
Monday, May 12, 2008

ABC11 Tonight!

For those of you in the RDU area, tune it to ABC11 at 6pm tonight to watch the next part of our story with Barbara Gibbs. I'll give you the link to the video as soon as they put it up!




  1. You guys are celebritites! You have your own mini-series to show Gwyneth when she grows up! :)
    Both of your girls look FABULOUS!!!
    Ellen in Ohio

  2. Hi guys, my name is Jen and I have been following your story for a long time. I am in Awe at what God has done in all 3 of your lives! I am amazed at your strength and sense of humor! I also think you have wonderful photography skills! ( I too LOVE taking pictures and hope to upgrade my camera one day!) I have never posted a comment b/c I wasn't quite sure what in the heck to say, but I check in EVERYDAY, and you never fail me! :) I have grown to love your whole family and can't wait until you get to take that sweet baby girl home!
    Much love, prayers and blessings to you all! In Him, jen

  3. Thanks for the heads up! Glad to see your cause getting more press.

    Blessings from Ohio

  4. Saw the commercial on ABC11 this morning and can't wait till 6pm to tune in! P.S. My father-in-law works security for that news station and talks highly of Barbara Gibbs!

    Glad you three are doing well and hope Tricia got to enjoy her first mother's day (my first too!).

    Julie Miles

  5. Will be waiting for the link!!! Can't wait to see all the progress from the first one!!


  6. We can't wait for you to post the link so that we can watch the video! As always, thank the Lord, for answered prayers!! We share your story with all of our family and friends -- you are all such an inspiration and true testament to the Glory of our Lord!

    ~ Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

  7. Okay .. I thought I had run out of tears. Nope.

    Even though I have now met you guys twice, it was amazing to hear Tricia speak on TV. Awesome to see Gwyneth wriggling in Tricia's arms.

    God Bless You. My prayers are that Tricia gets the birthday miracle of Gwyneth coming home like you got the birthday miracle of Tricia getting new lungs.

  8. I will be looking for the post/ video online as I missed te story tonight! :(

    I am so happy for you guys as things are really looking up for your family Praise God!

  9. The text to the story is now online. Go to the link Nathan put in his post. When the video is put up it will be the third one of the series.


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