Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Waiting For Mommy



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♥Lisa♥ @ FinalScore:Boys3Girls2 said...

i love that bottom pic. too cute

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

Beautiful pics!

My2Girls said...

Love those photos of Daddy and baby girl Gwyneth!!!

Kira said...

What a beautiful update. :)

Miki said...

Thank you Nate so much for letting us peek into your lives. It's just so precious. We're all nervous and hopeful!

Best wishes.

Wonderful pictures! Thank you.

Tracy P. said...

Look at her sweet little face filling in. She is quite the little person. You three have so much to look forward to together. Praying with the multitudes.

Anonymous said...


Praying for you all!

The Outlaw Family said...

her eyes are darling! what a sweet sweet baby girl!

Unknown said...

this has got to be the longest night EVER!

Christine said...

Totally precious...and priceless.

Erin said...

That first picture is absolutely precious. She loves her daddy!!

Jennifer said...

All beautiful pictures...but those eyes in the last one really reel me in! What a gorgeous little girl!
Praying for you and yours, Nate :)

jennifer said...

Look at how alert she is! Such a precious, precious baby!

allison said...

What a beautiful set of pictures!

Still praying here in Kansas!

beanhead said...

I just love the last picture. It is so beautiful.

Lizze said...

The last picture above your name, is simply precious!

jesse and whit... said...

y'all are a beautiful family. tricia is absolutely amazing. you three are going to have the most amazing story!! we are so excited about what God has done and is doing. constantly in our prayers... love, the hines

He loves you most said...

oh how I love that last picture!
I think that one is my favorite one so far.

Praying for you through this night.

mommyof4blessings said...

absolutely LOVELY! so very nice to see Gwen growing :)just warms the heart..saying a prayer for your precious little MIRACLE as well 0:)

Erin said...

Look at that yawn!!

Man, Nate... she gets cuter by the picture. I've enlisted my blog friends and they're praying for you guys too!!!

jamie said...

HOW CUTE!!! Love and hugs to you and your precious daughter as she waits for her Mommy!!! She looks fantastic Nate!!

Jamie in Texas

Amy Lynn said...

Those are just beautiful. :) My favorite is the bottom picture. :) What a little Sweetie! :)

Amy in Oregon

Laura said...

Ooh, I agree with everyone else. That last picture of Gwyneth is incredible! She sure looks like both her mommy and daddy; what a beautiful little girl! Praying for Gwyneth's mommy, that she will be there holding her baby girl very soon.

For Prayer Support:

My two little miracle nephews:

The Beaver Bunch said...

Guess she can't sleep either, huh? Everyone's awake, watching, praying and thinking of Tricia...

Sarah said...

That last picture is just beautiful. Definitely one for a frame!!! I'll keep praying and check back in the morning (unless one of my boys wakes up in the middle of the night). Good luck to you and Tricia and Gwyneth and may your whole family have a since of peace knowing that God is watching over EVERYTHING!!!

Anonymous said...

What lovely pictures. I am so excited for you all. Praying like crazy for a great healthy fit!!!! And praying for the family of the donor.

A Dusty Frame said...

She is soooo pretty:)
You got some wonderful shots here.

Sheryl said...

Beautiful! And we're waiting and praying with you.

Linda said...

The last picture is Priceless!!! Have a copy to show Tricia when she opens her eyes after surgery. Hang in their Nate.......our prayers are with Tricia, you and your families.

Lu said...

Thank you for your updates and pictures Little Rose it´s precious,
Lu - RJ

Lisa said...

That last pic is a WINNER! Still praying God's will be done.

Jen said...

I am a long time reader and just had to post tonight. I was so excited to see the news that Tricia went to surgery. I am praying for all of you. I feel like I know your family, I check on you daily (sometimes more than once) to get updates. The difference in Gwyneth is just amazing. She is looking so much bigger and stronger. I can tell she is a little fighter. I'll be checking back in the AM and praying for you all.

Sarah said...

Oops!! I meant a SENSE of peace! Boy, I need to go to bed!!

Brittany said...

Isn't blogging such a blessing? Look at all of these people God will hear praying for you!

