
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tuesday Update

First, for all you junkies, Nathan plans to post some pictures of Gwyneth with her pug later today.

Gwyneth's eye exam showed no real improvement of the ROP from last week. So another evaluation will be done next week. If there is still no improvement they may do another laser procedure.

Her weight is now a hefty 2lb. 14oz.! Sounds like she's got her Mom's appetite and will be hitting the 3lb. mark in a couple of days.

Tricia has had her ups and downs in the last 24 hours. She walked 1050 ft. today (approx. 2/10 of a mile). During the night she was on the vent for a few hours, but has been off for quite a while today. She's still shooting for 24 hours off. She didn't sleep well again during the night, but was sleeping earlier this afternoon. As you can imagine, sleep in the ICU is tough because of all the necessary attention. Please pray for good sleep.

Her sister Megan spent the morning with her, which is good therapy for Tricia. Another chest tube was removed today! (Sorry, I don't know the count.) She also had bronchoscopy today and things looked great. But her pain meds have given her some nausea, so they have reduced the dosage, which means a little more pain.

Be on the lookout for Gwyneth's latest pics!

Rick Lawrenson


  1. Glad to hear things are going well. You're all in our prayers!

  2. This is a big deal. Tricia is doing great. I can't imagine going through a transplant. I will be praying for them both. I hope Gwyneths eyes do better this week. Hope Nathan is getting rested up and revived.

  3. I hope she is out of ICU soon!

  4. prayers will keep coming!! I am amazed at the progress Tricia has made this week. Unfortunately, an ICU is not a place where recovery is easy--too noisy and never any down time.. Can't wait to see the pics--I am a Grammie junkie!!

    Shari NC

  5. SO GLAD to hear everyone is progressing well!

  6. awesome news! thanks for sharing!! I will be one of the junkies checking for pics whenever Nathan has a few minutes to post them. :)

    Hugs, love and continued prayers from FL!

  7. I'm still amazed at how well Tricia is doing after such a rough surgery. :) What a miracle both she and Gwyneth are!

    Can't wait for the pictures!

    Thanks again for the updates, Rick. :)

  8. Thanks for the update! Still praying.

  9. This is the first time I've come across your blog...and it just blows me away. The courage and faith of everyone involved is mind-boggling. Adding all to my prayer list..

  10. Will pray Tricia will get some good rest, that her nausea will go away, and that she can soon reach that 24 hour mark.
    love and prayers,
    The Lockwoods

  11. Junkies? Us? Never! We all resemble that remark:) Thanks for the updates. Sounds like you have some fiesty women in your family! Praise God for their willingness to fight! Still praying!

  12. Thanks for the continued updates! So glad to hear that Tricia is working so hard and able to walk around a little. She is so tough! Also very happy to hear about Gwyneth's weight! Way to go girls!! The prayers will continue!

  13. Can't wait for the pictures!! Glad to hear that things are going well. Prayers for sleep, strength and good healthy lungs are still going up here in Texas.

    Looking forward to the day that Tricia is ready for a photo op and we can see that great smile!

  14. Thank you for the update. It sounds like everything is going fairly well. I'm thankful for that.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. We're gonna start calling Gwyneth fat.

    2 pounds 14 ounces indeed.

    Now that the weight is packing on to your little Rose, we all need to concentrate on prayers for her eyes.

  17. I'm so happy to hear that Tricia remains infection- and rejection-free! Praise God!

    I'm sure this is a silly suggestion and it has already been thought of by Tricia's pain management team, but just in case it hasn't... when my son got really nauseated after his brain surgeries, he was given Zofran to take care of the nausea. Perhaps that would work for Tricia, too (if there's not some contraindication for giving it to her), and enable her to receive her full doses of pain meds.

    Sorry that Gwyneth's ROP isn't improving, but at least it isn't getting worse... that's a blessing.

    And YEA to Gwyneth's weight gain and doing so well with bottle-feeding. That is awesome!

