Sunday, April 6, 2008

Walking vent-free!

Today Tricia walked the halls without any breathing support at all (no vent, no cannula) for the first time since October! She breathed totally on her own through the trach. This is a big step for her to move out of ICU to the step down unit. To do that she has to be totally off the vent. So, maybe tomorrow or Tuesday that will happen. The sooner the better!

Gwyneth's next eye exam is Tuesday. By then they'll know if the laser procedure two weeks ago did the trick and stopped the ROP. She continues today alternating her feedings between a bottle and the feeding line.

I can't imagine getting up and walking so soon after such an invasive surgery. A few years ago I broke a couple of ribs and remember how painful it was just to move at all. Tricia's tough!

Rick Lawrenson


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The Pelhams said...

WOW, that is awesome! She is so tough! We continue to pray for you guys in Iowa. 2 of my family members have become organ donors since reading your blog!

terri c said...

Oh, how WONDERFUL!!! Prayers continuing!

SamuelnKari said...

Praise the Lord. You go girl!!!

Farrah said...

This is awesome news....
What a hugh step for her..
Now we need a picture update as soon as possible...Of both mother and baby!

We love you guys and we keep praying!!!

Nana2Six said...

"Walking and leaping and praising God!" Okay maybe not leaping yet but certainly both of the others.
Yes! What wonderful news. We continue to thank our Lord with each of you. Go Tricia!, Go Baby!, Go Nate!,Go fam! :)

Em said...

AWESOME!!!! I just "blogged" on yesterdays for today,. If you don't mind a repeat this one is for you, Nate, Tricia, Gwyneth, and your families.

Family Prayer

God made us a family.
We need one another.
We love one another.
We forgive one another.
We work together.
We play together.
We worship together.
Together we use God's word.
Together we grow in Christ.
Together we love all people.
Together we serve our God.
Together we hope for heaven.
These are our hopes and ideals.
Help us to attain them,
O God, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Amy said...

Praise God!!!!! I have been checking all day long. I am so glad both girls are doing so well. It puts a smile on my face. I will keep praying.

Anxious AF said...

That is amazing, she is so strong!

Paige Hinrichs said...

That's just wonderful and amazing to hear! Thank you for the update.

Cathi said...

I'm so happy for your little family! It sounds like Tricia and Gwyneth are both doing so well! By the way, I wanted to say that I love the picture of you and Gwyneth (the one where she's looking at the camera) that you took the night of Tricia's transplant. May God continue to bless you richly.

Rebecca said...


Go Tricia! Go Tricia!

Praying for good results of the eye test next week!

Becky, Seren & Dylan xxx

bkmanary said...

Wow, go Tricia Go! Continuing
in prayer and thoughts.
Baby G R is also amazing, what a team!
Karen et al
Vancouver, BC

Anna Marie said...

That is fantastic news! Tricia is tough. She's my hero.

Cheri said...

Thanks for taking the time to update! I am checking the blog and praying non-stop. Praise God for this miracle! Cheri in Missouri

Anonymous said...

This must be Grandaddy. I seem to remember Nathan in his what you may not know about me post saying he had never broken a bone.

I can not believe she is up and walking and breathing room air without vent or cannula. That is totally awesome.

Prayers for Gwyneth's eye appointment and Tricia's continue improvement. Those are awesome lungs someone gave her. :)

sara h. said...

You guys are amazing. I am so happy for you all.

Kathy's Korner said...

She is one heck of a Mama Bear!! Just way past amazing!! GOOOOOOO!!!! Tricia!!!!!!!!!

Judy said...

Nate, she is tough! I had a lobe of a lung removed almost 15 yrs ago. The pain is unbelievable. I wasn't even allowed out of bed for 5 days! Praying for all of you daily. Our God is an AWESOME GOD!

somebody,somewhere said...

wow - praying and checking in OFTEN! :)

Melissa said...

That is so wonderful! Way to go Tricia!

Unknown said...

go Tricia!!!!!!!

00 said...

YAY!! Sounds like Tricia is coming along great :-)

Stacemoe said...

Go Tricia!!! You are AWESOME and inspiring!!! I am checking in often for updates and praying for all of you. Praying for sweet Gwyneth's eyes that the results come back fine and no further treatments are necessary. God it good!!!! Have a great evening.

