
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Just Saw...

Us leaving the hospital! It actually wasn't the Part II that we had filmed last week (that should still air soon), but some video of Tricia today. I missed the first half, but Tricia saw it and we'll watch it again at 11pm. I'll let you know when/if it's online.

I've got to run out in a bit to get some things, and then we're planning on going to hang with Gwyneth later on...I'll try to blog at some point about our day, but if not will get to it tomorrow morning for sure.




  1. Congratulations! Enjoy your time together and with your little one!

  2. OK, so I have to stay up and watch the late news!! So happy for all of you. At least some much needed privacy. Give that Gwyneth some hugs--what a special day!!

    Continued prayers,
    Shari, NC

  3. Have a blast cuddling and spending one on one time together!!

    You all have worked so hard, and been through so much to get to this point. You both really deserve it.

    God Bless ~ Ashley

  4. So good to hear from you. I know Tric will be glad to walk in and out of the hospital with you, knowing she doesn't have to stay :)

    Much love to Gwyenth!

  5. Enjoy your time as OUTPATIENT visitors! WHOOT! WHOOT!
    The Murray Quad Crew

  6. Congrats on being dismissed from the hospital Tricia.

    God is sooo Amazing!!!!

  7. I am so excited you get to be together in the same place with out nurses, docs, etc. That always does the heart good. I am glad you get to hang with Gwyneth later, too. Praying still.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. A miracle, a blessing and a beautiful sight to behold.
    I wish you every success in the world with your perfect family.


  10. The local ABC channel did such a nice piece on Tricia leaving the hospital! The doctors said a few words and the footage of Tricia hugging the nurses and doctors goodbye was amazing! TRICIA looks absolutely WONDERFUL!! Just got a quick glimpse of Nate this time. Congratulations and Praise the Lord!

  11. How awesome! Enjoy time together & with Gwenyth !!

  12. Yay! :)
    I'm so so so happy for y'all!
    Can't wait to hear about the first night "home."

  13. Sooooo glad to hear Tricia is finally "free" and able to enjoy life outside the walls of the hospital. We serve an awesome God who hears and answers the prayers of his people. Praise his name for answering our prayers for Tricia.

  14. So cool to be running around getting stuff and going together to go see Gwyneth! Don't forget that it is Tuesday so that Gwyneth's records will be complete with her weekly updates--not for us but for her one day.

  15. I am so happy for you guys
    "we're planning"...
    those few words are pretty nice aren't they.. =) =)
    Praying for you & yours
    patricia n.
    long island loves you guys!!!!!

  16. Wish I could get your news here!! Watch out for the paparattzi when y'all go to the hospital!! ;)
    (((((((HUGS))))))) to both of you and to Gwyneth! Wonderful day, hu?
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  17. I am so happy you are together finally! Praise God.

    I can't wait to see the piece on Tricia. Please let us know if it is online somewhere.

  18. Your story is so amazing and a true testament to God! Blessings on your next journey!

  19. Nate and Tricia,
    I am so happy for both of you!
    Enjoy your time with Gwyneth tonight.
    Have a great night!
    Look forward to hearing all the news from you tomorrow morning.

  20. YAY! It became real that Tricia was actually released today when I was able to see her up, walking around to hug the doctors and NO VENT!!!!!!!!!!

    I loved how the doctors said she was amazing!


  21. Nate & Tricia,
    I pray that your time together will be so special & that your time with your sweet Gwyneth will be just as special. I can not imagine what you all have gone through over the last few months but I want you to know what an encouragement your faith has been to me. Thank you so much for sharing your lives with all of us who have fallen in love with your sweet family.
    Have a wonderful evening & I can't wait to hear more & more good news!

  22. Take it easy Nate! The blog can wait! don't wear yourself out anyway! lol. You guys are home! weee!!!! so excited for the two of you! :) Happy homecoming to you both!

  23. WELCOME HOME TRICIA! A huge step in your beautiful life. Enjoy your alone time with Nate without docs and nurses bustling by. What a blessing to be home again!

  24. Incredible! I just know Gwyneth is gaining weight just knowing mommy's home and trying so hard to get there too!!


  25. Cant wait to see the segment. Please post the link, if it shows online somewhere! Still so happy for you guys.. enjoy eachother and your time with your baby later!


