
Sunday, May 25, 2008

Blogroll (+1)

Somebody asked me a while back who's on my blogroll. Without telling you everything about myself, here are a few blogs I check out daily (even though I've already mentioned them before)...

> All the blogs of my family (at least those I know are blogging). Check out My Dad, Uncle Andy and BIL Terry if you like church ministry related stuff. Check out my SILs Megan and Janet if you like some very funny stories and insights on family life.

> 65Pounds4Pattysue because 1) he's raising money for the CFF with Tricia as his inspiration, and 2) because he's very funny with his stories about tight pants and such.

> It'sTheLittleThings because she's super creative, a good photographer and has a beautiful family...I always smile when I read her blog.

> JessicaClaire because her photography is amazing and she's basically the nicest person ever.

> LivingLifeBreathlessly because she's a good CFer friend, I love South Africa and we get a sneak peek at what the post-TX life is like two months into the future...

(I left this last one off the first time...meant to post it)

> TheLockwoodFamily because they really need your thoughts and prayers right now...

There are a few more on my list, but they'll be kept a secret. Whose blogs do you read?



  1. yours and Perry Noble's....

    all the rest are just hit or miss...some daily, some weekly, some monthly.

  2. I read yours of course! I also read Leslie's Journey at This blog really touches me. If anyone is interested in Leslie's story, go there and check it out!

  3. Hi Nate -- I read several but my absolute favorite, after yours is,
    its another fine look at devotion to Him.


    Two incredible mothers. :)

    I also read a lot of other blogs that are on the side of the fist link and on the links of Alice's.

    What can I say .. I like to peak in on other's lives to see how they're doing.

  5. Yours of course, and family members plus a bunch of others that have become friends through blogging !!

  6. yours, tip junkie, the weirs(about their adoption journies), make and takes. I so don't know how to link them here, so sorry, you will have to go to my blog to see the roll...heehee...

  7. I read about 20 blogs a day. The latest one I started reading is Matt Logelin's.

    Their baby was born March 24th, 7 weeks early,went into the NICU and Matt's wife Liz died tragically the day after baby Maddy was born. Matt is doing an amazing job being Dad while still grieving for Liz.

    Your heart will burst out of your chest.

  8. I forgot the caution about Matt Logelin's blog. If you are sensitive about 4-letter curse words, skip Matt's blog. He is brutally honest about what he is feeling and occasionally uses words that might be offensive to some.

  9. Yours, many family and friends' blogs, and pioneer woman's.

    Isn't blog world fun? :)

  10. I originally found you via a Google game. You google "[Your first name] needs" and see what comes up. This led me to a child with Trisomy 18, who linked to you... thus to your dad.... and also another Trisomy 18 baby.

    Other than that, various "friends" on LiveJournal - mostly ice-skaters but also various Christians and people who share interests. And one or two rather random authors.... and so it goes.

  11. I love the pioneer woman too Wades! :) She's so fun, and posts great recipies w/ pics of step by step directions. :)

    I also keep up w/ several friends from high school primarily via their blogs, and our local paper has several of it's reporters keep personal blogs- those are a fun read too! Just wish I had more time to read...

  12. Hi, First time commenter here, but I wanted to let you know that there is a CF fundraiser up in Boston on June 1 if you want to promote it to all the New England readers! Go to to read about it (19th annual event). I am so happy for you and your family and that everyone is home!

  13. Thought this might be of interest to you.

  14. I always check these three everyday:

    I also check out a friend's: ( a friend living in India, w/interesting daily perspectives on family, culture and religion)

  15. I read your's, Emily's, Suzie's, Jayne's, Oli's and Becky's - and that means absolutely nothing to you at all no doubt!

  16. I read too many, though most are friends/family, and not public. The two I can share are:

    Life in a Shoe

    The Life of Jacob Ryan Fahmer (a trisomy 18 baby)

  17. I read your blog! and i love it! love from bc, canada

  18. Everyday I go down a list of blogs that I consider "have to read everyday" blogs. Aside for my own at, yours is first, then I read...
    and I have a MySpace that I made for all my youth and students to pick on me. Once a week I will go to the ADD Youth Pastor and your father's blog to catch up. An my also keep up the youth blog for or church, but it is nothing like your brother's sight.

    I'm glad that Tricia and Gwyneth are doing so well. Hope you get to go home to the OBX very soon!


  19. well i could advice a bunch of good blogs - half of them coming from cf patients - but the sad thing for you is, they're all Dutch, including mine hehe. Other than that i read yours almost every day, and the blog of the family i lived in at Crete last summer.

  20. Your blog is the only one I read. I found you through my Christian women's forum that I visit some times. Someone posted a prayer request for you and I've been hooked ever since. I'm glad I don't have any more I keep up with, I spend way too much time hanging with you and T:)

  21. In no particular order:
    A heart warming story of a youth paster and his wife and their journey with their special needs baby, Josiah.
    An amazing duo of photographers who are sisters!
    Another amazing journey of two parents and their girls of which their first dies from Krabbe and now the journey of their second girl who recieved a cord cell transplant and is now Krabbe free.
    A journel of a family who has lost two precious boys to rare gentic problems.
    A tale of adopting a little guy named William.

