
Monday, June 23, 2008

Kirschner Family Vacation (Day 1)

Here are a few of my favorite pics from the first day of the big beach vacation week. 22 people (including what seems like 37 kids under the age of 5) in the immediate Kirschner family (although, most of us have different last names), everyone but us and the parents and Frank sleeping at the beach house (and by "beach house" I mean a ginormous house about 100 yards from the ocean). Unfortunately, Don, Frank and I have to work during the week, so we'll miss lots of the fun, but I'm sure I'll be hanging over there every evening. Tonight, if the weather is cooperating and everyone is in a good mood, we'll walk over the dunes and take some fun family pics.

Gwyneth hanging with Aunt Janet.
Cousin Ja. eats more food than I do. Seriously.
Same hair, different cousin.
Getting to know Cousin Bry.
Cousin L. smiles every time she sees my camera.
Cousin Bri. & my favorite pic of the day.
Cousin Je.
I'm basically her favorite uncle.
She's not laughing...she's stuffing rice crispies into her mouth...
...and trying to keep them there.
Out on the deck.



  1. I LOVE the last picture. I think it is so sweet of the two of you!

  2. What a wonderful way to share your first few weeks back home :)

  3. too sweet!!! Hope everyone has a great time!!

  4. Looks like you are having a great time on a well earned family vacation, even if you do have to work. You take amazing pictures, you definitely have a gift of capturing the moment.


  5. This is what it is all about isn't it? Wonderful time with wonderful family and I am so happy for you all. It has been quite a journey this far, and I am praying this is just the beginning of many miracles for your families. Have a great and relaxing time. And Tricia, you look so good and healthy sweetie. Praying for you here at the beach in California(the other great coast).

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  6. you guys look so Great and little Gweneth is beautiful she is sure getting older looking :) Love Tawny from BC, Canada

  7. May God bless all your family!
    We miss coming to your side of the ocean this summer! ... If you look very carefully you might see us waving at you! :)
    Love from all of us,

  8. this is so great! it absolutely thrills me that you get to do this.. i absolutely marvel at what the Lord has done thus far and to see you kids enjoying family time..
    Continuing to pray for Tricia.
    Have a great time and don't forget your sunscreen :))

  9. How Lovely. Do enjoy your time with the family.
    Prayers and blessings to you all, E

  10. Ok Nate, I have been wanting to say this for a while, but have been worried I would offend you. I cannot hold it in any longer! I love the movie "Knocked Up" and watch it whenever it is on HBO. The only problem I have is the guy (the main character) looks so much like you that I cannot keep a straight head while watching the movie! There are times when I look at your pics here and think I am looking at him, and times when he pops up on the screen during the movie and I think it's you! I know it is way off topic, just had to get that out in the open!

  11. Have some well deserved fun and laugh a lot. I heard is is great medicine.

  12. Love the pics Nate, love to get to see yet another side of you...silly Uncle. That picture was hilarious.

  13. Taking Pictures is what some people may call this. Others may say your having fun.... I say you are Making a MOMENT in TIME a MEMORY for a LIFETIME. They are precious. Enjoy your family.

  14. Looks like everyone is having fun. So happy to see you guys were able to share time with the family. Hope everyone has a great time!!


  15. Your pictures are gorgeous!! If I could take pictures like you do, I swear that I would never put my camera down!! Your family is lucky to have you around documenting all these amazing moments – so precious! I hope you guys have a fun, relaxing time at the beach house. Hope we get to see more of your amazing pics!!

  16. I hope the rest of the family vacation is as much fun as it appears to be through your pictures. So much can be said from a camera without any words and you just always seem to capture that. Have a great week.

  17. Have a great week enjoying the family. What a great gift from God!! I bet Gweneth is getting lots and lots of lovins from all those aunts, uncles, cousins... that are meeting her for the first time. God Bless and make lots of happy memories

  18. So much love! Enjoy yourselves. Family is so precious, as you know. Those photos are worth millions!

  19. Love all the pictures of your family vacation day 1. Looks like some wonderful family memories are going to be made.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Enjoy and have a great time.