  26. Congratulations!!! Have a wonderful evening with your beautiful wife.
    We cant wait for the day you guys bring your precious little girl home too.


  27. Praise God, blessed be His name for His Glorious Works! We will sing for joy at the work of your hands!
    "For He will command His angels to guard you in all your ways!" My prayer for your precious family-we are dancing in celebration in VA!

  28. This is cataclysmically exciting. I'm looking forward to hearing about post-hospital life for you and Tricia, but the blog can wait!!! Please, please enjoy the newfound snuggling!!!!!

  29. God is SOOO awesome! Nate & Tricia...know that you're covered in prayer from NY.

  30. I am so happy to hear that Tricia has been release. Praying that your sweet daughter will follow very soon.

  31. Have a wonderful evening as a family.

  32. What a beautiful day this has been for ya'll and everyone that has been touched by your lives!!!

    You'll be visiting your sweet baby girl this evening (Maybe right now) and going "home" together.

    Tuesdays = Gwyneth/Pug picture.

    You know we're all looking forward to seeing how much she's grown.

    I know you and Tricia will have a wonderful evening as you start this wonderful new stage in your lives together.

    Love to all.

  33. Hooray for being "home" TOGETHER! WOW!

  34. Yeah! Tricia is out of Duke!
    So happy for you guys.
    Karen et al
    Vancouver, BC

  35. What a complete miracle. Looking forward to hearing more from Tricia too!

  36. May God continue to bless the staff and surgeons at Duke. May they continue to heal and cure and provide 'new' lives for all of the Tricia's of the world! So happy for you! Enjoy your first night together...

    refreshing in ohio

  37. I am so happy for you both. Praying everything goes well and it won't be long before Gwyneth is home with you. This is a good time for Tricia to get strength before that little ones comes home.

  38. Does it feel really weird to be home with Tricia and going to the hospital to see your baby girl???

  39. Tricia looks good! Im so glad she was finally able to get out of the hospital after a long stay,

  40. I am so happy for you guys! I'm sure it's so nice to be away from the hospital. I am amazed how quickly that happened after the transplant. That's truly incredible! It's so wonderful that Tricia is doing so well!

  41. rejoicing as you settle into your "home". will look for you at 11 also!

  42. I took my friend Lena to dialysis today...and as they are taking her off the machine I said, Oh Lena, my double-lung-transplant girl Tricia is getting out of the hospital today. I am sure her nurse thought I was a nurse talking about Tricia like she was mine...hello, I know she is not, I just think of Tricia, and Gwenyth everyday, praying that you will be living the 'normal' life soon all together as a family. You all inspire me so much, Thank YOU!
    toodles, Sheila

  43. SO Pleased for you! Hope you had a wonderful time visiting with Gwyneth and know you are both looking forward to getting her home as well. One step at a time!! and YAY for steps!


  44. I could not be happier for you two! Seriously! Praise the Lord!

  45. I feel true relief for you. It has to be nice to just breath. I take it for granted daily. Praise God for breath. This is something that will have forever changed my life.

  46. Enjoy your eveining holding each other close!! So glad you are home!!

  47. I'm so glad everything went as planned and that Tricia is finally out! She must feel like a whole new person getting new scenery to look at. That has to lift her spirits so much.

    I hope you have a great time with your sweet baby tonight too. This will be the first night that your girls won't be sleeping under the same roof.

    I hope the news story comes online so we can see it here in AZ. I have been following your story just for the last couple weeks and think about you guys often.

  48. What a great day! I'm so happy for your family!!

  49. Way to go Tricia! Your recovery has been so amazing! I can only pray that when my time comes for a transplant that the same will be true for me.

  50. Wow, it just seems too miraculous to be true. I am so happy for you guys. It makes me cry whenever I think of talk about your situation. I hope someday to meet you both and Gwyneth. Your story is amazing and I hope it encourages people to trust God and not fear walking by faith even when it doesn't make sense.

  51. I am so happy Tricia is finally going to be able to sleep in a real bed & take a real shower & eat at home!!! I am so proud of her accomplishments & I still think she's super women!

  52. Amazing, how exciting life has been for you in the last couple of days. God is good. I am sure it will be an adjustment to get back to "real" life, and it will take some time while Tricia is going through her rehab and Gwyneth is still in the hospital.

