Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Details (and maybe a picture) later...

Rick Lawrenson


Schroyer Family said...

Nice tease :) Can't wait to find out what is going on!!!! Kristen and Dalton

Larissa said...

24 hours!?! out of ICU? can't wait to hear!!!

Rebecca said...

WHAT? No details? Does this mean Tricia has made it 24 hours???

Anonymous said...

A WOO-HOO with no details?

What are you trying to DO to us!?


Praying in Alaska!

Scott said...

I'm guessing Trish is moving to a regular room!! Praise the Lord.

MahoneyMusings said...

AAAHHHHHH!!!! You're KIDDING me!! Tease! :)

I'm guessing Tricia is out of ICU?

Callie-K said...


Please do share!!!

I am excited to, but I usually like to know what I am excited for!!!

Can't wait to hear!!!

Alisha said...

OK, that's just not nice....=)

Ellen said...

This "confessions junkie" is anxiously awaiting the next update and thanking God that there is still good news to be had in this fallen world... okay, now you can post the update.... or now... maybe a hint?... you are really going to make us wait aren't you?! (grin)

careysue said...

Now Rick that's just cruel!!!:)

Kori said...

I mean come on. We are all waiting to hear what this Whoo Hoo is about. Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Geez, now we know where Nathan gets his sense of humour from. lol

Can't wait to read the good news. :)

Lisa said...

Meanie!! :) LOL

Can't wait to hear the good news! :)

Swamp Tulip said...

Can't wait to read about the WooHoo! I'm also guessing that Tricia has moved from ICU??


Swamp Tulip said...

Can't wait to read about the WooHoo! I'm also guessing that Tricia has moved from ICU??


Coach Prentice said...

Man! I may have to put a call in to Mom on this one! Don't think I can wait...

Dawn Lampkin said...

Cruel and Unusual Punishment! Give us the goods!!!

Roehrman said...

Hmmm You are Nate's Dad!

jdphelan said...


Lolli said...

No fair leaving us hanging like that! Hurry back!

Christina said...

Definately not nice! LOL Can't wait to hear!

Judy said...

:) Now I'm going to have to check back every 10 min. for an update!!! Has Tricia made it 24 hours? Did she get to see Gwyen? Did Gwyen get to get rid of her feeding tube b/c she's been doing so well with the bottle?? God is good, so I know that whatever the news is will be great!!

Mom to 2 Boys said...


You're killin' me!

LOVE the video though!

CFHusband said...

There IS another source of info you could check...

Erin said...

I am on the edge of my fair! Can't wait to hear the details...:)

Andy Lawrenson said...

Did Nate cut his hair again?

Stacemoe said...

Praying Tricia was able to make it 24 hours vent free and get out of ICU and WALK into NICU to see her precious miracle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with all the above. This is *so* not right!!!! :) I think it's a ploy to increase page hits is what it is!!!

But you better believe I'll keep hitting refresh!

Kim said...

ACK!! I can't wait to hear the news!!


Jenny said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha!! :)

I'm excited!

Becky in VA said...

cool . . .

Love to all.

marcia said...

Must be good stuff if you are having so much fun with it! :) Can't wait for more! This seems to be an oft-repeated familial trait! :):)

Tracey said...

That's just wrong... but I'm really glad you're happy! ~:-)

Karen said...

That kind of suspense is just wrong!

cmziall said...

Are you kidding me!?!?!?!? You know we're all junkies here and you start a post with WOO HOO and nothing else to follow? You all should start writing a book or a sitcom or something because you are both great at cliff hangers!

Looking forward to that picture of Tricia without the vent!

God Bless,
Michelle in MO

bkmanary said...

Woo-hoo, must be good!
Looking forward to checking the next update!
Karen et al
Vancouver, BC

Marsmile said...

Outta ICU? :-D

So glad Tricia is doing so well and finally free from the vent... breathing easily... not coughing with CF lungs... all the wonderful things with 'normal' lungs! :-)Has she been able to smell again after such a long time and drink/eat regular food with all their flavors once again?