  20. SUPER cute pictures of the P and S kids--i sure miss those guys! enjoy having the extended family around =)

  21. Great pictures. I bet the house there on the beach is a very quiet, peaceful home. :)

  22. I like the one of you and Tricia at the bottom:) What a fun day!

  23. I'm sure no one is appreciating this more than Tricia--a slice of NORMAL! But I bet everyone is savoring it. Hooray for you!!

  24. Looks like lots of fun to be had. Love the last two pics of you and Tricia. She looks so good! Have a great time with family and make memories to cherish! Have a good week! :)

  25. Love the rice crispies pictures. It's great that you guys get to spend this time with Tricia's family. Praying for a fun filled week for you guys..

  26. Looks like a great time! Enjoy time with the family!

  27. Glad ya'll are having a lot of fun!

  28. awww so sweet! hope you have fun! =)

  29. How sweet it is! Enjoy every moment! I'm sure you guys have a love for life most of us know nothing of!

  30. Ya'll make such a great couple!

  31. Is it me, or does anyone think Gwenyth resembles her cousins? :) They are all so beautiful. I'm so glad that you can spend precious time together as a family. We used to do this in Ocean City, MD., but now as members of the family grow up, move away - its harder to get together. I know I don't have to tell you to enjoy every moment! Reading about you guys always inspires me to live day to day. God, simple pleasures, family, love - isn't that what life is all about? :)

    Lisa in NC/C3

  32. Those are great pictures. Enjoy your family vacation!!

  33. 37 kids under the age of 5 comment is a good one-I am sure what ever the amount of children it is fun to have the family together.


  34. Ooooh, I am so jealous. I know from experience exactly what you are talking about with the description of the beach house. I love to remember the sound of the waves coming in the bedroom windows with the breeze fresh off the ocean. Enjoy the week!!

  35. Love the pictures!!! And look how strong little Gwyneth is getting in the one where she is lifting her head up. Way to go!

    Have a great week.

  36. Looks like you all are having lots of fun...wishing you great weather and a wonderful week spending time together. Time to relax :)

  37. Beautiful! I too adore the last picture. I do not know you two...but from what I do know it speaks perfectly of the amazing love you share. Love it!


    William's Mom

  38. Nate,

    I love seeing you all enjoying life! Your family is precious and it is a crack seeing your neice covering her face to stuff in the rice crispie treat! Oh that was so me when I was little! You might even catch me doing something like that now - except I do it when none of our children are around! LOL!

    Thank you for being the light in a dark world - by the way what an awesome Father's Day gift and beautiful guitar! Thanks for sharing that story! Always real, touching and full of joy!

    Blessings in His name!

  39. I love the pictures!! :)

    Looks like everyone had a great first day. I can't wait to hear about the rest. :)

  40. Everyone looks AWESOME!!!!!! So happy to see you home.

    ((((( HUGHS ))))))


  41. Looks like a wonderful time! Gwyneth looks so much bigger! Thanks for sharing!

  42. Just look at those long fingers in the first picture! Bet she's gonna be a piano player!!!!

    Great pics.

    Denise in Louisville

  43. Okay, I am just a little jealous. My husband and I have NO siblings between us. Will you adopt us???? :-)

    Enjoy the beach, your family and fresh air.

    Blessing to you.

  44. Great Pictures! A day at the beach sounds great!!!
    Love and Prayers,

  45. Looks like fun with the P and S families! I love the picture of Bri and Gwyneth. Bri always cracked me up at school (I was computer teacher to Bri, Be and Bry - I hope those where the correct abbreviations!) I love those P kids!

  46. I hope that you guys are enjoying this I'm sure much need time to relax and spend time with the family. Have fun!


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