
Friday, June 20, 2008

Good 24 Hours

Tricia's first chemo treatment went very well. No side effects except for a slight temperature rise which she didn't even notice. We're hoping that they'll allow us to do the remainder of her 4 week treatment somewhere closer to home instead of having to drive to Durham once a week of the next month. She was released shortly after the injection was done, and we spent a good night at the hotel before heading home yesterday.

Gwyneth is doing very well with extra O2 and meds. Her breathing is back to normal, and she is able to eat more...we're guessing she's probably up to 6.5lbs now...I'm taking her to grocery store to weigh her on the deli scale later today...

Our trip yesterday went very well. Got off around 11:30 and arrived at my parents' house by 3:30. Gwyneth did very well...we only had to make one pit stop this time. It's good to be home again, and we're praying hard that we won't need to go back to Duke for more than a one-day outpatient appointment for the next few months.

When we arrived home Tricia had my belated father's day gift waiting for me...I won't tell you what it is yet, but if you check in tomorrow morning, I promise I'll have pics and and stories to tell about it. I can promise you that it's basically the coolest father's day gift any dad has ever gotten, so don't miss it!

I also picked up Meka yesterday (thanks, again Don and Frank!!!), and hopefully she's with us full-time again, as long as we can keep from any extended trips to Duke. She doesn't seem too interested in Gwyneth right now, which is fine with us because she can be high energy and a little reckless when she gets excited. Ralphie is still hanging with Grandma until we get a place of our own...I think they're both pretty happy with that arrangement.

To top it all off, I got to practice with the band last night for just the second time since December, which is always one of the highlights of my week!

I have some family in uncle and aunt and cousin...we're going to hang out with them tonight. Tricia's family begins to trickle in late tonight and throughout the weekend. She's looking forward to spending lots of time with them all at the beach house they've rented for the week and introducing everyone to outside-of-the-hospital Gwyneth. I'm looking forward to getting a full week's worth of work at the church, and hanging with the Kirschner clan in the evenings!

Anyway, that's a quick update. I've been so busy the past few weeks, that I haven't had a chance to take many pictures, but I promise this next week will produce a lot of new and fun pics. Here are a few pics of Gwyneth and I goofing around with the Mac a few days ago.




  1. So glad you're back home. I am hoping and praying that Tricia and her family have an awesome time.

    Love the pics. Looking forward to more and hearing about your dad's day gift.


  2. still praying for you all... have a great weekend and a wonderful
    "normal" week.

  3. Sooo happy you're back home and will pray you can continue Tric's treatments close to home.
    I think Gwyneth is going to have a mix of personality between her mommy and daddy (from looking at her pics/expressions :) ). She's going to be super sweet and a little fire ball too. And most importantly is being brought up to know Jesus and I pray she will be a shining light for him. She already has been !
    The Lockwoods

  4. ha! i like the smushy face pictures of you and gwyn!

  5. I hope you don't think I'm being mean when I say this, but that little girl is going to hate you when she's older for those distorted pictures! It's like one of those circus mirrors that makes all the chicks look fat! :-)
    Just kidding...very cute. Glad to see you guys having some fun for a change.

  6. I am so glad that the first treatment is over and you are in your home with your wonderful wife, beautiful daughter and your little meka!


  7. So happy to hear everything went well with the first treatment and you are all home now! Praying for you all and that Tricia can do her next treatments close to home. Hope Tricia has a great time with her family and that you all have a great weekend back home.

    Loving the pictures, so good to see you two having fun!! Adorable! Looking forward to seeing your father's day gift and the more pictures to come!!

    Enjoy the weekend!!! :)

  8. Praying for you guys and so happy that you are home...the pics are so cute!!!!

    Blessings & strength,

    Southern Ca

  9. Glad you are all back home now and doing well! Gwyneth is getting so big!

    My husband and I were in your neck of the woods last week for a couple days and enjoyed our time in Nags Head and a sunset on Cape Hatteras seashore one evening. Had a great dinner at Penguin Isle also.



  10. Ah photo booth... baby pics will never be the same!

  11. I'm so glad to hear that everyone is doing well. We leave in the morning to head down your way (Avon) for my sister's wedding and a nice week at the beach!! I won't be stalkerish, but if we cross paths, I'll be sure to say hi!!

  12. So glad to hear you are home and I am praying for you to stay there too. How great to have family of both sides coming to visit. The pictures are great and Gwyneth looks so much like Tricia in that last one. So blessed to hear how much she weighs now and it really shows. She is filling out so beautifully. Have a wonderful weekend and I continue to pray that the chemo is kind to Tricia and kills every bad cell in her body.

    Laurie in Ca.

  13. What a great update. Love all the pics.
    Have a wonderful weekend! Look forward to hearing about the Father's Day gift.
    Still praying for Tricia.

  14. HAHA great pics! The deep connection between Gwyneth and you is very apparent (and in some pics...appears to be physical =) ).

    Glad Tricia is feeling well and can enjoy the family week!

    Still praying!

