
Thursday, May 29, 2008




  1. That is the coolest picture!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree your financial matters are no body's business. I'm sure folks thought your last post was a sneaky way to get others to buy (or maybe build) you a house. You're right people shouldn't assume anything

  4. Hello- I have been lurking for some time and I just want to say I don't understand how someone can misunderstand what was said. I think it is wonderful that you are doing everything possible to make there lives the best that they can be. I realize that some people probably just don't get it. From what you post you seem to be a wonderful doting husband.

    You have a brave beautiful wife and the sweetest little girl. I pray for the best for all of you.
    God Bless

  5. I am one of your lurker readers.

    I think the post ("no, we won't use tricia's trust fund for a house") implied that your readers often question your use of the trust fund. If that's the case, that is terrible. That's totally none of their business and if people are uncomfortable with the use of the fund, they should not contribute.

    However, I think what you might (?) have been trying to say was "We can't use the trust fund for the house, just to head off that suggestion". That's different - that's just saying that, even if you WANTED to, you couldn't, so people who wanted to suggest ways for you to find a perfect house could do so in other ways than suggest the trust fund.

    I'm not trying to offer advice. It just sounds like you're frustrated!

    The other thing is...maybe I will be very hated for saying this...but you are very blessed to have thousands of people caring for your family and praying for your family because of reading your blog. With numbers like that, you are bound to find some rude people who choose rude and public ways to exhibit their rudeness and maddening and hurtful cruelty. I'm sure this has been said a million times before me, but I figured I'd say it again. Rejoice in the support that God has provided you and celebrate the fact that you can use Tricia's medical fund for Tricia's HEALTH!

    That was a little more than .02 and was quite a long comment for a debut. Sorry.

  6. Glad to see she is settling in just fine...she is such a cutie...

  7. Nate,
    This picture is beautiful!
    When I saw it, Awww came out of my mouth.
    Thanks for posting it.

  8. SERIOUSLY! She DOES get cuter by the day! (hour, minute, second ...)

    A sleeping baby is seriously the most peaceful thing ever!

  9. Gorgeous!

    I'm really sorry people try to give you financial advice or expect an accounting for your affairs.

  10. Snug as a bug in a rug!!!

    I cannot even pick my favorite pictures anymore...they're all so good. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Belongs in a magazine!!! She is just precious.

  12. She looks very cozy indeed! Love the chubby cheeks.

  13. Hi Nate, Love the photo of cozy baby !! You should not feel the need to explain yourself more than once. The vast majority of your readers know you have honest intentions. Dont' let the others who interpret incorrectly get ya down !! You have come so far in this journey that from now till you leave this earth you should be smiling ear to ear with the blessings God has and will continue to give you and your lovely family !!
    Grace and Peace, Lora

  14. Cuuuute!

  15. Please do not let the negative comments get to you. I am sure that some people probably read your post and thought it was a solicitation for funds to secure a home for you and your family. And, many others, like me, saw it differently. Your financial situation is certainly no one's business but your own. What you do with your trust fund is also your business. If your parents and in laws ,(the trustees) see fit to award the money toward your home purchase, then so be it!
    Good luck with the house hunting. Perhaps you can look in a neighboring town since your own town is too overpriced.

  16. Precious!

    So sorry people aren't being nice and just assume things. This is your blog and you can say whatever you want.

    Praying for the perfect house for you all. We love the OBX!! We have been vacationing there for 10+ years!

  17. Nate, your photography skills are really growing! It helps when you have such precious subjects!

  18. That rachel ray thing irritated me BIG TIME. I can not believe the things people assume.
    I wonder sometimes if people have a life.
    (i wonder if I have a life...reading blogs all day, hmmmm?)

  19. BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!

    With Love,

    Jen-William's Mom


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