  53. so glad you can sleep in the same bed tonight! you might be too giddy to sleep!

    i just searched for your new blip on ABC 11's site and didn't find anything, but i look at the list of the top 10 searches for the site and "lawrenson" is number 6 and "tricia" is number 8. you are not only listed, but listed twice! crazy!

    much love!

  54. Wow, Nate. I was just perusing yours and Janet's sites (I've come to love her site through you), and it seems like just yesterday I was sitting at the computer bawling my eyes out because of the situation your wife and daughter were in. I felt for you so deeply, and wanted so badly to be able to do something to help your girls. I knew at that time all I could do was pray. And, pray I did. Yes sir.... tons and tons of times throughout the day. Every time I would think about you, Tricia, or Gwyneth, I'd shoot a prayer up, and ask God for a miracle for your two miracles. Now, look at them today. Tricia has gotten new lungs, is able to walk tons and tons, and is discharged from the hospital. Sweet Gwyneth has gone from clinging to life and being on machines to breathing on her own, eating from a bottle a lot of the time, out of the NICU in to a stepdown unit, and has gained a ton of weight. God is awesome, gracious, wonderful, loving, all powerful, the great healer, our master.... everything. What an incredible miracle he has worked in both of your girls lives. I know they both have some more obstacles to overcome, but boy, look at what they've overcome already! It's totally amazing!! You have much to be thankful for!! I'm so glad to see all of the wonderful things happening to two awesome ladies. Your family continues to be in my prayers, and I can't wait to hear more encouraging news!


  55. Saw you guys on the news!! Tricia, you look wonderful!!!!!! I am sure you are glad to finally have some down time. Can't wait to see the weekly update on Gwyneth. Hang in there, you guys are doing great and are such an inspiration.

    Continued prayers,
    shari, NC

  56. woo! hoo! CONGRATULATIONS! wow! God has truly blessed you & had His hand on your lives & just look at the fruits of all that prayer & stuff that went on around the world! woo hooooo! Blessed be the Name of the Lord, thankyou Jesus!

  57. So glad you're home. Enjoy your time together. Get some rest & visit your daughter.

  58. Congratulations this is awesome!!! You will have to let us know if this is online for us not in the area.

  59. Congratulations to both of you. I wish you all the best in the new phase of your lives together. Advice from the father of a preemie - enjoy this time at home together...before you know it it will be gone until Gwenyth is at least 18!

  60. So, so, so glad you are "home!!"

  61. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Praise God!!!!
    love from hh, nj

  62. I just surfed onto your blog... So awsome Tricia made it to a transplant. My cousin passed away from CF last summer while she was waiting for her new lungs. We pray for a cure! Your baby girl is adorable to.

  63. Woo-hoooo! Congratulations Tricia. Take it easy, and enjoy your time with Gwyneth. Giving joyful thanks to God, and praying for continued gifts of healing and strength for you and Gwyneth. May you be all home together as a family soon!

  64. Soi ishe getting to eat now? or is she still bieng fed through a tube. Glad shes is "home" with you tonight!!!

  65. How exciting!!! :) I hope we can see the news segment online. I'll bet you both look so happy walking out of there together. Soon, you will be walking out of the hospital with your precious, little one in your arms. I just know Gweneth will gain her weight quickly. :)

    Have a special first night "home" with your Sweetie!

    Your family has been such an inspiration to so many. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.

    Amy in Oregon

  66. Tricia, I am so glad you got to spend your first night away from the hospital bed for the first time with new lungs (and this year???).

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. sorry, i omitted a word. here's what i wanted to post:

    i just saw it this morning. it was re-aired (is that a word?) just b/4 7am. i was so excited for you guys!!

    jane - the figs in raleigh, nc

  69. Wow I can't believe you guys are out of the hospital! That must be such a relief... what a special time for you both. Hope you had a restful, relaxing night together :)

  70. I am so happy that Tricia is out of the hospital! I am sure the sun and wind felt great to her, being tied to nothing but your hand! Now it's just a matter of time until all 3 of you are "home" together!

  71. We are so excited for you guys! You are in our prayers! I look forward to all of you heading to the OBX together!



  73. Congratulations on the discharge! That's awesome news!! God is so good and ever faithful!

  74. I hope you both got lots of cuddling in last night, and had a great night's sleep together!


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