
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

(Bump) 65Roses4PattySue Alert

Tricia updated her blog today. Check It Out!



  1. Tricia,

    Just read your updated blog and we agree that God knows all about this! We do continue to pray for you,Nate,the baby and the families on both sides. Try not to be sad, maybe part of this was to protect you and your baby girl from the smoke which seems to be working its way west!
    Keep on beaming for Him,

    Susan Ford

  2. Thank you for letting us know!

  3. Okay, I am sorry I read the Patty Sue update without seeing the previous post about the delay. No wonder you are a bit sad! We will be praying that God's peace will continue to be very present in the days ahead.

  4. Tricia,
    You're picture is too cute! I can imagine how hard it is to be back in the hospital, but your so right...the Lord knows...just keep trusting fully in Him. He loves you and Nate and little Gwyneth so much and has used your lives to bring so much glory to His wonderful name.
    When my children tell me they wish they could meet you all, I tell them that one glorious day we will when we stand in the presence of our blessed God and Saviour together.
    I pray for you every day! Keep resting in Him.

  5. "Back in the Saddle" indeed Tricia. You have more strength and courage than most people I have ever known. (I'm old..well, compared to you that is :) Your picture is a hoot and you are keeping the faith. It's gotta be hard sometimes though girl.You and Nate hang in there. Soo many people are out here in the ethernets praying for you so much. It's gonna be ok. Apparently going to require patience. I pray for you and Nate to have peace and rest.
    HUGS Tricia. You're an amazing woman.

    God Bless
    Jamie in Texas
    PS your little daughter is one of the cutest little yunguns I've ever seen :)

  6. Keep it up, girl!
    If you need a good book to read I highly recommend (if you haven't already read it) Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers... It changed me and hopefully it will fill your time in the hospital :]

  7. Tricia, you have the best attitude of anyone I have ever encountered! You are an inspiration to all of us with your faith and positive demeanor. Thank you for sharing your journey with us and I continue to pray for you, Nate and Baby Gwyneth daily, here in upstate New York.

  8. I was thinking about Tricia's blog today, wondering if she'd updated it. I just hadn't been able to check yet.

    I've read it now, and I'm glad to read that all our comments have been encouraging.

  9. Tricia,

    I really am so sorry to hear you are back in the hospital, but that face on your latest blog post is SO CUTE. I squealed when I saw it. (so there's at least one consolation, right? Looking hot and adorable in the face of adversity...) But to be more serious: I'll be praying for you and your beautiful family. I love all three of you so much.

    Sarah Tillman

  10. Is there any place to post to Tricia on her blog? I can't seem to find a place to leave her a note.

  11. I don't think there is any place to post to her on her blog, but I imagine that she will get it here.:)

    Tricia- I am so glad you are blogging again. I love seeing the pictures of your baby girl from a mom's perspective! I love the headband by the way. You are such a strong and inspiring person, and I know it comes from your faith in God. Thank you for taking the time to share with us.

  12. Tricia and Nate.. my hats off to both of you.... for your courage, your patience, your trust, and loyalty in everyone including God...You both are amazing and true testaments to the words: Hope, Love, Belief, Perserverence, Life, Family, NOT giving up ever.. You are both so strong and have one incredible dd (who also obviously already has many of the ahove traits)! I'm praying that the biopsy results ultimately show that Tricia is doing well.. I'm so very sorry you're going thru this as if you havent already gone thru enough - grhhhh.. BUT... we know that things often happen for that reason! Take good care and thinking of you~


  13. Tricia,

    I'm praying for you and Nate. I know that must be so difficult to be back there.

    God is always at work and that is so evident in your lives. You always seem to have these amazing encounters and moments that only God could bring about.

    Love your picture and I wish I could squeeze little Gwyneth!

    Somehow, although I have 3 crazy kids and busy days, you often seem to be on my mind. I am so praying for you. : )

  14. Tricia,
    I am praying so hard for you today. After watching the gearup4cf youtube video... I know even better how much you have been through and not only you but all the people with CF. I never thought about the physio part and watching Eva hang upside down while her Dad beat on her back... my son Ted had pnuemonia when he was 6 weeks old...I remember doing that to Ted and bawling the whole time... You CF sufferers really have been through so much. I have asthma so I know just a little about how people take breathing for granted. I want you to be oK and happy and live a long life with Nate & Gwenyth...I have been checking your blog too and even though we have never met I must say I love you and I worry about you and I will continue to plead with our Father in Heaven for your health & recovery. All we can do is keep breathing.
    toodles, Sheila, NV

  15. been away for a week & trying to catch up, just wanted to stop by & thank Tricia for her posts, love the photos on the father's day post :)

  16. Nate, thanks for pointing us toward's Tricia's blog. I don't check it as often as yours because she hasn't blogged each day in the past, but I'm trying to get into the habit.

    She has such a sweet attitude and testimony. She must be a treasure to be married to, let alone be her friend.

  17. Tricia,

    I have been praying for you sweetie and the God who has enabled you to remain amazing and grateful for your life is the same one who will grant you the patience you asked for. I am praying your treatments to be successful and praying you home to be with the ones who love you so very much. You make me want more of the Lord each and every day.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  18. That is a selfless prayer request for sure and one I will be so happy to pray for you Tricia. I continue to be amazed at what God is doing in your life and daily give thanks for you,Nate, and Gwyneth. So stoked you get to go home for family vacation!

  19. Tricia,

    Prayers for patience (and we could probably all use a round of that!!).
    Love that you are blogging! I also LOVE the headbands TOO CUTE!! and what does Nate know about that anyway =) (but don't tell him I said so!! =) )

  20. Continued prayers for your family.

  21. I read Tricia's most recent update. I strive to find the same kind of peaceful feeling in my life and I don't have even 1/4 of what she has going on in her life. I'm just too type A and need to slow down! ha ha I continue to pray for all of you and continue to ask God to help me find calmness in my life as well. Both of you are an inspiration to me.



