
Friday, June 13, 2008

8:34pm Update

Tricia is out of surgery. Dr. Lin said that the surgery itself only took about 20 minutes. She was in the pre-op room for a long while, and then in the OR for a while as they examined the cells to make sure they were what they needed.

She is awake in the OR recovery room now and has already spoken with Dr. Lin. She will be brought back up to her room instead of going to the ICU (which, seriously, is the biggest praise ever). She has only one chest tube, which is also a good thing.

Dr. Lin said that the first examination of the cells shows that they are atypical, which probably means cancer. The full diagnosis won't be until Monday, but to be honest, now that we're past a successful biopsy, we're breathing much easier.

Thank you so much for all of your prayer and support these past few days. The next big thing for Tricia will be getting the chest tube removed, which is a quick, but very unpleasant procedure, and then hopefully learning the diagnosis and suggested treatment and getting out of the hospital.




  1. Continuing prayers from Ohio for you and your family.

  2. Prayers from Tennessee. Hope things go well and you are back home soon.

  3. Good to hear that things went well. I am still praying for a miracle. I pray the tube comes out easy and quick and you all go home soon.

  4. STill praying for you all. I'm so glad the procedure is over and they were able to get what they needed.

  5. Prayers coming from Boston, MA. I am glad that Tricia is back in her room with you. I will keep prayers for the best possible outcome of whatever road the results lead you her down.

  6. Looking forward to you guys coming home again.

  7. Thinking of you all during this time.

  8. So grateful that the biopsy is over and that the procedure went well. Prayers continue for an accurate diagnosis and treatment, so that you all can be heading home soon. Thank you for keeping us posted, so that prayers can continue for what you need most.
    God's peace be with you,

  9. checking in and praying a TON today!

    thanks for the update.

  10. Glad to hear that the biopsy went well. Still praying for you as you get a further diagnosis...

  11. I'm so glad to hear that she doesn't have to go to ICU. God's still holding you tightly. Which reminds me of a song by Matt Redman. "Oh no, you never let go. Every high and every low. Oh no, you never let go. Lord you never let go of me." etc... I can't sing out loud, much less via a laptop keyboard. LOL But I'm hoping you know the song I'm referring to.

    Hugs from El Paso,
    Karla and family

  12. I'm glad everything went well. I, too, am breathing a bit easier.

  13. I am still praying for the best of this next stage of your life.
    I am praying for quick and easy recovery and that you can go back home soon.
    Praying in ND

  14. Glad this step is behind you. Praying for a comfortable night for Tricia.

  15. Continued prayers for Tricia as this surgery is over and you have some answers, not the one we want, but our God is so BIG and I am asking Him to heal her lungs. Whether by a miracle or medical treatment, I pray for Tricia to have as many healthy days and years as God has ordained for her from the beginning of her life. We can trust God completely.

    Love and Prayers, Laurie in Ca.

  16. I'm so glad the Lord is holding you both so close in His loving arms. Continuing prayers for you all...praising the Lord that Tric doesn't have to be in ICU...praying the the chest tube removal to be easier than she remembers...praying for little Gwyneth :)...praying you will all be home together soon and for the grace needed each day as you walk the path the Lord has called you.
    The Lockwoods

  17. You and Tricia are on my mind all the time.

  18. Glad for a successful biopsy-- that the docs got what they needed to obtain the proper diagnosis. I pray this is treatable and is gone as quickly as it showed up and never comes back again.

    Also, hope that Tricia experiences no pain especially when they remove the chest tube soon.

    Looking forward for you all to be back home and enjoying life!

  19. So glad they got what they needed,that this surgery is over, and Tricia is ok. Now hopefully the chest tube won't bother "too" much and that it will come out quickly. Praying for comfort and rest for y'all.Hope there's not too much pain, Tricia.
    Praying for a good outcome on the biopsy.
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  20. on the biopsy findings I mean..

  21. We continue to pray and thank God for you guys. Have also been assured of the prayers of many others following your journey. Thank you for keeping us informed. So glad the surgery was a success and that the doctor got what is needed to confirm a diagnosis so Tricia can start treatment soon. God's love and peace!

  22. Praying for smooth recovery and continued excellent care and healing.

  23. Thanks for the update. Continuing to pray for peace tonight for ya'll..

  24. Prayers and thoughts from Pennsylvania.....

  25. the strength ya'll have amazes me every day. keep the faith, we're praying.