Go Tricia!!

Marissa :-)

Rebekah said...

Is Tricia out of the ICU? Must have details! :)

Momof2bz said...

Way to go Tricia! The way you and Gwyneth are hitting all these mile markers you both will be home by Mother's Day! Maybe even your birthday. I hope that you are feeling some relief soon. Praying for many more miracles for you guys! {{{HUGS)))from NJ

Vicki said...

Can't wait - I'm sooo excited to hear what the big news is!

Unknown said...

I've NEVER known "WooHoo" to be a bad thing...

Still praying, praying, praying!

Kristina said...

Not nice! But kinda funny, you know how to get us junkies excited!

PTL that it is good news!

By the grace of God ... said...

Bet ya Tricia has been vent free for 24 hours and out of ICU.
God is awesome!

JHD said...

Can't wait to hear the news! I'm excited!

Missy said...

this better be good! (i'm sure it will be ;) another of life's "dramatic pauses" ....

Anonymous said...

You are so not right!!!! Do you wear orange sneakers too!!!! I know it's good news and we all can't wait to hear it.....bring it on man....don't make me drive to Nags Head tonight to find out!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Well, that's a good "tease" if ever I read one. :) (And I mean that in a good way.)

I'm planning a Tricia Update for my blog post tomorrow. Looks like I'll have lots of good news to share.

"WooHoo!" as someone's father-in-law once said. :)

Kelly said...

That's just not funny at all!!! Will be checking back for a hopefully soon update!

begins with v said...

oh that is so unfair to leave us hanging!!

jamie said...

Why you Big Tease!!!!!! NNOOOO FAIR!! (Must be really good-Tricia off the vent and to her own room maybe?? Fingers crossed and prayin!)
God Bless
Jamie in Texas

makandaddie said...

Mean, mean, mean :)

Haley & Dustin said...

can't take it. want to know ASAP what's going on. you must tell us :)

Kerry said...

This proves it I am a serious junkie!! Details to come!! Thats torture LOL
Still covering your family in Prayer.

Anonymous said...

Oh...come ON!!! You can't do that to us!!!!!!!

Praying whatever it is works out and is as wonderful as I hope it is!!!

jamie said...

OK-I had already checked evryone's blog before I commented last time. You leave a comment saying there is another place to find out. Now I have checked all the blogs AGAIN and I STILL don't know the woohoo. Either I am gonna feel real stupid when I find out or y'all are just bein cruel, dang it!! ;)
Jamie in Texas

Cassie12 said...

A Woo - Hoo - no fair. Hoping and praying that 24 hours is up and Tricia is out of ICU.

Angela R. said...

Now that's not nice! But I will take the WOOHOO as a good thing... Hopefully Tricia is getting out of the ICU?? Cant wait for the details!!


Carol said...

Well WooHoo is at least as reasurring as a teaser can get! And has the desired effect - I am now confident I am going to love what we will eventually be seeing/reading. But ahhhhhh - can't wait.

pam said...

WE LOVE WOO HOO'S! This morning at our weekly coffee get together several of us laughed that we are SO addicted to this site, following this journey,(Nate, you created this hunger in us) and while we TOTALLY understand his stepping back we are SO anxious for updates of good news. So even this little tidbit is welcome news---praying on!

Sherri Thacker said...

Hurry hurry and tell us. We can't stand the suspence! LOL

Chelle' said...

can't wait to see a pic of Tricia in her new room withOUT her vent.


Anonymous said...

Now we KNOW where Nate gets his "tease" posts from .. ITS YOU ...

I hope the woo hoo is that Tricia is in her own room now without all the structure of ICU.

Renee said...

Ah man!!! Can't wait to celebrate..whatever it is!!

Sonja said...

I wish I could call "Mom" like Janet can!!! I love it!

I don't mind a tease if it means good news is coming! :)

Amanda said...