Precious photos! She is so cute. I love her stylin' onsie!

Rich and Lauren said...

thats so cool

love you bro call me if you need anything i can be there in about an hour if u need me

Unknown said...

So cute! :)

Off to sleep now--will pray for y'all until I fall asleep!

Good luck Tricia!!! God bless you!

shuggy said...

that last picture is priceless!!!

Debbie said...

The bottom pic is so cute. You can tell she's getting bigger and better.

Jan said...

I'm so glad to see you have someone special to keep you occupied while you wait. She's adorable.

Praying hard for all of you.

Emily said...

Glad you had such great company during this long wait!

lizcannon said...

here's a thought to break the tension:

you/someone else:

go get some dr pepper and pop rocks.


Patti said...

Been following your blog for some time ... but this is my first comment. Wonderful photos of Gwyneth (my favorite is also the last one). No doubt she is a miracle from our wonderful God! You're are all in my thoughts and prayers. May God be with you all including the doctors, hospital staff and the family who is mourning the loss of a loved one. Hugs from Buffalo NY! Pep

Unknown said...

Adorable pics. Before my 11-year-old daughter went to bed, I told her the news about Tricia's surgery and asked her to pray. (She loves looking at "your girls" on the blog all the time.) She said she will be praying for her, asked some pretty serious questions, then looked at me and said, "Mom, if I should ever die, please give my organs to someone who needs them." I assured her that I would honor her request.

Praying in Louisiana

Elizabeth said...

wow, she is absolutely gorgeous!! hang in there, tricia will be done soon with a new pair of lungs...woohoo...

1 Samuel 12:24 said...

Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures - love them all and especially IMG_4928wtmk.jpg

Anonymous said...

I just love how she's looking up at you in the first picture!! By her blurry hands, it looks like she is really starting to wiggle and move--what a little sweetie. Praying for your precious Tricia tonight before I turn in for bed. Blessings to you all.

sandra said...


Connie said...

Looks like she is a daddy's girl and daddy is wrapped around her tiny pinky. Beautiful and touching pictures!

Anonymous said...

Just had to check in one more time before bed. Great photos. Gwyneth is looking more hearty each time I see a new picture. Just beautiful. Kathy (mom to the princesses in disguise)

goldrock said...

Oh gosh ...those pictures are wonderful!! Little Gwyneth Rose looking up at Daddy, that big yawn, both of you gazing at each other, and those big beautiful eyes looking right at the camera ... they're all precious!
Praying along with thousands of others for Tricia and all of you. I hope you, your parents & Tricia's parents can get a little rest tonight. Thank you, God, for watching over Tricia and her doctors & nurses.

Unknown said...

It must feel so good for you to hold baby Gwenyth right now.
Stacy :-)

Jen Wilson said...

Oh my word, that last picture of Gwyneth is SO sweet!!

Donna said...

Beautiful! We are praying for your mommy and all of you right now.

Carol said...

I think I'm seeing a much welcomed double chin! And, I mean on Gwyneth. And, it looks like she's waving to Mom in the last picture. What a wonderful world.

Christy said...

Those pictures are too cute and mommy will love them. Gwyneth is so different. She is really getting a personality. It is like she is getting to really act like a baby now. Before, she was having to use most all of her energy to grow what should have grown inside. Now, she is going to show what she can do. I really think she is going to have a huge sense of humor like her daddy and be beautiful on the inside and out like mommy. This is still amazing.

Unknown said...

And I should have added that I just checked in again before doing some evening chores. Still praying and looking forward to your update. God's Peace!
Stacy :-)

Judy said...

This is my first time to post to a Blog.. and yours is well deserved! I am so grateful to God that I decided to check in on your family before I went to bed. I will be praying all night for your family. Our God is a GOD of miracles. Remember that we must only have the faith of a mustard seed.. have you ever seen a mustard seed? May God hold you all in the palm of his hand...
In Christ! Judy
P.S. the last picture is the best picture yet... God Bless!

Anonymous said...

She's so incredibly beautiful!

mjdav said...

AWWWWWWW! Rest well little one.

Meg said...