    Heather R

  26. Nate: Thanks for the update. Praying that you will know the results soon and that the treatment, whatever it may be, can begin and you can head back home. Also, praying that Tricia and you can get some rest.

  27. I haven't commented before, but you are on my heart this evening. I hope you can get some good rest, Nate. I'm sure you are physically and mentally exhausted and I am praying for good rest for you all and praising that you are not in the ICU tonight.

  28. o.k....air troops, keep praying..
    sleep well Tricia and Nate.
    The Lord!!!

  29. Continuing to uphold your family in prayer, asking for another miracle.

  30. We will continue to pray for Tricia and your family.

  31. I have been gone away for a week & away from my computer. When i read this weeks blogs on your site & immediately started praying.Hope this stay will be short & you'll will be home real soon.
    God Bless!
    Washington, Mo.

  32. I keep checking back in all day and night; praise the Lord for the successful biopsy and your trusted doctor able to perform it. That does wonders for Tricia's spirit and comfort level, I'm sure. Praying for the results - and for a battle plan to be in place soon - I know you guys will have it ready to go. you two are amazing.

  33. Happy to hear Tricia did well with the surgery. Still praying in hopes that the biopsy will come back good as well!!


  34. This blog has become a daily part of my life and I am so grateful for your story. I have been and continue to be humbled and blessed by your faith, love and joy. I pray that the Lord will heal Tricia of this and bring her through, yet again. Regardless, though, I know that He is good and I know that you know this even better than I do. I also pray that I will choose joy despite my circumstances and that your reward in heaven will be HUGE!!!

    In Him

  35. Dearest Tricia, the prayers are headed your way. Take care, Lawrenson family.

  36. Praying! Hope it goes well and I'm sorry that you guys are back in the hospital. But I hope that Tricia will be ok!

  37. Thanks for the update, Nate. We're glad to hear that some peace has come to you all now that the biopsy is over. We're praying for restful sleep for you tonight & an encouraging day tomorrow. Love you guys.

  38. Continued prayers here tonight. May Jesus' peace flood you both tonight.

  39. I have been reading your blogs for months now Nate. This is my first comment I have left you. I have had a miracle in my life and I just had the same feeling wash over me as I did when my daughters condition looked hopeless. It was an unmistakeable feeling of God's love, lifting my burden and worry off of my shoulders, and such joy that I cried. I just had the same feeling while I was praying for Trisha. You are bringing so many people closer to the Lord, and he is smiling on all of you right now.

  40. Continued prayers for health and a speedy recovery and trip back home to OBX.

  41. Still praying that the biopsy shows a fungus instead of cancer. If it is cancer, I pray that it is very treatable with no side effects from the treatment.
    I am so thankful that Tricia didn't have to go to ICU after surgery. Praise God for that!! Thanks so much for the updates Nate, and I pray that you both have a good nights sleep and peaceful day tomorrow.

  42. I'm glad to hear that the surgery is over with. I'm praying for peace , rest and renewed health. Hugs to you both.

  43. I think of your family so many times during the day and each time I do, I pray for you as a family and as individuals. Can't wait to hear that all are well and headed home.

  44. continued prayers from new mexico.

  45. (((Tricia, Nate, Gwynneth)))

    Sending hugs and prayers from Oregon.


  46. I never read your blog without crying big tears for your lovely family. I'm thinking warm thoughts and praying for you all tonight. Love, Elise (mom to an amazing 2 year old with CF)

  47. nate and tricia,

    i continue to be impressed by your unyielding trust in God through all of this. praying for rest and peace for your both and health for ALL THREE of you!


  48. Prayers continuing. Glad for no ICU.

  49. Thanks for the update. Praising God for the good news and praying for the unknown. Maybe God can work it out for the chest tube to just kind of **poof**???

  50. Continued prayers from Wisconsin. Praying you all will be back home again soon.

  51. My three year old and I said a special prayer for your family tonight. We will continue to keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers. I hope you are resting well tonight and that good news awaits you in the morning.

    Sarah from Southern California.

  52. I'll say it again, Tricia is truly one of the strongest people I "know." What she has been through -- with a smile on her face -- is simply staggering.