    Continued prayers for the entire family. Thanks so much for updating us, Rick.

  18. Yea for continued forward progress for both girls. Hope the eye stuff clears up for Gwyneth and the pain gets less and less for

  19. Sounds wonderful, I hope Tricia has a restful day, and that she gets out of the ICU soon!

  20. I am one of the "junkies" and look forward to seeing the latest pics!
    Thanks for the updates. Am still praying here in the uk.

  21. praying for rest for the weary... ALL the weary.

  22. My bad on Gwyneth's weight. She's actually 2lb. 14 oz. not 2 lb. 12 oz. (I know she appreciates me sharing that info.)

  23. I have been checking faithfully but not always leaving a comment. I will continue to remember all of you in my prayers. God is good!

  24. YEAH!!! Tuesday Update on Gwyneth soon to come....We are junkies!!! :) Glad she is doing so well and gaining weight...will continue to pray for her eyes so no further procedures are necessary. Praying for peaceful sleep for Tricia so her body can continue to heal and get stronger and that she can be vent free!!!!!! Praying for Nathan as well....thanks for the updates.

  25. Thanks for the update. Praying for positive progress for Tricia!

  26. Thanks for the updates.
    Praying for sleep for Tricia and for needed strength to recover.
    ICU will soon be a memory!
    Sleep Tricia Sleep!
    Karen et al
    Vancouver, BC
    PS I can already see a renewed Tricia walking her baby girl along a beach walk, tanned and healthy! Nate will be running to keep up!! ;-)

  27. Junkies . .. ha, I guess that would be me since when I woke up this morning and thought, "Its Tuesday . . PUG PICTURE DAY!"

    Hang in there Tricia, praying God providesbotoh the strength and rest you need!

    Grow, Gwenyth, Grow!

  28. Praying for both of the girls.

  29. Oh dear, I hadn't thought of myself as a junkie until today! :) Sounds like it's mostly good news. Sure will pray for Good sleep and no vent for Tricia and for Gwyneth's eyes. Can't wait to see pictures of her! Thanks Rick! God Bless you all.
    Jamie in Texas

  30. Great news! Thank you for the update. Will look forward to some pics later tonight. Praying for rest and healing.

    refreshing in ohio

  31. Certified junkie, that would be me.
    I can't wait for my pic fix of superbaby

  32. That's great news, I pray that Tricia can go 24 hours without the vent. I can't wait to see Gwyneth's pictures with her pug.

  33. thanks rick for keeping all of us "junkies" well informed

    keeping you all in my thoughts & prayers!!

  34. Still praying! Thanks, Rick, for taking the time for the updates. . .of course, not as many as Nate usually does ;)

    Tricia, you are quite the fighter and we know you'll keep up the good work to get out of ICU!

    Way to go Gwyneth. . .you're becoming quite the little porker! LOL! Can't wait to see those pictures with the FULL SIZE Pug!

    Nate, hope you are getting a lot of rest because I know as soon as Tricia is in a normal room you will be sleep deprived once again! Glad to see that you got to meet up with the guys and your dad a couple of days ago.

    God Bless!
    Michelle in MO

  35. Wow, Cant believe Gwyneth is gaining weight so fast, such a champ! Still praying for everyone. Thanks to Nate's dad for the updates!!

  36. Can/t wait for the Gwyneth pics. And we are all praying for you and Tricia. Her strength is remarkable. God Bless you guys. Much love in Christ, Kori

  37. I am SUCH a photo hound - I can't WAIT to see pics of Gwyneth AND Tricia!

    Of course I think the most anticipated picture has got to be one with Nathan, Gwyneth and Tricia together, out of the hospital, and tube/vent free. :)

  38. Will be praying for Tricia's sleep and pain. Can't wait for the 24 hour mark for her, too! Thanks for the update!!! Looking forward to more Gwyneth pics!

