
Thursday, May 8, 2008


This afternoon, I got a call from the nurse practitioner that Gwyneth has been feeding completely from the bottle all day and that the feeding tube has been removed! A small surgery (that we have known was needed for several weeks) has been scheduled for Gwyneth tomorrow morning, and she could be discharged as early as the first of next week!!!

We are very excited and a little stressed. We're ready to have Gwyneth home, but we have a lot to do to really get ready. We'll be talking with somebody tonight at the hospital to find out what exactly we need to do/get.

Please, pray with us that the surgery will go well tomorrow and that Gwyneth will continue to feed completely from the bottle over the next several days so that she will be discharged sometime next week.

Also pray that Tricia will feel prepared physically and emotionally...she's still regaining her strength and will certainly not be able to do everything that she'll want to do as she continues to rehab from the past several months.

And, pray that our weekend will give us enough time and energy to prepare for Gwyneth!




  1. Congratulations!! Sending prayers your way. Your story is a beautiful testimony to our amazing God... thank you for sharing it. :)

  2. OH!MY!GOSH!! I needed to hear some GOOD news this week and this is certainly it!! I am so happy for ya'll! PRAYING AS ALWAYS!! Much love - Bamagirl!!!

  3. Really?!!!! YAY! I'll pray everything goes well! This is exciting!

  4. That is amazing! You've got 2 strong willed girls on your hands! Good luck!

    We'll be praying.

  5. That post brought me to tears!!!

    I will be praying for you, Tricia and Gwyneth.

    I have total faith all of this will work out perfect!
    God bless.

  6. Fantastic news!! Do not fear the unknown. Look what you and Tricia have already gone through, and achieved with flying colors. God is in charge, and He will prepare you for parenthood! You and Tricia will make excellent parents!

  7. WOW! Sending up prayers right now! Praying for all to go well with the surgery, for everyone involved in performing/assisting with the surgery, for Gwyneth to continue to feed from the bottle, and for peace of mind and preparedness for you and Tricia!

  8. That is awesome news! Congratulations!

  9. Whooo Hoooo! Praise the Lord! This is the best news! Don't worry about feeling ready for her homecoming, you never will! Babies are a trial and error deal, plus I am sure you will have lots of help from that wonderful family of yours! The only thing that matters is the three of you being together! Great News!!!!

  10. What an Incredible God we serve!

  11. Are they operating on her eyes again? I pray that all goes well! So happy for you that you get to take Gwyneth home! yay!

  12. Wow! That is just amazing!

    Praying for all the details...

  13. GREAT NEWS!!!

    Sending prayers your way!!
    She'll be home before you know it:)

  14. YES!!!! We rejoice with you! I am fully confident that the God who has worked miraculously on your behalf so far will continue to do so!

    "Lord, guide the baby's surgeons and help Gwyneth to recover quickly and completely."

    Everything you need to have for her homecoming will come together quickly! I can't wait to see the last part of the ABC 11 story on Monday!
    The best part is that you will soon be together.. a complete family!
    Blessings to you and your girls.

  15. Happy Day! I'm so glad to hear this good news! You are in our prayers here in Charlotte.

  16. Praise God!! That is awesome news!
    I will God continues to provide your EVERY need. I pray He guides the doctor's hands during surgery. I pray He provides all that Tricia needs to feel up to this new chapter in your life!! I am praying for you too!! LOL

  17. Wow!! How exciting is that!!!!!

  18. Great news-Gwenyth, you and Tricia are in our prayers.

  19. Praising God that you will soon have your other miracle girl home with you as well. How wonderful to be able to have your whole family at home together to just relax and snuggle and rest without hospital noises. Praying for Gwyneth's surgery tomorrow.
    Rachel in PA

  20. Wow!!! Is that ever cool or what?? It's like Gwyneth knew about your blog posts and thought..."well ok! Here I come!"

    How awesome :)


  21. I am so excited for your family!! Will say an extra prayer tonight for Gwyneth's procedure and added strength for mom as well.

