
Friday, May 9, 2008

Back in the NICU

Gwyneth's surgery went well, and she is back in the NICU and we're waiting to go see her. She'll be intubated for at least a few hours as she wakes up, and then probably moved back to step-down tomorrow.

I've heard good news about the Johnson family as well. A little bruised up, but nothing too serious from what I've been told.

Thanks for your prayers!



  1. I am so glad to hear that Gwenyth's surgery went well. Super news on the Johnson family as well. Nate, you and your family are truly an inspiration to all. I wish you and yours the best in the months to come.

  2. So very happy that Gwyneth is doing well.
    Give her some (((((( HUGS ))))))) from Massachussetts

  3. So very happy that Gwyneth is doing well.
    Give her some (((((( HUGS ))))))) from Massachussetts

  4. So very happy that Gwyneth is doing well.
    Give her some (((((( HUGS ))))))) from Massachussetts

  5. Great News. I know y'all are happy to have this behind you.
    Smootches and hugs to little Gwyneth
    Will continue to pray for all of you.
    God Bless
    Jamie in Texas

  6. ps Glad your friends are ok!
    Jamie in Texas

  7. Good news about Gwyneth's surgery, and about the Johnsons. Thanks for the info.

  8. Continued prayers for Gwyneth's quick recovery so that she can go home soon. She is such a beautiful little girl, her sweet face melts my heart..

  9. GREAT NEWS on all fronts!!!

    I'm praying this is the last time ANYONE in your family has to go back on the vent! :)

  10. Good deal. Hopefully, this will work and she will be fine in a few hours. Go Gwyneth!!! I will still say prayers for the Johnson family.

  11. WOW, been travelling for work for past 2 days & kept wondering how you all were doing but didn't have internet connection - so I was super excited to see all of your news this evening :-)
    Keep up the good work Tricia & Gwenyth.
    Praying that Gwenyth will move into step down quickly & that you will all be able to head home together soon.

  12. Thankful to hear this last update. Will continue to think of you as Gwyneth recuperates from her procedure.
    Karen et al
    Vancouver, BC

  13. Praise the Lord for surgery that went well!! I know it must have been hard to let her go into surgery but isn't it wonderful to know that she was in God's hands the whole time she was in there!
    I'm so happy for all of you!

  14. So glad to hear that the surgery went well. THat's an adorable picture of Gwyneth with no feeding tube! Hooray. God is good and we're continuing to pray he keeps pouring his blessings out on your family.


  15. Good news about surgery and Gwyneth's eating! We're praying for strength for Tricia and you abd continued growth for Gwyneth. :)

  16. Praise God!!! Keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers!

  17. Glad the surgery went well, hope she is of the vent soon, and home in the next few days.

  18. I'm so happy to hear that Gwyneth's surgery went well. I'm happy that your friends are ok...

  19. Im so glad to hear that the surgery went well. Praying she is out of there soon!!!


  20. Good girl!

    Still praying for your girls. :)

  21. A good day all around! Keeping you all in my thoughts this evening!

  22. I have been following your story and reading your blog for awhile now and I wanted you to know that you all are in my prayers daily.

    I am so glad to hear that Gwenyth did so well today!!

    I also wanted to say Happy Mother's day to Tricia!!

    Thinking and praying for you....hugs from Tn!

  23. Even thought I do not comment every single know that our family keeps a vigil over yours...always remembering you guys and praying for your beautiful little family.
    Praise God for baby Gwenyth's surgery going well and for Tricia doing so very well...
    God Bless

  24. Hooray! Hooray! Everytime I visit your blog I cry. Everytime. I'm either a HUGE sap, or your family is truly amazing. Maybe a little of both! Congratulations. I've been thinking about little Gwyneth all day.

  25. Oh dear i had know idea that she was needing surgery, why was that if you don't mind me asking? She is in my thoughts and i'm sooo happy to hear that everything went good. Please give her a huge hug for me... Good news on the Johnson family.

  26. That is good news. We are praying for you all. For timing for Gwyneth's ultimate release from the hospital, for you and Trisha to have the strength to care for her at that point.

  27. Happy 1st Mother's Day Tricia!
    In honor of you and Gwenyth Rose my husband and I planted 2 yellow roses in our garden in NM and named them after you. "The Lord's loving kindnesses never cease, they are new every morning, great is Thy faithfulness." From NJ and now NM, Gloria

  28. So glad to hear all went well. I'm checking in less often (only twice a day, now!), but think of you guys all day long regardless! Thanks for the update!

    refreshing in ohio

  29. That is so wonderful!!
    Gwyneth is such a cutie!!!! I hope everything continues to go well for all of you!

  30. oh my, I was away for a few days, what did i miss? Gwnyneth needed to have surgery??? I sure hope everything is okay! I think I must have missed where you mentioned why she needed to have surgery and what is wrong with her now? I am so worried now! I pray she makes it through okay! Please fill me in! ((((Gwyneth))))

  31. My all-time favorite post is you and Gwyneth chillin' by her crib. I just had to find it again. I am so excited she is going to have a new ceiling to stare at soon! There's a plethora of ceilings just waiting to be discovered!

  32. Glad all went smoothly. How's the honey bun today? Hope she's extubated and back in the step-down unit. Give her a hug for me, thanks!

    Marissa :-)

  33. Oh wanted to add one more thing.

    HAPPY FIRST MOTHER'S DAY to you, TRICIA!! :-D Perfect timing that everything fell into place the way they have and soon you three will be together at home! Enjoy your special day tomorrow! You deserve it!

    Marissa :-)

  34. Hey Nate & Tricia! We had a lot of fun at the CF Walk in Austin today. Here are some pics if you want to see!


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