Missy said...

Fabulous news! I'm so happy for you all. Go TRICIA!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates, Rick. I've enjoyed your blog for some time now, as well as being a faithful reader here at Nate and Tricia's.


~Leah in Alaska~

Unknown said...

Woohoo!! Awesome, Tricia! You are amazing :)

Laurie in Ca. said...

Wow Tricia, this is such a miracle and a blessing. You are doing so wonderful and have countries out here praying for you girl. :)

Love, Laurie in Ca.

Sunshine said...

You are not kidding she is tough - WOW! Our God is good! He gave her one heck of a fighting spirit! I will be praying that she is able to move out of ICU soon and that Gwyneth's eye exam goes well and that Nate is getting caught up on rest and time with his girls! Sunshine
PS praying for you guys too - thanks for updating the blog!

Kat said...

What an achievement - God is GOOD!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Rick, thank you for continuing the blog while Nate has a good rest - poor lad must be exhausted! How fantastic that Tricia has taken another amazing walk, she certainly is a tough gal.
Wishing you all well.


Manda said...


Well done to Gwyneth too, the weights pileing on now!!!

Thinking of you all, and thanks to Rick for the updates on Nates absence

Love to you all

Manda, (with CF) in Scotland

carisboys said...

Praise God!!!
Still praying in Iowa!

m.e. said...

We praise the Lord here in Pensacola for Tricia's amazing progress and for their sweet baby as well. Thanks for keeping us so well informed. We are following the journey and are praying for Nathan and his girls.


Kathryn said...

I have been following her journey for only a short time now. Thank God she is up and walking, truly remarkable. Thank you all for sharing so much of your life. It helps put things in perspective and renew my faith once again. Thank you so much for sharing an unbelievable personal journey. You are all very special!!!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely amazing. The experience must be so mind-boggling, so free-ing, so awe-inspiring (to God) after being tethered to the vent for so long. I'm so looking forward to reading more about Tricia's "new life" in coming days, weeks, and beyond.

Anonymous said...

Wow... walking and breathing on her own... my goodness. She is such a strong woman, now we know where Gwyneth get's her strength from. :) Not saying that you aren't strong Nate, I am sure you are. My goodness, going through what you have been through, it takes alot of strength and faith. Continuing to pray for your courageous family.

Undomestic said...

Praise God! Way to go Tricia!!!

Our beautiful mess... said...

Such good news! Praise God! They are two strong girls! Thanks for the update!
In christ!

Mandy said...

You are so right. Tricia is one tough cookie. I am so proud of the progress she is making and will keep checking to see what is new. Thank you for filling in for Nate.


Teacher in the middle said...

Thank God! I'm so happy for Tricia! Praying that her healing will continue to be this fast!

Analisa said...

To God be the glory!! Maybe both mom and baby will be released at the same time to go home!!! Keeping you in my prayers!

Alicia said...

That is awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

We serve an awesome God! Praise God!

KYnurse said...

WOW how wonderful is that--way to go Tricia!!!

Vicki said...

So glad to hear Tricia's doing so well. YOU GO GIRL!!!! What an inspiration you are.

marcia said...

Wow! Praise the Lord! Way to go Tric!!!Nate, Tric...give each other a big hug for me!!! :):)

mjdav said...

CFers learn to be tough...I think God gives them that ability. Great news...keep up the good work Tricia!

Kathy said...

Rejoicing with you!!! Prayers for continued marvelous healing and times of gaining strength and refreshment equal to the journey. Praying for Nate, Tricia and cutie pie Gwyneth.

BC Canada

Nadine said...

Praise God for the amazing progress!
Thanks for the makes our day to have such great news!

Emily said...

That is wonderful news!!! I am so glad to hear that Tricia is up & walking, VENT FREE!!! What a blessing.! I look forward to much more great news....Hope everyone is getting the rest they need.

Ella said...

What an amazing post! And what a wonderful gift Tricia is giving back to the donor's family (even if they don't know it).

Shari said...

I think Gwyneth is her Mom's girl--a strong fighter! Great for both. Thanks for the update..

shari NC

kekkey said...

what great news!!!!

tell nathan that he is missed!

Anonymous said...

