
Friday, May 9, 2008

Surgery at 11am

Gwyneth will be taken to the OR today around 11am for her surgery. It should last an hour, and then she'll spend about 24 hours back in the NICU before returning to the step-down unit for a few more days where hopefully she'll do well enough to come home.

If you could, also pray for the Johnson family this morning. I was told that they were in a car accident back on the OBX and that at least one of the children has been taken to the hospital. The Johnson's are friends of ours from church, and Tricia has spent a lot of time with their adopted kids in Kid's Church and Youth Group.

I'll give you an update when I know more.




  1. will keep all of you in my prayers today!

  2. Good luck Nate.

  3. Will be praying for Gwyneth's surgery as well as the Johnson family.

    Tric is looking more beautiful with each new pic.

    Jessica NC

  4. Prayers are still happening here.

  5. Will be on my knees before the Lord on behalf of Gwyneth and the Johnson family.

    God bless!

  6. Praying in Minnesota for Gwyneth and the Johnson family.

  7. Praying for Gwyneth and the Johnson's today. I'm so happy Trisha is now pic/trach free. Happy Mother's day to you Trisha!

  8. Praying with all my heart for Gwyneth's surgery and for your friends.

    Lots of Love!

  9. You are all in my prayers, with a special prayer said for today's surgery and the Johnson family.

  10. Will be praying for Gwyneth's surgery, it will go good my boys had that to.

  11. Praying all goes well. When you get a chance, and if you are so inspired, I'd love to know when micro preemies are expected to meet developmental milestones. Do they use an adjusted age? As in she is just now 1 week old instead of 4 months old? Just curious. Gwyneth has been such a miracle to watch grow! I know God will watch over her today in this surgery as well as all the days to come. Looking forward to hearing surgery is over and all went well!

  12. Praying for Gwyneth today, and for your friends, as well. Happy Mother's Day, Tricia! What a journey in motherhood you've already had...Praise God!

  13. Prayers for Gwyneth Rose and the Johnson family on the way! Hey Nate, she is looking more and more like you every day - poor thing! JK :) Can't wait to see the good news later today! Tricia, you are looking wonderful!

  14. Prayers for Gwyneth and the Johnson family also! Cathy & Annabel

  15. I'll be praying. It's 10:53 a.m. as I type this.

    Let us know how she's doing when you're able.

    I'll also be praying for your friends.

  16. Praying for Gwyneth and the Johnsons right now.

  17. Such great news. Will be praying for Gwenyth during her surgery today and also for the Johnson Family.

  18. I am praying right now for your sweet baby girl! It's 10:10 central time so she should be in surgery right now...
    Good luck & we can't wait to hear great news!!

  19. Keeping precious Gwenyth's surgery and recovery in my prayers

  20. Praying for Gwyneth, Tricia and you today.

  21. A little after the fact but we are still praying!


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