
Tuesday, May 27, 2008


That's how much Lisa Leonard raised for the CFF yesterday! Too cool!!!

Thanks, Lisa, and all those who made a purchase, for helping us find a cure for CF!



  1. That's so awesome!!! WAY TO GO LISA!!!

    -Lisa Collinsworth

  2. Wow .. that is a LOT of money. :)

  3. yay!!! $15.68 was part of my purchase!!! that won't be the last time i purchase something from her. i'm sure she is loving yall to death right now. it's amazing what wonderful people we have in this world including the famous Lawrenson Family!!! take care. oh so how many diapers have yall used so far :) its amazing how many diapers our little rascals can use.

  4. That's wonderful! I'm going to order something from her but missed the boat yesterday. Maybe she'll do another fund raiser.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Wow, she's going to be SO busy it may be awhile before I get my order. But well worth the wait. That is an amazing amount of $. Yeah for everyone!!

  7. Great News!!! That is awesome! I hope ya'll have a nice evening...

  8. That is wonderful! We purchased a necklace too! I can't wait to receive it!

    Just curious, is the $983.40 total amount all go to CFF or just 20% of that amount?

    Either way, it sounds like it was a successful fundraiser!!!

    Oh , and what kind of formula does Gwyneth take now and how is she tolerating it vs the breast milk? :-)

  9. Her jewelry is beautiful. So unique. That combined with a donation to CFF - how was I to resist? My husband didn't even roll his eyes at me when I told him I was buying a necklace. Now that's something! :)

  10. Woo Hoo!!! I was absolutly inspired by her jewelry! I just *had* to purchase something! Thanks for letting us know about her. GREAT WORK!!!!!

  11. WOW... That is great!! Thank you Lisa and all those who help in the fight against CF!! Those donations are truly goin to a great cause and will hopefully bring us one day closer to finding a cure!!

    God Bless!

  12. Lisa is a good friend and neighbor of mine here on the central coast of CA, and I gotta tell ya, she's an amazing woman. Beautiful jewelry designed by a beautiful woman! Congratulations on a successful fundraiser!!

  13. Wow! That is awesome. I found out how small the world can be; I saw on her blog that she has a son with CDLS and I have a daughter with CDLS. How could I resist to order such beautiful jewlery from her and support both CF and a CDLS mom. I will definately remember her when it comes time for gifts!


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