What an awsome GOD indeed! I know Tricia was concerned about gaining a few pounds but she'll be walking them off in no time like this! WOW! Rick, I'm sure you were dearly missed at church this morning but you are where you need to be right now, thanks for keeping us in touch! Looking forward to seeing you all at the beach soon. Here's a big hug
((( )))! Love, The Shepards

Tricia said...

Like Mother, like daughter! :)Awesome to both of them! That's got to take a lot of courage to walk after all the trauma her little body's been through... But she has been waiting for the day when she breathes on her own and here it is. Let's hope the vent's next to go... We are continuing to pray and hope that all continues to go as well as it can! Hang in there all of you,
With love, prayer and hope,
Tricia and Clan (N.VA) xoxoo:):)

Marcie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marcie said...

Way to go Tricia! Keep it up!

Stephanie said...

Congratulations on yet another huge step! Wow! Our Father in Heaven is so keenly aware of your family--thank you for sharing your story and touching the lives of so many around the world. God bless!
Are prayers from Utah are with you...

Stephanie said...

Our prayers from Utah, from Ohio, and elsewhere our family reside are with you!

jamie said...

Oh My Gosh!!!! GREAT news. I'm so excited! Sounds like the girls are making such strides! Hope Nate is resting up and having good times with his girls. Will be praying for Tricia to go to step down soon!!!!! God Bless you all. Sooooo good!!! Thanks for this wonderful update!!

Jamie in Texas

Carmen said...

I'm so glad Tricia and Gwyneth continue to do so well. Praying for your family.

Kim said...

That is so AMAZING!! Thank you for sharing this news!!


Professor TIllman said...

Wow, what a trooper! We're so proud of you, Tricia!! You amaze us all!

Prayers continuing!

Mrs. Dan said...

You go Tricia!!!!!!! **madly waves cyber pom poms**

Will continue to pray for fast eviction from the ICU for you and for a prompt following by White Rose Blooming.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Nathan is going to have a busy week. Perhaps Gwyneth will get out of the incubator the same day Tricia gets out of ICU.

Praise God for His goodness to this young family.

Sonja said...

What A HUGE Blessing. Praise God for giving Tricia her new lungs and keeping her so strong.

As for little Gwyneth she is going to be running around with her mommy before any of us can imagine.

Thank you Mr. Lawrenson for keeping us updated. I pray that Nate is getting some much needed rest and special time with his girls.

Still praying for your family and the Donor's family.

Stacy said...

Thanks be to God for the tremendous transformation Tricia has undergone in less than a week! He is good! I am thrilled to hear about such fabulous progress!
Thanks for the update Rick! Our prayers continue to be with you all!

Lee said...

Amen..Continued PRAYERS....

Carol said...

You go girls! You are strong and courageous. You have our continued prayers.

jesse and whit... said...

that is so incredible. praise God!! He is truly able to do more than we could ever ask or even imagine. thanks so much for updating!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Hooray for Tricia! That is great! Thanks for letting us know.

D said...

Yay Tricia & yay Gwyneth!! BIG steps for both of you.


Brooks Family said...

Oh Tricia! That's truly wonderful! It must feel rather "odd" with brand new lungs! :)

Beth Anne said...

This is awesome progress. I'm praying for all of you!

Family by Love said...

Praising God with all of you and continuing to pray for strength and healing.

BS said...

Totally awesome news !!

Julie D. said...

wouldn't it be amazing if tricia and gwyneth were released at the same time?! Continued prayers.

Donna said...

That is absolutely miraculous! I hope Nathan got that on video. So thrilled for a happy report.

Donna said...

That is absolutely miraculous! I hope Nathan got that on video. So thrilled for a happy report.

Lou Ann said...

Praise God! Great News!

SamanthaLee said...

rick..i dont know if you are reasing comments but if you do let nate know that i am personally glad hes taking this breathe time..he is so devoted to keeping us updated but this truly is a time he should devote to his girls! and to you rick i say thanks for updating us while nate takes the time he so deserves!

Anonymous said...

Praying for a joyous homecoming! God be with y'all!

turtlemama said...

Way to go Tricia!!! I can't imagine how exhilarating that must be. Hope this means those chest tubes are out. They are no fun! Prayers that you continue to progress.


Em said...