  22. Oh, and, of course, cfhusband!
    Yours at this point has almost daily updates which is so inspiring!

    Karen et al
    Vancouver, BC

  23. well no big surprise YOURS! and a few others where prayer is needed..
    and some great blogs where i have made some wonderful friends...

  24. I always check out cfhusband and (she's really brilliant), and then of course I update my own
    ( and check out the other CF blogs out there!

    Thanks so much Nate for all you've done for CF and Transplant awareness! I can't say it enough!


  25. So glad you mentioned the Lockwoods. They surely do need our prayers at this time. Thank you for listing them.

    Louisville, KY

    (she's an awesome photographer)

    there's plenty of others but that's the only one you'd likely be interested in Nate!

  27. sorry it was mistyped it's;

  28. Mainly only yours and Tricia's. Actually it's because of your blog that got the ball rolling with making my blog. Thanks :)

  29. There are a few that I read occasionally, but the three that I read most days are:


    Of First Importance is very short with a quote from a book that focuses on the importance of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    The Blazing Center is written by Mark Altrogge (a Sovereign Grace pastor) and his son, Stephen Altrogge (a worship leader). They both make me think and examine myself as well as sometimes making me laugh.

    These two have become a regular part of my devotions after I read my Bible each morning. Take a look if you get a chance. Both are available by e-mail as well as on the web.

  30. I found your blog through PediaScribe, which I read almost every day, as we vacationed with them two years ago (after spending 18 months on a discussion board getting to know our fellow cruisers... what fun!). Yours led me to your Dad's and Andy's... I don't know your family, but feel like I do! I grew up with an ADD Youth Pastor, and until a fallout with our old church last year, worked with a youth group that had a great ADD youth pastor, too. They're a special breed! (And my BIL is an ADD youth leader...). I enjoyed reading your Dad's comments on the flag issue in DeLand... I work in that community, and know many of the members of that church.

    The only other blogs that I really read a lot are Zen Habits and Dumb Little Man. Work/life balance is something that I struggle with... some of what they have to say is good... some isn't. But hey, none of us is right all the time!

  31. I am blessed by written by Heather Duckworth, a mom who lost one of her triplet sons to a rare form of childhood cancer and within the past year adopted a little girl from Guatemala. I also have been tremendously blessed by

  32. Yours! And, one about a woman named Robynn that is a mom of 2, a wife, and battling cancer.

  33. i have about 50 in my reader that i look forward to reading. the ones i check 1st are you and keeping awake. http://conorbootheandgirls.

    you post a lot more than boothe :)

    i also check ragamuffinsoul (he is actually my boss)

    thanks for allowing us to be a part of your lives!!

  34. i have this ritual..first my daughter gwenn started that when her son was born last june 1st and ended up at Duke with heart surgery 3 days later, then (my other homeschooling daughter) these are both good for a laugh, then confessions of a CF husband, then myspace and facebook. my day would not be complete without my routine fixes.

  35. just a random question.. what is the meaning of 65 roses? Why 65? I saw a poster here in Australia where a young boy was asking for donation for his sister with CF. He too used 65 roses.

  36. I am glad to realize that other people read blogs about people they do not know! I enjoy reading your blog daily as well as:

  37. Yours, Anne's, Carey's, Jennifer's, Jen's, Tausha's, Holly's, Ali's, Dave's, Pete's, Carlos', Carrie's, Calvary Chapel Women's, Deadly Viper, Kyle's, Jon's, and MercyMe's


    Heidi R.

  38. Of course yours
    then a former youth pastor's who is now lead pastor at a church in Wilmington, others on his blogroll
    a guy who I was in youth group with who is now working for a christian youth org. in our county which is starting a local christian retreat center

  39. for all the fun New York stories!

  40. I read yours
    Your dad's
    I would mention my blog but I'm a humble person and won't use this opportunity to shamelessly promote my own blog.

    Gwyneth' Great Uncle Andy

  41. I didnt know you read the Lockwood family blog. I have just recently started reading it after getting the link from my other friends blog, The Morris family blog. I am so glad Daniel's tests turned out to be cancer but sounds like he is still in need of a lot of prayers.


  42. A whole list of Haiti adoption blogs, as we wait for our two little boys to come home!

  43. Nate,

    So glad you added the Lockwood family. I found their blog through your site and it has just been a blessing to read. We've been anxiously awaiting every entry, praying to God for the health of this young pastor and for strength and peace for his young family.

    We also pray all these things for your young family!

    In Him,

  44. i, like so many others, have a blogroll of people i like to keep updated on.
    I am always checking out CF Husband (like 4 million other readers are)

    i like to seek out other preemie parents and parents with twins who had TTTS (a deadly twin disease if not caught early enough) like my twins had.
    Thanks for asking!!
    have a great evening!


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