
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Countdown Has Begun

Tricia has 4 days of PT to go. The docs told us (a few days ago) that she should be released to go home when she's done. We are expecting to be on the OBX by next weekend!

We're stoked.

I'll keep you posted.



  1. YEAH!!!! I've been reading your blog with great anticipation since a short time before Tricia's transplant and rejoice with you at each step of progress. This is HUGE!! We thank the Lord for each new victory. I'm sure Gwenyth is really looking forward to seeing her new home. (smile) And I KNOW you and Tricia are stoked for a good reason --- there's NO PLACE LIKE HOME!!

  2. Hooray!!! We are so thrilled for you all. It's all the more exciting that you're going home as a larger family then when you left!! Glory to God!

  3. Wow, awesome news!!! God be with you all!
    Steph/stl mo

  4. How Wonderful! Can't wait to see pictures of first time on the beach as a family!

  5. This is fantastic news! I'm sure you guys can't wait to be home. Praying for the last few days of PT.

  6. Awesome! How wonderful that will be for you guys.

  7. Horrayyyyyy!!!! So happy for all of you!!!

    Pray if you will for us .... having a c-section in 24 hrs (thurs morning)
    Love & Blessings ~
    Heather @

    Psalm 143:8

  8. WOO HOO!!! I know you all must be excited beyond words.

  9. wo! that is so awesome! the next step is about to begin!..going home!!!! all praise to God who got you all thru!! amen!

  10. So awesome! I love the new header, by the way...great pic! I know you are more than ready to be home. Will be praying for a smooth transition.


  11. Wheee!!!! SO exciting!! Won't be long now!

    God is SO GOOD!!!!!

  12. Praise God!! Isn't it incredible how God works!?!?!?

  13. how exciting!! there is nothing like being home.

  14. That's awesome! I know you will be happy to get back home and introduce Miss Gwyneth to the ocean!
    I hope the next four days fly by for Tricia!

  15. God is good!

    I shall probably not be reading much over the next fortnight as we're going on holiday and Internet access will be sporadic, at best, so will look forward to a big catch-up when we get home again.

    Will continue to remember you in my prayers.

  16. WHOOOHOOOOO!!!! That is wonderful!!! Way to go Tricia!!!! Picture much celebrating, jumping up and down, balloons and streamers!!!! praying,,,jen in al

  17. That's so exciting!! It's hard to even count how many prayers have been answered through all of this. May God continue blessing you and your family!!

  18. What a great feeling for the three of you!!!! God has really blessed you!!! Congrats!!! There is no place like home!

  19. FANTASTIC! You must be so anxious to be home, really, REALLY home! God is faithful!

  20. How wonderful! We are so excited for you all, can't wait to see you home!!

  21. One by one, each and every prayer has been answered. Thank you, dear heavenly Father.

    Love to all.

  22. Way to go Tricia! I bet you can't wait to be home for real... praying that the next week goes well!

  23. Sounds like Rick has a baby bedroom to paint.

  24. ..Prayers have been asked AND answered. You must be totally on Cloud 9!! Little Gwyneth and her parents will love being REALLY home again.

  25. OMG!!!! I can't believe it!!! I would start packing now!!! have the car loaded and ready to "bust-out".
    Your story from the beginning "Nate & Tricia" to Gwyneth, to new life with "fresh breaths" has been such a wonderful inspiration and has given (to me at least) a new meaning of Love, Faith, Strength, & Devotion. I have told so many people about you and your beautiful family.
    I THANK YOU for letting me and all of us who visit here every minute, to every day, be a part of this part of your life.

    May God Continue To Bless You as you grow as a family.
    (((((( BIG HUGS )))))) Em, from Massachusetts

  26. This is GREAT news!! You must be SOOOOO excited to go home!

  27. OMG!!!! I can't believe it!!! I would start packing now!!! have the car loaded and ready to "bust-out".
    Your story from the beginning "Nate & Tricia" to Gwyneth, to new life with "fresh breaths" has been such a wonderful inspiration and has given (to me at least) a new meaning of Love, Faith, Strength, & Devotion. I have told so many people about you and your beautiful family.
    I THANK YOU for letting me and all of us who visit here every minute, to every day, be a part of this part of your life.