  22. Woo Hoo!! This is exciting news!!

  23. YAY!!! HURRAY!!! WA-HOO!!!!
    We'll pray for the surgery. Praying for feeding to continue going well.
    Praying for Tricia to feel healthy enough to help with Gwyneth as much as she possibly can.
    Does the hospital allow for you guys to sleep in one night before you take her home? Ours did with the twins and it really helped us to feel comfortable about taking them home.

  24. How exciting for all of you!!!!! Praying that Gwyneth's surgery goes well and that the Lord will continue to work everything out so that you will have a smooth transition.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Nate: I am confident that Gwyneth wouldn't be ready to come home unless Tricia was absolutely ready to have her home. That's just the way God works! All the best to your beautiful family.

  27. Yay!!!!!! Thank you JESUS!!!!!!! Whoo-hoo!

    Hugs from El Paso,

  28. Wow ~~~ what exciting news! We will definitely pray that precious Gwyneth's surgery goes well tomorrow and that she continues to eat completely from the bottle. Also, we will pray for Tricia's strength and well-being as you both prepare to bring your beautiful baby girl home!! We'll be praying for you, too, Nate (we just didn't want you to think that we forgot you :-]). Thank you for continuing to share your journey with all of us. God bless!

    Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

  29. Congratuations!!! I am so happy for your family and praying that Gwyneth's surgery and transition go smoothly...

  30. Oh wow. I imagine it's kinda scary. It was for me and my first baby, and we had not been down the loong road y'all have. I'll sure pray for Gwyneth's surgery to go well, for Tricia to feel well enough and rested enough for everything. For you too Nate, to be rested and be able to handle it. I beleive God will be with you to help you through this chapter too.
    (Oh, and I bet there's a grandma or 2 that woul
    d love to help if y'all need them. Just guessin here:-)
    What a mother's day gift!
    God bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  31. What wonderful news! =)
    I'll keep praying that everything continues to go smoothly! Thank you, Jesus! =)

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. WOW! WOW! WOW! We are praying for the surgery for Gwyneth and for strength and rest for you and Tricia. WOW! WOW! WOW!!! Hey, almost in time for a ever so slightly belated Mother's Day! Have a happy one Tricia!

  34. You can and will be ready! How wonderful and awesome. Wish I was close enouh to help you gather up things but, remember, she can always sleep in a dresser drawer!

  35. Wow! Hope Grandpa and Grandma had a successful shopping trip at BabiesRUs today! :):) So very happy about this GREAT news! Will be praying about the surgery tomorrow, and all of the preparations for Gwyneth to come home!!

  36. What a wonderful Mother's Day gift for Tricia! I'll be praying that you ALL have strength - you, CFHusband, are going to need it too! Way to go, God! Thank you, again for sharing your story with us.

  37. Wow, how great! She doesn't even look like the same baby in her recent pictures. How excited you must be:)

  38. What an amazing little girl you have!! I pray that all goes well with her surgery and that you guys get at least four more good night's of sleep :-)..

  39. That is AMAZING news! Just what I needed on this day! Praying for Gwyneth's surgery tomorrow. I will continue to pray for you and for Tricia as you make preparations and begin your journey as "full-time" parents! WOW!!!

  40. Wonderful news! That is fantastic!!

  41. Praise God! That is awesome news!
    I know you must have mixed feelings - excited but overwhelmed but God is awesome and will be with your family as he has all along!

    Im so happy for you!

  42. It's so scary to bring your newborn baby home from the hospital, even under normal circumstances. Just remember it's okay to need help.

    Praying that you'll feel "ready" to bring her home and that the surgery will go well tomorrow!

  43. That's wonderful news! You must feel like you're in a whirlwind sometimes with all that's happening right now. Make sure you remember to be still and know that He is God. He will not lead you where He will not keep you and give you wisdom to walk.

  44. God is AMAZING!!! I'm SO excited for you all!!! :D

  45. How Exciting!!! Praying for all things to fall into place for you guys to bring Gwyneth home with you. And I know that you are going to be such a huge help to Tricia with the baby as she continues to gain her strength back. I am so excited for you and thanking the Lord for this miracle.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  46. wow,wow,wow!!! That is wonderful news, keep going little Gwenyth!! Can't wait to see her with no feeding tube!!

  47. WOOOO HOOOO!!! So excited for you guys! Hoping all goes perfectly with her sugery and she continues to do as well as she has. Looking forward to more happy updates!

