
Monday, April 14, 2008

Radio Interview This Morning

One of our local (OBX) radio stations is going to be talking with My Dad in studio this morning just after 9:30am. Beach 104 reads and discusses stories from the newspaper everyday, and they're invited my dad (just a few minutes ago) to join them for a minute to tell some more about our story.

So, if you're anywhere near Nags Head in about 30 minutes, give a listen and let me know how it goes.




  1. Just heard your dad on the radio. He has a very nice voice. WTG tricia on getting to feed the baby. Praying for yall in Pinetown NC

  2. How I WISH I was in Nagshead...

    It's in the 30's here.

  3. Rick did a great job! It was a good interview. We all listened here at work. It was great to hear Tricia got to feed Gwyenth!


  4. This is such good news.
    Still praying in ND

  5. I wish I could have heard your dad also. Keep moving forward Tricia!!

  6. Nathan & family ~ As I check-in on you each day, I am continually blessed by what God is doing through you. Often the words and pictures bring tears to my eyes -- tears of joy, tears of sadness for your struggles, tears of gratitude and thanksgiving for all you've been given, and all I've been given. Somehow through your struggles, I'm learning to not take so many everyday tasks for granted -- breathing, eating, sleeping. Things that have not come easy for your girls, yet most of us don't give them a second thought. And yet you persevere. What am amazing testimony of reliance on God's strength you are! I pray each day for you, that God would continue His blessings in your lives, that Tricia and Gwyneth would continue to gain strength and remain healthy, that you would remain faithful to Him no matter the circumstance, that ALL who read your words would know God's real presence and His love. Thank you for sharing so many intimate details of your lives. May God bless you abundantly.

  7. Oh, I wish I was near Nagshead! Can't wait to hear all about it.

    Have a blessed day.

  8. Great! You guys sure live an exciting life:)

  9. I´m nowhere near Nagshead (I´m in Bogotá, Colombia) but I hope the interview went really well. By the way, and speaking of stories...are we going to get to hear the rest of your love story? I do realize things have been a trifle busy lately, so please don´t take this as pressure, just letting you know that I´ve enjoyed hearing your story, and although I know how it turned out, it would be fun to hear the manner in which it turned out. :) Still praying for you all, and giving thanks for all the wonderful news lately!!

    Dionne Medina for the Medina Family

  10. Nate,

    The interview was great. It was funny to watch the reaction of the little man as he heard "Uncle Rick!" on the radio.
    We both sat by the radio like the Waltons (an old TV show) and listened.

    Gwyneths Great Uncle Andy

  11. Nate,
    You should be getting the interview via email from Jody at Beach 104.


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