  15. What great news. I'm glad things went well with Tricia's first treatment and you guys are back home. So happy to see some new pics too. Hope you all have a wonderful time visiting with your family.


  16. I'm so glad your little family is home again. I'm praying that Tricia can receive her treatments closer to home. Have a Super week with family & friends. Looking so forward to the new pictures & also what your father's day gift was.
    Washington, Missouri

  17. I'm thankful that you all are home safely and that the chemo wasn't too bad on Tricia. Gwyneth, as usual, is adorable--such cute expressions and some Silly Putty pictures, too. You probably are too young to even know what Silly Putty is!

  18. love the pics! do post a pic of gwyneth in the scale at the grocery store! :) i love it.

  19. The deli scale??? Are you kidding! I never thought to do that with my preemie. LOL

    Looking forward to hearing about the Father's Day gift. Whatever it is, I am sure you have definitely earned it this year!

    Have a good weekend!

    P.S. Tricia - continuing to pray for you.

  20. Those pictures are really funny!
    Glad you are home! Can't wait to see the gift :)
    Lots of prayers!!

  21. Oh, those pics were good for a really hefty laugh just now...I needed that!

    Still continuing to pray for you, Tricia and Gwyneth everyday. God is good, and it is awesome to continue to watch him bless all of you even through this new diagnosis.

    Tricia, I hope you have a wonderful time with your family this week!

  22. She even appears to be smiling in some of those pictures!!

    So glad that the treatment did have any noticeable side effects for Tricia---also glad she is able to spend time with her family this coming week!

  23. Nate: you are too funny! Love the pics and looking forward to the Father's Day gift post.

  24. Glad to hear the first chemo treatment went well. Just wanted to point out that Gwenyth looks so much like Trisha in the last picture!!!!

  25. UH OH Nate. . . Looking like lil Mz Gwyn is looking more like mommy everyday. You ready for the boys? LOL

    My Gosh you have a beautiful family.

    Prayers are with you.


  26. Sorry---meant to say so glad the treatment DIDN'T have any noticeable side effects.

  27. Cute pics!!! My husband likes to do the same thing with the boys in front of the Mac.... must be a man thing, lol.

  28. Oh fun! I'm glad you're home. And glad that Meka is home, too. :) Give Ralphie a scratch on the head the next time you see him. :)

  29. when i have the time, i love playing with pictures and giving them a silly effect. those ones are funny. they made me chuckle.
    seeing gwyneth with oxygen reminds me of the twins when i brought them home. i remember trying to fit two O2 tanks in the bottom of the stroller so we could go out in public. it wasn't easy, but it became a way of life for us for awhile. then the whole bathing thing with the O2 on...that was another set of issues.

  30. I'm so glad the girls are both doing well. I'll be praying specifically that Tric will feel really well this week as she visits with family.

    I can't wait for more pictures! Gwyneth looks so much like you!

    Love to the three of you!


  31. I've missed those funky pics.

    Well done on the milestone little Gwyneth!! *high 5*

  32. Omigosh, in that last picture is she seriously not saying "Dad! Enough already!"

    So glad Tricia is back home in time to spend a wonderful week with her family!!!

    Always keeping you all in my prayers...

  33. We're so happy to see you all made it home safe & sound. Thanks for the update, Nate. Hopefully we won't be seeing you guys for a while :) (unless its on the beach, that is) Love you all!

  34. okay, i can stop twitching now! :)LOL thanks for the update. She is such a cutie! so thankful the 1st treatment went so well! praying over all your precious requests! i hope Tricia has a blast playing with her white rose at the beach and being with her family! what fun! so good to hear that you all are getting to do some things you have missed doing. praying,,, jen in al

  35. I'm so glad the first chemo treatment went well and you are safe and sound at home again!

  36. Glad to hear that you are home.My family is laughing at the pictures-Gregory said I like the 3rd eye!

    Enjoy your family visits.

    Some how I can really see you putting Gwyneth on the store scales-you are crazy in a good way.

  37. okay, the winking 1 -- I think she's saying "geesh, this guy is such a goofball... are we sure he should be in control?" and the last 1 with her little smirk, "alright, enough already Mister Funny Pants."

    You can see Tricia more and more in her face as she fills out and ages. She's got your coloring just yet, but definitely see more and more of Tricia in her expressions now, and that little glint her eye. I can't believe what a little pudge monkey she is! doesn't it just freak you out to look back to the older pics and then look at her little chubster cheeks, arms and legs???? hallelujah!

  38. Your daughter is a mighty good sport. Praying for you all!

  39. Glad you are home .. enjoy the beach house and enjoy sharing your daughter with all those new to her relatives!

  40. There's that beautiful baby girl...she is getting so big....Can't wait to hear all about your 1st Father's day...And so glad the Chemo went well and that Gwyneth is breathing better...Thanks for the update...

  41. So thankful to hear that you are all home safe and sound and doing well. There is no place like home! Enjoy your time with family and friends. Faith, Family and Friends, that's what is most important in life! We're praying that Tricia's treatments can be done near home, they are a big help and have little side effects.
    God Bless.