  48. Our God is an awesome God! :)

    I'm so excited for you, Tric, and Gwyneth to finally have the chance to be together. For you and Tric to learn all about parenting and what it's like to have a baby at home. Too cool!

    I'll be praying with you for Gwyneth's surgery tomorrow and as you make preparations for her release.


  49. AWESOME!!!!!!! Praying for great surgery!

  50. Wonderful News! We will certainly be praying about all you mentioned. One thing that I've learned (as I'm sure you know already) is that the Lord abundantly gives grace and strength when we need it.
    The Lockwoods

  51. That is terrific news. I hope your little gal is like my guy was. When we brought him home from the NICU for the first two months he mostly slept (not as much at night :)). It made for a nice transition into parenthood. Now I am chasing him even as I type!

  52. I'M SOOOO EXCITED!!! I will be praying for you all during her surgery & I will be praying that she continues to eat only from the bottle!!!! I know it's probably overwhelming & exciting & I am praying for all of you!!! What a blessing!!!!!!!

  53. That's the best news I've heard all day! I'll definitely be praying for you. Hope Tricia isn't stressing out too much and doesn't overdo!

  54. WOOHOO!! You really don't need THAT much stuff to come home. A crib, some bottles, diapers, burp cloths, extra binkies. All the rest is optional. Just be GLAD that baby is coming home soon!

  55. HOw awesome for you!!!! WOW! I am so excited for you! God bless you!!!

  56. Nathan, that is great news and I will continue to pray for all.

  57. Nathan, that is such great news. The Lord has brought you all this far, He will see you through.

  58. Isn't God good? That's amazing and we will be praying!

  59. God is so good!!!! Amazing!!!! I will be praying for all three of you...Can't wait for the updates and will pray for sweet Gwyneth's surgery in the morning...

  60. So good to hear!! We continue to pray for all of you. God is awesome and everything will be great!

  61. God is so good!! Congrats...
    You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
    God Bless

  62. Hip hip, hooray! How Great is Our God? Greater than all the creatures and all the things of all the Earth! Praying for a stress-free weekend, and that the joy of next week will carry you through.

  63. I've been following your blog for a while, but never left a comment. I just wanted to tell you thank you for all the time you put into this blog and keeping us all updated. I don't know you from Adam, but I feel like I am a part of your life. I think about you guys often and you are in my prayers. I'm just amazed at the miracles that God has blessed you with. Tricia, you look amazing!! You are a beautiful woman and your strength and courage amaze me! Gweneth is getting so big and I can't wait until the day you guys get to take her home - it will be so much fun to have her all to yourselves in your own home :-)
    I'm praying for a smooth surgery and recovery for your little miracle, strength and health to both your girls, and a lifetime of blessings for your family.
    Best wishes for the future!

  64. This is so wonderful...I'm so happy for you!! What a way to celebrate that 5 month mark...

    I will be praying tomorrow goes well and she is on her way home!

  65. COngrats! Way to eat, Gwenyth! Can't believe how big she is getting.

  66. That is wonderful news, soon you'll all be home and together as a family! Sending good thoughts and prayers your way.

  67. We have prayed with you through some of your biggest storms, we will continue to pray you through these little ones too.

    Fear not.... you will be great parents, and like someone else said.... babies are trial and error. They're also very forgiving of inexperienced moms and dads. :0) Our 17 yr old daughter is handling motherhood very well, you both will too.

    It has been so amazing to follow the stories of the CF Husband. Thank you so much for letting us peek in on your lives. It renews my strength in the power of prayer daily.

    We are SO happy that both of your girls weathered their storms and are stronger because of it. Nate, you are one blessed man!!


    Still praying...
    Tanisha in VA

  69. Congrats!! I'm so happy for you guys! Hope all goes well!! Will definitely be praying for you guys!

  70. How very exciting! I'll be praying for all of you! I know that you will be very busy...hope you still find time for!

  71. WOW WOW WOW WOWIE!!! Amazing and awesome! So glad for you all!

    Way to go, Gwyn! Praying for you lil babe for your surgery tomorrow and that you continue to eat totally from the bottle and keep growing. Also, praying that your mommy and daddy can have everything done (with others' help, of course) and prepared for your homecoming! Praying as well for your mommy's strength during her rehab and in taking care of you (along with daddy who also is being prayed for!).