  22. I read Tricia's most recent update. I strive to find the same kind of peaceful feeling in my life and I don't have even 1/4 of what she has going on in her life. I'm just too type A and need to slow down! ha ha I continue to pray for all of you and continue to ask God to help me find calmness in my life as well. Both of you are an inspiration to me.



  23. Tricia,
    Just read your blog. You are one of the strongest people I know. I am so blessed that I was lead to yours and Nate's blog back in January. I am praying for your health - and for patience - !!! I also pray God bless your family with healthy long lives - each year greater than the last. Thank you for your openness, it has touched my life greatly!
    Charlotte, NC

  24. An exemplary post from your heart, Tricia. I am glad you are feeling well and pray along with you that patience will come into being with God's grace.

    You are an inspiration! To feel as you wrote amidst everything would be difficult for many people. After all, we are human. I, myself, would find it hard as well, but you are amazing and of course, this peace couldn't occur without God's help. :-)

    I wish you tons of family fun time next week! Keep on shining strong!


  25. wow! i just read Tricias latest blog & i just have 2 say WOW! i think that you should be the new "Mrs Incredible!" (you know off that movie..The Incredibles) WOW! God has surely been there for you & you can surely see His handprint all over you,WOW! & i just loved that scripture you claimed over your life! i say yes & amen 2 that, wow! you`re like a little piece of scripture thats come 2 life...i think you`re outstanding & amazing Tricia,,God bless you & i`ll pray for mo` patience for you 2
    Renee in New Zealand :)

  26. Tricia,

    Although I'm a stranger to you, I wish I could explain what your testimony has done for me. It was no coincidence that I found Nate's blog the day I was released from the hospital after losing my own 25 weeker. Your unwavering and steady trust and faith in God encouraged and inspired me to put my own faith into action in that way. That strenghtened and prepared me before I found out 2 months ago that my own sister has NonHodglin's Lymphoma. Thank you for your beautiful heart and life and for allowing God to use you to impact the world in this awesome way.

    I'm praying for you now, for your healing, and for the patience you requested! :)


  27. Just read Tricia's blog... she really continues to show her strength and courage, no matter what come her way. She is such an amazing and positive person!!! TRUE INSPIRATION!


  28. Tricia, I am always so supremely touched by your posts, by what inspires you and sustains you. Thank you for sharing as you do. I remain in awe of your understanding of God. You, your husband, your child, are all such beautiful examples of God's love. And I pray for patience - you have so much to be impatient for.

  29. What "Amazing Grace" Tricia has! We're praying for the Spirit to bring her the gift of patience along with all the others he's bestowed.

  30. "Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security."- Jeremiah 33:6

  31. Hi Nate and Tricia:

    Tricia, your sister posts on a parenting forum that I also post on, so I've followed your story since before the transplant. I'm so glad you're still doing well, considering, and I hope the stupid cancer goes away soon and you can get on with life without hospitals!

    I just wanted to tell our family's organ donation story: my beloved cousin Casey Kent had an accident on June 2, 2008 and was in a coma with brain damage for about 10 days. When he passed away his family donated all his young, healthy organs so that others could see, hear, breathe, and live again.

    Casey's memorial web site is here if you want to take a look: I just wanted you to know about Casey and the organ donation and want to encourage everyone out there to donate loved one's organs if you are ever in the horrible position of having to make that decision.

    Casey left behind a beautiful wife, Sara, and 2 year old daughter. Sara is also pregnant. Any thoughts or prayers for them and for Casey's parents (my aunt and uncle) and his sister (my cousin) would be welcome, too.

    Be well, Nate and Tricia and Gwenyth!


  32. Just read Trisha's blog. I'm thankful for the Lord's ministry to her. We are still praying daily.

  33. Tricia, I just read your Blog and you are an absolutely amazing woman. You are always in my prayers.

    Amy in Oregon

  34. Tricia,

    I will be praying that you suffer no ill effects from the chemo and that you get to go home soon. You show such grace and faith in our God - know that you are truly courageous and shining for Jesus to so many people who are following your story. Thanks for sharing it with all of us.

    P.S. Hope you enjoy time with your family next week!

    Blessings & strength,

    La Habra, CA

  35. I love you both, thank you for sharing and taking us with you on this will surely help organ donation and CF research!!!

    PS I posted a new blog about my twins! They are going to turn 2!

  36. I, too, have been living through a situation that needs long-term patience. Every time I'm praying for patience, I will pray for you, too. :)

  37. I did not see a way to comment on Trichia's site so I will here. My girlfriend and I have a running joke about praying for patience. "If you pray for patience God will teach it to you by giving you more ways to learn patience, just like Job." So we never pray for patience just strength to get through what ever challenge of the day is. So.... if you don't mind I will pray for strength for you because the way I see it you already have the patience part down and do not need to learn it any further.

  38. I read Tricia's blog and yours, like I do every single day, and I want you to know that:

    1. You faith is inspiring and has helped me reconnect with God.

    2. You both make me want to be a better person.

    3. Never take life/health for granted.

    4. Miracles happen, every single day.

    5. I pray for all of you each am and pm.

    Blessings to you all. You are a beautiful family. All I see when I look at your pictures is pure, unconditional LOVE.

  39. Thank God for your peace Tricia. I def. pray for you for patience...but don't be surprised if it's tested!

  40. Alright Nate, you are making me start to twitch! i haven't gotten my weekly pictures of Gwyneth fix! :)LOL Hope you all are safely at home and enjoying the OBX air! praying...jen in al


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