Nate, I have just read your entire blog today. It is 12:41am EST and I guess that means that Tricia is still in surgery. Your entire family is in my thoughts and prayers. I sincerely hope all goes well. Also, your daughter is divine!

Beverly said...

Beautiful! Such personality in that last photo.

Katy said...

Oh my goodness, these are SO precious!!! Wait until Mommy wakes up, she will LOVE these!

WendyLou said...

I love the pictures. They are wonderful to see. I'm so glad you can hold her now.

Prayers headed your way. Prayers of those that love the Lord have power.

twin power mommy ♥ said...

that last picture is so sweet.
isn't it sooo wonderful whenever you get to hold her. i remember those days with my girls.

~j~ said...

oh my gosh,just look at her! That bottom picture is way cute.
Don't think any of us will be sleeping much tonite, I am way too keyed up looking forward to the next post.
sweet little Gwyneth, sleep well,
praying with joy and praise in cali

johanna said...

that bottom pic is so amazing, you should frame it.
well, i dont post comments ever cuz i know you already get so many but i have been so ''glued to'' and enthralled with your story and as i sit here with tears in my eyes i couldn't resist. you guys are such an amazing and lovely family. but more than anything you are christians and your faith and love for christ is so apparent and amazing. thank you for puting yourselves out there to touch so many peoples lives. i pray for everyone involved in what is happening right now and hope that you can remain calm as you wait to hear. i know you know but sometimes we all need reminding, so...know that god's hands are with her and the doctors right now and his love will carry you all through this. thank you again for sharing.


Lorri said...

The first picture should be captioned,

"Whoa dude...where did all your hair go?!"

The last one is a classic "waiting" pose. TOO CUTE!!!


Sara Cohen said...

That last picture is the best! you two look like you are so patiently waiting! SHe has beautiful eyes.

KAL071203 said...

What a beautiful miracle gwenyth is! I have been prraying for your family and will continue to do so, i started reading your blog when i was pregnant, my son was born 5 weeks early and having watched your little miracle grow being born so early gave me such a peace. I am praying for Tricia and your family throughout the night as I get up for feedings. God be with you.

Stefanie said...

beautiful father daughter pictures!! You are all in my prayers:)
God is so good

Gram said...

oh my, that last still my heart....

mel said...

I just checked in. Been praying all day for Tricia's new lungs!! So glad it's a go. What a wonderful way to end my day and my Husband's it was his birthday today. We'll keep on praying along with just about the entire world!!1 Praise God!

Mandy said...

Totally loving the bottom photo! So, so precious. Still praying in PA and posting the same request on my blog!

Laurie in Ca. said...

She is getting prettier every day Nate. What a blessing to spend time with her while her mommy gets her new lungs. Praying for the Lord to guide each and every hand that touches Tricia tonight. He will bring her through.

Love, Laurie in Ca.

jamie said...

Well, looks like I will be keeping vigil with you, Nate. I simply am unable to sleep. I have a feeling I may not be alone out here in the blogosphere. Speaking for myself, I am somewhat surprised at the depth of feeling and love for your family. We'll likely never meet in person, but it is beyond my words to explain. Anyhoo, too bad some of us out here can't share a cup of coffee together while we wait and pray for Tricia and your whole family. Her parents must be so excited! Again, rmmbr you all are wrapped in our love and prayers.

Jamie in Texas

Kailah said...

Just wanted to add our prayers to your list! Love and baby cuddles to you guys! Those pics are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

She's getting soooo big! Look at that pretty girl!

Continuing to pray!

Kate said...

That last picture is so poignant.

I am continuing to pray for you and Tricia and all involved in her surgery. May God infuse His strength, wisdom and skill into the doctors operating on your beautiful wife. May she soon be breathing easily, without lung pain, and may you all be blessed to go home together with happy hearts and a new ability to live the dreams you have dreamed together with Gwyneth.

Shandelle said...

Oh so sweet nathan! Thank you!

And I don't think I'll sleep much tonight. We're up with you!

Matt and Cristin said...

these are precious...

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

what a perfect place to wait... the pictures are beautiful! scontinued prayers.

Anonymous said...