    CONGRATS!! :-D Another step closer to home sweet home-- going to be so fabulous for you three to be home and back to normal life! :-)

    Again, thank you so much for sharing, Nate!

    Marissa :-)

  72. We are praying hard for all of you! I knew she would start feeding from the bottle for all her feeds soon! I'm so happy for all of you.

    With the hectic week/weekend coming...I wanted to wish Tricia a very HAPPY 1st MOTHER'S DAY!

    Thanks for keeping all of us posted...keep up the great work, Gwyneth!


  73. The life you've known for the past few months is about to change - God is good and His Grace is sufficient. Congratulations! Rest in His care for your family as you move away from the valley.

  74. What a praise! So exciting! Happy Mother's Day to Tricia!

  75. Our prayers continue. . .

    Love to all.

  76. Prayers continuing. She's gorgeous!! People will help you and Tricia. Heck, I would, if I didn't live a couple thousand miles away! Tell Gwyneth to hang tough tomorrow morning and keep eating. All in all, it's terrific news and things will work well.

  77. What a great Mother's Day/ Birthday Gift for Tricia!

  78. Thanks for the EXCITING NEWS!! We'll be praying for Gwyneth as well as for the 2 of you as you get things prepared for her to come home. What a Mother's Day it will be!! :) God is SO GOOD, and His timing is always so perfect!

    Much love and continued prayers,
    Greg, Laura and family

  79. Wow! I go away for a few days and come back to this exciting news!! That is awesome.

    On a side note...I don't think anyone is every totally ready to bring baby home. I felt like I wasn't ready with either of mine (LOL).

  80.!!! In bad times, we say, when it rains it pours, but these are good times, and BLESSINGS are pouring now! I know there is still a long road ahead, but oh my goodness...these last couple of posts are so many more prayers being answered!
    To God be the glory!!!!
    ~ becky b

  81. Yay! That's awesome! I'll be praying for all the things you mentioned... perhaps most especially for Tricia during this time...

  82. That's Awesome News! I will be thinking of you all tomorrow:)

  83. Can't wait to see a picture of Gwyneth's sweet little face with no tubes on it. Yeah Gwyneth!!! Lots of great news about Trish too!

  84. Yahoo!! :) That's incredible news!
    Very exciting!!

    BTW, I did a post today about becoming a bone marrow glad you shared that the fees are being waved!!

  85. Wow, time is flying. You all have an amazing baby. I just couldn't imagine she would be like she is from the first pics. It was almost nerve wracking. Now, she is just like any other small baby. TOO COOL!!! Happy endings are so great.

  86. I am so very happy for you congratulations and God Bless.

  87. That is the best news yet..... I will be checking back tomorrow to see how Gwyneth is.... I know she'll be fine, she has all our prayers..

  88. Awesome, Awesome. I am praying for you!!!

  89. Wonderful news! We will says some extra prayers that the surgery goes well, and that you can get prepared for her homecoming in time!

  90. wonderful news!!!! Praying over all your concerns and for Gwyneth's continued feeding success!!! jen in al

  91. WooHoo!!!! I will be praying about the surgery. This is awesome news. I know you must be on cloud nine.

  92. Awesome news! I remember when my son came home from the NICU. It was the happiest and scariest day of my life. Good luck and congrats!

  93. Once again....Amazing! Your girls just keep striding forward! Thrilled for Tricia and her great advances this week and for Gwyneth following her Mommy's lead!!

    Keeping the three of you in prayer from Ohio!

  94. Yippeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Continuing to pray for continued success!!!! Praying for the doctors for tomorrow morning and for everyone to continue to improve and get stronger.

  95. YEAH!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for all three of you. May is looking to be a memorable month for your family. Congratulations!!!!

  96. Dear Nate and Trish,

    Congratulations! I remember the day that our triplet boys were released from the hospital (they were born 9/15/07 at 33 weeks and were released in early October). I also remember that "oh, wow!" rush to get things ready. And then the baby(ies!) come home and after a few days you can't remember life without them (i.e., with sleep) but you wouldn't have it any other way.