That is awesome news! God is giving Tricia amazing strength. I'll be anxious to hear how Gwyneth's eye tests go. Praying for positive results!

Punchbugpug said...

What wonderful news! Apparently they have found it is better to get "up and around" sooner after surgeries! Even though she must be in pain, she must feel WONDERFUL! Praying that the three of them go home together soon!

Kelly Brown said...

SOOOO Happy for all of you...and still praying!!

Kelly Brown

Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...


Amy said...

Thank you so much for the awesome updates! Tricia is so amazing!!!! Tricia, Gwyneth, and Nate are still in our prayers (as well as their moms and dads!). :)

KatBouska said...

Atta GIRL!!!!

Anonymous said...

That is so good to hear. Having had many surgeries myself, I know what the days following can be like. Awesome job Tricia!!!

The Lockwood Family ♥ said...

Praise the Lord! Good Job Tricia! I can't imagine how hard it must be to get up and walk after having such a major surgery...they make me walk just a few hours after my c-sections and I'm often in tears.
The children will be soooo excited to hear the good news! Praying every day~ The Lockwoods 13 :)

Sarah said...

That's great news! Praises all around! Question, at what point do they think she'll get off the trach, or will she? I don't know how any of that works. Don't feel like you have to answer my post specifically, but if you think of it, maybe mention it in a later post. You've got some strong girls on your hands, praise the Lord!!!

Lauren M said...

That is so so so AMAZING!!!!

The VW's said...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!! This is so exciting to hear! Praying that recovery continues to go well!

The Curtis Crew said...

That's awesome! Can't wait to hear all the progress reports this week. Will pray for Gwyneth's eye test as well.

Ellen said...

Rick - Thanks for the update! Praying for Nate and Tricia and little Gwyn. Tricia is amazing! Looking forward to seeing what the Lord will do next!

Becky said...

Wonderful news! She really is amazing! Continuing with the prayers here (with a very grateful heart for our Lord)!

Kerry said...

Glad Nate is taking time with his *Girls* He really needs to do so right now.
Glad to hear Tricia is doing well. Gwyneth to!!
Many prayers coming from Michigan

Sue said...

Wow!!! Go Tricia!!!

Thank you so much Rick for keeping us updated.

Nate, take as much time as you need. We will continue to pray for you and yours.

Thank you God for Tricia's amazing recovery and Gwyneth's continued growth!

Unknown said...

I have tears in my eyes! Go Tricia!! Amazing!


Brandi said...

WOW! YOu go Girl!! That is awesome news! Praying for another great day tomorrow. Also praying Gwyneth continues to do well with her feedings. Just think, you are another day closer to going HOME! Take care and keep the faith.

Blessings! Brandi N.

amyj611 said...

The stregnth that those 2 beautiful young ladies is inspiring! Both Gwenyth, and Trisha are fighters, and I know that they draw their stregnth off of each other with their own special bond.
I pray for the progress to continue!

May God continue to bless you all!

Unknown said...

That is wonderful news! WTG Tricia!!! Continuing to pray for you all.

Unknown said...

Praise God! Our prayers are with you - more strength, no infection, all His glory shining through you!

Prayers continue too for the family that lost a dear one and yet chose to give another life...

Amanda said...

Praise God! We'll keep praying for both the girls and your family. Thanks for keeping us updated.

Blessings From Above said...

AMAZING!!! I am so very happy for each and every one of you!! It is wonderful how well she is progressing everyday. Tricia you are a true inspiration to us all!

Tracy said...

Wow, this is great news!


Meredith said...


~Mommy 2 Four~ said...

She is one amazing women. I am so happy she is up walking and gaining her strength. I will pray that all continues to go in the right direction.

Trisha said...

Praise God!!!! Good job, Tricia! Keep up the good work! Praying for your health and recovery!


Amy said...

GOD is AWESOME!!!!! we continue to pray for you guys

Laura said...

What a brave and courageous woman!! Praying...

Mamma_of _five said...


Anonymous said...

Praise God! Tricia is one of the toughest people I have "met"!

Go Tricia!

Brown Eyed Girl said...

When I read the post this evening the first thing that came to mind for me is Rich Mullin's song Step By Step. It is with each of your steps that you are growing stronger and able to continue to stand up and walk for Jesus.

