
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Another Newspaper Article

If you're anywhere near Murray, KY today, pick up a copy of today's Murray Ledger & Times to read an article about us and Organ Donation.

If you're like me and have no idea where Murray is, you can read part of the article online.




  1. Dude!!!!

    I'm FROM Murray!!!

  2. Again, it's so incredible that God has provided a way to share your story with others, so that they might see that God still performs miracles. But also, I pray that through the testimony that you have so far, and this incredible journey that you've been through, that many would come to know Christ as Lord and Savior!!! That's what this life is all about!!! Keep it up!! :)

  3. Another one?? That is great! Your story will continue to inspire people. We need to get your story in a paper here in NY!! :)

    God Bless!!

  4. So excited to see how God has used your story! Our God is amazing!

    Also wanted to request prayer for Nicol Sponberg. She is from the group Selah, her baby boy passed away suddenly. She is the sister of Todd Smith (also from Selah). If you remember, Todd and Angie lost their baby girl about 7 wks ago. You can visit Angie Smith's blog at for a specific list of requests for the family.

  5. I went to college in Murray!!! That is so awesome that your story is really getting out everywhere!!!

    Take care!

  6. I think organ donation is one of the most noble things a person can do. I wouldn't have it any other way for myself.

    If people can just get over their fears about it and read Tricia's story, it would make such an impact. Can you imagine how quickly a person would go up on the list if more people were donors? It would be amazing!

    I totally love the new header- that's about the best picture ever.

  7. I went to college in Murray!

  8. Yayy! I'm from Paducah KY (although I'm currently living outside Nashville TN)and Murray is a neighboring city. So neat to see you guys mentioned close to my home...and hopefully it will raise a bit of awarness about CF in the area!
    My little one has CF and although we are not living in KY, I'm still actively involved with the CFF in the western KY area!!!!So exciting!
    God Bless you all!

  9. I graduated from Murray State University in Murray, KY. I now live in Nashville. I will try to get a copy of that newspaper. Leigh Ann

  10. I am from KY too, although kind of far from Murray but how cool that your story has made it to my homestate! I will see if I can get a copy of it.


  11. I graduated from Murray State!


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