This is my first post~
Uggh thats so unfair.........haha
I'm gonna guess she hit the 24hour mark. Can't wait for the DETAILS~SOON~SOON~SOON!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is she of her Trach?

jamie said...

Jamie in Texas

Sonja said...

ok, just saw Nate's tease to Janet... and Uncle Andy's funny hair comment...

just hitting refresh until some news appears.

Amaya Perez said...

come on! now, that's naughty!

Totally Taylor said...

no teasing, that's not nice.

Still, very excited with you for whatever it is. YAY!

Blomgrens said...

Oh man, you are a tease! Seriously!?

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Can't wait for the details and hoping for a picture!

Gila said...

Hey, does this mean they sprang her from the ICU?

Really, really not nice keeping us hanging like that....


It is midnight here so even if you post, I won't get an update until the morning. AAACCCKKKK

tyra and matt said...

This teasing isn't very nice... Now I'll have to keep checking back to see what's going on.
I'm assuming that it's been 24 hours?!
Still praying in Wisconsin

Megan and Company said...

Tricia is getting her lungs????

(Yes, I'm kidding.)

Candy said...

I pray Tricia is out of the ICU!

Tammy C said...

It runs in the family to keep everyone in supsense!!

Unknown said...


Karen said...

.....this is like winning ten cents in the lottery

Shari said...


Nate is your son--we now know where he gets it!! And a man of the cloth even--not very nice ;-)--just kiddin' but the suspense is killin' me!! LOL

shari nc

Stephanie said...

The excitement is building...
:) Can't wait to hear!

lizcannon said...

you won a million dollars?

Blessings From Above said...

Tease! Can't wait to hear the news...this sounds good.

jamie said...

OK-define "later" for me......
God Bless
Jamie in Texas

Andi said...

You cant do this to us......not fair at all. All I can do is pray that Tricia made it 24 hours!

TheDorothyFamily said...

Ok, just for that we junkies "deserve" a picture right?

Jennifer said...

OK, that's not fair ... I'm leaving for a mission trip in 1 hour ...

Pauline said...

WOW if that isnt' a reason to come back to the blog .. i can't think of a better one! Waiting with anticipation .. but can you make it before i have to be back in class!

Jennifer Burgett said...

Praying for a regular room!!!

Anonymous said...

You know what it is guys? They want to hit the 3 million mark on the counter .. so they do these little "teases" so we'll all hit refresh. :) I admit I've hit it a couple times since I got home.

mom2LEAA said...

what, no more info? please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

I am guessing out of ICU.

No fair teasing you know.

Cathi said...

Boy, Nathan's a chip off the ol' block! LOL

Glad you have good news!

~Mommy 2 Four~ said...

Ok doing a "WHOOHOO" Dance for you guys but would sure like to know why.=) Sounds like exciting news can not wait to hear


I think it's funny that Janet, Shari, Rick, Nate, and Andy have all commented - but I'm sure they all know the woo hoo to what! They know we're all sitting on the edge of our seats!! Geesh :0) I think it's great that they remain so fun and positive through such a trial of life.

Shari said...


Nate is your son--we now know where he gets it!! And a man of the cloth even--not very nice ;-)--just kiddin' but the suspense is killin' me!! LOL

shari nc

Anonymous said...

I think I hear the Jeopardy theme song in the background...

Sara said...

Come on 24 hours!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Ok as a Self proclaimed CF Confessions and Catching waves junkie, can I just say you are mean? ;) I hope this means that Tricia is out of the ICU, and has gotten to see G... Praying at least.

Donna said...

Tricia, you look MARVELOUS! I'm so tickled for you I can't stand it. I can't wait until you can throw that trach in the trash for good. You should have a good-bye trach party. Gwyneth looks so big!

Garza said...

Nice tease Rick. This posting is from yesterday since we could not log on.. But I heard the news.
Thank you Jesus!!! That is Wonderful!! Jess