Sometimes the night was beautiful
Sometimes the sky was so far away
Sometimes it seemed to steep so close
You could touch it but your heart would break
Sometimes the morning came too soon
Sometimes the day could be so hot
There was so much worth left to do
But so much you'd already done

Oh God, You are my God
And I will ever praise you
Oh God, You are my God
And I will ever praise you
And I will seek You in the morning
And I will learn to walk in Your ways
And step by step You'll lead me
And I will follow You all of my days

Sometimes I think of Abraham
How one star he saw had been lit from me
He was a stranger in this land
And I am that no less than he
And on this road to righteousness
Sometimes the glime can be so steep
I may falter in my steps
But never beyond Your reach

Oh God, You are my God
And I will ever praise You
Oh God, You are my God
And I will ever praise You
I will seek You in the morning
And I will learn to walk in Your ways
And step by step You'll lead me
And I will follow You all of my days

Elizabeth said...

YIPEE!!! Good work Tricia!! Way to go. Still praying and pulling for a fast recovery here in Texas!! Blessings.

ttulizzy said...

She is SO Superwoman!

Yay Tricia!

Niknok said...

The power of prayer! It is so amazing to hear how well they are doing!

Kate said...

Tricia is amazing! Praying for more good news!

Edwards gang said...

Your family was lifted up many times during prayer and praise today at New Song! Everyone is so excited to hear the continued progress and answered prayers. Our God is an Awesome God!!

Way to go, Tricia!! I can't help but think of Isaiah 40:31,
"Those who wait upon the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary."

Before long, you will probably be able to run- without getting winded! :)

Love to you all!!

Florida_Mom said...

Wow! Tricia you continue to amaze me. You are an amazing woman. Praise the Lord for this wonderful miracle.


megasam said...

Tricia YOU ROCK!!!!! It is so amazing to hear how well you are doing. You have so much to look forward to now. Gwyneth is so lucky to have such strong parents. I am praying that you are out of the icu soon!

chanceofcrazy said...

Our God is an Awsome God ! Tricia is Remarkable. God Bless You All

bdodge said...


Tammy said...

AWESOME!!!! Praise the Lord for all that he does. I will continue to pray for all of you. Thank you for the updates!! Can't wait to see pictures of Gwenyth, Tricia and Nate together again (Vent free)


Malena said...

Although I don't know you guys, I am so inspired and impressed with Tricia's strength. I know that soon enough you'll all be out of the hospital and back at home and able to just enjoy your family, your healthy family. You should have a great summer ahead!

Judy said...

Praise God!! It's so good to hear that things are going well.

mom nana nelson said...


KaraP said...

God is Good

Angela R. said...

That is wonderful!! Tricia is truly strong and continues to show her true strength more and more everyday. Im sure Gwenyth will be just as strong with parents like hers. My prayers continue with you all!

- Angela

PammyT said...

what wonderful news! glad to hear that both your girls are doing so well.

karen said...

she is a strong women
sending love from NJ

Tracy said...

It is all so amazing! It is so thrilling to see things moving forward for Tricia and for Gywnth-they are both tough cookies :)God is showing himself to so many people thru the miracles in their lives-thanks for updating!
Still sending Prayers from Kansas

makandaddie said...

So nice to hear this GREAT news today! Thanks for keeping us in the loop :)


StarfishMom said...

Praise GOD!!!!! You are BLESSED!

Kim said...

That is amazing news. That Tricia-she really is something.
Praying for continued recovery and success, for baby Gweynth, and for Nate.

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Oh my... this is SO brilliant... here I sit complaining about work etc and there is Tricia walking breathing without hurting... I think from now on, if it isn't worth complaining about... I am shutting my mouth... I am so happy for you both... all my love and hugs... take care - things are certainly looking up...

Marge Sexton said...

How Awesome!!!! Praise the Lord for answered prayer, my cup overflows for the joy that this must bring each of you. We will look to hear of more blessing this week. Continuing to pray!
Go Tricia!!!!

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

Yeah Tricia! Keep up the good work! Glad to hear things are going so well. We'll be praying that she's out of ICU soon!

Lyndsay said...

You are awesome Tricia. 100% awesome!!!

Tarasview said...

wonderful! still praying for you all.

blessed said...