    I've been following your story from the beginning but haven't posted yet. Thanks so much for sharing news about your amazing journey.

    By the way, if you need bottles, I'd recommend the Born Free ones. They are made of safe (non-BPA) plastic and we have had great luck with them with our triplets. Best of all, they don't leak!! Bottles that leak really stink; we tried Avent and Dr. Browns and both of those didn't work well. And the best bibs we found that didn't soak through were Carters Dribble Happy bibs...they have plastic in the middle and stand up to TONS of washings. They definitely are labor-saving!

    Congrats again!

    The Madeira Tripletse

  97. That is awesome!! I think it is normal for first time parents to feel excited and stressed about their baby coming home (who am I kidding--I was excited and stressed with #2), but you've been through a lot and I'm sure that amplifies it!

    Praying the surgery goes well and her transition home is a smooth one!

  98. oh my goodness, what wonderful news! i have been keeping up with all of your posts, i just haven't had the time to comment lately. but i wanted to let you know i am so happy for you all. tricia you are incredible and i am so happy to hear that you are recovering so well! nate, your pictures are beautiful and you are such a wonderful husband and father. and gwyneth...well, she just melts my heart. as always, i am keeping you in my prayers.

  99. WOW!! YOO HOO!!
    How exciting, wonderful and stressful. I am sure the family will be around, but I am close and if there is anything I can do, supply, whatever (besides the prayers), please let me know.

    Blessings, Shari NC

  100. Wonderful news!!! God has blessed you with two amazing, STRONG girls

    Continuing to send prayers from Ohio

  101. praise God for this! That is so awesome and I know it's overwhelming too! Congratulations!!!! The news has finally come.....very excited for you all!

  102. WOOHOO!!! YIPEE!!! WAY TO GO GIRL!!!! Congratulations....breathe, let it set in, and enjoy the ride when she get home. So happy for you!!! Blessings.

  103. That's incredible news! I'll be praying for all of you!!

  104. I am so excited for you guys... I pray this weekend bring you rest and relaxation.. I'm overwhelmed with everything that I can imagine that is going through your mind at this time, and I'm just a faithful reader in MI!

  105. Wow! Awesome! Definitely praying for Gwyneth!! Also for Tricia, for babies are a lot of work. Thank God you have strong girls!

  106. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!

  107. Awesome news! Continuing to pray for all of you! Sabrina from Austin

  108. Exciting news! You are definitely in our prayers!!!!!!

  109. AWESOME! God is with you ALL the way!

    Prayers and hugs to all of you!

  110. i'm very glad everything is doing good...i just can say ..GOD IS GOOD..and keep praying for you guys... ;)

  111. Rejoyce!
    But can you really ever be ready to bring home a new baby? I think not.
    Heres to lots of empty baby bottles and lots of naps....for mom and dad also.
    -Shannon in Austin

  112. That is awesome news!Gwenyth, you and Tricia are in our prayers here in Ohio.

  113. I am so excited and happy for you all. I am praying for surgery to go well tomorrow, and that Gwyneth can get home next week.

    Awesome news :)

  114. Pretty girl! She's so strong, she'll get through whatever comes her way without flinching, you can tell by looking at her!

  115. SO excited for you!! CONGRATULATIONS! I cried happy tears reading this tonight, finally a wonderful happy ending! Praying her surgery goes well and you take that precious bundle home next week!

  116. How wonderful!!! I found as a mother, the strength came when it was needed. I don't know, but parents find the way to do whatever they need to do. Just pray for strength and it will come...oh, yeah and sleep every chance you get, don't forget to eat, and just enjoy her...

  117. Way to go, Gwyneth! Praying for a smooth surgery and a strong appetite. Just curious... can you tell what color her eyes are yet? They look dark and beautiful like her mom's!

  118. YAY! Can you even imagine how precious it's going to be to just lie in bed and stare at each other, the three of you? Oh praise God!

  119. God is so good! It is so heartwarming to read and see how the girls have progressed. I can't even imagine how thankful you must be! You're still in my prayers.