Kk said...

the last pic is my fav of all time... this child so new so small has changed many people!!
She is saying "Gosh daddy... can't they just hurry up, i want my mommy too"
thanks for blessing my life

Ashley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
terri c said...

Gorgeous photos of a gorgeous baby. Waiting right along with her (and the whole WORLD!!). Prayers continuing...

Wade said...

Great Pictures Daddio, she is a cutie! We are all praying! Praise God! Love ya!

Wade, Bari, and the Girls

Cindy said...

Precious! So much love....

Ashley said...

I'll be praying for your family tonight. I just checked in and was surprised to see that Tricia is in surgery! Wow. God is good. Everything in his time! What an awesome birthday present!!

Oh..btw, that bottom pic is just gorgeous. It even choked me up a little.


Carri said...

Just eanted to say that you have the most beautiful little girl!! I love the picture of her looking up a Daddy and the last one shows just hoe cute she is! I am praying for Tricia and will waiting on an update!

Azul said...

She looks like a such a big girl!
We'll be praying for your family as well as the donor's tonight.

Colleen, Katie and Maddie's Mom said...

That last picture is just awesome - you can tell that she is already Daddy's little girl!

Marcie said...

Praying for Tricia and for the surgeons as they work through the night. And, wow, Gwyneth looks beautiful! I loved your gratitude for what God has done, is doing and will do...He is faithful, He is good. He does what He says He will do and He is with you every step of the way.

Robin said...

Beautiful pictures the last one is my favorite - so much personality! Praying for Tricia and you as you await the news.

Sara said...

I dropped to my knees as soon as I read your posts tonight. You and Tricia deserve all the happiness God can send. Baby Girl and Mama are on track to come home together.

jamie said...

about 4 hours in now. About halfway there for Tricia's new lungs. What a miracle. I was wondering as I was thinking and praying. Wonder has anyone ever had so many people, so many places in the US and the world praying for them while they were in surgery. bet not! We are gathered and we are praying. If God had a phone system, all circuits would be busy! Fortunatley he has no such limitations! God Bless everyone!!
Jamie in Texas

Crystal said...

Aww,, these are my new fav. photos, they are great. I am praying here in Alabama, I know you said it would be a wile, but I can't sleep now. LOL

Stephanie D said...

Oh, my, that in that bottom pic she looks like Tricia! First time I've seen a real resemblance!

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

wow, she looks amazing. Thanks for sharing the cute pictures.

Anonymous said...

You're not alone tonight!

Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...

The last picture is my favorite! Praying for you and Gwyneth as you wait to hear more news from the OR.

Hugs from El Paso,

bdodge said...

Still up and praying. We are going to bed soon; but as we wake; Tricia will be on our hearts.

Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL. that last picture made my heart jump to my throat...she is amazing! love susanna

praying here in mexico!!!!

amanda said...

Those are some mighty pretty eyes she's got! I'm glad you have "Little Tricia" to hold onto during this night, and your family is able to be there with you.

Those eyes are intensely beautiful!

Paige Hinrichs said...

I wanted to check in before going to bed. I'm praying for Tricia, the Dr.s and you.

Gwyneth is seriously getting prettier by the day. LOVE that last picture. Just lovely.

May God Bless you tonight.

Deb said...

I'm praying for your family. Your daughter is beautiful.

Angela said...

Those pics are just incredible...too precious for words!! The first and last are my favorites.

Jen in Al said...

beautiful pictures, beautiful baby girl! know Mommy and Daddy are so proud! Praying,,,jen in al

Jen Moore said...

I am going to attempt to get to bed, but I am seriously doubting I will be able to sleep! I am praying constantly for Tricia's surgery and for you all! My 9 year old cried, she was so happy for Tricia to get new lungs! We stayed in her bed at her bedtime praying and sharing scripture. She asked a lot of good questions about transplants and was amazed at how it all can work! She also figured out the donor's role in the process, and was instantly touched by it to the point that she told me right away that if anything bad ever happened to her and she died, she would want to donate her organs so that other people could live. I am amazed at the Spirit of the Lord touching so many hearts in such a personal way through your story.

