
Monday, April 7, 2008

She wants people to know the facts about organ donation.

As Nathan has written before April is Organ Donation Month. What I think is so phenomenal is how many commenters on this blog have said Tricia's story has motivated them to register as organ donors.

Maybe you're hesitant and have questions. If so here's a link to a great article about how a tragic death resulted in so many being helped.

Think about it. Why throw away organs that could allow someone else to live or have sight or recover from burns....? It makes no sense to me.

Rick Lawrenson


  1. What a beautiful article. Thanks for linking us to it, Nate and/or Rick!

  2. I couldn't agree more. When I'm gone it won't be ME there anyhow. I will be in the presence of God. I have been convinced through watching and listening to Nate and Tricia that organ donation is the way to go. If I am healthy enough when I leave this earth to help someone like Tricia have more time with her children, you'd better believe that I want to do that!

    Great article... thanks for the link!

  3. I am one of those new donors! God is definitely working! THanks for updates, so proud for all of you.

  4. Tricia's story has made my decision so concrete. I have talked it over with my family to make sure my wishes are known! What a gift it is :)

  5. What a great article...I have made my wishes known to my family about how I want to be a donor when I die but I just checked my license and guess what? I forgot to sign it!

    Thanks for updating the blog while Nathan gets a much needed and deserved break.

    I am continually praying for them.

    Jen in NY

  6. i became a donor b/c of this sight!! i have let my whole family know that i am a donor!! thanks Tricia. still praying for you.

  7. Thanks for sharing that. My mother received someones cornea, and is so thankful that she was given the chance to possibly see again. Unfortunately, she lost her eye. She still grieves for the donor family, feeling as if she wasted their gift. I still pray for her donor family...knowing they lost a loved one. I will continue to pray for Trisha's donor, and all the other donors/families who have given the gift of life!

  8. Opps! Spelled Tricia wrong in my comment!!! SORRY!!!!!!!!!

  9. I too decided to sign up for organ donation after following Nate and Trisha's story. I am encouraging my friends and family to do the same. Thanks so much for giving me a reason to do so.
    Amy in Utah

  10. Thanks so much for raising awareness. I myself have donated a kidney to my husband and it is the most rewarding thing I have ever done.

  11. Rick, You're exactly right. It makes no sense not to help folks out when you no longer need the earthly body. I hope many become organ donors because of Tricia's story. My kids and myself have been organ donors for a long time. God bless you all.
    Jamie from Texas

  12. I have always told my family that if I die, I want them to donate everything they can take. But it's always made me nervous to think that somehow, that wouldn't happen because they couldn't contact family, etc. Because of Tricia, I discovered that Michigan has a donor registry. I registered and got a sticker in the mail to put on my driver's license. In the event of your death, you are in the computer as a donor in Michigan. I'm not sure if family still has to sign for it, but at least I am more sure my organs will go to people like Tricia!


  13. My husband and I are those donors too! We didnt really think about it and never talked about it (and we've been together for 6+ years) until all this. Thanks!

  14. As a mother of a CF child I want to thank Nate and Tricia for bringing such awareness to the issue! Also to those of you who may read this post that have made the decision to become a donor, thank you all so much!

  15. i said it before, but i signed up in iowa on nate's birthday! still praying for all of you.

  16. I have been an organ donor for years, but this article made me realize how much one person can help so many people. I never realized how much of the body can be transplanted. Praying that more people will become aware of the importance of organ donation.

  17. I checked that box (organ donor) on my driver's license a long time ago !!

  18. your story has inspired us to become donors as well. prayers and hugs to you all~

  19. Amen!! I couldn't agree more!!

  20. Here in Georgia being an organ donor makes your driver's license a whole lot cheaper....extra motivation to many. As if saving someone's life isn't enough motivation!

  21. Thanks so much for raising awareness on this issue. You truly are a blessing to MANY!!!

  22. That's a really touching article! It just confirms hubby and I made the right decision over the weekend, when we signed up on the internet, via the link Nate provides!

  23. This is the first time I have posted on the blog at all. I have been reading for a few weeks now. I am just amazed at what God has done in your lives. I have 2 cousins with CF as well as another cousin that is a carrier. It gives me great hope and encouragement for my cousins. I pray for all of you daily! I am already an organ donor, but reading this blog is definitely assuring people that there is not a reason not to.

    I will pray for continued strength and progress for Gwen and Tricia... and Nate... I will be praying for perseverance for you as well. I know it has to be tough on all of you. God is faithful!