    P.S. The deli scale sounds soooo cute! Gwyneth should ring up - PRICELESS!

  42. What a fabulous update!! Enjoy your weekend with your families. I can't wait to see the Father's Day gift!!

  43. I'm so glad you were able to get home yesterday! That must be another relief!!! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend with family & I can't wait to see what you got for Father's Day!

  44. Go Gwyneth, she's getting so strong...lifting herself up a bit in the first picture! She's strong like her mama!

    You guys are in our prayers and I'm so glad everything seems to be running smoothly. God sure is using you in great ways!

    Tanya from Nova Scotia

  45. I'm glad that the three of you are home again together. Gwyneth is getting so big already...she is just beautiful!

    We will continue to pray for Tricia. Hopefully, she can rest now and totally enjoy her time with her family at the beach!


  46. I am super excited that you are home now! How awesome that Tricia's family is coming in to visit!! Gwenyth is SO pretty!

  47. glad to hear some normal is in store for you all

  48. About 30 hours ago, I was bored. I went to the Bloggers Choice Awards site to see if there was a new, well recommended blog for me to try.


    I have read every word of your blog (off to read Tricia's soon!) and I am so in awe that I literlly don't know what to say.

    I sincerely appreciate the fact that you have said (repeatedly) that your faith in the Lord is your own, that you are not trying to force your views on anyone. And, probably because you SAID that, your entire story has been, for me, a very powerful testimony. I feel overwhelmed by His glory.

    In honour of your girls (and seriously? YOU SCORED) I am running a contest on my blog, the prize will either benefit CF research or a NICU, up to the winner to decide.

    Thank you, Nate, Tricia, and Gwyneth for sharing your love with us.

  49. Glad you're back home. Weigh her on the deli scale - is that health code allowable?? ;o)

  50. So glad to hear that you're home! I've been praying for y'all for months, but I've finally rejoined google (couldn't remember all my old username, password, etc.), so now I can comment. It's been a joy to rejoice with you as God has miraculously provided for your girls. I was praying along with y'all when Tricia got her lungs and as your baby girl got stronger and stronger. Anyway, I'll continue to pray that the chemo is effective and without side effects.

    It's unusual to ever see a picture of Tricia not smiling, but that last photo of Gwyneth looks strangely like Tricia -- it's the first that I've noticed a resemblance. Much Love from Erika in Athens, GA :)

  51. Glad to read you're back home and are going to enjoy some extended family time. Will be continuing to pray for you all.

  52. Whoo hoo! so glad you kids are home! Thank you Lord!!
    It's awesome to see you and Gwyneth just doing normal, wild and crazy things together, a gift to us all..

  53. Oh, look at that Girlie hold her head up! She is so strong! Just like her mama and daddy.

    God's Peace!

  54. Messing with the mac photo booth, eh? I got on mine the other day & my 2 sons had taken over 300 pictures (AND video). Interesting stuff.

  55. In that one picture with Gwyneth smiling with her tongue out a little it's like she knows what a goof her dad is!!

  56. glad to hear everything went well and you are back home!!!! great pics!

  57. So glad to hear that things are well and that you are back home again. Continuing to pray for you all. Oh, and even though I don't know you, I can totally picture you taking Gwyneth to a store scale to weigh her. You so remind me of a friend from college named Graham.

  58. BTW, I should have mentioned in my previous comment that my friend Graham was very cool and extremely hilarious, and he is a worship leader. Lots in common.

  59. Hey Nate,
    Glad you are doing as well as you are! The baby is beautiful as ever! Tricia is amazing! God knows her life is important to many, many people! About the deli scale, they are almost NEVER accurate. I recommend buying the kind an adult stands on. You weigh yourself first, step off, and then weigh yourself again with her in your arms. If you are good at math, it should be easy to figure out exactly how much she weighs! Congrats on being back home. Meka isn't the only one who misses you guys when you are away. You guys are loved by your whole community!

  60. Glad to hear you are back home. I'm sure it it is wonderful for you all.

    Love the pictures. I too have a mac book and have some similar very fun pictures with my kiddo. Gwyneth is beautiful!

  61. Glad you're home and praying for Tricia to beat this.

    On another note recently found an Irish blogger blogging about CF:

    The public healthcare system here is horrendous for CF sufferers. The life expectancy is age twenty. The waits for breathing treatments etc are appalling. People are dying and the government doesn't seem to care that if you drive 1 hour North of Dublin to Northern Ireland (UK Health system) the statistics improve drastically and you could expect to live at least ten more years.

    I was excited to stumble across this blog and thought of you immediately.

  62. I'm laughing out loud...loved the comment about weighing Gwyneth on the deli scale!! :) That would be a fun photo opt!!

    I am praying for a GREAT week for all 3 of you!

  63. I'm so glad you're back in the OBX. There is no place like home. I'm anxious for you all to find your own place. You are still in our prayers.

  64. I have a cannula kid too. Love the pic.


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