    May God Continue To Bless You as you grow as a family.
    (((((( BIG HUGS )))))) from Massachusetts

  28. Wow, that is amazing, Nate. I think so many of us are SOOO invested in your story, that there are probably a lot of high fives going on around the blog world right now.

    Please just promise that you won't abandon us when you get back to "normal life", and you'll keep us updated on how the lovely ladies in your life are doing!!!!

  29. Congratulations!!! What wonderful news!!

  30. How phenomenal!!!! God speed!!

  31. I'm soooo happy you are soooo close! It is the day we have been praying for!
    The Lockwoods

  32. That is wonderful news!! The next big step you have all been waiting for. I am beyond happy for you all. There is no place like home. I will continue to pray that all stays well and that you will all be home in your nice cozy HOUSE as a family next week!! :)

    God Bless!!

  33. Oh my gosh!!! Yippee!! Praise God!!
    Four Days must seem like forever. I am betting you bags are just about packed. Its true three is no place like home.
    Praying for all of you! Wishing you all blessing.

    Please keep my Son in your prayers.
    His Best friend as who lost his kid
    brother Monday in a drowning while kayaking. Its been a rough week here.

    Kerry (clubsammichcafe aka hope)

  34. YIPPEE!!!! Whohoo!! Happy dance -happy dance.

  35. That is an awesome acomplishment. You should all feel really good about how you have pressed onward.

  36. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you!!

  37. Congratulations!! I am sure you are so excited to finally get to go home and start your life again with both of your girls. Will keep praying for all of you.

  38. So happy for you guys. We got the same news that we will be discharged on the 6th, so we should be in New York by Alek's 11 month be day the 7th. We love the new picture also it is great. Randy had a small set back this week and was put in the hospital at Duke Medical, but was only there for 4 days. He was in heart failure from retaining fluids. Set backs you know how they are, but we get through them. We will continue to pray for your whole family and their well being. As always SMILE
    Kate, Randy, and Alek (Duke Stem Cell Transplant Family from New York)

  39. Wow! Way to go Tricia!! I am glad that you are all finally getting to go home. I am sure that Ralphie and Meka are stoked!

  40. That is great news!!! God is so good. Maybe Tricia can get that great tan back she used to have!!

  41. I'd be stoked too!!! I'm so happy for you guys, and so thankful to God for the miracles both seen and unseen.
    I will be praying for safety in your travels, and for strength for whatever God has planned for you all back on the OBX.

  42. Hooray!!! I am stoked for you!

    Congratulations - there is no place like home.

  43. wow, just days away from walking in your home together as a family of 3!!! How exciting. Thanks for the updates.

  44. Wow! It is hard to believe how God has brought you guys in so many peoples lives to watch the miracle of two girls unfold. Nate, it has been amazing reading your blog and seeing you allow GOD to get all the glory. Tricia, you will never know how many people lives you have changed. You have shown the world what true faith in Christ is. I have loved watching Gwyenth blossom into her beautiful little life. There are lots of ups and downs of having a premmie but one way I always looked at it is I had my a baby alot longer. She is beautiful and we will continue to pray for you guys daily. Keep up the good work. God has big plans for your family. Can't wait to see picture of your family on the beach.

  45. Yeah! I'm so happy for you guys. I can't wait to see the pictures of your home coming.

    God is so good. I've been reading since right before Gywneth was born and it has been such a joy to share this journey with you. I love happy endings:)

    Myra in Florida

  46. yeah, yeah, yeah GOD!!!!

    I must say, with lots of selfishness, that I will miss my daily dose of medical school and your loves story. but I will be okay. Guess I'm gonna have to replace my blog time with something like exercising or cleaning my house!