    I truly hope you are very quickly able to get back to all the "good stuff": house hunting, beach walking, enjoying Gwyneth and just being a family outside of the confines of a hospital.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Thinking of you all and praying for another miracle. So glad the biopsy was successful.


  55. Nate I am praying for all of you. I thank God that he put you in Tricia's life. You are incredibly amazing. Those two girls are so blessed by you and you by them. I can't even imagine living with this disease. In one of your previous post you spoke about the absolute reality of death. I have had so much death in my life and I know that all too well we can be here one day and not the next. I just want you to know that even though you two are living with such tough circumstances at such a young age it is so evident how much you love each other and love life and there is no scale in the world to measure what a blessing that is. I thank you for sharing your life with me . You and your family inspire me everyday. God bless you.

    Love and blessings, Kristy

  56. Still praying...
    Glad she didn't have to go to the ICU!

  57. Continuing to pray for you here in MN!

  58. Glad to hear everything went ok. Praying that God will present a miracle and that the chest tube comes out easily, and Tricia recovers quickly. Thanks for keeping us updated so we all know what to pray for specifically!


  59. Hi Guys!
    SOOOOOOOO happy that the procedure went the way you were praying. WE ARE PRAYING, PRAYING, & PRAYING still!!!!
    Nurse Candice & Co in Nebraska (& Brother Nick Nelson is here, too-- from OBX)

  60. We are continuing to pray here in MN!

  61. Praying for a speedy recovery from this procedure. It was great news that they got a good biopsy. We will continue to pray for a miracle that this growth will be destroyed ASAP and you guys can get on with your "normal" life!

    Flower Mound, TX

  62. from Kyoto, Japan.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers.
    I pray that everything goes as well as possible and even better for Tricia, that your family can go home soon.
    I also pray that the frustration you've been experiencing will fade to give way to serenity and peace of mind.
    Hugs and love,


  63. Glad to here things went well. Glad they were able to do the biopsy.Hopefully the Doctors will determine swiftly whats happening and do whats needed to take care of it.
    I am praying for Tricia and about the chest tube and her a pain as well. Nate.. I am praying for you as well cause I know that being the support person in this situation is not easy.
    Covering your family in prayer.

  64. We are still praying without ceasing, from Virginia! God bless!

    ~ Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

  65. Prayers for Tricia and your entire family.

  66. Continuing to lift you all up in prayer. Our God is an awesome God who specializes in miracles. I am believing in one with you!

  67. I was out of town for a week, and missed all of this, but i did think of you often. I believe God put you on my heart, knowing you needed prayer! He knew the details, I didn't have to! Glad the procedures are over.

  68. Happy Saturday Nate and Tricia,
    just stopping by to say hello and let you know as i am doing saturday chores the Lord is reminding me of all HE has done in your life and the huge influence it has had on my own. Didn't think I could be more grateful or filled with love for a family i have never even met before.
    The joy of the Lord is your strength...
    love j

  69. Praying for you!! Hoping that Tricia will be released soon so she can get back to spending time with her precious little girl and getting on with her life. The doctors will find out the cause of her problem and put her on the proper treatment and then you can get back to a more "normal" life.

  70. Wow I don't stop by for two weeks and I sure missed alot! Never again, I am going back to checking several times a day now.

    Just wanted to tell you that she is our prayers and that I hope things turn out better than what they sound. Doctors are wrong a lot so please take it one min at a time until you know what the results are.

    Thank you so much for sharing yoru life with us.

    Lori (Emma's Mom)

  71. Praying for you all...for strength and grace. Sending big, big hugs.

  72. Tricia: my daughter, Megan, was just approved this past Thursday in St. Louis for a double lung transplant. She is 21 yrs. old. We knew about the possibility of lymphoma because we had a friend who got it 4 yrs. after his transplant. I've seen another little boy get it last year and his was detected so quickly that it was completely irradicated by changing his meds. I hope this will be the result for you. I know that God has not brought you thru all of this to let you down now. He has a beautiful plan for you. You are going to remain in my prayers always.

  73. Still praying for no cancer, and for a smooth chest tube removal.

    Lots of love from TX.

  74. Tricia: here is a study with very promising results on PTLD

  75. Prayers and huggs from Barrie Ontario Canada

  76. Always praying for ya'll!!

    Happy Fathers Day Nate!


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