Great Job Tricia!!! You are an amazing woman. Keep up the good work. We are praying for you here in Arizona. If God brings you to it He will bring you through it!!!

Heather Christine said...

God is Awesome. Way to go Tricia!

jenray said...

Go Tricia, go! God is so amazing! And way to go Gwyneth for eating with a bottle!
Praying for you all.


Megan and Adam Pfanmiller said...

Wahooo! Way to go! Those are huge steps, no baby steps for this girl!

cmziall said...

Way to go Tricia! I know that little girl of yours is keeping you strong! Keep up the good work, we will still continue to pray for all of you.

God Bless,
Michelle in MO

CF= Christ First said...

Congrats on this GREAT news. God is so Awesome! I have been following you guys for so long but just now posted for the 1st time.

Way to go Tricia, you are doing so well. I am so proud of you. I truly look up to you!

Nate...please take care of yourself. I'm worried about you.

Many prayers to you and your family.
~A fellow CF'er,

Happy Four said...

Praising God for this great news. Rick, thanks for the update.


Caroline Bell Grossman

Cindy said...

That is absolutely amazing! It sounds to me like Tricia wants to get on living her life and loving on that sweet baby girl just as SOON as possible.

Go Tricia! (Still praying....)

Rose Casell said...

Praise God!!!! I can't imagine it either!!!

jitterbug said...

This comment is really more aplicable towards your post about ICU staff and doctors not getting it always. I agree. I am a doctor and I have been on the other side of that very situation. Truth is we don't always get it. We don't know the patient as well as the family does at times. We do think we know better and that the family is pushy and intrusive. But the fact of the matter have to be her advocate. Always. I am surprised they gave you so much grief about placing the PICC under fluro. It's just not that big a hassle to do it that way. I am glad you found a nurse who would listen to you. Wishing you continued support and prayers.

Tamora said...

What wonderful news! How awesome our God is to show us all such a wonderful miracle in Trica and Gwenyth!

Jenn @ Casa de Castro said...

Praising God with all of you. We do indeed serve a mighty and awesome God.

Continued prayers for all of you.

bethany said...

Praise the Lord. Congratulations Tricia! I am so proud of you.

love ya,
bethany m.

Twinkletoes said...

Tricia is unbelievably determined! I am so glad that you keep posting. Please let us know how Nate is doing as well. We continue to pray for all three of them with their physical and emotional health!

Anonymous said...


Jess Walinski said...

That's amazing! Your family's strength is amazing and encouraging to so many. Prayers continue for all involved!!!

Anonymous said...

Praise God!! What wonderful news. Continuing to keep you in our prayers.

Erin said...

Praise the Lord!!! What wonderful, wonderful news!

Tina said...

Praise and Thanksgiving be to our Lord!! That is awesome news...

purejoy said...

yay for tricia! yay for gwenyth! yay for nate getting rest! and yay for rick for faithfully taking over the blogging helm!!
april is organ donor awareness month! what a cool thing! i just saw two more donors b/c of this blog. y'all just rock on, you're doing a great work here!! praise all of you!!

Anonymous said...

My prayers continue for all of you...Just wanted to share, that while I have always been an organ/tissue donor on my license, I just checked out the Donor Registry from my state and also made sure I was registered there. You all are truly an inspiration! We talked about risk takers for God at church this morning, and I couldn't help but think of your family!!! I only hope that I can be such a risk taker for God in my life! God bless!

Christy said...

Tricia just keeps proving to the world how awesome God is! Way to go, Tricia. >:0) Whoo hoo!

Anonymous said...

You are so tough Tricia. I admire your strength. Yea for Gwyneth too. My preemie had trouble with bottle feedings and she wasn't that small or that early. You go girls!

Carrie said...

I am so happy to hear that things are going well! Praise the Lord! I'll continue to keep you guys in prayer.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful! She is one tough chica, for sure! What a blessing that she is doing so well!

Jane said...

Tricia, you gonna need some running shoes...hope Nate is ready to keep up with you! PRAISE GOD!!!


Ally said...

All I can say is WOW!! To be up walking so soon after a double lung transplant. Who would have thought!!

Christy said...

