
Monday, May 5, 2008

National Nurses Day

Tomorrow, May 6th, is National Nurses Day. We love nurses, for so many reasons, not the least of which are the two reasons below.

Duke Nurses are the best in the world!



  1. I can't believe she is already playing peek-a-boo.

    Go Nurses!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Peek A Boo Mommy!!
    Patty Cake is next...
    Both of your girls are adorable.
    I absolutely love the close up pictures of Gwyneth...she is so photogenic! Her little smiles are precious and priceless.
    Thank you for sharing with the world!

  4. I agree that nurses are GREAT! They do soooooo much for their patients and deserve praise for their hard work! :-)

    Seems like May is full of many events to celebrate and show support for! Nate, I hope it is okay with you if I post a link here in regards to the Bone Marrow Donor Registry. If not, feel free to delete my comment... For those people who love to read comments, I hope you'll check out this website and consider registering if you are healthy and meet their guidelines (I think you have to be between ages 18 to 61 to be able to donate). You may save someone's life some day! I just signed up for FREE, which only lasts from May 5 to 19. Normally, there's a fee to register due to testing of your cheek swabs or blood sample. Thanks!

  5. That is the cutest picture! Gwyneth is already enjoying a game of 'peek-a-boo' with mommy! How adorable!

  6. May God continue to give the Duke nurses (and nurses everywhere!) the strength, courage, understanding, and intelligence to do the wonderful work they do.

  7. I am a nurse (labor and delivery) so thank you for noting nurses day. What a great picture to celebrate the day with.

  8. Love nurses! One nurse saved my son's life in the NICU! Is Gwyneth playing peek-a-boo? Too cute!

  9. Nurses are wonderful in all the ways that they help!!

    Thanks for reminding me tomorrow is National Nurses Day. My sister is a RN, I will be sure and give her a call.

    What a cute picture!!!

  10. Yes... brilliant little bay, playing peekaboo!

  11. Cutest. picture. ever.
    Is she doing that by herself? That would be so impressive!
    I'm glad she is getting hungry by herself! I dont know if they told you- but that is a pretty big deal too. We'll be praying that she can take all her bottles all the way so soon!
    And thank you for the Nurses Day tip- I guess I have some people to call!

  12. i agree w/andy - my first comment was "she's playing peek-a-boo" TOO SWEET! i love nurses too - my dad had a quadruple by-pass emergency surgery 2 & 1/2 years ago & his nurses were just AWESOME! :)

  13. Nurses are awesome!! Especially those caring for Tric & Gwyneth, b/c we're able to see, through you, the wonderful work they're doing. :)

    It looks like y'all had an amazing weekend! I'm so glad both your girls are doing well. I love the pics of Gwyneth..especially the one where she's sucking her thumb. Too precious!

    Lots of love...

  14. And Gwyneth knows how to play Peekaboo already, too!

  15. Everyone has already said it, but how cute that she is already playing peek-a-boo with her Mommy!

  16. What an adorable picture!

  17. I've spent most of the day catching up on this blog (saw it for the first time this morning...)
    Hugs to all of you ~

    Yet another nurse ~

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I just found your blog. Congrats on your beautiful daughter. And may God continue to bless you all.

  20. These pictures are just incrediable.Our God is so good!Yes nurses are great.They are way under payed for what they do.
    Bonnie Meyer
    Washington, Missouri

  21. *Yah* for nurses everywhere! And especially *yah* to Duke nurses!

  22. This has to be my favorite picture yet! Just look at your genius baby girl playing peek-a-boo with her mommy. Just curious...have you and Tricia taken to calling each other Mommy and Daddy?

  23. So nice to give credit where credit is due!

  24. Peek-a-Boo! Nurses are a gift from God....I am thankful for good nurses who give their ALL!

  25. Gwyneth DOES look like she's doing peekaboo! How cute is that!
    Thanks for mentioning nurses day. I've gotten some of my best coffee mugs and pens from various hospitals I've worked in for Nurse's Day! heh
    Seriously, it's a job most of us love.
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas RN

  26. peek-a-boo already! goodness she is a smart one! ;)

  27. Those two are just sooo cute. I love the pics...blessings to you all!

  28. Wow! What a genius! She already knows how to play Peek-a-Boo! Smart girl...

    And we loved our NICU nurses, too. They have a big job.

    Hugs from El Paso,

  29. she is totally playing peek-a-boo -- what a cutie pie! I love that she is getting some "chub" to her!!