Renee said...

You just keep feeding the masses! Love the pics! The eyes tell it, love and more love.

Unknown said...

Sweet Baby Gwyneth. You are a little fighter, just like your Mom. What an amazing legacy your family will leave. Thank you for letting us share in your daily miracles. We are lifting up your family tonight and thanking God for your Mommy's new lungs.

Home's Jewels said...

Long-time reader, first-time poster praying for you all (or I should say "y'all".

blessings to you!

Adrienne said...

She is so stinking cute! Such great pictures of daddy and his girl!

mom nana nelson said...

OH all those Gwyneth pics are adorable but the last one is my absoulte favorite or is it the one where gwyneth is looking up at at you Nathan...hhumm IDK now..
I can't sleep i've tricia & gwyneth rose,the doctors,donor & family & Tricia & your families
too on my mind
I will ck back soon
praying like krazyyyy
Patricia N.

megasam said...

That last picture is so unbelievably beautiful!!! I have to say that in that picture she certainly looks like she has her mommy's eyes. Gosh she is getting so much bigger and cuter every day!!

Still praying for Tricia!!!

Princess Talana said...

I love the big eyes in the last picture :D

Tanya said...

Precious! I just cannot get over how adorable she is! I am so blessed to watch your little princess grow!

SheilaDy said...

I have to be honest and say that when I got on to see if you had updated, I saw the pictures of you and Gwyneth, and bawled my eyes out!
That little girl has captured my heart...I can only imagine how profoundly she has captured yours!

The last picture, where she has her little hand on her head...Priceless!

Nate, we are praying!

IB said...

She is cute as always! Nate, I'm praying for you guys. Everything will be fine, I just know it!

Anonymous said...

That last picture - she looks like her mama. I'm praying for you, Tricia, and Gwyneth, and especially for Tricia. God bless you, and thank you for sharing such deeply personal parts of your lives with us. It enriches us all.

beth said...

just woke up and wanted to check in. Praying for u all!!!
(from hh)

Paige Hinrichs said...

Ok, I can't sleep. I looked again and you really need to frame that last picture.

Praying for your sweetheart.

Kay said...

That last picture is SO adorable! I'm gonna check on here first thing in the morning! Praying all goes well!!!!

debangel said...

That pacifier picture is priceless! Nate, do yourself a favor, and when Gwyneth goes home, get about nine of those things! We had the ones that are one size up (green instead of purple), and we called them "the Magic", for good reason!

She looks SO grown-up in tha tlast shot. And I think she has Tricia's eyes, or at least her "gaze"...what do you all think?

Still up praying in Escondido, CA. We love you!

jamie said...

5 hours in now. I have decided that a bunch of us have either grown to love and care for y'all very much OR we are an insane group that feel we must NOT leave our computers til we know Tricia is out of surgery!! hmmm-what do y think Nate?? Nut jobs or not? ;) Either way, still praying for all of you. God Bless.

Jamie in Texas

me said...

What a darling baby she is~ she looks so much like your wife. Hope you get your girls home soon.

Continued prayers~

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

LOL I keep hitting refresh... I feel like I am stalking you.............

Unknown said...

Got up to check in and can't believe how blessed I was to see the amazing pics of you and Gwyneth. She is too precious for words. Still praying in Michigan!!!

Sonja said...

Gwyneth is already looking up to her daddy. :)

Just wanted to check in on you and send you some support prayer from Florida.

God Bless you Nate and keep the Faith.

The Brezina's said...

Hi Nate-
I've posted before that my family and I are in Germany with a 7 hour time difference. I was up and down all night checking the blog and praying for you guys. I guess I too was anxious for God's Will to be fulfilled, in that Trica WOULD recieve her new set of lungs. When I woke just around 5:13 a.m. to see the Blog that Tricia had gone into surgery I was so excitied I could't even go back to sleep. I shouted "To God Be the Glory" and woke my 19 month old son up. I then proceeded to tell him how good our God is and that baby Gwyneth's mommy (we always look at the photos together and talk to Jesus about "Baby") was going to be getting her new lungs and he just smiled through sleepy eyes. Praying for you and your girls ALL DAY!

sarah. said...

her face changes every day! you look like you're really getting the hang of this daddy thing :)

~Shell said...