  120. If it helps, Nate, you're never 100% prepared for baby. It's an ever-changing (and awe-inspiring) experience, and that's what makes it fun. So don't fret there.

    So glad to see everything coming together. It seems that Gwyneth was channeling her energy into helping Mommy get better before she could focus on herself. She's a gift from above and a gem for all of us.

    Thanks for sharing.

  121. Such exciting stuff everytime I get an update on your blog!! Yippee! We've been praying, and will keep on praying for your beautiful family. Thanks for the continued updates!!

  122. awesome news! rest up Nate and Tric!!!! =)

  123. Congratulations! We will be praying for her surgery! And also all the preparations (physical/mental/emotional) for bringing her 'home'. Dont you wish they could give you a little more warning for that? We are very excited for you!

  124. Praying for God's hand to guide the doctors during the surgery. Also that she will keep eating from the bottle. That God will also give you all the strength and whatever else is needed to take care of Tricia and Gwyneth.
    Cathy & Annabel

  125. so awesome! Your story continues to just amaze me! So thankful that things have gone so well. Praying for all the prep and peace of mind ya'll will need for bringing home your sweet bundle of joy!

  126. Fantastic news! Praise the Lord....isn't HE good?! We'll be praying for you guys!

  127. YEE HAW!!!! That was a big Texas Hoop-n-Holllar!! What great news!!
    Will be praying specifically for a successful surgery and for Tricia to continue healing and gaining strength!

  128. God will help you- you will be tired, but it's a good tired. Sleep when you can. It goes by fast- before you know it she'll be changing your diapers!

  129. Woohoo!!!!! Awesome news! Praying for all the details you mentioned.

  130. How exciting! I'm just so happy for you guys that both Tricia and Gwyneth are doing so well. Thanks so much for sharing your story.

  131. Congratulations! What a wonderful feeling :)

  132. What exciting news! I am very happy for all of you. I'll be praying for little Gwyneth as she continues to gain strength and eats from the bottle. Also praying for the two of you as you will be adjusting to yet another change in life, and continued strenth and good health for Tricia. Glad to hear that things are going so well for Tricia too!! Praise God for all He does!

  133. What wonderful news! Tricha please know our prayers are with you and Gwyneth. Don't worry no mom ever feel prepared to bring home their first baby. But you will soon see all you need to be able to do is love her and the rest will just happen. Remember she is new to this baby stuff too. God bless all three of you as you continue on your journey.

  134. there isn't a mom, gramma, sister or aunt on this list that would not drop everything and do a bit of diaper duty if you need it.

    man, that bottle has to taste a whole lot better than tube feeding. ANd I know what that bottle tastes like! yum -o not!

    Thumbs up!

  135. Praise the Lord. I hope all the preparation goes well. So excited for your family!

  136. Good Luck tomorrow sweetie, praying for you!

  137. That is WONDERFUL news. I am so happy for you.

    I will keep you all in my prayers so that you will have all things needed to bring your little angel home and so that Trish and yourself will have the stamina to do what is needed to do with a newborn.

    This truly is one of those miracles I love to hear about. Congratulations to all. Keep up the bottle feeding Gwenyth.

  138. Nate and Tricia,

    Your daughter is just the cutest. Congratulations on your good news. I will be praying for all three of you. I know you must be both ecstatic and nervous.

  139. wow!i got a big surprise when i read that Gwyneth could be coming home!. ... :)

  140. This isa ll such exciting and encouraging news for you guys! God is soooo incredibly good, it is an answer to prayer in the most obvious way how He has kept His hand upon you for good!

    Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!

    Love and prayers.

  141. Wow, that is exciting and scary at the same time. Taking a baby home can be stressful under normal conditions. But, then what have you guys experienced through all this that would be described as normal! One day at a time. We will be praying in a different way!

  142. How awesome is that!! I can't wait for you both to experience life as a family outside of the hospital!

  143. what wonderful news. Your girls continue to amaze me with their strength and progress. Thank you again for sharing this amazing journey and testamony to God with us.

  144. GOD IS GREAT!!!
    That is WONDERFUL NEWS!!
    Sending prayers your way.
    Thanks for Sharing

  145. WOW!!!! This is so exciting!!! I'll be praying that you & Tricia are ready when that day comes!!!!

  146. You will be so happy that all your anxieties will fade away. You can hold your baby girl and experience all the 'normal' first time parent butterflies. How wonderful! May you be enfolded in God's loving arms as you make this much awaited transition. Prayers being said for all of you!

