
love you form NJ


Amy Ross said...

Praying in Florida!

Christy said...

Doing the happy praying dance here!!! GO TRICIA!!!!!!!

Goodzik said...

Heavenly Father, physician of our souls and bodies, Who have sent Your only-begotten Son and our Lord Jesus Christ to heal every sickness and infirmity, visit and heal also Your servant Tricia from all physical ailments through the grace of Your Christ. Grant her patience in this sickness, strength of body and spirit, and recovery of health. Lord, You have taught us through Your word to pray for each other that we may be healed. I pray, heal Your servant Tricia and grant to her the gift of complete health. For You are the source of healing and to You I give glory, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praying for you in Saskatchewan...

Chantal said...

Praying, praying, praying.

Our thoughts are with you from here in Ontario, Canada.

Prayers for the surgeon's hands to be guided, for the donor's family to be comforted, and for Tricia to feel the love and support flowing towards her.

jmischler said...

I have been lurking on your blog for sometime now. I am so excited for your family. I wish you luck and will be thinking of you all.

Jennifer said...

I am praying for you all. I pray this will be your best birthday ever!

Lauren said...

praise the LORD! i've never commented until now, although i've been reading religiously and praying like crazy. as a fellow FBC-er from tricia's NJ past (and also an LU-er), i remember how much life and energy and joy and humor flowed through her, and have been holding to those memories as i follow your journey. God be with you all in the hours and days to come, and may He provide you with another miracle! love, Lauren (Martin) Gauthier

Dawn said...

FANTASTIC!! I got chills just reading this wonderful news!!! Your entired family is in our prayers this evening...AWESOME NEWS NATE!!!

amanda said...

oh my!! head to toe, full body goosebumps and eyes of tears!!

happy, happy birthday!!

lots of love, hugs and prayers!!

Lizze said...

Yay!!!! Go God! Good luck Tricia and medical staff. Happy birthday Nate! ;)

Amanda @ said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! A tearful prayer for the three of you!

Amber said...


Bethany said...

That's amazing! I hope it goes through this time! My family & I've been following your story since sometime in December, but I've never commented before. Praying for ya'll & the donor's family.

P.S. The April fool's joke was cute. :)

My2Girls said...

All in God's perfect timing!

God was just waiting for the "perfect" time! And, he wanted to give you the BEST BIRTHDAY gift EVER, Nate!!!

PRAYING in Va Beach.

Jarboetwingles said...

Oh Nate! So many prayers being lifted up for your precious family! And I got the word in time for prayer meeting tonight! God is so GOOD!!

Leah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elyssa said...

So Exciting! I'm praying for you guys and your family. I hope all goes well! Keep us updated!

kekkey said...

incredible! can't wait to hear more. will be praying!!!!

Tina said...

Oh my goodness!!! Praying so hard right now!!!! It'll be a sleepless night for many of us CFHusband Addicts!

Scott said...

We are going for our walk right now and will be praying for you all. We will be praying for success in all aspects of the procedure and recovery. We will pray for the donor's family too!! Lord bless you both and Gwyneth. This is exciting and scary at the same time.

The Lockwood Family ♥ said...

May the Lord give you His peace~ I'm so glad you are in our Heavenly Father's loving hands and our Lord is Sovereign!
Know you have a pregnant mommy and her 10 little children bringing you and the doctors before His throne today.

MahoneyMusings said...

YES!!! Prayers for Tricia, prayers for the surgeons, transplant team and hospital staff, prayers for safe travel for your family, and prayers for the donor family.

Holly said...

I am shedding HAPPY tears for you right now!! How long is the surgery? I will be praying for all of you!!

The Rosetto's said...

I have tears in my eyes. And goosebumps all over! Praise God! And Happy Birthday Nate and Gwenyth!

Shandelle said...

That is so awesome!! We are SO excited for your family! What an amazing birthday gift!

We are still praying!

Sarah H. said...

As soon as I saw the heading I screamed...woohoo!!!!!!!!!!

Tanya said...

WOOOOHOOOO!!!! Praising God and praying for you! God is good, all the time!!

Mama Grizzly said...

Continuing to pray - praying hard!!!

DeLynn said...

Wow. I got butterflies immediately upon reading the title--can't imagine how you all feel! Praying for you in Georgia!

Paige Hinrichs said...

Completely thrilled!! Praying for Tricia and the doctors. Oh! Praying for you too, Nate. :)

So excited!

Anonymous said...


God is soo GOOD!!

Charissa said...

Praying right now!

Kim said...

I am praying for Tricia, especially, right now, as this must just! I am praying for all of you and praying that things go smoother than smooth! I don't even know what to pray at the hugeness of it all, but know that I am praying nonetheless.

Annie LuMaye said...

Oh my gosh...I will be praying for you all tonight!!!

bekah said...

WE ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our prayers are with all of you. Praise the Lord!

Rhonda said...

Awesome news!!! You and your family are in our prayers

Rhonda B

erika said...

on my knees for you! SOOOOO VERY EXCITED!!!

Vicki said...

How exciting!!!! Many, many prayers.

Melissa P. said...


Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Goosebumps. We're praying. Keep us posted.

Sunshine said...

WOOOHOO - praising Him and praying for you guys and for the donor family - I LOVE the pictures you posted today - you guys are SO good together! Sunshine

Mama Bear said...

Praise God! You will be in my prayers.

TMB said...

praise Jesus!


Tina said...

Praise Ye The LORD!!


Katrina said...

YAY!!!! Definitely praying!!!!! What a wonderful Birthday this is turning out to be for you! =)

Court said...

We're praying!

alane said...

Wow, what an amazing birthday present, Nate! I'm praying...

Alonso said...

Vamos a estar orando, Dios es tan maravilloso.
Saludos desde Perú SouthAmerica

Jennifer said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Prayers for everyone!!!!

Happy Birthday NATE

The Brown family said...

Awesome! So happy for you and your family. I will continue to pray for the procedure and recovery. Isn't God amazing?!

Anonymous said...

Blogger ate my comment. Annoyance.

WHOOT!! I'm praying like a mad fool... And it's only 8am here, so I've got aaalllll day to do so.

Kacy Jean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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