Nate I LOVE LOVE LOVE that last picture! It sure captures everything into one little photo. Frame this one it is a winner!

marcia said...

So very precious! :)

amysahoot said...

I can't even believe this happened on your b-day that is so awesome. I know I don't know you guys but I feel like I do because you tell so much about yourself and your jouney. I can't wait for your next post I will be praying for you and telling your good news to those I asked to pray for you too.

Mrs. Dan said...

It looks like *someone* enjoyed her midnight visit with Daddy. She is so precious!

Continuing to pray for Tricia!

The Browns said...

Oh my goodness those couldnt be any cuter. I have to say that the bottom one is my fav!!

Judy said...

That last picture is the best ever. She's getting so big!!!

Scott said...

Life is a precious gift!

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful pictures of you and Gwyneth! Still praying for you and your family.

Andy Lawrenson said...

Love the pics. It's great to see Tricia holding baby Rose, The last pic is crazy man.

Our Family! said...

What precious pictures of your sweet Gwyneth Rose! Our favorite though, is the last one, where we think she looks like her beautiful Mommy. Thanks for continuing to share your journey with the world!

Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

Manda said...

I love the bottom picture, Gwyneth looks like she has posed for it especially,

Praying for Tricia, My thoughts are with you and your families

Much Love xxxx

Rob and Amy said...

Be still my beating heart....these pictures are priceless........

The Marini's said...

gwyneth is SO cute. i think she gets cuter every day :)

Briana said...

These are so precious. I can't wait to hear you post that Tricia spoke to her daughter for the first time.

Twinkletoes said...

LOVE THEM! Love the pic at the bottom!

Anne Coleman said...

She's just beautiful.

Punchbugpug said...

What a special bond you two will always have!

Destini said...

Those pics of you and the baby are awesome! She seems to have so much personality for such a little peanut!

Becky said...

Love the photos! Beautiful!

Missy said...

as always, the pictures are wonderful... the last tho... i wonder what she's thinking about... take care. god bless.

Tanya said...

The last picture is precious. Gwyneth is beautiful. Nate, you look very peaceful.

Tina said...

The bottom photo is one of the MOST beautiful pictures of Gwyneth EVER! :)

Marsmile said...

Gosh, I just love these gorgeous photos of you and Gwyn!! Love the way she looked up at you... (as if she's thinking, "Hey, Daddy, what are you doing with us?")... and the last photo (maybe even the one with her yawning) is like she almost rolls her eyes, has a slight grin, and with her hand on her forehead (thinking, "oh, Daddy just loves to take a zillion of photos of us!! It can be tiring but I like it at the same time!") ;-)

These two photos are my favorite especially the last one!! Thanks for sharing! Gwyn looks fabulous and glad she is doing well!

Marissa :-)

Melony said...

That last picture shows her beauty in a way that is beyond words!!

Blessings From Above said...

That last picture is my absolute favorite!!!

Em said...

Love them!!!! I love how she is looking up at you, and with her looking at the camera.


Amy said...

The last picture is my new all-time favorite... awaiting updates!

c&v said...

How adorable! She is more precious than ever! We are continuing to pray!

Vicki said...

Love the pictures - especially the one on the bottom. Gwyneth is really growing and she is just beautiful!

The Sinks said...

That last picture is absolutely precious...

Baba said...

Thanks Nate for sharing all of your pictures with us..I love the last one with her little hand by her head , so amazing ...May you get some rest today as Tricia will be getting her some sleep and rest.. Praying the new lungs will be working great and be the answer to your prayers..Hugs,

Magoon Family said...

Those are the sweetest pictures ever! She is so cute. I love the one of her looking up at you. I am so thankful that Trisha got her lungs. I guess all those prayers worked!

Sonja said...

Beautiful... she really looks like she is growing... I love them all, looking at daddy, tired girl, snuggles, and those eyes in the last one... just want to smother her in kisses

Karen said...

That picture of you and Gwyneth with her hand on her forehead and big ole eyes is my new favorite. My goodness, what a little sugar plum!