  147. Nate this is so awesome!! I'll be praying for you guys. I'm sure you are going to feel a tad bit overwhelmed having to take care of both of your girls at the same time but you guys will get through it.

  148. Wow Nate and Tricia :) I have been off line for a couple of days and me and the children were so happy to see this news this morning. I know it must seem overwhelming granted all that you have gone through - but it will be easier than you think. Just make sure you ask for help - alot. Tricia, you look so amazing and strong - keep taking care of yourself. You are an amazing family and will make it through this transition like every other one you've made it through. We will pray for Gynneth's surgery this morning - as well as peace for you guys in this next momentous step. Praying, hoping and sending love, Tricia and Clan xoxo (N.VA) :) :) :)

  149. UNBELIEVABLE!!!! What incredible news:)

  150. Isn't she just the most beautiful baby. oh my word.

    Here is a list of a few essentials that I love to death (I have two babies under two and one on the way.

    1. ArmsReach Co-sleeper ( seriously the best invention ever and it's less expensive than a crib and can be used up to 35 pounds, but for the first 8 months, the mattress is raised to the height of the bed so you can just reach over and get your precious baby in the middle of the night, much easier than walking anywhere.

    2. A hotsling, get one for both you and tricia, they come in different sizes. I like the hemp one, it's much softer and stretches out less than the cotton ones ( do NOT put an "S" at the end of that domain, bad things happen (LOL)

    3. baby hats, just the stretchy cotton ones at Target. Can't get enough of them and they are great for every occasion.

    4. the baby socks at BabyGap. they are in the Layette section, they thick and spongy, but they stay put, the are great. They come in packs of 2, I think. Ask for them, they are usually hidden at the bottom of a display.

    good luck.

  151. YEAHHH!! Such great news. Finally getting to be a family in a family setting will be such a great feeling. We will all be praying for your family, and especially your little baby girl in the morning.

  152. God has certainly provided yet another set of miracles! Praying that Gwyneth's surgery goes flawlessly, and that you are able to do anything and everything you need to do to prepare for Gwyneth's release from the hospital.

    I'm so excited for you all!!!

  153. Wow! What a wonderful Mother's Day gift! I'll keep praying for Gwyneth's procedure for today and for your preparations to bring her home! God is so GOOD!!!

  154. So happy to hear this!!!! My heart is actually racing since I read this post!

    I'll pray that everything goes according to plan! Good luck!

  155. I am so excited! Praying you are not to stressed! I promise babies really don't need much stuff.

    Praying she is home with you asap!

  156. Oh wow. That's awesome news. We'll definitely be praying for ya'll.


  157. Oh what wonderful news.. GOD IS GOOD!! I will of course be PRAYING PRAYING PRAYING.

  158. What wonderful news! New lungs for Nate's Birthday and extremely close to homecoming for Tricia's. I can't think of anything better. We are praying for a smooth surgery and weekend.

  159. I pray that God gives you the strength when Gwyneth gets home to be able to support her needs and Tricias! This is very exciting! Congrats! I can't imagine how it feels to have both your girls home (almost!)!!

  160. Yay! Praying for you guys!elyssad

  161. Oh wow - best of luck, everybody. And yes, you will be in my prayers.

    And, exciting as this is, it will be difficult for you both to adjust to being full-time parents - probably, especially for you, as while Tricia continues to get well, you will be "on duty" for both of them.

    As I said, you will be in my prayers.

  162. I'm praying for your little miracle, too. Please remember that babies don't need a perfect nursery or the fanciest clothes - all the require are some clean diapers and the love of their parents. The best thing you can do to prepare is just relax and rest as much as you can! I can't wait to hear the good news that she's home with you!

  163. I have been so blessed by following your blog. YOu, Trica and Baby Gwenyth have touched my heart. Do you mind me asking...what kind of surgery baby gwenyth had?

  164. Praise God! Remember to try to get one more good night of sleep (if you can) before bringing Gwyneth home.


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