  39. Praying in Missouri still and checking back AT least 10 times a day for updates. :)


  40. Wow! That little peanut struggled so long to hit 2 she is just cruisin' to 3!! PTL!
    Tricia, you are doing so amazingly well, it seems! Won't be long and you will be totally of the vent and out of ICU. Bet you can hardly believe this is finally happening! Continuing to pray for all of you, all the time!

  41. I am glad to hear things are going well. I continue to pray for all of you. I hope Tricia gets out of ICU soon and Gwyneths eyes get better. I can not wait to see her new pics with the pug. And I hope Nate is getting rested up. We all miss his blogging but we appreciate your Dad's blogs.


  42. Glad to hear that things are going better! I am now praying that she will be 24 hours vent free.

    Thanks for the updates :)

  43. Amazing! Still praying for the entire family.

  44. Thanks for the update and looking forward to pics of Little Gwyneth, who isn't so little anymore...Lord, please continue to grace Tricia with your peace, strength and healing. Thank You!

  45. Glad to hear things are going so well!! And Nathan, as much as we appreciate hearing from you directly, please take as much time you need before "returning to public." LOL Your girls need you strong and rested, mentally, physically and spiritually!!

  46. I'll continue to pray for Tricia and Gwyneth. They have both come so far - the strides they have are amazing. Praise God from whom all blessing flow.

  47. I am new to the followers of you blog. However, you and your family are an inspiration. I am a nurse, to be specific, a NICU nurse. I love my job and I love my babies. However, every now and again, I need reminding of why I do my job. You have reminded me. I will go to work tonight and look at my babies in a new light. Thank you for that. I will be praying for you and your family.

  48. I am so glad things are going so well for both Tricia and Gwyneth! Many prayers still being said and for rest for Tricia.

    Thanks for the updates!

  49. "junkies"....HA! Yes, I will admit I fully deserve that title and am more than a little excited to see the Gwyneth pics.

    Keep up the beautiful progress, Tricia my dear! You'll be out of ICU before you know it.

  50. I'm not a junkie! I've only checked the blog 14 times today for an update! Tricia and Nate, we are faithfully praying for you guys. We love you!
    Bonnie and the boys (and Khristina)

  51. Totally not a junkie...well maybe not totally. I will pray this week for Gwyneths eyes and tonight for lots of rest for Tricia!
    Thanks for the update.

  52. I see where Nate gets his writing style and sense of humor! Thanks Rick!

    Gwyneth is up to almost THREE pounds of butter in weight...that's almost 12 sticks of butter folks!

    Tricia, my husband does not react well to pain meds either...i'm like a junkie, I can have no problems, and totally understand why folks get hooked! Reset that clock and put those running shoes on!

    Always praying!

  53. Glad that Tricia is doing good. I am still praying for a smooth recovery

  54. Just to be sure, I just registered as an organ/tissue donor through the link on this blog. It's on my driver's license, but I figure being registered online is best. If you've put it off, DO IT NOW, people -- it's easy, only takes a minute and you could save lives! Praying for Tricia and Gwyneth! [and rest for Nate]

  55. Great news. I will keep praying for you and your family. God Bless You.

  56. Awesome news about Gwyneth's weight! I can't wait to see the updated pics of her.

    Sorry to hear Tricia is having the nausea with the pain meds. I'll be praying that it goes away and the pain lessens. Also still praying for that 24!!!

  57. LOL - it occurred to me, if you blog-readers have time to read this blog several times a day, then surely you have time to register as an organ donor...or suggest a friend or family member to do the same.

  58. Praying that Tricia will not be in pain and get some sleep tonight. Also praying for Gwyneth's next eye evaluation that there is much improvement. Happy to hear she is putting on weight. I look forward to seeing her latest pictures.
    I have total faith that Tricia is going to hit that 24 hour mark soon!
    Thanks for the update.

  59. So happy to hear the news. I will pray for more sleep, less pain and 24 hours without vent. Also, praying for Gwenyth's eyes. Let Nate know we have not forgotten he also needs prayer to keep up with his girls and to be his best. Thank you again for the updates.