Unknown said...

look how bright eyed and bushy tailed she is!! I love the last one.

higgie08 said...

She is looking great! In that top picture, it looks like she is cheering for her mommy! "Go mom, you rock!"

one happy family said...

It is so amazing to see the progress Gwyneth is making! Beautiful photos!

Ashley said...

I just absolutely ADORE the last picture of you and Gwyneth! She has her hand on her head as if she were saying "Hurry up Drs! Fix my momma! I can't be this patient for very much longer!" HAHA! I love that! Too cute!

Knick Knack Paddy Whack, Throw This Mom a Bone said...

Those might be my fave pics - especially the last one! Awesome!

Kristine McKowen said...

So cute! My favorite is the last one!

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

That bottom pic of you and Gwynie is priceless. I want to design a necklace for your sweet wifie for mother's day. Could you please email me your most favorite picture of all times to It'll be my gift to you guys. Thanks Heather

Kim said...

These are beautiful and priceless. Best support system I can imagine for Mommy!

Em said...

These pictures are great! I love how she's looking up at you in the first one and I just adore the last one. :)

Kalla said...

she is getting so big!

The Cook said...

The bottom picture is a framer for sure.

Shan said...

that last picture is so precious!

Jenny said...

My goodness Nate, those are gorgeous pictures! I love the last one. Definitely frame it for Tricia. :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! In that bottom pic she looks just like her mother.

Praying for you!!

Lesley said...

Beautiful! Frameable!

Carol said...

Love the pics of Gwyneth looking at Daddy! So sweet. Still praying!

Tanisha said...

The last pic is my FAV!!! Gwyneth looks like she's saying, "I'm waaaaaaaaaating......"! LOL! Thanks for sharing!

Julie D. said...

that bottom pic, is my new favorite.

Tricia said...

All of those pics were great but the last one is my favorite. She is growing and changing so much now. Thank God for that!!! Glad Tricia is out of surgery. Can't wait to here how she is!

Tricia :)

Kate said...

she has the most beautiful eyes! praying for the day when tricia is exhausted from chasing her beautiful two year old daughter on the playground!

Sarah & Bradley said...

I just love these pics of daddy and Gwenyth. The last one where she has her hand resting on her head is so picture perfect. Gwenyth looks so peaceful and content. She's such a cutie pie!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. Beautiful pictures.

Judy said...

She is getting so big! Praise God!

Anne said...

That last picture is just AMAZING!

Gwyneth looks stronger and healthier and prettier each week!

Stay strong!

Annette said...

I love the photo of Gwyneth looking up at her daddy! and the one of Tricia and the back of Gwyneth's head :) Still praying for you guys

Lyndsay said...

That last picture is completely captivating!

Jen said...

I love the picture where she's looking at you. Too cute.

Anonymous said...

Gwyneth is so very precious and so alert! She has the most beautiful eyes!!!

Amy E. said...

Okay I just have to say that this last the BEST!!! Just love it!!!

Stephanie said...

Okay, you got me. I've been a lurker but the last picture on this post convinced me to post. It's an amazing picture. WOW! I'm praying for you and both your girls. God bless!

Rebekah said...

I love the photos of you and Gwyneth. She is developing such personality, especially considering her age! :) She is beautiful. :)

Unknown said...

You have a beautiful child there. As well as a beautiful wife. Thanks so much for sharing your story with us. It has been a blessing to me to read up on things.

MY husband has CF, but he decided he would never have a transplant. He also wishes to be DNR. Not the easiest thing to come to terms with, but we don't have children, so there is a big difference.

I hope you and Tricia live to a wonderful old age to see Gwenneth's children and grandchildren play and laugh in your home.

Again, thanks so much for sharing!

Secret Agent Mama said...

Prayers for both of your beauitful girls!

SoxFan said...

Those pictures are AMAZING! I can't decide if I like the first or last one best! Both are priceless!! Still praying without ceasing for all of you!

Sherry LUSOL

Mama10EE said...

Priceless! Continuing to pray for your family. Your strength continues to hold us up in our struggles as well!

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