  24. I so agree! My hubby and I are donors, and have always said our kids would be too, if the unthinkable happened. Now my oldest is 18 and he too is a donor, of his own decision.

    Raleigh, NC

  25. I just renewed my drivers license and thought of Tricia as I marked "Yes" for organ donation.

    My prayers are continually with you all!


  26. Thank you very much! I am an organ donor and have been for many years. I encourage everyone that I know to become an organ donor.

    So glad to hear that Tricia & Gwyneth are doing so well!

    Praying for quick recovery, endurance and peace.

  27. Organ donation has helped many of my friends extend their lives. I'm all for it! I would be an organ donor if I had the choice, but I do not. Due to heart problems it is not something I can do, but if you could see how "normal" my friends are I promise it'd be something you'd never forget. Organ donation is something that has allowed me to keep a majority of my friends, without it I would have more funerals to attend.

    If you're contemplating organ donation, think about the one that you have the opportunity to save. They have friends, families, a fiancee, a husband or even children. Think about all those years that us 20somethings have to look forward to. The things we have yet to experience in life, because without organ donation I wouldn't be attending my best friends wedding this next March.

  28. makes no sense to me either to take things to the grave that we can no longer use. The Bible tells us we will receive a new body fit for heaven---I say that will be good! Our entire family is organ donors---what better way can we serve our fellow man that giving them the gift of life, sight, etc,. Can we even imagine those that have never seen their children receiving a donation to let them see. Or in Tricia's case,lungs to let them live and raise and love their husband and child. I know of a number of people living with donated hearts and kidneys..what a blessing!!

    Love and prayers for all your family--Shari NC

  29. Reading your story I have started to think about organ donation. As a Jew there are many religious laws that pertain to organ donation. I realize that I have to sign the back of my license as well as add, "with the approval of my rabbi." My father in law died before he could receive a liver transplant given that within a week's time we went from not sick enough to too sick for a transplant. Seeing the effects it had on my husband and his family and the wonderful blessings organ donation has on your family I feel compelled to register do be a donar upon my death. But my question is and maybe you can touch on this in the blog is does the person who donates (who obviously has died) still have a say (or that person's family) in who the organs go to? The biggest reason I haven't signed to be a donor before is I would not want my liver or lungs to go to someone who needs them simply because they drank or smoked themselves into needing a transplant. I take care of myself and avoid those vices because of the effects they have on the body and I would rather have a say that my organs would go to someone like my FIL and Tricia who needed organs simply because of a genetic condition. If that makes sense. Do you know how this works?

    God bless you and your family.

    Allison Tomasek
    Fairmont, WV

  30. I've always been an organ donor, and my family knows that, but I've decided to officially be put on the list in Kansas. No sense at all in wasting life-saving organs! Great article by the way and glad to hear Tricia has almost made it 24 hours!

    Kerry in Wichita

  31. I totally agree Rick!!! I've ALWAYS felt that way - why would I want my organs if something was to happen and I could let someone else use them. To me - it's selfish to keep them when our Father will make us hole when we enter the Kingdom....

    Keep talking about it!!! As I will....

  32. Allison,
    I'll try to answer at least part of your question.

    If you say, "I don't want my organs to go to...(fill in the blank), so if I can't designate who they will/won't go to I won't donate" then you're also eliminating the many people who might benefit from your organs.

    In other words, someone you might not prefer might get your lungs, but what about all your other organs that might go to people you would prefer?

    I'd suggest you go to one of the sites linked on Nate's blog and read more about it.

  33. I too signed up a couple weeks ago to be a donor. Your story definitely has caused me to think in a different way on this issue. Thanks for catching us up Rick! Still prayin in TX.

  34. Yep, our little family of four are all signed up. Our two girls, 6 years and 8 years old have already made sure that we will donate their organs too!!
    This has been an incredible journey to follow. So much positive in what could be a really negative situation.
    A journey of enlightment for our family.
    Vancouver, BC

  35. Just wanted you to know that I updated my license last week and I am now signed up as an organ donor. I am praying for Tricia and Gwenyth. It is so wonderful that you allow all of us to share in the beginning of this wonderful new chapter of your lives. I pray that each person who reads this site signs up as an organ donor - how could you not want to after reading your story?