    THIS (going home as a healthy family of three) is what I have been praying for since Dec 4th! Thank you Jesus for hearing our prayers! Modern day miracles that only God can do. Yes the medical staff has helped, but God is the ultimate physician!

  47. I saw a jeep the other day with an OBX and a Jesus fish bumper sticker and thought of you guys. Hope you're home by the weekend, I can't imagine how elated you will all be! Woo hoo!

  48. Woooohooo! That is so awesome!

  49. Waahoo!! I am soo very excited for you guys!! I have hooked for several months now and have shared many smiles and tears! Isn't God great?

  50. Wonderful News!! I'm so happy for your family.

  51. Hooray! You are actually headed HOME in a few days! God is truly amazing.

  52. That's great news, I'm so excited for your family.

  53. God continues to show His faithfullness to you guys!! What a testimony for the rest of us out here! My kids have seen God working as we follow your story. We will continue to pray for all of you! Julie and family

  54. I know you can't wait to be home! I'm so happy for all of you & I'm so thankful that you have shared this experience!

  55. What fabulous news!

    I love the new pic on the blog site & all the other sites & info as well.

    I pray for all the best for the Lawrensons...


  56. Yahooo! I am stoked for you!
    sounds like a great reason for another blog party!!
    Praising God for the gift of your lives!

  57. "stoked" probably doesn't even BEGIN to describe your emotions!! So very excited and happy for you! What a homecoming that will be! Keep up the good work at PT, Tricia!
    Was just about to publish this, and noticed "j"'s comment above me. LOVE the blog party idea. Just tried a great new recipe for a hot crab dip...count on me for that and crackers!

  58. How wonderful! I'll bet you are pinching yourselves.

  59. Such wonderful news! I can't wait to see the first pictures of the three of you at the beach.

    God is good.

  60. That's so awesome! Here's to a wonderful "graduation" day. I am so excited for all 3 of you! Home will be so wonderful!

  61. m.cWOOOHOOOOO!!!!! Won't that be great??? Family, your own church, BEACH!! Ocean!!!! TOGETHER!!!!!!
    Prayers continuing of course.

  62. Great News! I heard of your story thru someone at church here on the Outer Banks and I have been following it ever since. I had a good friend growing up with CF and named my second child after him. Your story is amazing and has touched so many lives. Thank you for sharing your story and for all that your doing for CF. Your family is truely inspirational.

  63. Wow, Hurray, Awesome and all other words of joy!

  64. Father's Day is certainly going to be something special in OBX! I know of a Daddy who needs to take his girls for a walk on the beach!!!!!

    Way to go, God!

  65. What exciting news!!! :) That is just wonderful!!! :)

  66. I have been following your family through this blog since shortly after your daughter's arrival. I am so happy that your daughter is home and your wife is almost done with her therapy. God bless your sweet family, continued prayers for health for you Nate, Tricia and Gwenyth.

  67. You guys should publish your top ten list of things you are looking forward to at home--would be interesting to know if that's the same now as it was a few months ago. Yay for you!!!

  68. Yay! So excited for you all to start getting back to a "normal" life. We'll be praying that the transition back home continues to go well! Blessings!

  69. Woohoo!! Great news. Looking forward to your pictures from "home". What a privilege it has been to be a part of this journey with you. Thank you for sharing with all of us.

    Still praying-

  70. I tried this earlier and it wouldn't let me post.


    Our God is an Awesome God.

    Tricia, Git R DUN girl. You can do it. You are so strong and enjoy your first stroll on the beach as a mother.

  71. Congratulations! I am so happy for your family...what a long road you have traveled. May God continue to bless your family.

  72. Woo Hoo! Hopefully you will get back to some normalacy or as much as can be expected! I am thrilled for your family.

  73. I can't wait for that trip to happen! There is no place like home and when home is the OBX, it doesn't get much sweeter than that!

  74. That's awesome-I know you can't wait to get back to the ocean/beach/HOME!


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