Awesome news!!!!!! The more Tricia pushes herself, the quicker she will recover. That first week of walking is so tough, but it does get easier. Soon she will be lapping everyone around those hallways!! I hope Nate is getting his rest! I continue to pray for a fast recovery, and I'm praying that Gwyneth will be ready to go home when Tricia finishes her rehab. What a great day that will be!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW.. Double WOW. SHE IS VERY TOUGH! Way to go Tricia! keep it up!!! I hope you are enjoying Nate and all the new things you will be feeling and experiencing together.

Josie said...

Our God is such an awesome God. Praise the Lord. Tricia is such an inspiration. Your whole family is such an inspiration.

Carol said...

God is great to let medical knowledge and technology progress far enough for someone to be able to survive with someone else's lungs! And what strength and determination and great medical care to see both Tricia and Gwyneth doing so well. And, also, such wonderful family support. My day is made better knowing how well they are doing!

~j~ said...

Praise the Lord! Continue to pray for your complete recovery Tricia. God Bless you as you show all of us such amazing strength and courage.
Love to you and your sweet family.

Jenny said...

That's amazing!! :)
I'm so glad to hear both girls
are doing so well.

Continuing to pray for amazing things!!

Amber said...

I was very excited to read the good news of this post!! Praise the LORD! Love & Prayers!! ~Amber

Jen in Al said...

Praising God the Great Physician! praying for continued healing for Tricia and growth, great eyesight for Gwyneth, jen in al

Megan said...

I have been following for a while now. What an amazing miracle!! I am truly inspired by both you and your wife. She and the baby are both living proof of gods great work.

Anonymous said...

YEAAAH Tricia!! Awesome news!! Praying for Gwenyth's ROP (my niece has it & will have her 4th surgery this summer). Lots of love to all the Lawrenson's!

Jarboetwingles said...

Thanks for the update!! Glad NAte is taking a well deserved break. I have done the same reccently while recovering from gall bladder suregery. And Tricia entered my mind when ever I thought about whinning or being too lazy! What an incredible woman and it seems she has passed that trait to her little girl! Praying things continue to go well!

Gail said...

I cannot imagine the walking either. Tricia is amazing but God is even more so.

Violet said...

Tricia is tough! That is incredible news about her and Gwenyth.

Amy E. said...

The Great Physician is so good.
What an amazing update. Glad to hear that both girls are doing well. Still prayin' in Texas.
Hope you all are getting more rest these days.

kirsten said...

Truly an amazing blessing from the Lord our God! Thank you for keeping us updated. We are praying for you all.

BoosMom said...

This is such wonderful news!!!! God is so GOOD!!!!!! Julie in Alabama.

Angela said...

I stand in silent awe of our merciful God!!!

Unknown said...

How cool is that :>)

cindi said...

Praise God...and Tricia, your amazing strength and will...what an amazing family you are...Nate, the strength you have to see your family through this...what a blessing and a miracle. Will continue my prayers

Annette said...

Praise God!!!

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Just got home from my boys hockey game and had to check right away. GREAT NEWS!!!STILL PRAYING!

Kristina said...

I can't imagine the strength and will she must have to be on her tough road of recovery, I pray Tricia has the strength to continue to take those steps. I am proud of you Tricia!

Leslie said...

YEAH!! Great job Tricia! You are such a fighter! Praising God with you! The prayers will continue for a speedy recovery.

Jennifer said...

That is amazing...keep it up Tricia!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Praise God for all His work in your lives!

Katy said...

HOORAY!! The power of prayer is amazing!! So happy for all of you! Still praying in Ohio.

Lisa_in_AR said...

Go Tricia!!!

cat621 said...

Praise the Lord!!! You and your daughter are strong ladies. God is performing miracle after miracle, with God getting all the glory!

Young Creations said...

You Go Girl!!! Actually GIRLS!!! Glad to hear all the update.

The Barrick Times said...

Praise God! What a miracle... prayers headed your way from Maryland!

Marcie said...

Way to go, Tricia! You are a strong, brave woman. And Gwyneth seems to take after her parents! So glad to see Nate is taking some time to rest and hang out with the women in his life.

Marcie said...

Way to go, Tricia! You are a strong, brave woman. And Gwyneth seems to take after her parents! So glad to see Nate is taking some time to rest and hang out with the women in his life.

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