  36. I actually got my donor card in the mail just today! I signed up after being inspired by Tricia :-)

  37. I mentioned before in a comment a couple weeks ago that I thought I had signed up to donate a couple years ago but the license branch did not complete the back of my driver's license like they should have. I recently decided to fix this problem by registering online and making sure my husband and family know of my wishes. The state I registered in (Kentucky) has an easy online registration and e-postcards to send to those who you want to know you wish to be an organ donor.



  38. Nearly in tears up here in Jersey...I had my first speech on organ donation today. The student did a good job and made a great point - in NJ there is no box on provisional driver's licenses - the ones that new drivers under 18 get. So he showed them how to get a donor card. Don't know if that's the case in other states as well? Anyways I told the class about Tricia at the end of class and will do the same with the next speech on organ donation in my other section on Wednesday.

  39. i have always been an organ donor but was not "pasionate" about it- It was listed on my license BUT Tricia has inspired me & I registered on the NC donor registry and have talked to my family about doing the same. Thank you Nate & Tricia.

  40. Rick,
    Thanks for being the great Father and husband that you are. You've raised remarkable kids. Just wanted you to know, I've been an organ donor/marrow donor since the 70's (I'm your age)When my parents were living they often queried my decision. I explained it much the same as you have here. If in my death, there can be life for someone else...I'm for it. God gave me sight so I could see, he'd want someone else to be able to as well. I guess that's over simplified.Marrow donation is also important, doesn't require anyone's death. It's not a pleasant procedure, but it doesn't take but about 30 minutes and can give hope to someone suffering from hodgkins or lukemia or the like. Becoming a marrow donor (getting on the registry takes only a trip to the local blood bank and filling out the forms) God be with the person who's life was cut short, and praise God that Tricia was the one to be able to accept the lungs.

  41. Thanks for sharing such a great article, Rick. I wouldn't have my precious girl if it wasn't for the gift of a grieving family who lost their child...Needless to say that we are signed up as well -- thanks to all those out there who are signing up and sharing this info!


  42. Great article! Here is a video that might further your cause of promoting organ donation....

    praying for your family daily!!!
    God bless,

  43. What wonderful news about Tricia and Gwyneth. Praise God.

    I recently learned of a way that you can make a life-saving donation while you are still alive, too: by choosing to donate your baby's umbilical cord blood. I just had a baby about the time that Gwyneth was born, and learned about cord blood donation for the first time. Cord blood is the blood left in the umbilical cord, that would otherwise be thrown away (no blood is taken from your baby). The cord blood contains precious stem calls that can be used to help people with leukemia (MANY of them children) and a variety of immune diseases.

    I think of it as my son saving a life simply in the act of his being born. Pretty cool.

    Just thought people might like to know!

  44. We're praying for the rest, strength and peace that all of you need & for continued endurance without the vent for Tricia. Nate I congratulate you on being a great caregiver and don't stop speaking up on Tricia's behalf when you are in doubt about a treatment or test or if you question the protocol of the nurse or doctor. You do know her better than anyone there in the hosp. Jeannie

  45. thanks for the reminder about organ donation. even though my driver's license is signed, i went ahead and registered online with my state. so yeah, make it fool proof. i did! easy!!

  46. Rick,

    You should mention that organ donation needs to be mentioned in a living will. A drivers license alone does not certify that a person is an organ donor. There must be legal documents involved for organ donation to take place as well.

  47. Don't take your organs to heaven, heaven knows we need them here...

  48. My family are very strong Christians. I know where I am going when I leave this Earth, but that man who needs my heart, or that woman who needs my kidney, or child who needs my liver, where are they going? I want them to have EVERY chance to be able to make the right choice.
    As the our Teacher says "My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command."

  49. April is organ donation month-that's when Tricia got hers-NO coincidence here. Our God is truly amazing (and qutie the sense of humor it seems)
    This has caused me and my husband to have a conversation concerning this and it is both of our wishes to donate.
    Thanks for bringing this to so many people's attention!

  50. I am a student at UNC, originally from the Outer Banks, and I have been following your family's story for a while now.

    I felt that I should share the story of the student who dressed up as our mascot Ramses. His name is Jason Ray and he was tragically killed last year. He was an organ donor and the story of where and how his organs were donated is incredible. I am not sure if anyone has mentioned this before on here, but just thought I'd pass it along. His story even aired on ESPN (I'm assuming since he was and still is an icon here at all sporting events) and it is so inspiring.

    Here is a link to the news story that was covered on him.

  51. Already on my driver's license as is my husband's!!!

    Thinking and praying for them all!


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