
Friday, May 16, 2008

Email Down

Although I've been able to receive email, my server hasn't let me send anything since Wednesday morning...I'll respond as soon as it allows.


And, here's a tease of what's coming in the morning...



  1. What a beautiful family!! Praise God!!
    your sister in Christ,

  2. Beautiful... is the only thing I can think of.... I'm so happy for you 3....

  3. Sorry about your e-mail, but THANKS for the pic! You all look so happy!

  4. AWWWW!!!!!!
    That is so cute!!!!
    And yes, it is a tease!!!
    I am sooooo very happy to see the three of you together like that!!!!

    Praising God for that picture!
    God Bless.

  5. I can't wait to see what you have in the morning. I've been looking all day, (at least 50 times) for more pictures.

  6. What a beautiful sight for my eyes to behold. Words can't describe the joy i feel when you post these pictures of your family, it's like the biggest gift ever.

  7. Awesome! Look at those cheeks! Gwyneth's of course :) Ya'll look fantastic!

  8. The sweetness is overwhelming... seriously, tears! Thanks a bunch!

    God bless you guys! Enjoy each other!

  9. Daddy looks good...Mommy looks even better...and little girl...well, when you mix good and better, you just get the best :)

  10. This is the most happy and relaxed I have ever seen in photos posted of you and Tricia. Congrats on bringing your beautiful baby girl home finally! Enjoy every minute of this first year because it trully does go fast! Hugs and best wishes to you all,


  11. Look what the Lord has done!!!

    Thanks for sharing the picture. It's clearly a tangible form of work of the Lord.

  12. What a beautiful picture and gorgeous family. You two do very good work. Gwyneth is one beautiful baby.

  13. Can't wait until tomorrow! I have been wondering how the "first night at home" went for you all! The photo is divine! Everyone looks great!
    Hope the Yard Sale goes well too!
    Karen et al
    Vancouver, BC

  14. To God be the glory:) You must be over the moon happy.

  15. absolutely lovely. can't wait to see more!!

  16. I love the new picture. My favorite thing to do is to click on it so it gets bigger/fullscreen so I can see Gwyneth up close!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I can just feel the "familiness" - if that is even a word- through this photo.

    "We are family....I've got my wife and baby..." (This is to the tune of "We Are Family' by Sister Sledge, 1979.

  19. Show off! Cute baby cute baby, making me want a newborn again!

    Wow, isn't it amazing, four months ago she was this tiny little tiny fragile baby, and now you're playing with her!

    Thank you for sharing your story, for giving me something to look forward to every day, something to think about outside my own little world, and for reminding me to be thankful for my own daughters. (daughters rule!)

  20. How Beautiful! :) It will be so fun to see non hospital photos of your girls! :)

  21. How sweet are you guys in that picture? Cute!!! Can't wait for more! Hope it's going great for ya'll:)

  22. AWWWWWWWWW!!!!! Another good one yo hang on the wall.

  23. What an awesome picture. Have an awesome weekend together.

  24. I LOVE that photo of you guys.

    I can't belive how you far you have all come.

    Briliant. :0)


  25. I especially love to click on your photos and make them huge on my screen to get every detail.. I know I know.. addicted! But your blog starts my day praising God, and any addiction that can do that is so worth it! AMen!!! Tricia, you have the most beautiful eyes.. oh nate, i just thought of something.. take a picture of everyones eyes and do something with it.. the eyes.. the window to the soul!
    Blessings to you this day!

  26. What a beautiful family!! Hope you all are enjoying eachother. Can't wait to see what you have coming.


  27. My 11month old son and I are walking in your honor today in Huntsville, AL!!!!!

    I'm going to pray for you as I walk. God bless!

  28. What a beautiful family! We are so happy that you are all together, under the same roof!!

    ~ Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

  29. That is the happiest I've seen Gwyneth. It's as if she is saying "I'm right where I belong."
    How beautiful, thanks for sharing and I can't wait to see the rest you have.
    Kathy (mom to princesses in disguise)

  30. Beautiful family portrait. You all look so at peace.

    Looking forward to the update. So many of us have fallin' in love with your family over the last few months. Thanks for sharing your journey with us.

  31. beautiful!!! Beautiful Jesus shining through your family.

    thank you Jesus for hearing and answering all our pleads on behalf of Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth. Thank you for being so generous to us, as none of us deserves any thing.

  32. What a beautiful picture of a beautiful family. I hope you are enjoying these precious moments at home together. It has been so wonderful to read your blog and see God at work in your family's situation. Praise God for these blessings and answered prayer!! I am so happy for all of you!!

  33. Absolutely LOVE this family pic!

  34. This looks like a birth announcement picture to me.

  35. Nate, Tricia, and Gwyneth,

    I've been lurking for a while, keeping track of your story. I'm so glad to see the three of you home! I pray God's continued blessings on all of you. Thank you for sharing your lives, you have been a blessing.


  36. Gorgeous family. Praise the Lord! Rejoicing with you for all His blessings.

  37. Hi Nate.. I've been reading your blog daily for about two months now. You've not only inspired me to change my opinion towards donation (I was against it before I read your story), but I've discussed the subject with my family and friends. I'm not registered yet, though I will register someday, when I can be sure my parents will agree... I'm just so glad I could learn so much more on this topic, and communicate the need to others.

    I'm actually doing a school project on this now. If anyone wants to help me, they can fill out this survey (it's for non-donors only). If that's advertising, soory, and feel free to remove my comment, I won't mind. :)

    Anyways, I'm so glad to see this photo. Enjoy your first weekend together! :D


  38. Woo hoo! I am so happy you were able to go home and this time with Gwyneth! As I said in the we're home post she is cuter every time I see her.


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