    Sonja in Florida

  60. Goooo Tricia! Glad to hear that Megan was there to spend some time with her sister.
    Can't wait for the Pug pictures of the week. ROP stinks but I hope the re-evaluation goes smoothly and that there is not a need for an additional laser surgery (my niece has ROP so I will say extra prayers for gwenyth's gorgeous eyes). Thanks for the continued updates Rick!

  61. glad things are going well! After my TX (march 01) sleep was the hardest thing! Especially in the're not on a very good schedule, and they wake you up a lot too! All the new meds Tricia's on make it so hard. I pray for good sleep! And, 24 hours off the vent! That's a real toughie! She'll get there! GO Tricia GO!!!! Slow and Steady! Also glad the bronch looked good, that's the best news of all!

  62. So glad to hear the good news and that things are going well. What do you expect in a family of fighters?
    I will continue to pray, especially for sleep!

  63. Praying for rest for everyone, especially Tricia! Praying for Gwyneth's eyes to do better. Praying for peace for all.
    God Bless you

  64. I can't wait to see Gwyneth. I'm happy to hear Tricia is going great.

  65. I pray she gets the sleep she needs. Hospitals are terrible places to try to sleep. It will be nice to see her out the ICU soon and I am amazed she is doing so well this soon. What a fighter! Can't wait to see new pug pics of Gwyneth either! Our family is praying for yours


  66. God bless your lil' family. I will pray for you all.

  67. woohoo. we are so glad to hear that things are still going well. Keep going Tricia and keep up your hard work!!! Can't wait to see some recent pictures of all of you!! Sleep well!!

  68. You are all in our daily prayers!
    MB from MA

  69. continueing to lift both girls up...


  70. Thank you for being kind enough to update us.
    Tell Nate we miss him!
    Looking forward to Gwenyth pics and praying for Tricia.

  71. That's great news on all the walking! Praying that Tricia will be able to stay off the vent and for Gwyneth's eyes. Gwyneth is an eating machine! Grow baby grow! Can't wait to see the pictures.

  72. Thank you for the new update... yes continued prayer absolutely, we are all rooting for you sweet Tricia.
    and I realized today that i am 110%
    addicted to this name is julia i am a cf husband blog addict

  73. thanks for the update! Can't wait to see the pictures of Gwyneth! covering them in prayer, jen in al

  74. Continuing to pray...


  75. Keeping you all in my prayers. Hope everyone has good night.

  76. Okay, so I'm a junkie...but isn't Loving better than drugs? Sorry Pastor Rick, I am in Love with your beautiful family! And I am in Awe at how God is using them. Ask your sister D she'll tell you I love deep. Love and Prayers Always!!

  77. Praise God for family! We're continuing to pray for sleep, healing, less pain, and 24 hours of unassisted breathing.

  78. Thanks for the update. Praying for you guys.

  79. Pastor Rick, thank you for taking the time to post these updates for all of us. Praying for your extended family, especially for Tricia and Gwyneth's continued healing.

  80. Things sound good... I also had major trouble sleeping, even out of the ICU. Think I went for about 4 days without any deep sleep at one stage. Then I just started crying so they increased the sleeping pills, lol! Tricia you rock!!!

  81. Rick, Thank you so much for stepping in for Nate. We all apprecate it. And all who are praying please keep this dear aithful daddy and husband in prayer. We love you Nate.

  82. That's great that she is doing better and better each day. Here's hoping she can be off the vent for 24 hours!

  83. Thank you for sharing your story. Your family is in my prayers. We have a good family friend with a very similar story and it's encouraging to hear how well Tricia and Gwyneth are doing.

  84. Nate that viedo made me smile. It was full of love laughter and joy. I thought it was awesome! And I can't wait for the next! Each time you guys post you suprise me more and more with how strong both Tricia and Gwyneth are! And Nate you aren't getting enough credit I can see how much you go through and I pray that you can take your 2girls home safe and sound really soon!


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