
Saturday, May 17, 2008

Yard Sale Still Going!

It's noon now, and there's so much stuff that they'll be out there for at least a few more hours if you get a chance to go by. I picked up a couple of sweet t-shirts for Tricia and I. Lots of good cookies too!



  1. Glad you are having fun!
    What a great idea for a great cause.
    Karen et al
    Vancouver, BC

  2. Praying that the sale is a smashing success!!!

  3. Unfortunately, I live in VA - otherwise I would stop by. I love me some yardsales !!

  4. Hope you make tons of moula for the cause!

    BTW (not sure you get to read all your comments) did you ever finish all of your how you met Tricia story? I don't remember it being finished. :)

  5. ya know.. now that we have all gotten a glimpse of that amazing sense of humor of yours I can only imagine what the t-shirts looked like that you got at the yard sale today...i hope you post those at some point :)) hmmm cookies...

  6. yeah~ (dorm mom!) I have been wanting to ask the same question!LOL. I love your family! You guys are all so sweet and it shows!

  7. random request. would you consider posting some pics of gwyneth from her tuesday's side by side in one post? it would be so fun to see all of the milestones she has come too all at one time. at least for me it would be :) so happy for you all. this has been an amazing journey!!!!

  8. Hope ya'll raised loads of money!

    I love the video! So much fun to be apart of your little family's life. One day Gwyneth will realize how she became famous in the blogsphere! Hope everyone is getting good sleep!!

    p.s. I am wirth Dorm mom...did we ever here all the story? That's what got me hook on CFHusband!

  9. I have never commented on your blog before...but i decided it was time to delurke and let ya'll know...your baby is JUST PRECIOUS and i've prayed for ya'll soo much. You are so blessed to have such a beatiful wife and beautiful daughter! I get all teary eyed as i look at the pics and know that FINALLY ya'll are all home together as a family! Your whole family is such an inspiration!

    Good luck in your journey of fatherhood...and motherhood! Having a baby is the most precious thing ever...enjoy every minute of it now because time really does fly by so quickly!

    Praying for your family!

  10. It's quite possible that I've missed something...please forgive me if I have...but are you guys really home...or are you staying at a place close to the hospital...sorry don't remember what it is all called. Reguardless...I think it is so awesome and amazing that you are "home"...that you are all together! What a blessing!!!!!!!! Continue to enjoy every second!
    God Bless

  11. Thanks for continuing to share your life with us. The vid below is just precious.

  12. Am I going crazy, or did the rose Tricia is holding used to be red?
    I am so happy for you all!


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