  30. I love nurses, too!!! I married one! My hubby is the best cardiac intensive care nurse around!

    Loving the adorable pictures of your two beautiful girls! I can't wait to check the blog one day soon and read that Gwyneth will be going home! She's heading rapidly in that direction!

  31. Such a cute picture!! I'm sure you guys have some pretty strong bonds with some nurses with as long as you have been in the hospital!

    I loved the NICU nurses--my son was only there for 5 days, but they were so caring! We actually go to a NICU reunion each year. It is fun! Does Duke have one??

    And--as a side note--I couldn't take the pics of Rita's any longer without giving it a try. I took my boys to the mall today and we tried out Rita's (I'm not sure how long it has been there--but only about one month). We all really liked it--that custard is so good!!

  32. I almost forgot that I was going to tell you this: my entire youth group prayed for your family on Friday night. Your story is such a blessing to me, I wanted to share it with them. May you continue to be blessed!

  33. so thankful right along with you, for all of the nurses at Duke :)

  34. Thank you for sharing your family's story and for continuing to update us. Though it's been an extremely rough journey, your family has a beautiful story! Without even realizing, you are teaching us all a lot about love, life and how to live it. Your daughter is beautiful and precious and I am so thankful she is doing well and continuing to grow and improve. You are all incredible, amazing people just based on what you have endured and conquered. All my best to you and thank you to the incredible nurses who are always there for us when they are needed!

  35. Thank you to all nurses including those at Duke who daily extend care and compassion to those in need. A difficult and noble profession! Also to all the sweet nurses that care for precious Gwyneth and Tricia, we are praying for you too!

  36. Hallo Nate and Tricia,
    The most beautiful pic ever! Love it! So happy that all is well with you and the family! Still praying and hoping that the blessings won't stop.
    Greetings Gizela

  37. Wow Nate, what a great pic. Peek-a-boo with Mom. How truely wonderful. I bet you are thinking to yourself.....How great is this.
    Oh by the way ....... I love Nurses too, especially the one I married.

    Continued prayers for health and improvemnets.

  38. Thanks for the kudos for nurses! They often carry much of the load of patient care in our system.

  39. That is an incredible shot! Nurses ARE wonderful.

  40. AWWWWWW, Peek-a-boo mommy

  41. Your girls are beautiful. Over and over again, I continue to be so thankful for how "raw" you all are with your faith, struggles and triumphs.

    In light of this post, I thought you might enjoy making a onesie like I did when I was pregnant:

    It's obviously the bottom one.

  42. Nurses are great!My sister has been one for 39 years.

    Love the picture.

  43. I can only imagine the gratitude you will be showing Gwyneth and Tricia's nurses today on Nurse's Day! They are so lucky because knowing you guys, you entire family will probably end up spoiling them rotten to thank them for being there all these months for all of you. Yay for nurses, especially for Gwyn's and Tricia's! You guys deserve your special day!

  44. I mean how sweet is that. They are both so beautiful. Tricia just has that natural beauty just radiating from her. And well Gwyneth... I don't know if they get any cuter than that. Still praying for you guys. Your strength as a family is amazing. God Bless.

  45. Amen to Duke nurses being the best! We loved Jacob's Duke nurses!

  46. Oh My! What an adorable picture!!! Thanks for sharing! And, yes, nurses are wonderful!

  47. Hooray for nurses!!
    And she's already playing peek-a-boo? Man, you've got a genus on your hands :)
    God bless!

  48. You do realize that now that you have everyone "hooked on cutie pie" that you will have to keep this blog going forever, don't you?
    I can see her and her mommy blowing out birthday candles together when she turns 10! Our God is Awesome! ( You can kinda tell by the babies he makes!)

  49. i too will always say something positive! i know you and Tricia know how to be parents! ya'll will be the best @ what ya'll do i am sure i have faith! so from this person we will only read::
    congrats lil miss Gwenyth. hope you continue to eat and hold your own body temp! i still continue to pray for the family of 3~~the lawrensons'~~ man you guys rock! bonny in Tx

  50. I hope you share with us how you celebrated Nurse's day with Gwyneth and Tricia's nurses! I can't wait to see what surprises you amazing people came up with for those very special people in your lives! whoooohooo!

  51. Very cute picture.

    We have nurses in our family who are pretty awesome but don't work at Duke. ;o)

  52. awww - that's so cute! her first (?) peek a boo!!
    I've been way behind and have tons to catch up on - sounds like things are really going well!!

  53. I absolutely love the picture where tricia is looking at her and Gwyneth has her hand over her face it looks like that thing you do when you are thinking "oh My goodness" to yourself it is absolutely adorable.


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