
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Internet Down

The internet in our room is down for a while, so I may not be posting as much until it's back up. I'll try to get on in the hotel lobby later tonight and give you an update of what's been going down/what will be going down this week.



  1. Well boo! I am anxious for more pics of the new hair cute (that's what we call them in our house!!! :)

  2. Very nice haircut! Looks very sophisticated and will be much easier to do when the little princess comes home. :)

  3. It's hair pain here - that's just what the mini-me's decided a long, long time ago -- and it stuck -- Gwyneth will come up with this goofy stuff too - it's just the way that look at things, absorb them, make sense of the world around them.  Sometime around the first or second trip, they just decided it was a "hair pain" to have to sit still in that chair and avoid an ear being loped off.  Encourage you guys to get into scrapbooking Gwyneth once things settle into a dull roar of a routine -- write the crazy, goofy, silly, and downright confounding stuff down - it's the stuff of family legends, but if you can remember to journal it into a scrapbook with a pic at about the same time as the "gem" was first uttered, created or otherwise executed, it makes an exciting record of all the absolute lunacy and wonder of the day to day with mini-me's...  you can forget the itty bitty details in the run of the mill of it -- or maybe it's just because I'm old and my mind has been thoroughly worked over by these monkeys!

    I do know my own hair has been in some serious pain since their arrival --- So probably a good thing to get a manageable cut before the onslaught -- not to mention, just to look fabulous and feel radiant :o)~

    God's greatest gift is to see the world through a child's eyes.

  4. Very kind of you to update us!

    As it is Tuesday, I was looking for some pug pictures. Wondering if this might be the last time pug pictures are taken at the hospital! :)

    Happy Birthday Tricia!

  5. Enjoy the break :)

    Thanks for being concerned about the readers who will be clicking on your blog every 30 minutes to see if you updated YET. Not that I know anyone who might do that ;)

  6. I sure hope you have internet so you can tell us when Gwyneth is coming home!!!! Also because I love reading your blog everyday.

  7. thanks. you're so good to us lurkers! :D

  8. Just thought you'd like to know that on Yahoo I just read they are planning on making a Fraggle Rock movie for the big screen (he he)! Love Tricia's new hair!

  9. Not that you'd particularly care but my niece now shares Tricia's Birthday! She was born at 6:38pm to my sister and her hubby. Yipee.

    Hope you had a Happy Birthday, Tricia.
    p.s. Like the new haircut!

  10. thanks for the heads up Nate, it's always so consderate of you to let us all know. I am so looking forward to hearing when you all get to go home..


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