
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Cell Memory

Tricia made an incredibly important statement just a few minutes ago...

"I don't think I like cranberry juice anymore."

Considering that cranberry juice is all she ever drank pre-transplant, and that we've spent more money on cranberry juice during our marriage than we have on all other food products combined, this is HUGE!

On a more serious note, this could be part of a transplant-related phenomenon known as "Cell Memory".



  1. That is really cool! Thank you for the interesting reading. Maybe she'll find that she also likes stuff she never did before.

  2. Fascinating!!! Who would ever have guessed?

  3. Amazing how that works. A friend of mine who had a heart tx loved Chicken McNuggets post tx. Couldn't tolerate them before!

  4. Very interesting...seems like it could be true...minus the "universal mind" part! :) That just made me laugh.
    Maybe before the transplant she had a vitamin deficiancy and no longer does, thus her body no longer craves cranberry juice?!

  5. I have heard of this before...very interesting stuff!

  6. It seems to happen more with heart transplant patients than lung patients, but I seem to have some of my mom's and uncle's traits that I didn't have before. (I received a lobe from each of them). That's so weird though that Tricia doesn't even want what used to be her favorite drink.. I keep hoping that I get my uncle's musical ability, but it hasn't happened yet. LOL.

  7. Very neat and enthralling! Such a wonder! Thanks for sharing Glad Tricia is doing awesome!


  8. It's totally true! It happened to me too. I craved fruit loops of all things. I ate fruit loops constantly for the first year. I NEVER ate them before. I started craving them when I was still in the hospital...about 1 week post transplant! Pretty cool. I hope you all have a chance to find out who your donor family is. I have written several times and haven't ever heard back. My coordinator says more often than not you will eventually hear back, but I never did. We thank God everday for my donors family!

  9. Isn't that CRAZY!!! I used to work on a bone marrow transplant unit where I had a kid who (post-transplant) liked something he totally HATED before his transplant! I think the human body is so amazing. God sure did GOOD when He created us!

  10. Amazing!!!!!! thank you for sharing all you do! Your journey blesses me more than i could put into words. praying,,.jen in al

  11. Interesting...never knew! Thanks, as always, for sharing.

  12. This is precisely why I keep reading your blog- you are a fountain of cool info.

  13. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm?

  14. Thanks for this post! This answered my question from a couple days ago. I find this so amazing and interesting. Keep us posted on any other new cell memory events. :-)

  15. That is absolutely fascinating!

  16. That is fascinating! I have never heard of it but will put it in my memory bank to remember.

  17. I actually believe it. Not that this is the same but my mom had a bone marrow transplant from her youngest brother and after the transplant she started to enjoy Nascar racing. She hated it pre-transplant and her brother loved it. Coincidence? Probably. But it's something to think about!

  18. That's strange. I know after my blood transfusions I was suddenly allergic to shrimp. I'm not complaining because I'm alive but sometimes I want some so bad and if I get the smallest taste my throat swells shut.

  19. How interesting!!!! I would've never known!!! You really have taught me a lot!!!!

  20. I am wondering also if it could have anything to do with pregnancy. Before I was pregnant I drank Orange Juice every single morning. I called it my coffee. When I became pregnant I wasn't really into OJ and even after my pregnancies I really was no longer into OJ and green beans something I also had liked prior to pregnancy. Although I did have aversions to these foods during my pregnancy so not sure if Tricia liked Cran juice in her pregnancy or not. Just another thought.

  21. how interesting - wonder if any other likes or dislikes will appear in the future

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. This kind of stuff drives me crazy (intellectually at least), because I can't figure it out! I'm a scientist, and this really makes no sense on a scientific level, though there are plenty of stories and anecdotal evidence to support it. Minus the new allergy to shrimp someone mentioned (which medically could make sense) there is no reason why a new pair of lungs or a heart or anything like that should affect someone's tastes/cravings.

    Just goes to show you that God has a sense of humor, and loves to remind us that we don't have all the answers after all :)

  24. That is definitely a cool concept. :)

  25. oh my goodness - who are you and what did you do to Tricia?! LOL!!!!!

  26. That's an interesting connection on the cellular level.

  27. I took care of a junior high school girl who received a liver and kidney transplant. After her transplant, she said she KNEW her donor was a boy because she had never burped so much in her life! She also started liking a couple different foods that she never liked before her transplant. Sure enough, her donor was a boy just a little younger than her (I'm not sure about the food cravings, but that sure is interesting!).

    I also took care of a little girl who said her donor gave her her "fashion sense" (I can't remember her exact words, but she was six or seven at the time and it was SO funny!)

    Very interesting. Thanks for sharing :o)
    Continued prayers to you and your family.

  28. I said the same thing years ago about candy corn. And I haven't eaten any since.

    Can I have any left over cranberry juice?

  29. wow, that's interesting! I knew about muscle memory and I've heard of cell memory but this is a great example of that. I wonder what she will all of the sudden crave one day out of the blue. LOL.

  30. I suddenly have a strong hankering for some Cranberry Juice myself.....

  31. After tx #1 all I wanted to eat was Doritos and I had never really liked them before.

    After tx # 2 all I wanted was 3 Muskateers Bars. I actually had several incidents where a homeless person approached me and gave me 3 Muskateers Bars. I took that as a "hello" from my donor!

    I'll be interested to hear what Tricia's new tastes are! :)
    So glad all is going well.
    Much love...


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